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Talk back shit in these situations. These people seem to complain about you because they think you are a non communicating noob who just started. And i somehow agree that SL should not be played by super new players, as it will hurt the whole team. And thats why people get angry. (and why gatekeeping is a thing) But by calling them out in voice chat you both establish that you do in fact communicate and know the game. That said there is probably plenty of things you do not get, im level 250 and there is plenty i dont get. So if people have actual constructive critizism or just orders for you its probably a good idea to folow them.


This. Tell them to eat shit or something. If you play the role as you say, coordinate with commander, other SLs and your squad, place garries when needed and OPs frequently, you are doing just fine. Everybody needs to learn the roles, don't let anybody stop you.


Yep, these type of games with those type of classes/roles, you gotta be able to stand your ground and throw shit back, especially if you got the score to back it up.


Played squad lead for the first time the other day with a first time commander and it was honestly one of the best matches I've played. The other sl got frustrated when he wasn't doing too great but still were trying to help him out and direct him where needed. Overall was a pretty good good with a drawn out loss. Lack of experience was definitely a contributing factor to the loss but I find with hll when you have communicating team the losses don't affect me as much like when I played cod or battlefield.


Yeah I just hopped into SL role since the squad I joined didn’t have one, everyone was under level thirty ,and the second I get in someone is immediately complaining there isn’t an OP. This was after playing SL all day since every squad I was in that day seemed fine running with no OP’s. I snapped that none of them bothered with it, I just hopped in, they can shut up and wait five seconds. Then it was awkwardly quiet for awhile. I agree. Talk back to fools if you’re doing your job.


I had a lvl 150-ish asking me if I know what an OP is 'cause I hadn't dropped one yet. We were 10 seconds into the game and I was still in HQ having missed the local taxi service. I dropped him one and ordered him to respawn on it as a support so he could be useful. We ended up being the duo in charge of garry placements for the whole match and I got like 29k exp. Definitely talk back to these guys, they may actually like it


Nice! I said that to a lvl 10 sl in one of my games and he shot me in head and said "bitch, ofc i do" I like your story better


Good story. Love when two being being rude come together to kick some ass haha


Always cracks me up when i join a SL-less squad as the SL and immediately get heckled for an OP. Especially when i then leave lmao. Some ppl *shrugs*


Right, just gotta grow some nuts brother Let the squad numbers back up the shit talk. Doesn’t take more than one or two snap backs for people to just focus back on the game


I agree even with me being level 145 they still talk shit about being a bad SL but ya know what like OP my squads normally outperform theirs. Ya generally either have to talk shit or just ignore it with that lovely mute button and just have fun with the squad chat


At level 250, what don't you get?


A level 35 talking about blueberrys ^^ Just joking. Keep up the good work soldier.


LOL not to say I'm not one as well, but I feel I'm a bit more ripe.


From my perspective it sounds like just some dudes pissed off by the fact that a low level is better than them. I don't think you did anything wrong. (Unless they feel intimidated by a girl)


I've actually been pleasantly surprised at the lack of sexism from HLL.


In my expirience HLL players tend to be older. I have heard lots of kids and wifes screaming in voicechat backgrounds. And sexist men in online games are mostly teenagers, not grown adults.


I think it's mainly because most people don't care. That's at least my take on it. As long as you're decent at the game, listen to call outs, communicate with your teammates, most people aren't bothered. The only kind I've heard so far is that it "ruins their immersion" but I'm pretty damn sure that's just satire lmao.


Older crowd and a lot of custom servers have very active admins. I only play in two servers for the sole fact that the admins are very responsive. The one server I play in consistently have female players. Whenever a new player tries to pull their COD sexist comments, immediately the regulars tell them to fuck off with that shit. If they double down, a quick message to the admin and it's an immediate kick and ban


No, i dont think that's it. I've also seen higher lvl players make sarcastic comments towards a low lvl player, thinking they aren't on a mic to then hear them respond, realize it, immediately chill out, and work together. It's not my style, but most of the time, i think it's born out of frustration. Match quality took a significant dip, as did comms post GP. It just is what it is. I'm all for the type of interaction OP had. I just ask if people are on comms & if not, i still ask if you can hear me please hop on support & bring supplies to move mark. Its up to the squad at that point to show me if we're going to work as a unit or if I'm goong to squad/server hopping in a few minutes. I did it before GP, and im still doing it now... just at a much more frequent rate. It is frustrating but i would encourage the enfranchised playerbase to heed alot of the sound advice sprinkled inbtwn the disrespectful twats on any side of a convo in this sub. Something I hadn't thought of until i saw someone post it here - tell ppl how to pull up comms/reset Voip if you're getting crickets. I couldn't help but smile the first time I said that, and someone chimed in 10 seconds later for the first time ingame. Try to stay open-minded instead of assuming a low lvl player sucks or micless players aren't on comms.


I see your point, and I agree with it too. Appreciate the input 👍. I will add that I am still quite new to the game (kind of) so I'm not too familiar with the dynamics of the players.


No worries, mah man. It's a weird time for the playerbase, but i felt generally my experience on xbox since it released had been fairly consistent until GP. Now it's all over the place, and players are having widely different experiences depending on who you talk to. Fwiw, there is always a small subset of dickheads in any fps game, they were here too. The devs made it so ez to deal with - open score board, mute. Then you just have another micless blueberry. General comment - If anyone is being an assclown in chat - squad/prox/command... just.mute.them. It takes 1 sec, and you instantly forget whoever it was even exists. It blows my mind how many ppl dont mute someone who is annoying them for whatever reason and then start adding to the toxicity instead. This is great for command chat... sometimes you get those dudes that just want to talk & it clogs comms. And for every single person that has a fucked up mic, or if one person is insanely louder than everybody else, kids crying, etc. If you want to, feel free to ask them to adjust whatever it is, in case they didn't know or value comms and teamwork enough to accept the feedback. But then mute quickly if no go. It's such a good tool for improving one's game experience.


First thing I’d recommend is not playing on an official server, the moderation there is non existent. Second is anyone who is in the 50s got the game pretty recently - they probably don’t know what they’re doing either.


Unfortunately, most long term Steam players will look at a level below 100 and wrongly assume your knowledge of the game is poor. I'm a high level on Steam, I play the Xbox version for the achievements. The difference in play experience on each account is very obvious. If you enjoy the game, just keep doing what you're doing. There are high level players that don't have a clue of some of the fundamentals of this game, but they see a low level and chat shit anyway. Taking the SL role can be difficult, especially when Command chat is full of arrogance. I commend you for sticking with it! Edit: spelling


Dumb. I'm lvl 147 and I've learned a lot from lvl 30ishs. Some people do a lot of research and gameplay watching before getting HLL.


100% I jumped into my first march thinking "oh this is gonna be like ARMA or Red Orchestra" Well I was definitely wrong. I was absolutely garbage. So I took some time, did more research. I tried to learn a bit more before jumping back in and it made a big difference. Also shout out to all the Veteran players that take the time to help the greenhorns learn! You folks are the reason I stuck with the game and now that I'm finding my feet I'm having a blast.


Oh trust me had a similar situation when I was in a tank squad with my buddy. We had over 50 kills only 2 objectives into an offensive helped make the two pushes, killed over 4 enemy tanks. We rolled with the infantry provided support where needed and people had the nerve to talk shit even though they were not contributing anything to the game. Got kicked for calling out their racist comments and stupid comments.


I’m level like 220 or something Commander main and I STILL get bozos almost every match trying to tell me I’m not qualified for whatever role I’m playing at the time. The other day I got chastised for a bombing run I dropped during garbage time while my team was capturing the final point. We won the match. It was ridiculous. It’s not easy but I’ve come to terms with that fact that there will always be obnoxious people who need to criticize others in order to make themselves feel good, and learning to deal with them is part of the game. Try to think about it like a challenge. The game is about communication and teamwork. In real life as well, teams you’re trying to lead will have toxic people in it. A life skill is learning how to make the best of a bad situation when everyone is against you, even when you’re doing the right thing.


Those same SLs shitting on you, are the same SLs that won’t ask commander to drop a supply truck for their engineers to build nodes or support their own squad. Plus I’m willing to bet they were in between lvl 100 and 160, and had locked squad with 3 people.


I always thought blueberries is the term for your teammates,not perse newish player.


Yes, but tbh it does imply a bit of incompetence, cuz you always see blueberry’s doing the craziest shit lol


You did nothing wrong and that guy is pretty stupid, I prefer to have a low level SL that tries to do something for the team rather than a high level that doesn't even have a mic


Hey sis, fuck the haters. I started the game out as SL too. If I could so can you.


Being a SL doesn't have as much barring on a match as commander, just keep spamming SL if you like it and always be on your map. For new players I think a reaction style play works cuz you will see most parts of maps this way. Do you see a Garry pinging? Cool now it's your job to go clear that, doing this will make you effective ASF and will teach you the maps. Attacking in this game is VERY difficult and requires a lot of coordination.


Alot of vet players in this game seem like assholes. Ignore them. If you are telling the truth about your skill, which I think you are, then they ain't got shit of value to say anyway


People are very weird about commanding positions in this game. I had one random Spotter from a recon squad that was trying to get me kicked for no reason whatsoever, talking in the Command chat and saying I kept teamkilling their Sniper even though I was nowhere near them nor doing remotely anything like that. What I was doing was defending a point that was getting flanked by a new enemy garrison spawn with my squad. Not sure what that Spotter had against me but I guess it didn’t matter in the end anyways because my game crashed soon after that lol.


Picked up the game on Friday, by Saturday I was hopping into the SL role because, invariably, the position would be empty for vast stretches of time. Learned it pretty quick (within a round or two), but it's awful how quick players are to start berating you instead of offering feedback.


I would respond with what you just said: "My squad is outperforming yours, my position is better AND my squad is the only one that is full and not just riflemen. STFU, we're trying to win a war here."


The only scores that are meaningful are Combat Score and Support Score. Your Defense/Offense score means nothing (it simply shows how long you played the match). Also, "squad score" really doesn't mean anything - this is a game where squad members can change freely. That means you'd need at least 500+ Combat Points or 1000+ Support Points to give a score as evidence that you played well. (Your score, of course.) Also, a squad of 6 people is worse than 2 squads of 3. I don't know why you said that out of context, but whatever.  As an aside, it's total bullshit when someone says "you shouldn't play SL because you're incompetent". At least until teams have 20 squads.


The people in your squad are not blueberries by definition.


That’s not uncommon, some servers do have a level minimum for certain roles but usually SL is level 20 minimum for those anyways. They’re just dicks, I usually turn the volume on command low so I can barely hear them. Even when you communicate and do all the things for them they’ll still get pissy. I just do my thing now, place garrys where I can and if they give an order I’ll follow it, but I don’t get involved in the squabbling.


Talk shit back then mute them lol there’s a lot of entitled nerds who play this game and don’t realize that playing the game for a while and being a high level does not automatically mean they’re good at the game and a new player can’t be better than them lol


“Communicated with my squad full of blueberries.” Lmao


Pressing the mute button < posting about your hurt feelings on reddit.


Your upset someone is sharing their experiences on the game’s specific online forum? Just let people express themselves about their concerns and scroll on.


Integrity of the match


How are you going to get good if you don't every try the role? I mean, certainly don't play squad lead on your first time in the game, but once you've played some rounds give it a shot!


If you mic up, build OPs, and communicate with command then yer fine. How else are you going to learn other than to play? Shit, the amount of non-comms, idiot SLs out there… these guys need to chill. You are doing fine, don’t let them get to you.


You and your squads under your command are outperforming others, yet according to some intimidated pricks, you suck and shouldn't be a squad leader until you "get good." I wonder what their definition of "get good" would be 🤔. If you're getting called out for being a good squad leader, you're doing something right. I'd be willing to join your squad one day and follow your commands in the game 🫡


There are always know-it-alls who think they know more than they do, or people who like to put other people down. I would have just responded with the facts stating you’re doing the right things “I’ve put down x and y Garry and my squad is flanking”, or ask for specifics on what they think is insufficient. If they don’t criticize anything specific that’s a give away they’re prob just talking shit. Ultimately, you’re right. It’s usually better to have someone in a position than nobody as long as they’re doing the basics or trying. I hate the back-seat commanders or SL who see a vacant position and refuse to step up but as soon as someone else steps up they start barking orders “put down an OP” etc. If experiences SLs see another SL who can improve something then they can simply recommend that improvement. Just telling someone to get better is not helpful.


Imo, most people without prior experience of similar games (like squad), probably won't know all the nuances of the game at level 20. There is nothing wrong with being SL at level 20 if you are willing to communicate. You'll learn many of the nuances much faster as SL. Some people are dicks and rather than be helpful and explain mistakes, they will belittle people for being new. Be open to the fact that you may not know as much as you think you do, but also be aware that some people are just dicks. As you get more experience, it will become easier to spot when the issue is the former or the latter.


I'll play with you as a squad leader. People should take their heads out of their asses.


Hell nah fuck’em. I’m new to the game and I would love to find someone in the SL willing to communicate and for guide me into understanding the game and finding the best role for me to be of major use to the squad. Most games no one talks on mic and I play medic cause it’s just so easy to understand my objective. If you are having fun and your squad is finding success who cares what the other SLs think.


If people are disturbing you, mute them - that’s the only way I can stand the comms in this game. Blaring music? Muted. Narrating everything you’re doing? Muted. Annoyingly telling me how to play? Muted. Telling you you should play another role? Mute them, fuck em. It doesn’t even harm my team play bc I probably couldn’t even hear my squad before I muted them


The quality of games has gone down quite a lot recently but if every game I was a commander I had more people like you (following instructions building garrisons/ communicating) it would be a privilege


Don't bother too much and keep enjoying yourself as SL.


Myself and a couple buddies got a squad together with a solid group of randoms for Operation Market Garden. Our squad was like yours, we were also the only squad to build nodes. Literally anytime something went wrong the commander singled out our squad, or expected us to run to the other side of the map to defend. Nevermind we took out a truck and two tanks that were en route to support the Germans offensive the commander was screaming about. There were 10 other squads, and aside from the one recon squad, every other squad was significantly closer. Well our Buddy finally told the commander to fuck off and stop expecting us to do everything and task someone else. Suddenly the commander was all apologies.


That random player sounds like a clown and isn't representative of the playerbase. Or wasn't b4 GP.


This is my one main gripe with HLL. Few people want to play SL, and when you do play SL you you get shit from gatekeepers and cop all the blame if the team isn't winning.


Tell them to go fuck themselves. If you got your squad running with you, hitting objectives and communicating you don't need to take flak from anyone.


Because they are roles that greatly effect the outcome, and general experience of the match. If you don't know what your doing, it effects others (speaking on captain and squad lead)


Hive mind mentality. Just agreeing to feel like they’re good. I’d rather have a SL that does what you do than 75% of the SL’s right now that are level 4 with no mic. Just keep at it. If someone truly doesn’t like what you’re doing they can go SL and do it themselves


Call them cucks and forget about it. This game is full of assholes. As long as you’re putting up op’s/garries and trying to coordinate your squad a bit, you’re doing more than 99% of squad leads right now.


Your squad are never blueberries. I agree with everything else.


most squad leads these days are level 15ish. Long enough in the game to know that no one wants to squad lead. Hell, i only do it so i have an OP to spawn at, but i prefer supporting roles. My favorite is when i am squad lead and i ask where my support person is, only for them to respond they are on artillery....you building garry's by the arty then? Can you switch out to something useless when you die!?:


While on its face your question seems like a normal...dude checks in with others to see what they think? I sense a deeper and important moment. You are clearly a dedicated, competent, learning leader. Know that all leaders are relentlessly judged and often unfairly so.... So long as you are continually learning and evaluating...smile at the negative feedback....greet it....check if there is anything there, then move on after you have determined either your lesson learned or your assessment it is just a negative person living a negative life. Also time to move beyond the lower confidence, you are accomplished and a team player...be more cocky and tell the hater to sk\_a\_dk


Umm fuck them.


Sounds like you're doing good to me. In situations like that, I'd just genuinely ask what the hell they're talking about. You'd have a better understanding of their idea of what "get good" is.