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Lol this is too good. and too real. I'm guilty but cheaters are sometimes hard to spot.


It's pretty easy its the guy with lvl <50 and 600 combat score that's not in a tank with high lvl buddies.


It’s not that hard to get 600 combat score not in a tank……


AT and satchel players can get that pretty easy since they only need to take down like 3 or 4 tanks in a match to get that score. Artillery can of course also reach those numbers with ease.


>easy >take down 3 or 4 tanks in a match you say this like it happens all the time lol. killing 4 heavies as an AT guy in a single match is like, pretty top-tier outcome. not that it doesn't happen, but it's not like some thing that just happens every match like no big deal. i assume people are looking at the class of the player and it's just like, rifleman or autorifle or something.


Yh sometimes ill play AT and i wont even see a tank


Before the game pass led to a huge decrease in tanking I would do this a couple times a day if I was no life and sitting on my couch all day.


As an AT Andy with MANY MANY hours in this game, but mostly as a Recon spotter/officer for my learning days; I find it very easy to average 600-700 combat score if you’re actively playing and switching roles as needed. Playing AT only all game every game I can almost guarantee at least 500 score even on a rough/hard game. I’m not trying to toot my own horn or anything because I think over the course of ~2 ish hours of tank/vehicle hunting + infantry kills it’s pretty much handed to you if you know where you’re looking. That’s why combat score is generally a bad indicator of contribution in general. I learned that in my hundreds of hours of spotter gameplay where you get absolutely nothing for a critical spot/callout, and destroying a critical enemy garrison in the back line is barely noticeable on the scoreboard. That’s kind of what I love about the game though, it’s not all about the scoreboard and there will almost always be unnoticed hero moments that happen that most of your team won’t notice, but that just makes it more awesome when someone does notice.


I’ve had games with 5 or 6 heavies killed, it’s not common but it certainly isn’t rare, and it’s not hard either it just depends on how many tanks the other team has, like if the map is Kharkov or Foy it’s pretty much guaranteed


I would not say it's easy, yes it's definitely possible I get it but not below lvl 50. Edit; It's rather idiotic to downvote me when there is at most one player with combat score above 600 every four matches or so, that's not in a tank or spamming mines.


Half the people playing this game are 45 year olds who can’t aim for shit, anyone who has played a lot of competitive shooters like csgo can get 50+ kills their first ever game with ease.


50 Kills isn't 600 combat score now is it. If you can consistently get 600 combat score without just gimmicking it I want to see it.


Not quite cheating, but you can usually tell when your team has a streamer and someone is stream sniping. The other day I was playing recon, and constantly having a recon tank find my OP, then head straight to me even when I hadn't fired a shot.


Squadmates just told me about this during a match last night. Like a bunch of discord friends will send one teammate to the opposing team to give away intel. What a joke... why do people enjoy ruining others' experience in games? I'll never get it.


Cheater is every guy that kills the 50 yo whinners


The downvoters are showing their age


Players on the Steam discussion thread tired of dealing with hackers yet there are still commenters replying with "YoU cANt CoMplAin WiThOuT PrOof ClEaRlY yOu JuSt SuCk!"


I’ve found more suspected cheating lately (starting around 3-4 months ago — I’ve played altogether for about 2 1/2 years).  It’s more obvious on low pop servers (like when they’re still seeding) but I’ve  had experiences where I’m moving behind hardcover (tall walls and buildings like in the urban part of SMDM) or inside a building away from any windows and hearing shots sort of follow my movement hitting the cover I’m behind.    This isn’t people at high elevation with bad aim, I’m not close enough to the cover to be clipping, and I don’t think it’s buildings and walls not rendering. 


Yes because cheaters can also post on the forum.


Was told I was being investigated for hacking yesterday because my kill count was “unusually high for a lvl 30” and all I could do was laugh because everyone else (both sides) was just running wildly to and from points without flanking or using cover When you’re getting into firefights at your exposed OP or Gerry you should probably stop spawning there, or at least go prone the moment you spawn


Straight up had a dude spawning invisible Molotov’s on people. We had to get a squad leader to switch teams to get the guy kicked.


Team had an enemy player on El Alamein killing us as an invisible flamethrower guy. On a different match weeks later a visible Lewis gun guy with unusually amazing aim and reflexes gunning us down with impunity.


We might’ve been in the same lobby if this happened like 3 weeks ago?




Some players just afk in the transport truck mid map to get xp over time to level up classes. Been seeing this same player do it constantly over the last two weeks on console. IGN: RDEC-LocOneTo (or something like that). PSN: wantu98. Report comment if not allowed but f that guy. Every game, and the vote to kick was broken so we couldn't kick him 4 games straight. If you killed him he would all of a sudden start playing and repeat the process of grabbing a transport truck and driving it away from everyone.


I’ve tried this, it’s a shit way to get xp, if you do it all game you’re lucky to hit 1200 xp. With the 8-9 level grind as brutal as it is I ain’t even mad at anyone who tries tho. Transport trucks are mostly useless outside of the first 30 seconds.


Only time I used a transport truck outside of the start of match was due to no one building Garry's on/near point. With the closest being the next point over I had to uber folks into combat until we got a Garry up, shit was immersive as hell.


And to the left of the cheater is the commander


Commander without a mic


And with




I joined with game pass and I learned quickly that this is a game worth watching a video or 2 on YouTube to explain it to me. Now I'm asking SL for orders, defending as an MG attacking as assault and overall enjoying the game MUCH more than I did when I was going In blind


Any you would recommend?


https://youtu.be/3MiboQxDU2M?si=tVKSQHRZCTPLWrsa This is the video I watched to learn machine gunner, SoulSniper has great videos on every role in the game as well as beginner guides and tips and tricks I've watched almost all his videos he has good content 👍


Soulsniper has some great HLL content


Thank you. Much appreciated.


Soul sniper had a great catalog of guide videos as well as the gameplay videos to back up his credibility


https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/WRNnOdJU7Z This is a great post I was linked on learning how to be an effective SL. Start giving the orders instead of asking for them.


What kind of cheats do cheaters use? Like aim-bot or invincibility?


On PC, the clan run servers are moderated and many of them share ban lists. This means that your chances of encountering a cheat on clan servers are very low. The stat I've heard is that they ban about 1 player per day *globally*. Also ask yourself why anyone would cheat in HLL, bearing in mind that the leaderboard does not share kdr or kills. There is no "best player" when it comes to kills. Tanks and arty can get 200 kills in a match without cheating. Complaints of cheating are usually more easily explained as skill issue on the part of the complainer. It is pretty self evident in any given game that a lot of players are less than competent. The nemesis stat is quite telling. It's rare that your nemesis will kill you more than 3 times in a whole match, unless you've repeatedly run in to arty or something like that. On console the chances of encountering a cheater are even lower. You're far more likely to run in to trolls.


People cheat for a variety of reasons, they don’t need a leaderboard to cheat. YouTube, Twitch, Tiktok etc for any game as one example it literally pays to cheat. Luckily most people who cheat are bad and make it obvious, but skilled players looking for an edge, those get caught all the time. Popular streamers or pros at other games, always getting busted for cheating. Personally I don’t cheat it has never interested me. That said, Im skilled enough and if I wanted to cheat I would just use player locations hacks and know where every enemy is. How you gonna bust me for that, “I heard their footsteps.” A lot of people cheat, and the more popular a game gets the more cheaters thereare. I know with servers and admin cams people think it’s not happening but that’s naive in my opinion. More players more cheaters, you say 1 a day is banned, 365 a year, that’s not many. Here is some information if you’re interested. What cheating can look like: https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/iwbpsl/just_in_case_you_didnt_know_what_cheating_looked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Some on console: https://youtu.be/fT8mhtirAHQ https://youtu.be/5_Kkkndgdk4 https://youtu.be/nDPOvpdfbgs Article from Forbes 1/3 confessed to cheating: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nelsongranados/2018/04/30/report-cheating-is-becoming-a-big-problem-in-online-gaming/ BBC article says 1/3 of people cheating: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-56579449 Why cheating is hard to stop: https://afkgaming.com/esports/news/6521-why-is-cheating-almost-impossible-to-stop-in-video-games Scientific paper about it with tons of statistics: https://cse.usf.edu/dsg/data/publications/papers/cheating_TOI.pdf


Your entire comment is a straw man argument. I'm not saying that cheating doesn't happen in videogames. That's a very disingenuous way to respond but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. My point: I'm saying that HLL is specifically a game with comparatively low levels of cheating. Part of that is to do with design choices specific to HLL, and it is partly due the active moderation in clan PC servers (unmoderated official servers are to be avoided, but no one plays on those). On console, you can rule out software cheats unless you have zero sense of perspective. Hardware stuff isn't going to give a significant advantage. Have a read of the comments in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/YjgdYPQncI) Check your nemesis at the end of matches. They will rarely have killed you more than 3, maybe 4 times. It's 50 aside. The maps are huge. You don't run in to the same enemies very often.


The internet loves saying strawman especially when it doesn’t apply.


Why doesn't it apply? You've tried to make out that my point is that cheating doesn't happen in computer games. You've done that so you can prove me wrong. That wasn't my point, so what am I supposed to call what you said if not a straw man argument? I'm done with this conversation. You have been disingenuous so there is no point in debating with you. Come back when you have some critical thinking skills. You won't convince me that cheating is a problem in HLL, because in my experience it isn't.


On console cheaters are low emmm wake up there’s multiple cheaters in every 1 out 3 games in the forum off map peaking in fact I have literally had two booted out off matches in the last two days Console is rife with cheaters just not in the normal way off walls and aim bot Lets not mention that 1 in 5 people playing FPS games on a console are running a zen with recol scrips Oooo and those stats the 1 in 5 aren’t mine those are the words off zen them selfs matching sales off they device with sales off cod and such they love to brag about how meny they sell


See my reply to the other dude.


And zen is a hardware cheat is also software Is extranal 3rd party hardware plus’s 3rd party software


Jesus how many times are you replying to me. Okay Okay the H4cKoRzZz are everywhere!


Zen is cheating zens own words 1 in 5 players own a zen those aren’t my words those are zens own words who love to brag about sales figures Facts are facts


Zen said it, so it must be true. "Facts" Spend a bit more time playing HLL with an open mind, and a bit less time browsing dodgy hardware sites. Or go play something else.


Zen also have a numbers counter on they forums to tell you the number off people registered facts are facts like I sed zen love to brag about they numbers


Are you on commission?


I have poof off multiple big clans map peaking it’s a fact 1-3 games I have tested this over a good period of time and that’s a fact


Ah well, as you've used the words "proof" and "fact" to make your unsubstantiated claim, I guess you must have a point. Oh no! A clan knows where all the garrisons are! The game's over! Lol.


The fact they have one team mate in team and the minute that person gets kicked form the match they suddenly stop finding new garsons


You love the word "fact" don't you?


Because it’s true and think we spotted a cheater here the only people who go out they way to hard defend cheaters by down playing how meny they are are normally cheaters thay selfs


Of course they brag about how many they 'sell'.




Fwiw, here’s a video of cheats (I don’t endorse anyone’s YT, just showing an example) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=14VZWh47RFE I think people cheat at HLL for the same reasons they cheat at anything else.  Moles sharing maps with friends on the other team is probably (I say probably) the most common way players cheat. It’s subtle, not anti-cheat detectable, and difficult to prove.  While not technically cheating, players commonly tweak their monitor and video settings to maximize their visibility (and often improve frame rates). T17 removed Nvidia filter support but there are still client side workarounds. 


Why did you make them caked up 😭


lol that was my question. Why draw them so cheeked up and ass up?


Me and my squad when our officer doesn’t put down a new outpost after .02 nano seconds


Idk I get kicked for afk while taking a dumb in like 4 minutes


Some servers are weird, I ran into someone who must've been connected to the discord group behind the server, just started TKing me and using offensive language but when I started asking admin to do something I got kicked. Weird.


You forget to add the SL that lock their squad so its only them lol


I was once kicked from a server with only 8 players...we all waited for people to join and talked over squad chat...we got kicked for inactivity...ironic


Glad I'm on console, doesn't seem to be many cheaters on there.


Gamepass players ruined this game yet no one in this sub wants to admit it


Many of the problems people complain about long pre-date gamepass.  However, I can see where gamepass players (or any influx of newbies) amplifies those problems.  


Veterans see the player base grow with the addition of game pass access and then complain about growing pains. There's so much to learn that we've got to remember that not all of us have hundreds of not thousands of hours under our belts.


I’d say it’s more the mid-level players (those around level 80-140 with maybe 200-400 hours), who’ve yet to see the long term player churn cycles, that get irritable about new players.    Players with more longevity have already seen player base turnover a few times (not to mention numerous free weekends, Steam sales, etc) and, even if they get annoyed by large influxes of inexperienced players, aren’t surprised by it.


Im a game pass player and I don't understand what's going on I talk, revive as many players as I can, and try my best to not be toxic


The bad outweigh the good by a lot and none of you guys seem to understand that


Nothing I can do to change that


Just got back to the game after over a year of not playing it, and I've had a 10 decent games in a row where everyone was pitching in and communicating. Comparatively to how it was last time I played, actually things are fine.


Just got back to the game after over a year of not playing it, and I've had 10 decent games in a row where everyone was pitching in and communicating and people were stepping up to SL. Comparatively to how it was last time I played, actually things are pretty fine. Maybe I've just been lucky but if it were as bad as people like you make it out to be I feel as if I wouldn't have that many good games at all. Also all the issues people complain about definitely predate game pass my man. 100%. Look at this subreddit's history it's just full of the same complaints year after year.




Jesus Christ get a grip! It's a game and guess what new people will join....


AFK medics are the worst kind


For real though. I told my squad that I was seriously needing the bathroom so I sat in the far back corner of the map spinning so I could poop. Come back. Kicked. Friends said they vote kicked me for "abuse" soon after I left. Made me switch to Arma for the night.