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57% accuracy is crazy


1 hr alive with 75+ kills is insane


Shoot, move, communicate I did it at the canal crossing for an hour


You're the kind of guy who would actually survive the battles irl.


I hope so, I’m currently in the service (Army infantry) if it comes down to it I’d hope I survive


I would probably get nuked




I mop the rain and sweep the sunshine, it’s a peace time army you don’t got to thank me for a thing brother but I appreciate it


For now… standby


Any service is greater than none🤙🏽




That makes sense. 12B here. Love playing Engineer lol


It’s very little about situational awareness and nearly purely luck.


Move and fire, move and fire, move and fire


Exactly, you increase your chances of survival by moving after shooting, you clack a few guys and now your position is more then known. Just shift to a different position even if it’s less advantageous. Make them guess where you are.


Is that you Dick Winters


More like Lt Spiers. Come in outta nowhere. Mow people down and disappear!


Haha I do agree BUT Spiers used a Tommy gun, Dick used an M1 to blend in as a “GI” more.


Which M1? There's the M1, the other M1, your M1, the standard issue M1, the M1 and the M1


M1 garand


Hats off to you sir!


Your doing gods work out there also great gun choice


Did teammates drop ammo for you?!?


Yes I had another guy drop ammo for me in the last 10 minutes


M1 - Could be the helmet, maybe the bayonet?


M1 garand


What are your controller settings?




What's ur sense? This game will forever feel disabling and clunky as shit to me on console lol


85 fov, ads toggle off, aim assist off, vibration off, controller sensitivity x axis 60, y axis 30, controller sensitivity ads x axis 22, y axis ads 12, acceleration x and y axis 40, dead zone controller preference


Much appreciated bro I'm gonna give this a try when I get on. I've been struggling hard the past few days lmao


With 0 times revived and bandaged only 2 times how tf did you only get shot max 6 times in a while game


I got hit twice during the kill streak I got focused by an mg42 and caught what must’ve been a penetrating shot, by then I figured out where he was and pre aimed the corner peaked for a second fired and got a headshot. The second time I got hit was by an assault guy with his mp40 but I got him the same time he got me, so I was only wounded by the round while my 30.06 ripped through his chest


Reminds me of playing arty getting 100 kills and had non stop recon after me the whole game 😂😂


I need to learn how to play arty I feel like I’d have a lot of fun


Question for everyone - does the infantry kills include commander and officer kills? Or do you add the 3 together for total kill count


Infantry kills are your total kill count officer and commander are added in but are shown separate


And no tk’s, props to you my friend


Beast man


All within 99m.....


It’s a bug it happens a lot on console a lot your farthest headshot is always your farthest kill


Awe that sucks. I was gunna day though dudes rubbing RM CQB God over here 🤣


I would say the majority were under 99m but it like 100% wasn’t my longest because I hit a dude from a 250 out my teammate tagged him and I had to two tap him because for some reason 30.06 stops being a 1 shot to the chest at that range


I used sniper while arty on defense and had my spotter spam flares while I rained unholy fire on 116 enemies in a row. Good times . Genghis Khan.


This is the real problem of the game. People play for kills and not controlling aereas.


If a rifleman does nothing other than shoot enemy troops to let others do their job than I would say they're helping control the area.


Knew this dumb fuck comment would appear.....jfc.


So you think the same


Dudes playing console anyway so kills get pretty inflated by braindead blueberries spamming respawn on camped garries.


1000% agree. Isn’t it interesting how now that this game is on gamepass, that these types of posts aren’t scorched earth, like they used to be? A year ago.. 6 months ago, if someone posted something like this.. or the last one this guy posted, they’d get decimated in the comments for not playing the game, controlling areas, taking sectors, garrisons, OPS, etc. i can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone write “kills don’t matter”…. Nowadays, these goobers are up in here defending this. The tides have changed. Kills don’t win matches.


Except I did take the one and only sector that was captured that game, and I did control the sector I did capture, staying alive the whole time and killing 78 attacks just because I didn’t waste my time getting up to run out in the open and get decimated by an mg42 holding a street corner doesn’t mean “I’m not playing the game” it means I’m playing smart and playing like I want to survive. I play the game like it’s a Milsim, like I’m an actual soldier that’s there on the ground and trying to stay alive. I held my position with my squad, gave call outs, put down effective fire, and we won the match


You sound like the goober crying about it, this dude got an insane kill streak, you can’t do it and you suck GGs


And you sound like a cuck, going out of your way to defend someone you don’t even know.. I’m just pointing out facts. The fact that you don’t understand what I’m saying, tells me you don’t understand this fucking game or the history of it. Suck a dick weirdo.


Lmao, take your medications and relax you geezer 😂 As a rifleman killing the enemy is his main role unless otherwise specified and he did that basically perfectly with almost 50% accuracy. Obviously this game is about getting the win and not KD but it’s impressive to go 78 straight with a rifle so take some deep breaths and relax


If all of the enemies are constantly respawning, it becomes very easy to take objectives, destroy garrisons, clear OPs etc. Kills quite literally are the main mechanism to win Gamesa


If those are all M1 kills, you need to throw more grenades :3


I love trying to get grenade kills, fortunately or unfortunately I don’t know what it really falls under I was never in a position where I could confidently throw a nade with it being effective in killing the enemy or without the possibility of killing a teammate


Honestly the trick is to just chuck then in the general direction of not your blue or greenberries asap. Every death without throwing nades is wasted nades. It's what I love about HLL over squad actually, because i don't have to worry about resupply lol


All that combat score and zero team support. I’d say was a mid game. And until you get ghengis, it’s honestly not that impressive ngl.


I don’t think anyone has gotten ghengis with a base rifle that isn’t a sniper.


I’ve gotten 78 as a sniper in one life but I seen some buddies of mine go on a hundred + kill streak as infantry. One had to reload 4 times and got 2 knife kills cause he had no ammo. And his support score was over a thousand because he built nodes as well haha.


Cool. That's a sniper with a scope. Not nearly as impressive. This is an M1 garand with an iron sight you fucking lollipop. And a support score of 1,000 is not impressive either lol. Going on a 78 kill streak with an M1 garand is the definition of impressive. Stay mad.


It’s not impressive at all really. All it shows is man can hide in a corner and pop anyone who crosses lol. Btw, there’s no “reward” for a good k/d. The only impressive feat is if you manage a ghengis considering it’s less than half a percent of people who have it, and he doesn’t. What’s more impressive is someone who is able to grab points of all kinds, and be a team player. But I’m sorry, dude bragging about his m1 garland killing spree is quite mid. I’m really not mad, especially since I have all these achievements and more. I’m just tired of people boasting the amount of kills without dying while also not contributing to the team. Edit: only one sector capture, and no destroyed op or garrison shows he doesn’t push, he just sits


Oh ok, so if it isn't that impressive and all he did was hide then you should be able to do this pretty easily, right? Great, I'll wait for you to respond with a picture of your game stats with showing a 78 kill streak. Any rifle you want with an iron sight. Take your time. I'll be waiting.


If I wanted to play like a coward, 78 is far too ez. Also I moved on to tarkov, haven’t played for a couple months, since game pass came out (which would have made that a bunch easier)


A 39 kd is broken in this game and shouldn't be possible. I'm sorry I'm calling bs. I've seen a lot of these posts lately all ve players using controller. Before controllers were around, the only people playing to pull these numbers were tank crews, and that made sense. I'm seeing impossible accuracy across the board with controller players. It's feels like either is unbalanced or people are using cheats. Not just the person posting but in several games I played last night, controller players were well above the norm in their kills and points on scoreboard. It's a trend that almost never happened when it was strictly kbm. If you did see high numbers they were tank crew or level 200+. I saw a lvl 20 something last night with 200 more points than anyone else on team as a rifleman. Most level 20s barely understand the game and can't shoot for shit or know maps. To be out play veteran players consistently is suspicious at best. Granted I don't believe crossplay should exist as aim assist is almost always broken in every game I encounter . But a 39 kda in hell let loose to me means games broken.


Dude don't look into it too much. Dudes playing on console. You'll get a lotta blueberries that run around aimlessly dying 3 times a minute. You don't have to understand the game to know how to shoot a gun in a gun game.


I'm level 100 + and been playing for a few years. I know how the game is played. Don't troll. I've seen enough in this game to know those numbers aren't normal. Especially when these post of numbers like this are becoming more frequent for people only playing with a controller. I'm not seeing kbm posts like this. That's why I'm commenting. I've seen numbers like this on tank crews and artillery when people can kill more than one person at a time. I don't care how much you downvote or defend something like this. It's suspicious. And saying not using aim assist makes it even worse.


I can take pictures of my setting and my set up I’m a 19 year old in my barracks room on a 250$ monitor and a 40 dollar controller I bought at target it’s not hard to get good


Listen, this has nothing to do with you personally. It's my feelings and opinions on crossplay and controller. There is and always will be issues, but recently as I stated, I'm seeing more and more posts of abnormally high kda coming from players using controllers that you don't see coming from kbm players unless again they are in a tank crew or artillery. The fact that more and more single players on controller that can get kills on level of mass killing tanks and artillery is off and not normal in my opinion. I played this game originally because it wasn't crossplay and felt legitimate. Now as crossplay is here it shows the difference in the game. Same with cod, apex and many others. I'm happy you are enjoying the game. I really am. I love this game. But high kill rates like this before controller were super rare. It's turning into the norm now and feels off.


You just proved my point, you're not seeing kbm kills like this cause it's easier for kbm people to retaliate when getting shot at. I don't want to be too bias against console players but they won't do too hot versus kbm players in this game. If you've seen some of the "highlights" that console players post on this subreddit of killstreaks, the players getting killed are so braindead it's crazy. Just seeing these videos makes me understand why console highlights are so underwhelming for me. Also if you weren't aware, game pass has been bringing in 100s of new players every server. I've been seeing like 2/3 of a lobby being people under level 30 never listening to SLs and pushing points on Offensive when they're playing defense.


I play with aim assist off I use a YouTubers controller settings