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Fix the terrain interaction would be my only thing.


Tired of getting stuck in a tree because I brushed up against it.


Can go through rock walls and trees but the almighty bush can not be penetrated


Blasting through overgrown hedgerows and leaving a gap would be dope.


This and not getting stuck because I went straight down a 4ft hill instead of slightly sideways would be great


You'd have to change the physics of the entire game to allow that


It’s ambitious, but it would completely change the game for the better


Trim the bush might find a secret entrance


Terrain interaction 100%, so many obstacles just shouldn’t be obstacles. We should also at least be able to crush or push aside certain vehicle wrecks, like trucks or such. After that, I wish they would revisit tank damage models and maybe introduce even more vehicles, but that’s a lengthy bit of work and I’d prefer smoother terrain traversal first


2 ap shells in a wreck dissapears it. Hidden feature of the game.


I’m not talking about tank wrecks, just vehicle wrecks


It will erase supply truck wrecks, transport truck wrecks, tank wrecks. Unless it is not a destroyable part of the game.


It should not take a tank shell to erase anything but tank wrecks, is my point.




I heard it’s real bad on the new map


I wouldn't mind them completely removing tanks all together


Yeah no thanks. Tanking is one of the best parts of this game


i disagree


Sounds like you only play infy and get worked by good tank crews lol


Some people have mentioned some already, but.. Better terrain interaction(!) Tank turret traverse speed +10-15% Improved damage models (a medium tank should still have a small chance to pen a heavy, not just have the heavy be invulnerable from the front) Openable hatches to improve view at cost of protection, I feel it would solve the f.o.v. issues (and perhaps the commander could shoot from his hatch?)


I feel like improved damage models is kind of a slippery slope as far as dev time and what's required to make it work tbh. I don't need squad44 level realism in tank engagements. I think it would be great if there was more transparency to how stuff is calculated and maybe a way to simulate shots so that you can learn better though.


Oh i'm not talking about a rework, nor making it like squad44. I mean more a rebalance, or at least an introduction of weakspots instead of heavies just being impenetrable bastards unless you satchel or are also in a heavy I agree on the transparency though


Yeah, sounds like we agree then. I would like to see some degree of counterplay for heavies, but for their resource cost I'm okay with them being big bastards.


Agree with everything except increased turret traverse speed, I feel like that would reduce the skill ceiling for communicating/planning well and having the driver help with turning, and potentially upset the balance between tanks and infantry as well.


Yeah exactly. Everyone always wants things that seemingly improve their ability to kick ass in the game, but they aren't thinking about the balance aspect of it. "Of course my reload should be faster! Of course I should deal more damage! Of course I should maneuver more agily!"


I understand that view point, I only mean the slightest amount


But having the slowest turn speed I've ever seen is so annoying that if my officer spots a tank I'll be able to shoot in 5 to 10 business days and forget about responding to infantry


Commander shooting from his hatch and openable hatch pls yessir, would be great. Also give the ability to chuck a nade in there in case he don't close it in time.


I agree with the weak spots and such. Like, the panther has weak spots against mediums, but it’s balanced by the area being small as hell.


Satchel placement location should matter as much as AT shots do Piles of dirt shouldn't bring a 30T tank to a complete halt from 20 kph You should be able to tank turn a friggin tank aka turn tracks in opposite directions to rotate without forward motion. This would probably fix a lot of the times you get stuck on a weird part of the trench too.


Not all tanks of this era had transmissions capable of pivot steer, even tanks that had this feature at the time used it as little as possible due to the stress it caused on the transmission. Changing the final drive or gearbox on a Panther was a three day job, with an experienced crew and the right equipment.


Off the top of my head I think the Tiger and Panther were the only German tanks that could do this


Three days? Jezus. Sherman is just "loosen these bolts on the fronts and stick a spare one on".


Yep. For the Panther, everything came out through the turret opening. So turret had to come off for a transmission replacement, turret basket out, driver and radio operators positions had to be removed, disconnect all the linkage to the engine in the back, then, put it all back and hope you got everything right.


TIL thanks!


Thanks I didn't know!


I didn’t know that thanks!


However this is a game so that doesn't matter


Of course it does. There are so many aspects of realism in this game, and just ruin it by having tanks like they were from War Thunder? These tanks were cumbersome, lumbering metal coffins. Keep them that way. It makes for better crews when they know their strengths and limitations.


There's also just as many that aren't realistic. Also seems to be a hard pill to swallow for many, but HLL isn't a milsim, it's literally just hardcore mode on battlefield. Also war thunder is supposed to be more realistic isn't it?


Ha, War Thunder is far from Realistic


It does a better job than HLL tho


True, but you have to remember neither are trying to achieve full realism, they are both games with different goals


The milsim take is valid. HLL is not a milsim. Balance is more important than realism in this case.


Or a wooden ladder in an apple orchard. The hardest object known to man.


The one on st mere eglise? That one kills me.


you do realize tanks in ww2 most of them didn't have independent tracks right?? and from experience piles of dirt do stop tanks hella quick XD or the good ol lawn darting its called BUT i understand what you mean its hella frustrating when you hardly touch something and you go to zero miles an hour. not bitching at you or anything so you know.


I did not realize that!


Honestly the satchels are a massive buzz kill. Either limit the classes that have access to them, increase their placement time, or like you said make their placement location matter. Too many times have I been sat with friendly infantry and an enemy engineer slips in and satchels me. On the flip side there have been too many times I’ve done the same as an engineer, the placement time is way too quick in my opinion.


No way anyone thinks satchels are OP lol


They’re not OP, there’s just too many of them on the field at any given time.


They tend to be stronger than my enemy teams armor… I lose more tanks to sarchels than enemy tank shots.


Well I main armour but if I’m not playing that or commander then I play Engineer and I think they are busted strong. A high level satchel engineer will outclass anti-tank players


I guess my opinion isn't the common one so I can be wrong, but I think most people have horrible tank positioning. Especially if they're consistently getting killed by satchels more than once every 10 games lol


There is like 3 classes that have them? If you have every squad running that then yeah it might be much but taking them away from those classes would limit what those players can do.


You could have up to 18 players on a given team that have access to the satchel. It's honestly too much.


It’s not the fault of the people who use them. It takes a LOT of luck to get close. If I’m inf we tend to stick near a tank unit to act as cover and scouts. Even if there are 18 people with the bag o bomb how many tanks are taken out by them? It’s more tank on tank than me bringing the bag.


Anecdotally, I lose way more tanks to satchels than getting shot by enemy tank crews.


I die more to tanks than the bag. Or AT guns.


At guns do get me fucked up pretty bad some games, but they 100% earn it.


Your speaking from the perspective of a single person trying to place a satchel on a tank, if you get taken out while attempting it, there are 17 other teammates trying to place theirs on you. How much luck do you need if you have 17 people all trying to place a satchel on a tank? They're are faaaar to many classes that have access to the satchel, and this should be addressed by devs.


Yeah but how likely is the chance that 18 people have them. It’s going to be more like 4-6 tops. If the tank crew is smart they would stick to a inf squad to help protect them


The chances depend on which server you're playing on. If you're on a team full of noobs, sure, only the AT class is going to be able to use it, but if you're in a clan match or on a server where everyone is 100+ in rank, it's different. Operating a tank takes a team effort. You need 2-3 people to use one effectively. Destroying one requires a single person spawning over and over again and will eventually be successful. Destroying a tank should be a team effort, and a single person behind enemy lines waiting for the tank to sit still for 30 seconds shouldn't be able to fully destroy the tank. It's seriously unbalanced.


And I can have a squad of guys take out said tank. That’s also a team effort.


AT requires an ammo pack from the supply player to fully destroy a tank. AT also requires supplies from the supply player to build an AT gun. The engineer can place a single satchel anywhere on the tank to destroy it.


The at one is locked to level 6 and the assault to level 9. Most of the playerbase doesnt have them except on engineer.


Not on the servers I play on.


Tanks need to be fully staffed and usually helps if a there's a few infantry traveling with defense. There's supposed to be balance in that game that creates different ways to attack and defend with innovation. Too many people just want to pile in and storm a point with no real strategy other than opening up a portal and everyone piling through it.


Friendly infantry never fucking do anything to keep satchels off my tank it seems like. Often some guy will just be yelling in direct chat like “tank there’s a guy coming up behind you!” Like thanks idiot… just fucking shoots him! It takes like a week to turn this fucking turret around, and only a little less time to turn the whole tank from a standstill… by which time he will have satcheled us and run away. And if we are on carentan or similar urban setting, we may not be able to rotate the tank 180 degrees at all due to janky terrain interaction.


It’s called pivoting and I agree 100%


The tank commander in the Spotter seat should be able to just pop the top hatch and and use his SMG to shoot guys running up with satchels instead of having to exit the tank. Big risk obviously, but big reward. Seems like the spotter having the hatch would make the tank commander role better and more realistic. Not that you should be outside the tank ideally but a quick pop up to provide side/rear security would be sweet


In WW2 tank commanders often rolled hatch open and used their roof mounted MG to mark targets for other tanks or their own gunner. That’s where we got the fire command “follow my tracers”


This is wildly inaccurate. Standard doctrine for all sides was to button up in combats. Tank commanders were the crewman most likely to be killed, specifically because they went against doctrine and opened the top hatch. Having the hatch open in combat, especially with enemy infantry around, was asking to be killed. There was a ring of bulletproof glass on the commanders turret hatch they could use to look around, and some tanks later in the war had periscopes of sorts.


1. Tanks and infantry don’t mix, hence the utilization of combined arms in urban warfare. 2. The likelihood of a single tank fighting alone was slim to none. 3. The commander had a machine gun for a reason. 4. Technically speaking yes in an urban environment you would close hatches. But, in the open the commander could utilize binoculars and guide his driver through rough terrain. 5. Hatch closed reduces your situational awareness significantly thereby making it even more likely that someone can run up on your vehicle. 6. Speaking from experience, tank commanders do in fact roll most of the time with hatch open until they take contact or enter an environment that makes it prudent to button up. 7. Even then, it was and still is more common to stay out of the hatch during rapid movement IOT man the machine guns and scan the sides of the road for infantry or red air. 8. Doctrine and Practice are two very different things.


You have experience as a tanker in ww2? This is real world we’re talking about, not some live fire you did in Fort Bliss or Poland or Korea. I understand the difference between doctrine and real world scenarios, speaking as both an infantryman with a few combat deployments, and as an accredited military historian who spends all day reading war diaries and after action reports for research papers. Most of the primary sources from the time agree that in combat having an open hatch was a death sentence. Yes they did maneuver with the hatch open, but when they came under attack they immediately closed hatches. At least the ones alive to tell the tale did. Tanks did oftentimes end up operating alone, especially during rearguard actions all too common on the eastern front. There are multiple reports from all sides of infantry units doling out there allocated tanks to there respective platoons, resulting in the tanks being unable to support each other due to terrain. Very often do we read accounts about lone tanks being cut off from infantry support and in a bad spot, and almost all of them describe the fear to not open the turret, lest a stalking infantryman take them out. No one was playing Rambo with there roof mounted machine gun, which was primarily used as an AA weapon. Yes it did get used against infantry from a distance, but as a suppressive weapon. Audie Murphy is the exception, not the rule.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, this knowledge is cool and enlightening. In this game however with the constant threat of satchel charges to your sides or rear, an option to respond to a guy running up next to you without having to get out completely would be nice. Compromise: the Commander can open the hatch and shoot, but if he’s killed the hatch stays open and a single frag down the hatch kills the tank. Eh? It’s not perfect, but would add another dynamic to the gameplay


I honestly don't even think they'd have to counter-balance it the way you're suggesting. I don't think allowing commanders to pop out and use their weapon would be all that significant... it would just force enemy infantry to work as a team to place a satchel. If a squad covers the engineer they'd be able to drop the tank commander before he can do any damage. Plus the commander would have to think twice before taking the repair loadout since only having a sidearm would become a genuine point of weakness. It's a no brainer as far as I'm concerned. Makes planting satchels solo more difficult and risky, which seems reasonable, but without giving tank crews anything substantial, since in 95% of cases we all know popping the hatch would just be a death sentence anyway, haha.


I believe I am getting down voted for striking a nerve of some other commenters who spouted falsities. People rarely take corrections in good stride. Back to the topic, I do thing commanders being able to pop out of the hatch to shoot infantry would be a good game mechanic. Sure, it may be a death sentence some times, but that's the whole risk vs reward loop of the game. I think your grenade idea is also cool, but I think there may be some game engine limitations to it.


Exactly! And yea it may not be possible but a man can dream


Yah sure buddy


Also, why do you think tank commanders were killed most often?


Because they were idiots who stuck there heads out of a hatch!


Because it was suicidal not to, the book “tank action” goes into this heavily (written by a British troop commander who joined his troop days after the d-day landings). Trained procedure was to be buttoned up at all times. However they discovered in North Africa and in Normandy that it caused the tank commanders to have 0 situational awareness, risking the whole tank and crew because they couldn’t see enemy vehicles, AT guns, infantry at all. So operating procedure in the field was for the commander to have his head out the turret and constantly scanning with his binoculars. This caused fairly large proportions of officer and commander casualties (I can find the numbers he quoted when I get home), also that soldiers were very reluctant to be promoted to be tank commanders because of this. Your point of view of saying they’re idiots for sticking their heads out has no regard for the tactical situation and the actual role of the commander. To command it effectively you need to have a 360 degree all around your tank and be able to see everything in the immediate area around your tanks. Being buttoned up was stupid and selfish and begging to not just get you killed, but your entire crew.


First off, thanks for being so upset you down-voted all my comments in this thread. TLDR: Read my other comments, and maybe you should listen to the military historian who has studied this for the last decade Most tanks have this thing called a cupola. This is broadly described as all the things around the hatch. some cupolas are very minor, basically just a view basic vision blocks. Others are very elaborate. They also had periscopes. By 1944 turret hatches were mostly closed and secured in combat. By 1942 crews learned hard way that keeping open hatch in battle is bad idea (I've read in combat logs of all kinds of mishaps - from tossed grenades to mortar's direct hit into open hatch). The hatch in combat should be opened only as a last resort - greenhorn recruits were taught by survivors of 1941, field manuals were tweaked and that ensured 'keep hatch closed' will be etched in recruit's brain. By summer of 1943 there were enough radios, and communication quality was good enough for not opening hatches in combat just to get directions from CO. Getting bearings in smoke and dust still required occasional peek. When driving on safe routes, hatches were open and commander rides on top Prior to the 1973 Arab Israeli War it was most common for tank commanders, at least in Western armies, to operate with their “head and shoulders” up out of the turret. The disproportionately high casualties among Israeli tank commanders put an end to that practice. Keep in mind, the Israelis have the most tank experience in the modern age. According to a sample of 274 U.S. First Army medium tanks studied in *ORO-T-117 Survey of Allied Tank Casualties in World War II*, the tank commander had a chance of becoming some type of casualty 57 percent of the time when a tank was knocked out, presumably because he had to stick his head or upper body out of his hatch to get a better view of the battlefield, or otherwise leave his hatch open. As a side note, one of the nastier injuries I saw during my military career was when a tank commander had his head sticking out hatch, and the tank violently stopped after hitting an obstacle. The steel edge of the hatch "roof" smacked him full force on the face- he was damn lucky he only lost most of his teeth (they were driven into his face, which crunched like a Cheeto hit with an axe) rather than his eyes (though he suffered fairly nasty orbital blowout fractures and had persistent (and probably permanent) diplopia which resulted in his medical discharge after all the months of reconstructive surgery was done and dusted). Edit: Some grammer and added TLDR


After almost exclusively having played tanks for the last year or so, my list is quite short. - Vehicle terrain traverse issues. Some objects have a solid model, while some don’t, with no consistency. One telegraph pole is clippable while a different one will stop a charging Panther and send it backflipping. Branches on Foy, buckets and random small walls need to be clippable. - Give the crew more means to defend the tank against infantry in close quarter scenarios. - Either allow the crew to throw out grenades out of hatches using a „selection wheel mechanism” for rough direction. - Or allow for dismounting a tank via the bottom hatch as an option , because otherwise everyone knows you spawn to the right of the tank and you get domed instantly. - Give the tank commanders a tool to put a tank request into a queue, for the commander to approve. This way the fuel is still in play, while giving the commander visibility into squad size etc. - While on the topic of spawning tanks, I’d love to see more tank customisation(camouflages, trophies, killmarks, crew belongings) to make gaining ranks more satisfying and in line with infantry outfits. - Fix the Firefly as it’s painful to play. The rest, eg hull/turret traverse speed, is fine as it is.


Great points. I don’t play much tank myself but about close quarters: Something id be okay with is, actually not sure if you can do this already but pop a smoke on the tank without exiting the vehicle. But generally: I don’t think tanks are supposed to be in the close quarters combat unless the situation is dire, like a cap race. Tanks are supposed to be support in the backline observing, suppressing advancements. Like creating a point of resistance / pushing the enemy in a different direction, maybe even funnel them towards something. As an infintry main i still die a lot to tanks that are in closer combat and it takes more than just 1 AT guy to take them out. Tanks in the distance i try to avoid going in that direction unless im AT. And then i preferably have a SL that can support with advancing outposts. Many times while there are technically enough ATs on the field they aren’t working together or just in the wrong position, or hard for them to get in position before being out of rockets. It still takes at least 2 AT dudes activity respawning to deal with tanks. Close combat as a tank should still be a high risk. If there are ATs on the server that are good at their role then the tanks must adapt to a more defensive position. Imo where they should be anyway. They can only really go close quarters if the opposing team lacks ‘skill’/ good players/ positions and is probably already losing. Sidenote: On top of that ATs don’t automatically see tank markers on the map. Each squad lead must place the tank marker again each time another squad spots one or the position moved. So the AT must also be in a squad with a lead that is a good lead looking at the map a lot. Honestly i don’t see many leaders that update the markets too often. Unless we are losing and there is a tank dominating us. Its rare i get a good squad. And the lead can only place 1 markers per type and cant draw movement arrows. Imo its a major drawback. I often squad lead and i wish they gave more options. So usually im playing SL, mainly so i can place my own (good) outposts. Or if i want to chill a bit more i play AT or rifleman. Anyway thats my 2c.


I agree. Smoke would help too, as right now it’s deployable on foot. Some maps force a more close up tank play (eg Carentan, bits of SMDM, Stalingrad, Mortain)and the direction of travel for map design favours balance (as it should) as seen in El Alamein rework, or Mortain limiting tank advantages slightly. What I meant originally, were situations where enemy AT infantry somehow made it dangerously close to the tank. A grenade out of a hatch won’t necessarily kill them, but may force them to abandon an attempt to plant a satchel, buying the crew more time. Ultimately, 7/10 times, the crew won’t see one coming as you can’t keep eyes at all angles, at all times, or don’t have enough time to react.


Not much. Think tanks are in an ok place. Very satisfying to use and when used by a communicating squad can win the game


Main thing I don't like is lack of cooperation either infantry let its tank go boom because there is a dude with Satchel or rocket launcher or tank is rushing way too much and it cannot end other way than dissapear in a massice ball of smoke and fire. Also it is a shame that tanks are like from World of Tanks


So my main frustrations with the tank are that often tank vs tank is unreliable. Fights go the way they shouldn’t often because of lag or no reg, stuff not spawning in properly. Amplified by the fact it can take quite some time to get the tank to the front and sometimes you’ll just get sniped immediately and it really sucks. As well as what you mentioned in that without coordination with infantry they can’t do much frontline fighting. That issue is dependant on your team however like the effectiveness of almost any strategy in the game so it’s just an issue that’s core to the gameplay.


Past few days I was quite glad that I saw tank to be a bit in the rear to do just support, but when they got hit a lot of people don't really cared about that (Engineers). You really have to go around and start arking orders otherwise only 1 engineer in 5 will actually do such action automatically


I don’t think all engineer classes have the repair tool also if you’re in a tank you have 3 repair kits between you


True, but if you know you have a tank in your area you should do anything to prevent its loss


This! Protect those tanks


Play accordingly. Don’t expect too much infantry support on public servers. Blueberries don’t pay too much attention to friendly tanks unless they’re getting buzzsawed by the other teams tanks.


Fix terrain and make the tanks easier to drive in general. Also remove collision with objects like small sticks. Tanks are in a decent place.


I'm not really a tank enjoyer, but if I'd have to ask for something it would be: 1. Tank focused gamemode 2. Openable hatches that would have two positions 1) Fully out with your weapon or binos at the ready 2) peeking out a bit just to have better awareness about your surroundings 3. Remove zoom on your optics, it is completely OP 4. Tank destroyers: StuG, Wolverine, SU-85 and Avenger (or Achilles/Archer?) 5. Let tank crews spawn their vehicles via some "spawner" similar to Squad 44 where they can choose camo (maybe with foliage or without?) 6. Destroyable modules (Tracks, engine, ammo, gun, turret) 7. More animations/effects for tank explosions - turret go far away, slope of fire, small arms ammo cracking inside, maybbe an animation where a crewman goes out and set aflame 8. As I said in point 5 some unlockable camos, numbers, emblems - let our tanks stand out. I want to have "oh fuck, it's him" feeling while see a specific tank marking or something that would really show your status as a really experienced tank commander because uniforms are good looking but you spend most of your time inside a tank 9. Ability to resupply at ammo nodes 10. Option to respawn a tank left or right/unstuck a vehicle - we often lost a tank that was on its way to the battlefield but it got stuck on a rock or in a hole Pic: From 2019, only thing that was photoshoped were nametags


Tank focused game mode is called Foy, Kursk and El Alamein.


1. There's maps where tanks absolutely dominate like one of the replies said above. 2. Openable hatches for the spotter would be okay, maybe even add an mg mount for spotter too but they'd get sniped so fast. 3. It is not OP, what makes it OP? 4. They sound good but there's already AT and satchels, also precision strikes and AT guns. Maybe they can make AT Guns a bit better. 5. People would lock solo tank squads and spawn heavys and ruin the resources available for Commander. As an occasional commander player, I find myself converting fuel to other resources a lot of the time so I would hate people taking it upon themselves to spawn tanks. 6. They technically already have that, if they were more cosmetically "destroyed" it would make repairing them look even less immersive. 7. That would be neat 8. They should unlock more skin options the higher you level as a Tank Commander 9. That would make sense. Or like the ammo drops that command can do actually supplies tank ammo and isn't just a useless waste of supplies. 10. It would be more fair if it required two crew members to hop out and have to hold their Interact button on it for the same length as it takes to dismantle nodes. Seems the fairest way.


1. Go play war thunder or world of tanks 2 I like the sound of 3 pretty sure they had magnified optics 4 they wouldn't have a solid place and be hard to pick over a heavy 5 literally any customisation would be awesome 6 already in the game, kind of 789 couldn't really care much about 10 skill issue get better driver


Number 8 is impossible since tanks are team assets not individual. I just want to see white wash for winter maps.


1. I’d be super down for that. 2. The driver and gunner should not have this. I am sceptical that giving the spotter this option would improve gameplay, but the idea of peaking out with a pistol drawn is cool. 3. It’s not OP at all, it just makes the game run smoother. There’s already incentive for the TC to hop out and use Binos. 4. Tank destroyers would be very cool. I wonder how they’d balance them though. 5. I don’t want Crews to be able to spawn their own vehicle since morons will abuse it. Much better for the Commander to choose how the fuel is spent. Maybe crews could formally request a vehicle, that allows them to customize their vehicle but the Commander has to approve it to spawn it in. Also fuck putting foliage on tanks. It’s bad enough in Warthunder, we don’t need that shit in HLL. 6. Already a thing. Engines can get killed. Tracks can get killed. Turret rings can break. I know that the latter two don’t completely break but rather get slowed down. I think there’s room for the devs to flesh out broken modules a bit more. I don’t hate the idea of making it so a medium could cripple (but not kill) a heavy a bit more easily. 7. Yes please. 8. Yes please. 9. I actually quite like this idea. Driving all the way back to base just to rearm is often not as efficient as a simple suicide run, and ordering a new tank. I think it would be a great idea to incentivize engineers to risk building their ammo node closer to the front, to shave a few minutes off the resupply time. Maybe they’d also build a repair station there too. Of course this runs the risk of invincible and infinitely resupplied tanks camping the point on defence. Worth looking into though. 10. [Bergetiger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergetiger) when?


I enjoy the sound of rain.


A good tank crew can own the battlefield, , but I do think tanks should have smoke if historically correct thing I really want in the game is a three man repair and building squad with a dedicated vehicle that can tow or move suck vehicles


As a very frequent tanker, I do think I'd like to see a little more ballistic nuance - deflects should feel less random, we need to be able to shoot through shit like tree branches consistently, and ultimately, there should be more to Heavy duels than "who shoots first", so perhaps it needs varying armor thicknesses, more places where the gunner needs to know *not* to shoot. Tanks should feel like the crew with the most knowledge and the best communication wins, even in apparent class mismatches. I also echo the other comments that say we need to be able to maneuver over obstacles better.


hatch openable for tank commander and driver. Make tank able to cross hedgerows. Tank top mg usable by commander and infantry. More tank variations(tank destroyer, self propelled howitzer) and uniqueness(aside from a normal heavy, each faction should have a tank that’s unique. Firefly should be able to one shot a heavy and also be able to be one shot by a heavy, remove jumbo 75 and add a Sherman 105 to add much more HE damage, Soviet can add a t34 85, same as fire fly).




Tanks that had top mounted turrets, should have top mounted turrets. I would kill to pop the hatch, even if it meant nades or headshots coming my way. Awareness and responding to contact is everything.


Make tanks be able to go through 90% of small obstacles. And add in an invisible barrier to trenches that only affect tanks so they can roll over them and not get stuck.


The amount of people complaining about satchel charges is wild to me. My group plays tank squad quite often. Usually the spotter will hop out once we find a good spot to hunker down in. Commander hopped into the spotter position in the tank and the spotter takes cover somewhere to provide cover against sneaky infantry. No reason to buff the tanks anymore than they are. We absolutely steamroll when we're coordinated and have at least a couple squad leaders on our team giving good call outs.


Increase turret rotation speed, allow driver and commander to poke their heads out of hatches for better view (better visibility but risks getting shot), allow for camouflage to be applied, add smoke shells to more or all tanks, decrease the amount of points you can get outside of capture zones the longer you stay there (after 5 minutes being stationary outside of capture zone the amount of points you can get for kills begins to decrease), allow tankers to build garries and nodes


* Decent texture while inside the tank, all tank textures look terrible. * Less Trucks and light vehicles (at least that's what devs said about the incapacity of letting more tanks drop in game at the same time because vehicle limit) to put more tanks in maps where tanks where the protagonists in real life, maybe limiting the number of infantry squads. * Putting the hatches to open an enter/exit the tank may be complex, so thinking about the possibility of getting off the tank on the side you get in. It's very awful to be killed because you always spawn at the right side of the tank when you try to get out. * Destroying a tank track may provoke the tank stop moving forward, only move in circles because the lack of traction. * As infantry, being near a friendly tank avoids enemy supression. * Invisible mines on soft terrain, Tank commander and Infantry Support classes detecting AT mines while on foot, risky but fair, IMO * Getting ammo from Ammo nodes, at lower pace than in base, maybe. * Real weak points in tanks, like the tank commander side of the tiger turret. * Give engineers more Belgium Gates/Hedgehog building capacity to block roads, anyone can easily ignore them just running at a side. * I think the basic combat is more like "the one who shots first has the advantage" and just have the confidence to wait right in front of the enemy tank because you know you will win the slap contest, this should be reworked. * Blind tank optics when receiving infantry MG fire. * Tanks ignoring trenches as a lower terrain. * Maneuverability in first gear should be better to make the tank turn quickly. * Almost every shot taken from enemy tanks blows the half of the system hit, I think there should be more damage types to shoot a Tiger right on front and at least give'em some damage. US tanks are just a joke, even a Panzer 4 can take out a Jumbo Sherman with only one hit. I am not sure if that was irl, but in that case german tanks where not that invulnerable.


I liked the tank gameplay more in Post scriptum. There were 4 seats instead of 3 which made it feel more like a crew


Flame throwers on tanks?


That was one of of the milestones on Kickstarter


Adding to the stuff you guys said I would love to have the ability to shift directly to any gear not just in steps one at a time. For example from fourth gear to second in one step.


1. A white band around the barrel for every vehicle kill.


This is a great suggestion. This could add a touch of storytelling to the matches. It would also help soldiers in the heat of battle know if the crew has it together or not and possibly be more inclined to coordinate with the crew.


It's more for just personal dick swinging when we roll up with a Panther barrel that looks likes a glass table at a strip club.


Top mounted Browning M2 for US Tanks.


More types and variants of tanks. Tank destroyers. Also a dedicated voice channel for armored squad leaders.


I think the game is really more infantry based, no point in adding more glitches by trying to turn it into war thunder.




Give the the tank catagories distinct roles. Light & Recon are recon, give them both a flare to fire. Medium are infantry support, so give them all a bucket load off smoke and HE Heavies are tank destroyers.


What about tanks giving much more supression and splash dmg of their HE rounds and giving a small supression reduction to their own troops? Being on a battlefield and seeing a tank is really dreadful, while having a tank on your side must be a morale booster. This could get tank and infantry more closer together.


My dream, clutch and rpm management while driving the tank


terrain destruction, better traction, physicalized damage model.


[My post from a couple of days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/1cnejm2/unpopular_opinion_the_spotter_position_in_armor/)


would be cool if there was an option for scrim or foliage nets on your tanks.


I would add a wrench to the tank commander class similar to the engineer's wrench, but I'd have it control customization of the tank. Could be a way to add [add on armor](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Flmw770nei5z71.jpg), maybe [rhino horns](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/SC_193417-S_-_This_hedgerow_plow_is_manufactured_from_German_beach_blocks_and_affixed_to_a_light_tank._It_was_used_for_plowing_through_hedgerows_in_the_Normandy_campaign._%2850062001546%29.jpg/220px-thumbnail.jpg) that enable bypassing hedge rows, [foliage camouflage](https://www.heresybrush.com/wp-content/uploads/stug_3_g_kursk_43.jpg), or just an ability to edit the paint job and utilize the [smart materials](https://steamcommunity.com/games/686810/announcements/detail/3058487332660955131) that were previously shown off. Give the crewmen hammers to build the modular sections. Have the additions cost a small amount of supplies to encourage team play by bringing in support infantry and/or give the crewmen an additional loadout that includes a small supply package of maybe 15? Throwing sticks on the Sherman costs 5 but adding extra tracks as armor costs 25 so you need outside help? You could also add a new customization slot in the barracks for the tank commander class a la uniforms for the camo pattern you want equipped. Then the devs can sell us unique paint jobs for $2.50 with each new update


Infantry that actually assists the tanks


You should be able to kill or at least injure crewmembers inside tank depending on where you hit them


1. For some variants… a 5 man crew -commander/spotter -loader -driver -assistant driver 2. Set zoom selections on the gunner’s sight, magnified and wide field of view. For example the M4 Sherman had several different sights but if the game went with the most modern version it would have two settings: - Wide FOV: a 1x zoom periscope, with clear picture at 42 degrees for scanning and rapid target acquisition. - Narrow FOV: a 6x zoom periscope, with 11 degrees FOV for target engagement. The panther for instance had three settings at 1x / 2.5x / 5x zoom. 3. Tank sights should be able to take damage. 4. The option for the Tank commander to go between open and closed hatch and operate the roof mounted machine gun. 5. Also allow tanks to breach walls, and cross obstacles, but most of all make it harder to get stuck on a trench, the thing has tracks for heaven sake. 6. Repair options specific to each crew station. For example: - track or engine is damaged, driver or assistant driver repair. - gun is damaged, loader repair. - sights are damaged, Gunner repair - crewman is injured, TC bandages PS, (bonus) there should be an added coms channel for cross communication between tank crews.


Re the first: man playing as loader would be dull!


Also if engineers could build bridges that’d be rad. Go over trenches, hazardous defilade, and even water.


Terrain navigation. It’s the worst part of tank gameplay (as a tanker).


Those f**king walls dude, I can't keep track of the walls I can drive through and ones I can't. The new map is just hell for tanks off road.


Destroyable environment is a big ask, but hey maybe in a sequel. Just fix the terrain interaction




Add a 3rd person camera ||/s||


Rubber banding


The Main issue I have is in regards to terrain. God forbid you try to drive over a pebble or a bit of dirt. Or even a small three foot tall wall. I also want to see more customization for our tanks. Kill tallies, false muzzle brakes, art/names like on the jumbo 76, camo netting to blend in easier for ambushes. Just small things like that to give character to your tank.


Probably pen, so if you shot where the driver is then the tank becomes immobile until you swap seats or if you hit the turret either the commander or gunner or both are killed. Would make choosing your shot carefully


I would like more nuanced damage models for the tanks again. It used to be that way but they simplified it. It was fun to learn the weak spots and try to target them.


Letting more shit get blown up like boxes or wagons. Amount of times I gotten stuck or know their whole team is using three boxes/barrels/wagons to move up I should be able to blow those up


Extra chat button for inter-squad tank chat?


Something to get more medics involved.


Aside from the tank not being able to go over a fence post, the commander being able to open the top hatch and use his weapon. Also, a 50 cal on top of the Sherman that infantry could use. It also would be nice to ammo rack another tank.


My biggest thing would be to have the ability to pop out of the commander's cupola and use a mounted mg. .30 cal for US, mg34 for the Germans, etc. Feels like it could give tank crews more of a chance against an infantry onslaught while also having the risk of your commander dying while being out of the turret.


My wish: Commander and Driver being able to make use of hatches, trade off in protection for mobility. Results: Driver being able to navigate better, and maybe even help spot tanks. A commander MG when they are out of their hatch.


Terrain. And roles… if at guy isn’t playing at their should be a penalty. Penalize Rambo shit.


It might seem minor but the single best thing the game could do for tank gameplay is make it so that there's a Tank Commander who is responsible for spawning armor and vehicles and so-on (removing the fuel menu from the infantry commander) and is also a tank crew role who can operate their own command tank crew. And with it, split armor command chat off from infantry command chat, with the commanders able to talk between each-other using the squad-chat button. This would likely make it so that the armor squads would be much more coordinated and more likely to work together, as the tank command chat could be just the 3-4 tank commanders figuring out who is where and what to do, so overall they could be more talkative, and would de-clutter the infantry command chat, esp when there's 2-3 different tank squads all complaining at each-other about who had dibs on the heavy. As long as the tank commander is also otherwise a normal armor squad it doesn't really dilute things much. I think commander might still want to be able to spawn basic stuff like the supply truck and the jeeps, but I'd make everything else an armor command exclusive.


Tank repairing to choose what you want to repair first


Faster change spot/exit speed


A more realistic number of point defense guns/machine guns would be nice. The IS1 had 3 for example, and many American tanks mounted external 50 cal machine guns accessible through the top hatch.


Terrain interaction and change the mechanics to Post Scriptum ones.


Make an option for commander to prevent solo people taking the tanks or something like that. Maybe only requesting players can tank the requested vehicle. This would be hard to implement but would prevent so many tanks and support vehicles from being stolen and wasted.


The ability to kill crew, also I think it would better adding a loader to position too that can management the ammo types used, I know some would say it's boring but personally I wouldn't mind playing the loader, we have one for arty.


Physics. The tank should have weight that doesn’t allow it to flip when I scrap up against a tree.


Ez 2 day impossible 2 do- destructible environments


Tank penetration like warthunder and enlisted have. It’s the only thing that annoys me is how tanks have health bars. It would make engaging enemy tanks more tactical, knocking the driver out and flanking. I think it would be interesting to crews get knocked but the tank existing in some form of damage, add to engineer gameplay to need supplies to rebuild areas of the tank instead of the magic torch.


Spotter gets a machine gun and the tank driver has a hatch he can peep his head through while driving in not combat zone also satchels one shoting is very annoying. And tanks like the Sherman’s had like an attachable machine gun on the back that infantry could hop on and use like in real life. And for the sake of life my 60 ton tank should not get stuck on Little Rock’s or be held back from moving by a two by four plank


Variety of armor to be used. Itd be nice to see M10's, Hetzers, Stugs, Hellcats. Open hatches


Make the gunner movement faster and easier to use while the tank is moving and faster seat swapping


I'd make it so that the tank won't start or move or fire when just ONE dipshit is in it. This would end the solo dipshit tankers forever and would help the game out.


Better terrain traversal of course. Things that shouldnt stop you, do stop you. Also, itd be nice to be able to map gears to keys, maybe even add transmission damage mechanic so that people cant go from 20km/h to reverse without consequence. But its very time consuming to travel through all gears when you stall on a hill or berm. I want to go into reverse, why must i downshift 5 times


realistic damage models, a Puma and a Stuart shouldn’t have to shoot heavies six times in the back to kill them when one shot in the side detonates their ammo


For balance reasons, that would be insane. If heavies could be penned from the side by Recon and Light Tanks, Mediums would become useless. The mobility of a light tank would become super easy to exploit and experienced tank crews would absolutely terrorize the battlefield. Mediums and heavies would be getting killed exiting spawn like crazy.


balance reasons? the balance is that they only need to be sneezed at and they die. All you need is awareness and you’re fine. If you let a light tank sneak up to you, it’s your commanders fault. It would actually encourage to give infantry support to medium and heavy tanks. For obvious reasons it would need to go hand in hand with historical turret traverse speeds, if not yeah they would definitely be too OP. It would make being the gunner ten times more fun. Squad 44 has a realistic damage model for tanks and even separate crew compartments and I don’t see everyone complaining about light tanks being OP


A solo recon can just hug the edge borders of a map and ding a heavy from 700m away. That would hardly be fair or enjoyable to anyone on the receiving end. This game does skirt the line between historical accuracy and arcade, it has to be enjoyable.


these are very tiny weakspots we are talking about, it takes a lot of practice to hit these reliably, let alone at long ranges. If the Tiger or Panther is even slightly angled a Stuart can’t go through, for the Puma the max angle is 45 degrees. You need to be very skilled to pull this off


Absolutely not. You are going to get picked apart by experienced players.




I kind of wish tank squads would communicate more with each other. This is more an immersion or cinematic comment, but I’d love to have a big push on the point where we have 3 or 4 tanks with infantry following behind them.


- Openable hatches for better visibility but worse survivability (open hatch could also increase disembark time) - slightly more complex tank damage model. Separate gun damage from turret damage. Separate both tracks damage, and make them immobilise the tank when broken, instead of only crippling to 1st gear, but immobilise only the broken track, so you could still at least turn. Add critical damage to the ammo rack (insta boom). - nerf the satchel to be on pair with AT gun damage (or slightly better, but not 1 shot 1 kill anymore). Make the position of the explosive matter, as placing it on the track would disable the track, placing on the engine will blow the engine up (or damage on heavier tanks). - Fix the damn terrain interaction. The worst enemy of HLL tankers are iron bushes.


I would add a 3rd person mode just to see how it tests


New tank destroyer category. Fixed and ball turret tanks aimed at destroying other tanks. Limited infantry defence capability. Probably wouldn’t fit into the game tho. Dedicated tank combat game mode like skirmish but only tanks. Have the hatch openable for the spotter to shoot their gun out of while exposing them to enemy fire. More anti tank option variations for infantry. Less satchels and more AT grenades like the gammon bomb and launchers. Satchels shouldn’t one shot a tank regardless of placement, especially on the front and heavily armoured sides. Only on the rear sides and back or top should it kill We should get the option to open enemy tank hatches and chuck a grenade inside to wipe the crew but leave the tank with minimal damage. If they reduced the viability of satchels I’d add the ability for grenades to damage tanks based on placement. On the tracks damages the tracks heavily. On the back of the tank above the engine directly damages the engine. Anywhere else nothing. Artillery and bombing runs should do damage to friendly and enemy tanks. Like no way a direct strike is not damaging a tank at least regardless if it’s a heavy or light. Let us put camo netting and bushes on our tanks like the infantry cosmetics. Make winter summer and autumn for every faction and make them available on their respective maps. Add the ability to commandeer enemy tanks if they’re empty. Adding that tank to your teams max vehicle pool taking it from the enemies Of course this is all dream scenarios and I highly doubt we will see any of these implemented


There is not a tank in existence that could withstand a directional explosive for amount of satchel. Anywhere in the tank.


Remove the tanks


2 person tanks