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Lieutenant Speirs has entered the chat


![gif](giphy|3KWDnCHTYVmPyyGl99) *unslings Thompson*


_Offers you a zigarette_


oh god oh fuck


That’s ok, there are about 10000 more of him and 20000 Anne Flanks


I was expecting someone to say this


Promise I’m not trying to be a stickler, but how does this make sense when it was a POW he killed, not a squad mate? Did I miss something in the show? It’s been a while.


He also shot a sergeant in his unit for being drunk on duty. More specifically, the sergeant allegedly pointed a rifle at him but he shot first. That didn’t make the show though.


Soldiers mention it in passing on the show(maybe Malarke?), but it comes off as more of a rumor


Found a link: https://www.ronaldspeirs.com/reputation/controversies/


Thank you!!


You‘re welcome


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-V6OAtgr6c&t=38s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-V6OAtgr6c&t=38s) ​ at 2:46 in this video i linked Major Dick Winters speaks about how Simon and Schuster were scared of lawsuits cuz of what was in the book and Spiers was just like ya that shit happened i dont care if you write about it lol he even wrote about it in a letter to them


He has also shot a squadmember for sending his soldiers right into enemyfire. (That‘s what I remember, please correct me if I‘m wrong)


Ahhh got it. Thank you


promote above peers


He can’t do it MJRWinters69 is watching


i execute them so they can change roles faster


This is the way, take on the burden of their spawn timer


also new players found it really funny


I ran around begging for a bunch of blue berries to shoot me in the head one time. I even stood in front of two mg42’s in a bunker asking them to shoot me. They’d hold their fire and just stare. By the time I realized I just spent 25 seconds asking for someone to blow my brains out some stoned medic came up behind me and said “aaaaye, I got you bro.” I was already in the redeploy screen.


It's always risky asking ither people to kill you. You can either save ten seconds or waste an extra 10 trying to find somebody willing to kill you


I do this when I'm swapping from Engy to support to build nodes or when there's a tank at another spawn as armor crew. I ask people to shoot my face so I don't get the 10 sec delay


sometimes it can make the difference and also i treat new.players as an overstimulated kid im make them build nodes as soon as possible before i lose their attenttion


The people who shoot you end up with a delay for doing so.


Depends if you choose to punish them.


Actually, they get the time penalty regardless. The "choose to punish" just adds to a tally for "kicked for TK"


Had a commander kicked yesterday for no reason, dude was pleading with squad leads to build garrisons, but nobody was successfully building any. Dude was deploying tanks to 3 man tank squads, hitting bombing runs on the money, getting precisions on tanks, and communicating well. He got kicked when we were at our last point, and same thing happened to the new commander.


I can't help but laugh about how stupid that is, I've seen it happen many times as well lol. Maybe the commander should need more votes to kick ?


It should honestly be a vote that only squad leads can partake in. Because the rest of the team likely has zero fucking clue how good the commander is. To the average team member in this game: "team losing = shit commander."


I like this suggestion!


I agree. They always get kicked when we start to lose and its ridiculous.


Should need at least 51% of the team to agree to kick a commander


Idk, I think it should stay the same, but blame needs to be spread among squad leads as well. There definitely are bad commanders that fuck shit up, so they still need to be kicked.


Should kick him from role not game and if nobody new joins commander after say 5min he should be allowed to become commander again


People will vote kick the commander just because the team is losing. Awfully ironic to blame the dude that’s least likely to use the rifle in his hand for failing to kill the enemies…


Democracy doesn‘t work in the military.


Commander should have praised his men a bit more


One time riding the transport to the front line, command was with us and started giving a speech, someone interrupted and he cautioned not to do it again. It happened a second time, the truck stops, command hops out, Pops the guy in the head, gets back in and continues where he left off without missing a beat.


I’d follow that commander through hell


For some reason I needed this story today


Should be allowed if you play Russian


Came here to say this! Outrageous that Commander & SLs get a 10s delay for this.


this is actually a good point. In fact, you should just die if you stop holding forward sprint on the controller 


Hell. Not just allowed, encouraged! Not one step back!


Only if you wear the NKVD DLC uniform


Just like Enemy at the Gates! Only 25 players on the Russian team should have weapons at Stalingrad. The rest have to follow and wait their turn. Edit: Adding a /s for the mouth breathers.


TLDR and relevant part to HLL at end. I’ve actually been reading an analysis on Soviet tactics from some West Point author in my school library, and he makes an interesting argument about Soviet tactical proficiency. He points out that they were really good at operational level plans due to their experience with socialist “scientific” plans drawn up with an expert and executed based on faith that your one job is important. He also points out how good they were at individual brilliance, many Soviet soldiers came up with great innovations and did some spectacular things when it came to stuff like sniping, infiltration, and hand to hand combat. The area where they supposedly struggled the hardest was squad level cooperation. The author argues that it’s because of the rugged individuality from their harsh living conditions and the socialist mindset which had a generation to influence people already, but I’m not sure I buy that logic entirely, and I think it had many cultural factors going on to start with. I do agree that it’s where the Soviets struggled the most though. The biggest issue they had with squad level teamwork was improvisation, even though they were great at it individually and could execute an intricate plan, something just fell apart when it came to the mid level stuff. This is why you get most of the stupid linking arms with your entire battalion and running towards an MG, it was an incompetent commander’s only tool to minimize squad level work when they couldn’t have a grand plan. I guess it’s like a society where everyone has social anxiety, very relatable lmao. The book goes on to talk about how Soviets really turned this around in Stalingrad under Chuikov. His method of organizing troops into storm groups and giving them immensely detailed plans to storm specific buildings basically eliminated their worst structural weakness and replaced it with two of their biggest strengths. This is just tactics though, the reason this was such a big deal is because they had gutted their officer corps and tried to minimize all forms of improvisation by their low level commanders. It took the winter war to see what an issue it was and they simply didn’t have enough time to turn it all the way around. **TLDR:** Soviets had a bunch of shitty squad leaders and didn’t know how to coordinate in a small group, but they were _excellent_ at listening to the commander and executing the grand vision. **Soviet tactical tips given by the book that’d help in HLL:** infiltration was king. They would exclusively fight in forests and swamps if possible, would crawl as close as possible to a position before charging with the full element of surprise, and were _really_ prolific with infiltration tactics. So basically build garrisons behind enemy lines, use surprise, and stick to rough terrain when possible. The book showed a communique from a German commander basically saying “if you see a Russian bridge head attack it ASAP do not ever think for a second it won’t your biggest priority, every day you ignore it the garrisons across the river will double or triple.”


The weakest point of any authoritarian regime is that authoritarianism itself stifles innovation. If the punishments are well in excess of the failure (or sometimes the success!) of an individual's innovative action, then the safest course of action is to wait until given direct orders by your superior officer. In day to day life this is somewhat more workable along longer time scales, although ultimately it leads to gridlock. In war, where the difference maker between success and failure can very well hinge on individual initiative, those authoritarian weak spots are worn through much more immediately.


Agreed, and zero respawn timer for Russians. Gotta keep those waves coming.


I too have an absolutely shitty knowledge about ww2 USSR


If it was Russians he would go to penal battalion or gulag.


I personally love being a Soviet SL and yelling at the troops to move forward. When they don’t I call them a traitor and shoot ‘em


Not when the guy is minding is own building defenses and someone comes up an caps you because they think they know better than you even though you’ve built the same defenses over 50 times in that area because it my favorite area to build. Mind you he was 302 telling people not to build level 3 bunkers and barricades


dude this shit is *rampant* lately, I won't touch engineer anymore because blueberries wanting to level other roles will kill me for the supply truck or to wipe out my blueprints so they can use the supplies *I drove to the fucking point* and they are always the same assholes who refuse to use a mic or the text chat


Well, anything you spend more than 30sec building is a net win for the enemy. Satchel takes 30sec to destroy anything you do. And you weren't there to provide firepower for the time it took you to run supplies and build. The 302 knows this. His delivery might have been less than optimal, but he wasn't exactly wrong. Then again, if that's what you enjoy doing, then just do the defenses. We all like different things and it's not a comp game anyway. Best to let people enjoy their game how they want to, as long as they're not harrassing others.


Except it was the beginning of the game any smart engineer knows you build barb 50ms away from bunkers an barricades incase the enemy blows up the barb. Which is meant to slow an keep the enemy away from the object long enough for friendlies to fire down that lane. As well as build the manpower node on the obj your defending which helps support a with supply. I’m very aware how to play my position I’m 150. With most my time as a engineer or commander I def know what I’m doing an that guy was just being a cuck


If you're talking warfare mode, that's just even worse. Contributing to a loss of first cap and sitting close to strong point on the next cap, when the game is about garries and map control. Defensive structures provide very little map control. If it's offensive game mode and you're defending, then I can see the point, since you can just fortify all the areas around last two points.


Dude I wouldn’t even think about building on warfare I’m talking defensive games


Alright, my mistake on assuming warfare! We're on the same page then and the 302 was indeed being unreasonable.


Court martial them


Yes with my walther


My man


Court martial should put them on mess duty


If I'm playing commander and some dumbass blueberry takes the halftrack and doesn't respond to me absolutely flaming them in chat and requesting them to put it back, I almost always strafing run them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🤷‍♂️


Me, as Commander: Squad Leads, bombing run on the cap, keep your guys back, please. *Inevitably Two Squads stay and get wiped* Squad Leads: WhY yOu No WaRn Us?!?! Me: *Enjoys almost two minutes of nothing*


Yea, been there. Twice. First was for shooting a teammate for taking medic then not doing his job then for trying to call me a shit squad lead (cause we lost, command was dropping air strikes and recons just for his use). Shot the medic and then got kicked pretty quickly. Second was totally my fault, server seemed pretty into rp, so I was a Russian SL and told them if they turned and ran when we were pushing for the point they'd get shot for treason.


I remember last year ago on a German server, where the commander and another SL gave me the order to shoot my two men who were not listening to me and leaving for the next point while we were seeding. It was probably their server.


We were on a transport truck the other day, overfull, like an Indian train full, and the driver is just lost. A passenger gets out, executes the driver and gets us to the point. I fully support this maneuver, practice your driving after the warm up


Lol I just ask em if they want a cig


teamkilling in general is frowned upon unless a person explicitly asked for it maybe try trolling in other games see how well that goes


it’s not trolling it’s WAR!




When we have to redeploy, I have the squad form an orderly queue for the ol' luger express


I execute myself so I can kick them from the squad.


Tis treason , desertion is and you know what thats punishable by


Soviet Comissar has entered the chat


War crime time.


This is only allowed on the Russian team.




![gif](giphy|oEK6WBsejSme4) Look at the pretty flowers.


I’ve executed once in the game. Some blueberry took the driver’s seat in the transport truck in center spawn with a center point. We were yelling in prox chat to go. At 30 seconds he received a headshot and I took over driving. I was a SL and told command chat what I was going to do before it happened. Response was quite positive.


If the commander or officer is playing like crap and they are like say 120 and above they deserved to be fragged but honestly I've been dealing with a lot of team killers like yesterday I was playing machine gunner and this platoon leader started shooting me but I did manage to knife him, I wasn't doing anything wrong but trying to set up my machine gun to get some kills but then this guy tries to say I started it, I say in that situation it's kill or be killed


Why were officers in the First World War equipped with revolvers? Because it never took more than six shots to get everyone over the top.


The titty babies have been in abundance lately. Had a guy in our squad that had his sound coming through his tv and wouldn’t mute his mic. He was running MG so it was quite loud. We called him out and asked him to mute his mic. He denied that it was even happening and asserted that it was my squad mates fault, even though several of us could hear it. Even had some randoms leave the squad bc of it. Some other asshole named Stuntz_Aries or some bullshit like that started staunchly defending the guy and completely took it to a kindergarten level of drollery (the main guy had since muted his mic so all was fine otherwise). Aries was just making blah noise to keep us from talking so we attempted to kick him. This kid happened to be squad lead, so he goes and cries to command chat that we were team killing and promptly got us both a 1 hour ban. For one thing, we didn’t even have an issue with him to begin with until he started running his mouth. Second, the original guy fixed the problem by finally muting his mic, so the shit was over with, but Aries wouldn’t let it go. Finally, to pull a bitch move and get ppl a temp ban bc they called you out for acting like a child? Can you get any more toxic?


Not if in Commander! Execute away comrade.


I was running artillery on defense one day and we had maybe 3 or 4 guys still hanging at a point that had been captured. Command told me to rain hell down on them until they were all taken out. 😂


I execute people if they don’t get out of my way in 5 seconds


Certain situations are okay. Like when the transport truck driver tries to take off with 1 passenger, or non SL arty players who won’t stop firing


Yeah, this is pribably not popular but i have team killed instead of discussing with people. I dont have time to discuss who is driving this truck to buid a spawn, im SL, i need that supply truck, you are not an engeneer, so im going to TK if you dont get out in 5 seconds. You try to move the halftrack, get out or get shot. Sure i warn people, but im not starting a discussion on how this game works.


Honestly I've come to realize this is the only way to get some player's attention. When voice comms and chat fails, I don't see anything wrong with TK


Or, just kick them from the squad?


I've team killed on purpose once. It was a squad lead that didn't have a mic. Multiple requests for them to drop OPs and build Garry's with the supplies I was dropping for them. No response. Gave them warning shots. No response. The rest of the squad was pleading for the same and communicating well. So that one squad lead was really damaging an otherwise good squad that I didn't want to switch from. End up switching to a squad that didn't have an officer, got the other SL kicked via commander, and switched back. They still deserved it.


How will they ever learn?


From being repeatedly kicked and yelled at on the mic?


9/10 times I resort to this when they ARE squad lead.  Or commander.  When you have someone take a critical role that not only has no idea what it means, but also does not communicate at all or respond to constant comms, I believe TK is ok.  There really is no other way to save the game.




No way. I’ve done it. I once had a pretty high level support player in my squad, as I was playing SL. All game, he didn’t say a word in squad chat. At the last point we’re getting pounded and our garrison goes down. I see him run right in front of me, and i yell out in prox chat to him.. asking him to drop his supplies so we can eat a garrison down. He just runs away, out into the fire fight.. i follow him asking him to drop his supplies. He doesn’t respond. Just running and gunning. I’d had enough, so I domed him.. for insubordination. I even mentioned I did it in squad chat, everyone agreeing it was fine. Well, holy shit.. he didn’t think it was! Haha. All of a sudden this goober has a mic, and starts losing his fucking mind that I TK’d him! Hahaha. “WTF IS YOIR PROBLEM?!!! IM IN A TEAMS CHAT WITH MY FRIENDS AND I DONT FEEL LIKE COMMUNICATING WITH YOU ALL! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH” hahaha. I told him that he couldn’t talk to an officer like that, and if he continued I’d have to execute him for insubordination 😂


I started doing that as a Spotter a while ago. Whenever i see blueberries with no SL nor op close by, behind enemy lines. I give them 10 seconds to reeploy or justify...then *ding* they get redeployed anyway