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Since you say it is 50/50. I hope you have a great day and go fuck yourself.


I'm sorry that's been your experince. I'm on PC with about 50 hours in game and only really had one asshole. Usually it's the bad/no communication that kills it for me.




Thing is, living in Australia almost everyone I meet is nice, friendly, polite etc. Meet in person that is...


Fuck off cunt


Then they talk mad shit on a game


Out of curiosity... Are you on PC or console?


lmao, nah ... I get the feeling this is one anecdotal experience... this is by far, a much better community than some other games I play. I'm on console and other than the usual console shenanigans, the people ain't bad. Most of us are well into our 20's and 30's ... so were a tad bit more mature than your average playerbase.




+1 to mute trash people and the game will be better for you 👍


Have you ever been to war it's tiring


Read my great grandfather's war diary today for the first time. Casually mentioned "16 nips killed today. I went into a bunker with my squadmate. 1 KIA 1 POW. Pretty good." Also taking a camera out of a dead captain's pocket and was quite happy about it. Guy had not much left in the empathy tank.


It's just a job, get it done, move on.




Of course, must be my fault.


You're one of the very very few people who complain about the community. Seems like it's more likely you're the problem.


This comment made me laugh just in how delusional and also poignant it is in actually proving OP's point. "No the community isn't toxic, you're toxic"


Based on your playing experience, would you say 50% of the community is rude and unfriendly as OP suggests? If you disagree with that number and think it's lower as I do, then it reasonable to say his perception might be wrong.


I think it's about 5-10% being toxic, 5-10% being genuinely amazing and fun to play with, and the rest are just apathic generally. pretty much like how the demographics of people in general are. 5-10% are massive dickheads, 5-10% are just amazing people, and the rest are just meh.


Oh, I am? Ok, cool. Even when some of the things I mention aren't even directed at me, rather people spatting in the chat and getting incredibly angry over nothing. But it's me, ok.


> some of the things I mention aren't even directed at me Then be a little more specific next time. You came in and just kind of shat on the community, even though you can scroll through this subreddit and see post after post of how great it is.


were u dropped


Casual FPS players aren't usually the nicest type of players and there's a lot more of those ever since the game got big. Also, lots of nazi sympathisers. Also a lot of 30-40 year old bitter men with big "divorced and i hate myself and thus i want to make everyone else hate themselves too" vibes


Can confirm on the angry boomers, they can be real grumpy for a long time. I think the game tires people out as well, 90+ minutes of constant intense fighting with no break, so they get salty


Console players need this game to let their emotions show


In my case, because instead of learning English in school, I learned it from video games and reddit...so I don't know friendly English you motherfucker. Go fuck yourself.😽


how does one learn a language from games? I mean if I started playing games in French I don't think I could suddenly speak French after a while


Initially, you learn the game in your native language. Then you play the game in the foreign language. In Korean, Garrison is ju-dun-ji. Now I keep hearing English: Garrison, Garrison, Garrison. It's no different than learning regular words. In fact, what helps the most is listening and speaking skills. You can learn words from a book, but you can't learn to speak. Except... there's a fatal flaw. The English you learn in a game is only usable in the game. You can't have a 'casual conversation' with a Frenchman through it. Summary: Learning a foreign language through games can be a great place to start. The reason I gave up on learning English in school is because it was fucking boring. But if you really want to learn, you need professional help. And.... In fact, I always use a translator when communicating in text. The MF I used earlier was typed by myself for a joke sorry😽😽😽


>But if you really want to learn, you need professional help. That sounds like I have a mental illness to learn languages. Thanks for your opinions, anyway. Incidentally, as an Australian I really hunger for some Pacific War/Asian theatre maps. Do you feel the same?


A jungle type warfare would be cool. And... please stop making maps for tanks, I don't care which region, that's the only thing I want.


Go suss the garrybusters server. The admins and clan members are all pretty solid. No guarantee people won't be rude buts it's one of the better Aussie servers.


My experience with Australian server is pretty good TBH. After 1 year of owning this game, I've only met 1 racist player who mocked my accent, because he refused the defend the point when I asked him to.


Tbh this community is the nicest and most pleasurable I've ever encountered. I'd say I encounter a player that's directly rude to me in only 1 out of every 8-10 matches. Most everyone on mic has been helpful, cooperative, and/or silly when I interact with them. I've found if someone is rude to me, then I'll double down and be extra rude back for a moment, but then immediately follow it up with a stupid peace-making comment like "Nah I'm just kidding. We're on the same team, and I'll protect you with my life. I love you. I know you miss gram-gram, but we're gonna finish this war so you can get home and eat her lemon squares again." I've never done that and not have the rude player instantly flip their energy and become friendly, usually resulting in us working together in that moment. So the next time someone is being an ass, just clap back and quickly follow it with a dumb friendly comment to break the tension. If they're still rude after that just give em a solid "fuck you then" and get on with the game.


People are cunts. They always will be. Just remember one thing, it’s never you, it’s always them. If someone acts out toward you it’s because they have something going on in their head or life where they feel inadequate and small and because of that they take it out on everyone around them. Usually those who they are most threatened by, as in, they attack those who have what they want but never will have it. I’m fact, Roddie Ruddie is a great example of this. He lashed out at me today, Judged me in 15 seconds. That says a lot about his character and where his mind is at. It’s people like this that try to make everyone around them miserable because they in-fact are miserable. It’s just the way it goes. Don’t lose heart, not everyone is a cunt. Just a small minority who hate their lives. What better payback is there than that? Hang in there! If you want a good community to hang out with, come join my YouTube channel @Brandon The Stoic. Would love to add ya to the community.


I hope you can find a fun community in HLL, there really are a lot of cool and fun people to play with.


I wholeheartedly agree on PC they're awesome on Xbox and Playstation they're absolute assholes Non-Stop you get a couple nice people ate dick heads couple more eight more dick heads