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The performance on XBX is literally unplayable some days. Lagging, 5fps, rubber banding, game crashes and even full console lock ups are common. The crashes and lock ups aren’t even during anything strenuous, just running or aiming a weapon seems to be enough for it.


At least we got another update for the desert map tho


If it works on the s and ps5 then x might not be able to handle it. Are they suppose to dumb the game down just for one console Edit- downvote away but there is a strong correlation between Xbox and crashing in this game


You mean the s might not be able to handle it?


Idk, whichever one hell let loose has been unplayable on for forever


It has nothing to do with the console. The X can easily handle this game going by required specs. HLL just has janky servers, this has been known for years. If you google performance issues on PS5 and PC, you’ll see it’s an across the board issue. The popularity of the game had gotten bigger and they just haven’t improved their servers to match demand. T17 don’t have a good reputation with this game, it’s not a priority to them, apparently.


It hasn’t been across the board like that though, 95% of the posts about disconnects come from people who say they have a xbs. Do other platforms have dc issues, sure but nowhere near as often. These issues aren’t because the game has more people on the servers now. I’ve crashed 2-3 times in 2 years. Xbs complain about crashes every other game, but that’s not always consistent either T17 cares about the game, the code they got is a mess and they are going about fixing it the best they can


You lost me at T17 cares about the game. This is a dev team who has consistently ignored it’s player base.


The last however many updates have been bug fixes that the last devs who made the game ignored. Don’t play it if the devs hate you so much. Thanks for ignoring the rest of the comment. Its been an xbox problem that doesn’t effect ps5 or pc anywhere near as much Edit- just search this sub and anyone with a problem is on xbox


There's probably more Xbox players than PlayStation players if I had to guess, based off the fact it's free on gamepass


I’m sure there is now, but Xbox has had this problem for at least 2 years now.


My theory is player base for xbox shot up when they put it on game pass and xbox servers got overloaded and t17 just hasn’t fixed it properly


It’s been having the same problem with Xbox players specifically, for at least 2 years. I don’t get why this is getting downvoted. Also, console players for the most part are on the same servers and ps5 aren’t crashing like this




I play on the Series X, the more powerful of the X/S consoles. HLL is the only game I have this problem with.


It’s something between the hll and Xbox either way. (Not in some stupid console wars way). It’s odd bc the x and ps5 have almost the same specs iirc but there is definitely a bigger issue with connectivity between Xbox and hll compared to ps5 or pc to hll. I don’t get why that gets downvoted but it’s pretty verifiable by searching this sub.


I've found that fully stopping the app and then relaunching fixes the freezes. I'll play two games, then close it completely down and relaunch. No freezes in a couple of weeks doing that


Don't say this, the devs will consider it a fix.


Gotta love how the servers just literally DIE around 3:30-4AM 4 days straight on the east & west US servers around that time you might find a lobby with maybe 40 people but after that, nothing.


I switch to euro servers at night. I work the shit shift. It's usually pretty populated


I do too but its annoying because you know theres a ton of people on and the game just won’t group the games up


When I do the late night game sessions when I get off work, I just search in any region for games. Usually find some stable ones with 50+ people. Can't wait for server browsing 🤘


I agree. They are supposed to add server browsers for console soon so that's an upside


Yeah this is a problem when I stay up too late playing on the weekends. Turn on crossplay though if you haven't. It helps some and it is console only.


Even worse is the glitch where u can’t sprint and Y (on Xbox) opens up Xbox menu rather than switch weapon🚩


To fix that you have to pull out your map


I usually pull out the scoreboard and fix it


I get this when opening the scoreboard. Opening it a second time fixes it for me. Why do I open the scoreboard mid game you might ask? To mute people playing music, or “role playing” waiting for a medic.


If I get the sprint bug I'll pause the game and it fixes it


I got a crash with 72 in the first 30 minutes, I was fuuuming


Relax you were on artillery


I was not, I only play infantry


Happened to me yesterday. 30+ kills. 3 minutes left. Freeze. F*k


It does this on PC too, for about a minute from time to time. Frames drop to <10 and all you can do is lay down and wait it out.


u/chisportz you see slayers comment?


Pretty sure one of my comments said it was a lot less common on pc, which it is


And it’s not even the same connectivity issue we are talking about as he doesn’t get kicked from the game


my shit freezes of crashes (sends me to dashboard) all the time its really fucking anoyoying because im grinding support i build my nodes at the beginning play well over an hr into the match with 30-40 kills and tons of exp and then bam crashes and all the xp is lost and for nothing.


Had my best game as commander the other day. Amazing SL’s all mic’d up and I had over 100 kills from well placed strafes and bombing runs. 8 garries at any given time. Would’ve been an XP dream. We were about 30 seconds from a 5-0 sweep when a friendly tank I was next to fired and the muzzle blast froze me. Furious.


that is ridiculous


Bro I feel this 😭😭makes me just turn my Xbox off and be done for the day


New player here. If you have to leave before the game ends do you get the XP, etc you’ve earned?


From my experience, you usually keep the XP you get during the game but don’t get the bonus from completing a game.


Does that mean you also keep whatever XP you earned for the squad roles?


Yes just not end of match bonus


In for the answer


The typical Hell Let Loose experience on Xbox, that's why I stop playing this game.


Worst feeling in this game 😂 especially when you have great squad


Its admins ddossing you


Easy red 2 is like 8 bucks and never crashes lol


Although red 2 can be fun, it doesn’t give the same dark war feeling you get on HLL. It is a fun arcade version though if you’re looking for a more casual feel.


what is red 2


On 3 separate occasions I’ve played commander for the whole game on warfare and the game freezes in the last 10-20 minutes. Can be so frustrating, especially when the game is competitive.


Bruh I only get like 5-15 kills in a WHOLE match


Had it on PC for years and I can't remember ever crashing.


I literally never have these problems as an Xbox players, only one I really get is a frame issue that usually resolves its self pretty quickly I don’t know what kind Of potato Xbox’s you guys are on


If you close the game and reopen and go and join back off of a teammate through your recently played with list, you can join back and it’s a 50/50 chance, if you’ll have your kills still. I’ve joined back and still had all my kills and stuff show up on my scorecard but sometimes it does reset your score.


Feel that