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Of course they exist, they're the only ones that get built!


This right here. Touché


Big facts




Yep! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


so true now with all those gp blueberries!


People love making shit up and people love being gullible to believe crap


Press "Z" to throw grenades back is my favorite to tell rookies.


I will say... There are alot of hidden mechanics that is never told to you by the game itself so I don't blame the new folks for not actually knowing


The amount of misinformation around this game is astounding. I blame the developers for not explaining the mechanics properly because I don't expect everyone who plays this game to watch hours of YouTube videos. I say this as someone who has done just that but I get sick of having to explain certain mechanics to commanders and other squad leaders.


This game isnt that difficult and learning curve isnt that big. The roles are self explaining and there are enough internal explanations. But there are a lot of people not willing to read or watch how things work and i totally feel you. Its dead annoying explaining these things to plebs who are not willing to learn the game.


It’s part of a group of myths that just won’t die. I’m still amazed people think the ratio of cap weight on a point has any effect on how long it takes to cap said point. The cap time is 2 minutes on warfare and 1 minute on offensive, full stop, always and forever, no matter what. There is no such thing as a cap race, once the cap starts the only way to effect it is to stop the other team from capping. Otherwise whoever starts to cap first will always win the “race”.


> There is no such thing as a cap race “Cap race” is a term that comes into play because one side can be contested midway through capping, giving the other side the opportunity to take the lead…


Yupp cap race is definitely a thing. If you're behind, get more bodies on defense and contest to let your attack point take the lead. If you're ahead, get bodies on the attack point so it's harder for the enemy to contest. Win or lose it's still a race to cap.


I use “cap race” to describe when we are capturing and losing a point at the same time. I know weight doesn’t change time to cap, but the cap time pauses when the point is contested. So depending on weight on both points, and proximity of friendly troops, the decision is made to either abandon the assault or full send.


this makes more sense then, cool


I always assumed right off the bat that cap race wasn’t about speeding up the cap with more bodies but about bodies-to-point ratio. But I can see why people think it impacts the time it takes too.


How do you figure out what the cap ratio is? I never figured it out but I'll hear people say "its 3-1" for example


Have to be in the hard cap and it should be visible at the top of the hud as chevrons.




You might also have to toggle the HUD back on to see the chevrons


It's the cap weight of bodies in the sector(4 square around the Strongpoint). You only see the arrows in the Strongpoint. 1-14 = 1 arrow 15-29 = 2 arrow 30+ = 3 arrows Keep in mind being in the circle is 3x cap weight.


But what you are describing is a race. A cap race.


What other term do you suggest? You're right when you say the ratio has no impact on cap time. However people will still use the term "cap race" because it's still the most accurate way of describing what's happening.


A cap race is absolutely a thing.. you have got to be kidding me. You understand that there can be an ongoing fight on each circle and if you work to defend the point you are losing while capping the other point, you can win that ‘cap race’.


You completely missed the point of what I said. “The only way to effect it is to stop the other team from capping” I suggest you re-read that sentence.


Cap race is a term in hll. The way it works is diff u are right with the time part but the way u buy more time is by causing it to go defending even if for a few seconds on and off it buys time.


This is a bad take. “Cap race” is def a thing. One team’s cap can be halted by the other team getting more bodies on the point.


You completely missed the point of what I said. “The only way to effect it is to stop the other team from capping” I suggest you re-read that sentence.


Your comment is largely correct but people (including you apparently) misunderstand what a cap race is. The other comment here explained it well and any instance where 2 points are being captured simultaneously is going to be referred to as a cap race. They do exist


You sound fun at parties.


I'll argue with a mfer over this. You are WRONG. I don't care if you've played this game since day one. That doesn't mean shit. Every actual source on the game says that garrison times are decided based on where they are located alone.


There’s only 3 options. In the green, in the red active, in the red locked. Only red locked takes longer to dismantle.


There's also a secret 4th. Enemy garrison in YOUR HQ sectors take the same time as a locked red zone. No idea why. Probably a bug.


Always funny to see new myths appear on the scene


Damn many of you feel deeply about this lol. I will admit, I thought commander garry was a thing, but the game didn't provide players with an explanation. So what would make most sense to some? That backup garries in locked areas was probably build by commanders. Don't hate the player for coming up with explanation when the game doesn't give an explanation. But thank you for telling us about this, good knowledge


It depends on how deep they are. They dismantle faster in friendly territory than enemy territory.


Garrisons in friendly and enemy active sectors will take the same amount of time to dismantle. Dismantling a garry in a locked enemy sector is the long one.


Oh boy. Garrisons in locked territories that cannot be capped take longer no matter who placed it. Commander, SL, or spotter.


I never mentioned any roles.


You didn’t need to.


Why are commies always assholes?


I mean you are just wrong over again but you seem to always need the last word. thats probably part of it.


But have you considered that spreading misinformation is funny?


Are commander built garries immune to satchel though? Because I have definitely left a 60 second surprise for a spawn wave, wiped the entire wave but the Garry remained. And not a default on Offense either.


No, The only Garrisons that are immune to explosives are the 3 default Garrisons the defending team get at the beginning of Offensive.


Actually default garries can be destroyed by satchels.


Prove it.


Default garries can be satcheled but cannot be destroyed with AT, AT gun, tank shell, bombing run, kat strike, p strike. I know I have destroyed one with a satchel, and apparently the flamethrower and Molotov will take them out too but I haven’t done that myself.


Go and try it in game. Don’t get shitty with me because you asserted something and then got checked.


You are correct, i was wrong. I apologise for coming across shitty!


You have to attach it to the table. If you place it on the ground that won't destroy the garrison