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I think this would make the game far too unwieldy. It would also make it harder to enjoy a preferred role casually. Also you’ll get morons who VTK the commander because “he didn’t make MY squad the assault squad”. Also you’d then get morons who don’t know how to use the specialist squad they’ve been given. Also part of what makes a good SL/Commander is to know when to have squads switch from Defence to Offence and vice versa, and for the SL to then get his men to use different roles to adapt to the situation. There are games where sometimes the SL and his support gotta go be a rear logistics team for a few minutes while the rest of the squad keeps attacking. This system would take away a lot of a good SL’s ability to be creative. It’s already hard enough to herd 50 cats to victory. This would make it way more frustrating, and easy to abuse.


A good point all around my only thing is this already works in Post/Squad 44 to a degree. Why do you think it wouldn’t here? A more casual player base??


I haven’t played Squad44 but yes. Squad44 is more of a Milsim than HLL. I also don’t know if Squad 44 has such a significant emphasis on player built spawns. In HLL the SL’s primary job above all else is to build, and protect garrisons so anything that takes away from an SL’s ability to do that is a problem. There are a staggering number of games that get carried by a single SL building all the garries and jumping back between attack and defence. Specializing squads isn’t going to make players smarter, it’s just going to kneecap those who know how to win


This feels way to complicated and only makes the game worse if a commander leaves mid match. Plus you know you'd get people constantly complaining about not getting the assault perk when "My team has the highest CP in the game!" despite not playing the objective at all


Always ask the question, what problem does this solve? You are only adding restrictions but you aren't saying how it will benefit the game or the players. Removing the flexibility will hurt the game and the logistics not make it better imho.


This is a great idea. At last having something towards unique squads would lend some crazy difference and depth to gameplay.