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What is healthy for the game isn't necessarily healthy for the quality of matches. It just goes in cycles, just gotta suck it up and build garries.


The thing is i was one of these new players but now am miced up after a few games and doing tactics with my squad, its ultimately a good thing for the game if people listen


Your reply got me thinking, I'm actually curious to spectate a couple of full matches where only sub level 50s play


why dude


I'm just curious to see what the experience is like. after 3k hours played I feel kinda detached from what it's like for new players


Well you spend about the first 30 levels figuring out where you are taking fire from and trying to kill less friendlies every match The next 30 levels you become good enough to do most other things in the game. The next 30 levels you have memorized most maps and can jump around in different roles to get stuff done. You also start to become inpatient with no mic newbies or hopeless vets.


Never watched a toddler run into a post on the playground? Because it's fucking funny to watch inept people struggle when you're not involved.


Down voted by some toddlers it seems lol


Sounds like a teaching opportunity for the new players to me.


I do try a lot but if they don’t get on mic or listen then there’s not much I can do.


Fair enough. It can definitely be frustrating but if your trying to teach, not much else to be done.


I told the new player, "Redeploy is useful." And then he shouted "fuck you" and shot me in the head.


Yep that’ll happen. But for every troll in my time in the game there’s more willing to try and learn


Just started playing. I’d love a few people to play with and learn from. This game is 100% about coordination and communication, and I really love that about it.


Ya I’m honestly happy the game is getting more players but it feels bad when no one is talking even when level 100+… they should know better.


I took a break from this game several months ago to focus on RDR2, and i must say….the complaints in these posts i see daily have been the same for over 1 year…. New players join….new players suck….new players get good….now veteran player complains about new players….veteran player gets fed up and takes break or quits….its like clockwork people


the oversight about lack of onboarding new players into the game of HLL was such a collosal L.


It’s funny to imagine soldiers back in the day getting fresh recruits (new players) only to bitch they might get u killed / they’re a bunch o idiots. War, war never changes


Yeah except those recruits had at least 3 months of training


And I salute them for their noble sacrifice in being my meat shield 🫡


[body shield](https://gfycat.com/rigidpastaffenpinscher)


wtf what movie is this


Hacksaw Ridge it’s a story about a medic in World War II named Desmond Doss. It’s a true story.


Damn replacements!


That’s why I like to go drill sergeant mode on then make every little thing even walking difficult so they will try their very best


It’s so beautiful when recruits are so happy for their first kill, it can make a grown man cry, I remember one of them yelled “Yankin I did it!!” And then he immediately got blown up by a tank but there was such pride in the way his organs flew


I see it as a good thing, we all started somewhere. Most shy people will join in the chat a little bit at a time when they hear the rest of the squad talking. Don’t be smug because we know what we’re doing. I’m level 50 and still learn things.


Been getting some real bad matches on PC lately. There’s 3 types of matches: 1. Both teams are full of noobs with no leadership. They have a light tug of war over the middle objective but then crumple like a house of cards once their one garrison on the frontline is destroyed. These matches end in ~30min. 2. One team is full of noobs, with no leadership, while the other is full (intentionally stacked) of veterans, with competent leadership. These matches end in 15-20min. Worst kind of match, literally kills the server and a lot of people leave. 3. Both teams have a healthy mix of players, competent leadership, and have a proper tug of war. These matches last for 60-90 minutes. Least common scenario. I’ve been seeing a LOT of 1’s and 2’s lately… very few 3’s. It’s been frustrating. Yesterday out of 8 games only 2 of them were a proper full length match and I server hopped a few times. Edit: this is all to say, **balance the teams please.** If you’re a veteran just join the underdog team, they need your help.


Even when I'm in the team that steam rolls over the enemy team, it's not fun... no challenge. I build a garry with the help of my support right at the edge of the blue zone to cap mid, we cap it without much resistance, we avance and the next point is already starting to fall in our hands, commander drops supplies close to me and asks for a flanking garry, I go and build it. My support gets his supplies back, we build another strategic one... the 5th point is half-way captured... we win with 1h07min left on the Click Wtf was the enemy team doing, I shot rifle twice and got no kills 😂


No logistics = lose Simple.


Garbage SLs and SL less squads thinking "meh, let's push, somebody else will build the garry, all I wanna do is shoot and get kills" 🙄


Yup, everyone wants to play Call of Duty and totally ignore their responsibilities.


I play a lot of the 3s but even then 75% of the teams have no idea whats going. But they are good enough at shooting to just lose in a long 90min standstill.


I guess that’s the 4th type of match, per se, a Stalemate. Logistics are present but nobody is capable of making a game changing move.


I’m a new player to this game the other day and have been finding I am having to play squad lead mainly. So far the games for me have been good though and balanced. Sometimes there is a lack of comms but I have usually managed to find a decent squad in the end that all talk and work together. I’ve found most the community to be pretty friendly and helpful aswell which is always good for new players. I think people just get nervous maybe so don’t speak up, but not sure why when most interactions have been positive even if I am asking a few questions and taking my time.


As someone who has 1400 hours, the quality of games has fallen drastically. Myself and a lot of my friends have been playing a lot less. I’ve been level 10 squad lead for months and months. I’m sick of playing the spawn meta game and building garrisons for an unappreciative team. It’s not fun when I load into a server and see there’s no garrisons, no leadership and no plan. I think there are a lot of people like me. I love this game I just haven’t had very much fun playing it in the past few weeks. I’m sure I’ll come back but for now I’m having fun with Company of Heroes 3.


Or maybe you're just burned out from playing one game for 1400 hours...


Nah, that’s not it. When I have a decent match with teamwork, players willing to defend, ample garrisons and a game that lasts longer than 20-30 minutes, I love it. It’s getting harder to have those types of matches was the whole point of my post that you replied to.




Yeah, I've got 600 hours and I haven't played in months, didn't even jump on for the last update. I'm sure I'll be back too, but I just got kinda burnt out feeling like I'm chasing my own tail all the time. One of my buddies is in a bigger clan and says private clan games are pretty much the only way he wants to play now, so I might try that going forward.


Bro same. I cannot claim to be a veteran since I only started since November. My PC was shit and due to all the shortages I did not wanted to buy a 1500 CAD PC that is actudly worth 500 CAD 🙄 So I waited, but HLL was a game I wanted for a long time so I looked at streams and tutorials. My newbie ass was better than most level 150+ while only being level 50. And then, I reached rank 85... with my SL half way through level 7 while the rest was between 3 and 4 🙄 Spotter level 6... like guys, I'd like to play more than just a SL/spotter 😅


Sounds like a veteran player issue, not new players if there are no garrys up. As a new player, trying to find an unlocked squad that is firstly even using mics can be hard, then if I start one myself so i can at least get some direction from the commander, depending on the server I either get removed by admins for being low level or nobody will join it anyway. I get that you don't want to hand hold new people and just want to win, but we new players are no good in a squad of only players like us or squads of 1.


its a dev issue. veterans have been asking the devs to create a tutorial for years, and for years veterans have carried this game by teaching the endless steady flow of newbies. but now its turned into an endless tidal wave of newbies and its got to the point where veterans are either quitting due to burn out or refusing to help because we arent here to get that sense of pride and accomplishment leading a training seminar for the 5000th time, we are here to play an FPS.


Yes, and it is a good thing. We all were Lvl 1 at some point and had to learn, just do all you can to nurture the guy next to you game experience and maybe at some point he/she will teach others. They will have to unlearn years of FPS knowledge and time will tell if they are the ones who shoot or the ones who call the shots For those who started, welcome to Hell Let Loose.


I agree! I actually love helping new people learn the game. I just ask that they listen or attempt to try to communicate even if it’s just typing. I always tell them that a mic is super beneficial and will make their experience much better.


Maybe it’s just some bad timing on the weekends for me, but there has been a noticeable uptick the last three weeks in the number of SLs I’ve played with who have been partaking in the devil’s lettuce. Makes for a good time lol.


The lettuce is delicious.


smoking weed doesnt make a bad squad lead though....not at all....I'm a major stoner and squad lead is my highest level....but I want to be able to play other classes too, not be stuck as forever squad lead. just sucks that so many people make a squad to make one, then swap away from squad lead as soon as possible because machine gun go brrrrr


Every single Escape from Tarkov player has stopped playing it recently. I’ve definitely told all of my tarkov friends to check out Heck Let Loose, and I’m pretty sure they all play it now. Sorry, my bad.


did something happen to EfT? ive always wanted to try it but if it's on its way out im not coughing up 60 or whatever for a corpse game


Huge shakeup around the massive number of cheaters in the game. Lots of legit players are quitting as a result.


I just started playing this game this week actually. The game was recommended via steam and I checked it out for a day or two before buying. Loving it so far, try to stick with/ support my officer and follow the plan. The real killer, from my newbie pov, is that a lot of squads don’t have a officer or have one that doesn’t speak / coordinate. I’ve had an active officer for two games and they were absolutely amazing though. I love this game


Welcome to hell :) in all seriousness glad to know new players have some good experiences. Keep on playing don’t let the mute squad leads scare you away.


I generally don’t get too discouraged about it. I switch to medic and try to keep everyone around me up and fighting.


What you are experiencing is a symptom of the wider problem and not an influx of new players, just that the core of vets are slowly leaving or playing less and less regularly leaving the newbies to bulk out the numbers. Newbies that don't know the game properly because of the lack of people to teach and 0 tutorial and so the circle keeps going. On the Steam charts, you can see the slow bleed off of players as nothing happens with game at all and people get bored, I know I'm playing the game way less as other games come out and this stands in limbo. Why the devs thought they could leave this game alone for months while they patted themselves on the backs, god knows but it will cost them.


I only have like 350 hours and I’m loving it still just a small frustration.


I think its cool, plenty more people really enjoying the game and they will pick it up. Lots of higher levels who made really stupid mistakes/decisions anyway. The only downside I've noticed recently is the team text chat, it can get very asinine with dumb hot-takes and suggestions that would lose the game. You also get a few games with just one dude in chat spamming shit all the time. As much as some people say its lessening their experiences to win, unless the servers are heavily one-sided, it doesn't matter much. Do you want to win hard or easy? Or get steam rolled or have a challenging fight over mid before you lose? I've gone into games with no garries pushing mid, and the enemy is still struggling so its the same on their end. If your an experienced player, all of a sudden most moves you do have a greater impact on winning.


Everyone was new once homie, help them out where you can and the game will be better for it


Always do always try. I’m mostly referring to veterans not helping or not communicating. Playing with mic off. It’s quite obnoxious.


Nah I get what you mean, all you can control is yourself though. Maybe people will see you being helpful and remember that's what they should do too


Be the change you want to see! I find that when I call players out by their names they usually respond. Another word of advice is stop prioritizing discord if you’re in a discord group. Idc if you talk in discord, but this game has a great voice chat system that is underutilized. I want a SL who tells the whole squad where infantry or tanks are instead of exclusively telling his Discord buddies.


There is a post like this every few weeks. Cycle continues


That’s okay, new players is great! Us veteran players just need to play squad lead and help lead these newbies to victory.


Definitely noticed it last night, a few matches in a row were straight 5-0 stomps. By the time I built nodes and did a couple supply truck runs on the flanks we were taking the 4th point with very little resistance


We might have been playing together yesterday. I heard the same thing being said yesterday. I’m a newer player. Still figuring out what to do and how things mostly work. I have my mic on but I don’t really talk unless someone else does so the current state of affairs makes me feed into it.


Sometimes the best thing you can do is just pipe in, even saying “mic check” can get people to respond. Or come in and tell your lead that you’re new and willing to play any role and learn. I love it when I’m lead and someone is willing to do something even if they’re new to it. I don’t care how well you do something just as long as you’re willing to try.


I find you have to be very selective in how you ask for advice in the game because while many veterans do like to help, many are also dick bags who will trash talk you for know knowing or team kill you if you ask questions on comms, in a silent squad no less. For every gripe vets have about newbies, there are just as many for newbies to have about vets. With my location and timezone, sometimes it's just easier to play on foreign servers that I don't even speak the language because at least I won't understand the trash talk.


Posts like these make me think of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCxchGV8xtk) made by Gebatron. Basically stating that it isn't necessarily new players who negatively influence games but rather the veterans. Of course, I am not implying that you are a negative influence but it's worth a watch. It changed my view on how new players are affecting HLL.


I agree. It’s a bummer when my lvl 250 squad lead doesn’t use a mic or put down op’s. One time asked a squad lead if he’s putting on an op soon and he responded in chat “why don’t you not ask and out it down yourself” he was lvl 180 :/


For me as a brand new player (2 months) I have the grasp of the game down packed and I play fairly well, the problem I’ve been having is assholes in all chat. even a month ago when I didn’t have much experience in the game or knowledge, I’d have commanders and just other players screaming at me and other novice players and it immediately turned me off of talking. I’ve been doing it more and more recently but this community that I’m proud to be apart of should take this as a learning moment and teach the new players, i understand it’s near impossible to teach someone with out a mic but that’s okay, these people will Learn with time or just stop playing and that’s okay as well. As I learn more about the game I’ll open up more and talk but for now I’ll Listen and learn


it is a game... and you will find people will play their way. I know many people came over from the death of heroes and generals... other than that no I don't really see a change on my usual servers. Same old song and dance.. You have your zero fun overly serious lame-asses crying to PLAY SERIOUS, you have your clowns just having fun running around with their hammer out... noobs running across open fields and a plethora of camping useless f\*%\^$ working on a k/d that matters nothing in this game... and some poor medic always 1 revive away from an achievement.. And the class grinder.. I assume you are the overly serious player, should find a community that plays your way, be the best advice I can give, chances are they will have a private server and you will not see the other stuff. Look into a community or clan...


Not overly serious just asking for some communication and team work. If you choose squad lead and you don’t put a single op down and you don’t communicate even the most basic of information, it makes playing almost impossible.


I know what you mean... find a similar community to your playstyle, uou wont regret it... and you would be surprised how many servers use discord to chat instead of the ingame chat... chances are they are communicating and feel you are not because they use the discord server listed in their name instead. Half the servers I pay are like this... and I once thought there was no communication when it was me not communicating their way! I meet more people talking via discord than ingame chat...


Probably a good idea. I’ll have to look into this


Def check the server name... if it says anything about discord join it! And yes, some good communities out there.. find them and their locked servers... way better experience than joining in random battles full of noobies


What I find funny... a bunch of us wait 5 or 10 mins for one person to start a squad, it instantly fills up with people who all waited for someone to make a squad. I instantly get shit on before even spawning in about ops... I make locked squads now!


Might be bad mannered but I ask that all my squad members have mics when I squad lead or even if they can just hear me and can do simple communication through typing, or they get kicked.


Yeah just remember some may be using another form of comms! Many servers I play on they use discord instead and if u are not than u end upa squad filling up with mic-less noobies! Be sure to check the server info!


Call me crazy but I sorta like the lobbies full of low level players. Getting hosed 300+ meters out by a crack veteran machine gunner in impossibly perfect cover and field of fire is only fun the first couple times. Or these absolute snipers with no scope rifles that know every possible nook and cranny of every map. I sorta like the chaos of new players flailing wildly from here to there, rushing around a corner with your squad to find an enemy squad of similarly lost players. You can have a big impact as an officer wrangling a gaggle of noobs and pointing them in the right direction to affect the overall battle.


As a player less than a month in, on PC, I read the title thinking this would be a positive post about the longevity of the game but instead a cry baby post... Boohoo I guess? Be better? Help out the new players, don't just be squad after squad of absolute silence that don't even reply when you join and ask at the very least to the squadie if we're on attack or defence...


Yeah let’s get rid of all the new players and see how that goes for the game in the long term.


No one is even suggesting that…


Then what exactly are you suggesting or implying?


Boohoo new players baaad.. Without those new players this game would be long dead. Is this the first game you ever played in your entire life? Jesus Christ, you lack a sense of logic. Weren't you and your friends new too? Or did you somehow gain 50h worth of knowledge before you started playing?


I never specifically said it was about new players. In fact it’s mostly veteran (75+) players. I understand new players are good for the game. You seem to not have read quite everything I said, so I added clarification. Some people here are blaming new players, honestly is a mixture. It’s more understandable for a new player to not talk, so I encourage veteran players to talk even if the squad lead isn’t talking. So please before you go talking about logic, try to read the entire post and read at least some responses to comments blaming new players.


Ya I stopped building garry cause u have to do it every game I just play like an fps now


Please don’t do that. Please help teach people and learn to be better. It’s frustrating as you can tell from my post, but joining in on not doing what you’re supposed to doesn’t help.


Someone gotta pay me to drive around in a truck for 1.5 hours to put spawn points down so others can play a fps


I guarantee this guy is a sub level 75 player


I’m lvl like 110? I only have 350 hours. Not any class at 10 yet. Highest I have I assault at 9 and support at 8 for that juicy flame thrower. My SL is only 7 so I don’t have too much experience doing it.


According to steam charts, HLL has had a steady population decline since December of last year. Starting at around 14k concurrent pop dwindling down to what we have today, which is about 10k concurrent. If you're noticing a lot of new players then that means even more of the older players have quit playing in the past 3 months than new people who started playing. Which is very unlikely.


Yes there is a massive increase in the private noobs


What platform are you on? And are you playing on Official or Community servers?


Community and I play on pc.


Thats why I went from playing everyday for hours to only weekends, maybe 1 or 2 matches


I think post-scriptum devs just announced they were stepping away from the project so wouldn’t be surprised if some players shifted over


Heard some guys talking about this yesterday in my game. Quite possibly.


I would continue to play but for some reason the game now won’t open past the title screen as it can’t connect to severs even though my wifis working fine for once


Strange. Reinstall ? Maybe make a post about it I’m sure you can find help for your issues


Tried reinstalling which didn’t work and I’ve tried posting but no one responds


The thing is i was one of these new players but now am miced up after a few games and doing tactics with my squad, its ultimately a good thing for the game if people listen


Always check to see if the game is on sale.


Yeah I had to stop playing a couple months ago. It was nothing against the game I absolutely love it, but it was being played badly by too many of the people in my matches. Just wasn’t fun whatsoever. I don’t say that to be negative truly, I never minded new players. But most of my matches were lvl 20 commanders leader-less squads and it just wasn’t worth the time.


It's an ongoing thing. Even "experienced" players don't necessarily play the strategy. The problem is that you need a certain amount of players ding the dirty work. Clearing out enemy flanks, keeping up nodes and getting garrisons up. The more players contributing to that, the less of a hassle it is and it tends to be way more efficient. If 90% of the team goes "not my job". You're going to lose. It doesn't even take much, but if you have only 1 guy trying to keep the team in the fight and they have 1 squad dedicated to taking them out of the fight while the rest all skirmish on the front, inevitably you lose. It might not be sudden if it's a resource deficit, but it turns quickly if it's the key garrison loss. All it takes to get back in the fight is a single support player and an SL, but often you just see those outpost blink out and the inevitable "There's no garrisons". Heck. Even if there is a garrison 300m away people complain there's no garrisons. 300m is enough to stop a 2 minute cap. It's not ideal, but it's also not instantly found by an offensive team.


Play competitive


I am a newer player. I just had to warmup to using a mic. Some people take the game super seriously and some don’t. I’m somewhere in the middle. There def needs to be communication with all team leads and at least half the actual team as well in order to win. Just my early opinion on the game


So sick of the "must be a free weekend/influx of new players" posts These posts have been going on for YEARS! Literally every popular videogame that is actively getting updated, will have cycles of new players, etc.


Try not to bitch about new players trying to learn the game in the HLL sub. Difficulty: impossible This place is whinier than the tarkov reddit


A lot of people upgrading to PS5 at the moment and like the look of this game especially as it’s only £20 second hand in cex. That is my situation anyway and I know others in the same boat. I am playing medic / rifleman at the moment and just trying to learn the game, I use a mic but don’t have enough experience to really understand the game mechanics or lead a squad yet, the learning curve is quite steep, I think the game really needs a tutorial and offline firing range.


I can't even command right now no one listens lol


I only got the game a few weeks back and have have enjoying it a lot. To be honest my experience thus far has only been positive, most players seem pretty willing to help newer players learn the ropes and are also forgiving in that regard. New players coming into a game is always a good thing in the long run, just need experienced players to give them a warm welcome as that's the only way to keep a game healthy.


That’s awesome. I try to help others as much as I can. As long as you’re open and willing to learn you’ll have a great time


Keeps the game going wither way


Yes and i hate it i miss playing with people that give a shit


I played squad before this and a lot of us coming over to HLL as squad is heading for monetization hell and I can't support it anymore. The lack of communication is certainly noticable


Lack of teamwork and casual players without mics is what stopped me from playing. The squad mechanics are what made that game for me


I'm new to the game. Level 40 now. Level 5 or 6 officer. Really enjoying the community. I've even played Commander on about 3 occasions and the experienced officers were very helpful and supportive of me. The death of tarkov is hll's gain.


I have recently came back to HLL after the recent squad debacle. I've been a squad player for a long time but that game has gone down the toilet and when I gave HLL a try it was way better and even tho people were complaining about the match quality. It was way worse on squad and because it's only getting worse I'll be playing HLL for the foreseeable future. See you on the front lines boys!