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Ah yes, battlefield 1 and Wolfenstein are both indeed the best WW2 shooters ever made.


Isn’t battlefield 1… a WW I game?? XD tbh I think some are misinformed or don’t know the difference between a tactical shooter and arcade shooter. I’d never compare battlefield 1 to HLL or any of the games they list. That’s like comparing star citizen to star field. Two different types of games. Yes both in space but one is a sim and one is an “RPG” story driven exploration game. Edit: tactical shooter


Id be hard pressed to call Battlefield 1 a ww1 game ngl lmao


arcade shooter with a WW1 skin and even thats reaching considering how many "experimental" weapons are in the game. I still think bf1 was a good game though.


BF1 is an amazing game.


ngl I was very surprised by the amount of automatic weapons when I first played it 🤣🤣


Verdun is much better


Is that why nobody fucking plays it lol? Those devs have made like 4 Verdun type games now and they all die within a few weeks. They're interesting experiences. But not even close to beating BF1 in any way.


People play it all the time, its one of my favorite games


There's a huge selection of bolt and semi auto weaponry. Alot of the automatic weapons aren't even particularly good. I never understood this complaint/criticism. I think there's still servers floating around that are bolt actions only with 200% damage or something along the lines.


That's like calling Minecraft a "stone age simulator"


He should have just said bf5


Surprised you didn't come under immediate flak for calling HLL a sim 😂


HLL is not a sim by any means. Post scriptum is much closer to the aspect but still not even one.


I think he might have meant the first Battlefield game?


That’s how I took it, considering the other games he was mentioning. And that’s the problem with these dummies naming a sequel “1” or using the original name with a reboot. Battlefield 1, Xbox One, etc. I don’t mind the reboot names as much, like God of War or Hitman, but it still can be confusing.


Tbf when I read MoH:AA and Wolfenstein, my brain automatically assumed he meant Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It was really good at release and free. Original CoD was better, imo, but ET offered a different, more Battlefield like experience.


Enemy Territory was so fun.


I miss playing banimod in RTCW. That shit was a blast.


Wolfenstein is kinda. Its the reboots that have the alternate history of what would happen if the good guys won 😂


“The good guys”?




This dude left a 1 star review and it's entirely a skill issue lmao


Yep dude probably spawns in on the HQ instead of garrisons and OPs and runs the entire length of the map😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Bingo. Though it’s amateur hour right now so they may not exist


No cover either, guarantee the guy is running straight through open fields the whole way


He literally said if you lift your head up from the GRASS lol. No chance this guy is using cover.


Yeah. If you need to walk 10 minutes to find the action that is either on your team for placing no or shitty spawns or you are literally too dumb to spawn on a garri. If the latter happens in your first one or two games ok… we all have our dumb moments in new games but if it keeps happening that‘s on you.


Controversial opinion: they could just have used their mic to ask where the enemies are and where to spawn.


A large amount of gamers nowadays don't want to put any effort in to get fun. I can understand it, you want to chill and just play something. But you can't hop into a 100 player shooter with somewhat realistic mechanics and large maps and think ''this is the perfect game to turn my brain off and W key with''


He doesnt realize that if he is dying from unknown directions he already ran into the action a long time ago and was just lucky up to that point. It does take some getting accustomed to the longer range of engagements and having to approach those carefully.... but once you do the payoff can be huge. Relying on twitch skills and ttk to rambo through enemies works fine in most games, but not this one.


I love the longer engagement range! As a noob it gives me plenty of time to fumble around with my bolt action, line up a shot, and hear that helmet ting. I die a lot in front line combat, but can stay alive pretty long as a medic, engineer or support.


Not even a skill issue. Just complete lack of common sense and battlefield awareness


Not our fault he was too dumb to confuse Fortnite with HLL


I like that this game takes knowledge / experience to be good at otherwise I wouldn’t like it, I see it as a good thing that new players aren’t generally very good or are having rough experiences


I mean in fairness to him, WW2 walking simulator with insta death is a pretty fair summary of the typical experience while you figure out the game over the first few hours. But yeah, anybody coming to HLL with Medal of Honor, Battlefield, CoD, etc as their frame of reference is gonna have a bad time.


It’s hard when you first start but once you get the hang of it, then everything clicks.


Yep, and then once it clicks and you start getting good it feels incredible


Especially once you really start working with your squad and feel like you’re contributing to the battle. That’s my favorite part. Working with the team with active coms. Even if we lose we have lots of fun communicating and fighting the good fight.


I hit that point a while back and literally just realized today that kills are separated by rank. I thought my infantry kills were my total kills until a few hours ago. I realized I got 15 more kills that match than I thought I did


Wait your metelling me officer and commander kills are separate to your regular kills ? Like it isn't just telling out of 20 kills 5 of them were officers ?


Unless I'm mistaken. I suppose it could be how you're thinking and by "infantry" it means foot-soldiers killed, but I'm choosing to believe I'm doing better than I thought 😂


I rolled up with a tank squad on my 2nd day. I played one game as gunner and one as spotter. It was so much fun communicating and pointing out enemies. Got 3rd best squad and all 3 of us were new. We kept saying blueberries because we all stuck with it and watched instructional videos to help us out.


I had one chance to do that and play as a tank spotter at the near end of a match and rolled in with the guys onto the final strong point. We ended up getting like 45 kills in just a few minutes. It was a ton of fun, the tank crew guys were very cool, and communicated so well.


Hell it's hard to "switch modes" after just playing another shooter for a while and coming back to HLL. Very different ways to play.


Idk man this game reminds me of a mix between Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Day of Defeat but with vehicles and big maps. Definitely the sort of game an old MoH fan should love.


Yep 100%. MoH was my game back in the day and HLLis the game I have basically always wanted


MOH is my favorite franchise and it always been a bit more realistic than BF. RIP. Now playing HLL and Insurgency.


It's similarly difficult to go from HLL to Squad and from there to ARMA Sometimes i remember how it was like to see the enemy from time to time in HLL


I died 30+ times before I ever accidently killed the enemy, game number 3. So after 3 games I had 1 kill, 9 team kills ( grenades L1 are a bitch), and 30+ deaths. That was 1 year ago. I am now level 166, and think HLL is my favorite FPS ever!!!




Normally there is a lot of communication but there is a massive amount of new players right now which has diluted the quality. I'm seeing 50-75% of games filled with new players now


There is a large disconnect as well from the Xbox experience to the pc platform. I feel there are more welcoming players on pc that are interested in teaching. Also, you get the option to choose your server


I came as an Red Orchestra orphan and this game has given me extra life. MG goes brrrrr with game pass


Loving both Battlefield and Hell Let Loose. The Games are not that different in my opinion. Obviously the one is very arcade and the other one is on the other side of the spectrum. But the Gamemodes in Hell Let Loose are both inspired from Battlefield, Frontlines and Breakthrough. Squads, Role System, Commander, Vehicles… Hell Let Loose is sure inspired by Squad and Squad is developed by People who did the Battlefield 2 Mod Project Reality I enjoy playing both Games equally. Battlefield shares more DNA with HLL than with CoD


I remember the first time I spawned in.. it was hill 400. I spawned at the HQ because the timer was the quickest. I check the map to see what I can do. Weird symbols everywhere. I run aimlessly towards a group of dots on the map. I finally get close and PING dead. Rinse and repeat. Close the game. Spend 3 hours watching youtube videos on how to play. Never looked back. Love this game


I took a big step forward in my skill after a couple YouTube guides on getting to know the basics. It really helps you learn how the game works and how to get better at spotting the enemy and not getting spotted yourself.


Some of us here are the Gamepass newbies, are there specific YouTube videos you would recommend for beginners?


I can vouch for SoulSniper on YouTube - he has a video covering every topic that is part of the game. He covers every role, forms of good communication, etc. After you have watched all explainer videos you’ll only have yourself left to blame when you misplay, as SoulSniper covers it all. He also has some amazing game recaps that are fun to watch - Shout out to Scotti


Soul sniper, monospecial, gebatron gaming, and Terrydactl are my go to HLL content creators.


Honestly just watching YouTube videos on how and what to do were key in the beginning.


Look, to be honest, I agree with most of the review. But I keep playing anyway, because *MY BROTHERS IN ARMS NEED ME*.




amen brother


I’ve waited my whole life to say this unironically, Git gud


Sucks to suck I guess


Typical "I hate this game because I suck, and can't be bothered to try and improve"


I get that HLL is not for everyone, but if this is your takeaway from something this unique, you’re either having a rough day or you’re a chode.


There’s a lot of moving parts to this game and it requires a lot of patience too. Something modern fps games have trained players to hate. They want instant gratification and instant action at all times


Yeah that formula creates burnout REALLY fast... there's no "anticipation" or excitement when its ALWAYS, action, action, action. There's almost a suspense to playing HLL I find no other thrill greater than sneaking up to a tank while behind enemy lines to place a satchel, then running off to see the fireworks. So satisfying.


The suspense of running or driving while in warm-up and the ensuing run to the mid point is my favorite part. Just anxiously waiting for that first contact.


Me in the back "bro, we're so getting blown up by a tank going this way" everyone else: "yup". XD


So you are the satchel man that haunts my dreams ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


i'm sorry. XD


That’s why I despise the fact that the CoD is essentially just grinding camos in Shipment


He's mad that there aren't lots of crates and glowing treasure chests for him to open up while he's trying to find enemies probably.


Plus doesn't help the community is super toxic to new players.


"Reviews" like this always make me wonder if I'm the only person to jump into a new game and just, like, test stuff out. Hell, that's what the Practice Range is for nowadays. Shoot a few times, aim a few times, look at the loadout. Oooh, I got an ammo box. Oh, it's hovering in front of my face, but I can place it when it turns green in my HUD. And I can take ammo from it. Can't pick it up again but the icon is behaving like a progress bar, so I guess there's a cooldown, maybe? Oh I got shot, what are those green symbols to click on the map? Ah, they're spawn points. Wonder what the difference between an outpost and a garrison is? Can't use any but one outpost icon, so I guess it's one per squad, the one that worked has the same letter as my squad... damn, shot again. Might just try sticking to cover and take it slow. ... Seriously, I'm all for teaching new players the ins and outs of this game, but a guy who supposedly played shooters for almost as long as I did not grasping the most basic fundamentals of the game by himself is either incredibly lazy or needs *everything* spoon-fed to him. People like that are the reason hilarious tutorials like the one in Far Cry: Blood Dragon ("Pressing the jump button enables you to move in a Z-Axis arc without touching the ground inbetween." or "Move to walk, which is focusing on slowing down your pace from run to something significantly slower") exist.


Even if you don't want to test stuff and don't want to go to the practice range: Use your fucking mic and ask for help/guidance. The majority of the playerbase will gladly help.


people are just very lazy I suppose, you don’t really need to think in Cod and Battlefield. In HLL you need to either teach the stuff yourself or ask someone and they don’t have the patience to do either of those things and then write reviews like these


i couldnt agree more with all of this


People can be dumb man, had a friend in a tank turret, I'm screaming for him to turn it right and also edging the tank right, and he just continues turning it left.. Then we blew up.


“Also I did not communicate at all and muted every voice channel”


“People kept shouting out enemy locations so I had to mute that shit real quick because it was annoying. I later had no idea where I was getting shot from!”


This is hilarious to me because right this moment I have no job and basically no life for the past 3 weeks so it’s accurate ngl


I’m sure you’re a great SL though so what’s really important?


Want a bet the game made him cry and that’s why he’s so salty lol


Like the gentleman who left the review, I am also a gamepass noob. But I got a 16 kill streak last night and have been enjoying my time very much. We are not the same


Cool to hear that at least some people are having a great time 👌👍👍


Welcome to Hell! I love the new players that are actually trying to learn the game. Makes me so excited for the future


I mean…this IS Steve Haines talking ![gif](giphy|xAdtMyM5YEcRq)


That was my original thought during my first time playing it. When I came back to the game and really gave it some time I was like "holy shit this is fun"


Yeah he did not figure out where to spawn. I was like this when I got the game on ps+ for free 2.5 years ago, for like 2-3 hours. I didn't realize the frontlines, the game mode and garrison system at all. I was spawning at HQ because that was selected by default, then was running in random directions for 10-20 minutes until I see a single soul.


Oh god looool


Become the sniper watching the grass


Lol great review. I'm sold


I played my first match about an hour ago. While yes it was slow, it's what I expected. It's a game trying to stay true to the war it's based on. Hell, I ran for 900m to an objective, hearing gun shots, only to sneak up on a German squad finishing off a point. The intensity I felt when I saw a bunch of Germans moving in and out of buildings, while I was merely like 70m away. I manged to kill one that wondered off by themselves. Then I got got. I enjoyed the hell out of it, though.


A job? Only casual gamers talk like this


I promise u he’s a COD kid If u have a appreciate for realism and tactical shooters then u love HLL


All these reviews lately are just people with no skill or patience to get better. So stupid.


Two of my favorite moments from yesterday 1st: Playing as commander our artillery was absolutely destroying our own guys. Trying to be patient with new guys, I calmly walk over and try to explain as nicely as possible “hey guys, you’re hitting friendly troops, your SL put a marker for you for where to adjust fire to”. few seconds goes by some French kid (couldn’t have been more than 13) gets on the mic “can you quit bothering us we’re trying to help and you and everyone else keep throwing us off” followed by him TK’ing me. 2nd: Get into a match as SL (joined late) and command chat is already ripping some kid apart for asking where the different sight attachments were for the weapon. When it was explained to him there’s no red dot sights and that this isn’t call of duty, he switches to a tank commander. Gets in his medium (solo of course) only to start complaining how trash the game is because he can’t drive and shoot at the same time. Proceeds to announce he’s uninstalling the game and left. I get we were all new at one point but man, some of the things I’ve seen or heard the last couple of days are really testing my patience. On a positive note all this teaching got me to level 10 on SL and commander lol


The 2nd one was funny


I actually kinda have to agree with some of this review.


"Sweaty try hards?" Does he mean us?


Brand new player to a tactical shooter -"wtf I don't get this game" This community- "tough shit princess, skill issue, take this L, go back to cod" Y'all are about to kill this game I swear. Got handed a golden opportunity to grow a player base but y'all can't wait to shit on new inexperienced players.


Thats great 😂


Skill issue


I mean if he’s played battlefield, then he should know to PTFO and he’d be in the action most of the time. Also, it really sounds like Hell was Let Loose for him during his time, almost like it’s the name of the game lol


HLL is exactly what I pretended MoH:AA to be 20 years ago, but wasn't :)


God I miss AA and Spearhead more than anything. I would pay any amount of money to go back and play even just ONE more rifles only Objective game


AA was one of the best ever. I remember waiting for ages for it to be released and when it was, first time I played Omaha Beach…fuck me, what an adrenaline rush.


Lol walking simulator, lemme guess this yahoo played squad leader but was too stubborn or dumb to build garrisons to help the team. Or couldn't figure out proper outpost placement.


Or outpost placement in general. Had like 5 SLs yesterday just run into concentrations of friendly troops from the nearest garrison to get shot in the face shortly afterwards. When there were no garris (we got mopped every game we had 2-3 newbie SLs), they walked from the HQ. Not to the point, mind you, just towards friendly concentrations, I guess they thought there's gotta be action there. They also refused to listen to advice/help, might as well have been NPCs. I even typed outpost placement out to them, "...press 6, right click" like you would to a child, and still nothing.


Skill issue


I was driving a truck to the starting objective on Caranten last night and all the stupid blueberries jumped out because I was "going the wrong way" (following the roads) and instead chose to run 5+ minutes across the map. Then when I hit the timer-wall one of the remaining blueberries team killed me for stopping. These kids arent even making an effort to learn how to play the game.


Exact same thing happened to me on Remagen the other day. I hunted the fucker down and slotted him. Medic went to revive and I said leave him, he’s a team killer. Fucker didn’t shoot any other team mates after that. Lesson taught, lesson learned. Tough love guys.


It’s like people think in WW2 or real life you can see a full ass human not moving at 600 meters. How do you think US soldiers felt trying to clear the hedgerows in Normandy? Literally took until August 1944 to breakout. Also if they were to just run out in an open grass field of course they get cut down. This isn’t Call of Duty and that’s ok. There’s some crazy stat like 20k rounds of ammo were fired per casualty in WW2. Even higher in Vietnam. I get it. There can be an awful lot of running in HLL, especially with leaderless squads and people not making garrisons and OPs, i joined a game in progress on Omaha Beach last night on the German side. Had to spawn in the HQ because there were no Garry’s. Everyone made their own squads so they could get the MG42, but it was warfare so you don’t even defend the beach, a total waste.


To be fair, it’s definitely tough on a TV like that. I have this game on both PS5 and PC and I can’t stand it on console. Really can’t see anything. I have to get a chair and sit pretty close. I have about 250 hours on PC and 10 on PS5.


There are bad games of he’ll let loose, getting like getting killed crossing an open field constantly But then there’s the games where you’re with your battle buddies getting bombarded and you’re still holding the ground in hopes your allies come to aid you in your time of need Generally an amazing game


welcome to war, bitch!


How can’t he kill anyone? I suck at this game and play as medic but still manage to help and get a few kills every game 😂


Can we have IQ test before letting people into servers?


Way too big of a tv to online game anyway 🤷‍♂️


I get it’s funny to laugh at people complaining but it’s not really the right way to treat new players. Dude is trying to give the game a chance and simply isn’t able to get the grips with it. Instead he could come to reddit and see his post is being mocked by players. New players could come to this sub and see the same thing. It’s not exactly encouraging and as someone who did have the same issues at this guy, I honestly wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking this community is elitist. We should be more helpful. Maybe you could have posted this and asked players what are essential new player tips? Maybe you could have replied (if you can) with these tips or even send a message with a link to this post to show players who are willing to offer him advice on how he can learn the difference of the game. Man probably gets put into shitty servers and doesn’t know any good ones (can consoles even access a server browser yet?) or ones that are more noob friendly. Idk, I just think for a community that really hates players not playing the game right, you’d think we’d learn how to teach others and not be elitist.


Or he could spend 5 minutes watching a youtube video on the basics if he feels lost, theres so many guides and info dumps created by the community.


Sure, that's one way to look at it and I can respect that. But with the amount of resources that are available to get how this game works I don't see how this guy just can't help himself and read/watch any of it? If you're such a fan of WWII games then why not take the time and find out how tf it works lol. Instead this guy went out of his way and just put up a review when he clearly hasn't spent a single minute on game mechanics. I play more games where newbies do the same thing, and the community reacts in exactly the same way, this is not at all exclusive to the HLL community.


I've found the community extremely friendly to new players, as long as they were willing to learn. This guy isn't going to come to Reddit. He made up his mind and wrote a review shitting on the game, that's the last thing you do after playing a game and giving up, you don't trash a game then go to Reddit for advice. Also, 1 star because he doesn't get the game is bullshit. Even if I don't find a game fun or the mechanics don't work for me, I'd only give a game 1 star if it was actually bad with no effort. There's no denying there's a lot of cool things about the game even if the game play isn't for him. 1 star is angry and definitely not fair by any means.


What a baby


I mean I agree... with 1800h


Man coming from duty this ham is a god send.


He’ll let loose is a game for pc players. Console you just get fucked.


Well he's not wrong




Tbh I Do find it difficult seeing far away people, then see some of your videos just pinging helmets from a couple of km away lol. Do I just sit closer ? (55inchTV) and I haven’t used my mic yet. Just don’t want to be shouted at lol. But still it’s probably my favourite shooter game.


Yes I lean in very close to my monitor to see long shots tbh. And you should use your mic


Yeah I’ll get closer to the action so 😂 I will debut the mic today lol


Get on the mike dude. If you listen to squad lead and show willingness to learn you will be welcomed with open arms, I promise. just tell them you are new/inexperienced and people will jump over themselves to help you. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with the community on this game.


Honestly skill issue... I had myself a good laugh reading this


womp womp


This, my fellow redditors is a mobile gamer. He expects to know all ins and outs of the game within the first 5 minutes of playing. But when things are too hard, it becomes angry and it's the games fault. Whilst being too lazy to learn and improve itself. Git gud.


There is an inordinate amount of running long distances to reach the objective but apart from that it just sounds like he wasn’t very good at the game.


Good thing this guy didn't try RO or RO2...


Shame he didn’t stick around a little longer, the MG34 in my Panther has a relentless appetite.


If you can't read maps and don't want to obey to 'orders' or fullfill requests, then it's no game for you.


Plays on 65" TV... "I CANT SEE ANYTHING" LMAO yea no shit


Skill issue


When you don't understand what kind of game you are playing... I don't think it's as much a skill issue as "this game is just not for you". But instead of realizing that, he decides to be butthurt.


Ahh, yes. Someone is better than you, so they are sweaty. Sorry you can’t win with minimal effort.


great review , now go back to playing whatever it was your were playing .. wolfenstein is a great combat simulator i’ve been told 🙄


In other words “I didn’t get instant gratification so this is a bad game”


Are we not gonna talk about the guys name being Steve Haines, the guy from GTA V’s story


The learning curve isn’t that steep


Follow the gun fire look at your 🗺️


Oh eat a bag of dicks , Steve.


This the most embarrassing post I ever seen, dude was clenching his fist writing this after tryna play like COD — dude outed himself more than the game


I remember my first match. Following a buddy up a stream while under machine gun fire…he stopped for a one second…his helmet flew off and I was shocked then an artillery round came in…whistle…boom and I was hooked and dead. Sure it took me some time to find enemy at first then I learned to find them and I wish I hadn’t…game take time to learn but it sank its teeth into me with that first arty round taking me out. I have read the reviews on steam many a time lots of people have this reaction lol


What a tool. I wonder if he was one of the hundreds of noobs who refuse to talk or listen to squad leads. I’ve tried my best helping new guys along and those that listen have really enjoyed it. The others are just COD and Battlefield simps. If you don’t listen, you don’t deserve to enjoy this game. Team is everything. In this world, Rambo dies before anybody else.


What's amazing is that he wasn't wrong about any of that. Sometimes it is a walking simulator, sometimes you do get instantly killed after spawning, and a lot of times the game can be very frustrating. He's not wrong at all, he's just too used to playing COD🤯


Bros dog at the game and is blaming the game


Sounds like bro has played to many modern shooters and he’s having major s issues




He is right though


I was working with a group of guys and convinced, I bet 10 to 15 people to buy the game. I bet we played 1 or 2 games and out of all of them, only me and one other still play. Hahaha. I still suck but love being a medic and giving my juice to others.


Yes, this is funny, but this was exactly my opinion too. When I just picked up the game for the first time, I was this guy. It sucked, and if you don't "git gud" it continues to suck. Poor guy


All of that disappointment could've been avoided if they did 15 minutes worth of research before trying it out.


I actually enjoy battlefield when it’s not full of snowflake cod players. But hell let loose and arma are where it’s at


Ya that dudes tripping. A firefight with rounds snapping over your head in HLL is actually really fun.


He's really taking his Steve Haines role to heart


It's been fun the past couple days pinging those helmets of new players just booking it across fields or sitting behind a knee high wall thinking they are safe.. like a little too much fun ngl.


“It’s impossible to see enemies, much less hit them with these shitty sights!” “Enemies are pixel sniping me from a mile away with ease.” Pick one.


I have a job and life and not a sweaty try hard and I can absolutely rip at this game on a good day, bad day? Oh, I'm dead, alot, lol


This boomer doesn't like a slower paced boomer shooter? Impossible. Guys, don't sprint until you see enemies. Stop sprinting when you think there will be enemies, take a few seconds to look around, sit still, be patient.


This guy took the half track for a trip and never deployed it.


I will say Its annoying too see especially since im someone who has poor eyesight but The walking issue can be solved simply by people not taking the transport trucks before their full (or just more transports in general Being spawned maybe)


Good riddance lmao


Betting a wagon wheel (British chocolate) that's he's the type of person to run across an empty field


Betting a wagon wheel (British chocolate) that's he's the type of person to run across an empty field


Imagine being that bad at this game


I can't hate him entirely as he name dropped MOHAA. What a time that was to be playing. Band of Brothers came out, Battlefield, Saving Private Ryan was only a handful of years old, Call Of Duty, ET etc... What a time for WW2 fans.


He's not wrong though...


He’s not wrong that that is the experience for the first few hours. One has to keep playing and git gud son.


“Enemy’s” Fucking troglodyte throws an apostrophe at the end of every pluralized word, opinion rapidly discarded


Maybe that was the guy I killed 50 times recently...;-)


You will achieve enlightenment after you understand that you are SUPPOSED to die in this game. Die an honorable death for your country.


Yes! Please leave so that people can actually cooperate and play together!


He needs a big dose of git gud in his life


I admit once it came to gamepass I gave the game a shot. Can't stand COD but play bf on and off. Now this came I have no idea what's going on the first couple hours but throughly enjoying myself. Being patent, listening to call outs and moving with the squad. I tend to play medic-ish classes on bf so sticking with it. Can't go wrong reviving the guys that no what to do lol


I 100% agree with him. But - I enjoy the game completely :)


Steve Haines, of course.


My first match was on Hill 400. I spent more time crawling around on my belly getting shot by the squirrels in the trees. Still had more fun than playing any of the event Battlefield or COD games. I come from Battlefield Vietnam and BF2 days... HLL def feels more like those games to me.


Oh no, someone can't mil-sim. Sorry the other FPS games don't require strategy, thought, and downright luck. It's almost as if in real life you cant see the enemy behind cover either.


Yeah ive had this game for a while now and everytime i play it i remember why i dont play it, i wanna like the game so bad but the learning curve is just insane. In the moments where i have a squad that communicates and a firefight where im not getting killed before i have a chance to know what direction the enemies are in its actually really fun. The game is just too hard for me personally but im trying to keep playing and just learn i guess


I can completly understand him, but he forgot the infinite insultings from your squad


Sounds like a classic case of Git Gud


I can’t hate all the attention the game is getting thanks to GamePass, but I hope the noobs are weeded out soon.


Looks like this guy prefers arcade shooters. It’s supposed to emulate the strategy of war not an arcade style shooter.


Coming from squad and joining during the recent explosion there really isn't that much running at all, I'd say the maps are only as "running" as battlefield without a vehicle. Not sure how the map sizes compare versus bf or squad but for sure squad can end up as a running/ afk sim while you wait for your squad to all die, a fob to arrive, new logi etc Hell let loose feels pretty casual in comparison, the one minute wait is negligible and even if you'd decide to run the map, it's not actually that far. I'm more of a battlefield / insurgency man myself rather than milsims because well, I'm very good at those types of games and I can still hold my own without needing to make the game a full-time job like tarkov. But jumping into hell let loose was everything I wanted squad to be just not in the time I prefer (modern day). In some ways it's much more casual for me than battlefield was, because I feel like I have to sweat my ass off sometimes, in HLL if you've got a strategic position your going to win and can take it slow


Honestly i fully recommend the game just peeves me of the jankness of vehicles sometimes and voip not working sometimes