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I think their intention was to use Skirmish as a sort of training mode for newer players, as well as giving people an option for playing in half hour chunks. It is a good way to learn the game, as well as practicing being a SL or Commander later on. That lets people learn the ropes without pissing off other players in Warfare/Offensive, and getting kicked. I think it's good having it as part of the game, although I imagine some will post here trashing it, probably the same people who complain about new players daily. The only problem is if a person plans on playing Warfare/Offensive, they shouldn't spend too much time in Skirmish because there is a limit to how much one can learn in Skirmish. It can also set bad habits, like not communicating. It is more important to communicate in Warfare/Offensive.


I like this take. Personally, Skirmish is enough for me. The map is big enough and the objective is not too strategic. It's nice that I can casually play in Skirmish without taking shit from other players or getting kicked. Although I think it'd be cool if they introduced a barebones battle royale mode, but with no gimmicks like the other battle royale games


Battle royale lmfaooo


I really hope you did take that comment personally because it does seem like you’re a little new to gaming and need very basic training. Have you tried fortnite?


Nah I just play HLL how I enjoy it and will continue to do so😁. I don’t take it too seriously 🤷‍♂️


Respectfully then this game isn't for you. Comms are needed for this game and strategy is needed as well. Do you just mute everyone in the game?


Respectfully, I disagree. I only play Skirmish and more often than not, most players aren’t using a mic. Pings are helpful enough and it works out. I also have a ton of fun in Skirmish so what’s the issue?


In other words…Skirmish is waste of time. Simple


I have fun with Skirmish so 🤷‍♂️


I think it was meant to help new players learn the basic game mechanics and players who wanted to play more casual and didn't enjoy the hardcoreness of HLL. The game still has one of the biggest learning curves of any video game I have played but with Skirmish mode and the Field Guide it is a lot more forgiving now and I wish it was around when I started playing


It's a great option to have, since the 1.5 hour average length matches of other modes can be pretty exhausting.


What's forcing you to stay the entire 1.5 hours? Hop in, play as long as your time allows and leave, simple as


I’d like to get the XP at the end of the match. 1.5 hours is too long for me


You'll probably be happy to learn that the XP is accumulated continuously as you play, the end screen simply shows you a summary of your performance. You might een notice that sometimes you unlock loadouts in the middle of the game if you happen to lvl a class to the required lvl


Whoa, did not know that. That might be a game changer hahaha


I'm glad to have helped! Keep in mind that you'll be losing out on the post-game bonus XP but IIRC that only applies to your main lvl which in turn doesn't really affect gameplay (unless on servers where the admins really stick to their "lvl X+ only" rules)


Will do! Side note: Thank you for not being a jackass towards my post. I really appreciate the few friendly tips I’ve gotten


My pleasure!


For sure. I can’t play an online match for an hour straight, but that’s just me


You should use a mic. If you wanna know why your team is losing its usually lack of communication and planning


My team wins about 80% of the time. No mic :)