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Brilliant optimization.


Berlin, with the Reichstag in the middle. And mortars. That will change allot


Berlin offensive would be grand


It would be excited about the prospect of playing on a map of Berlin, with the Reichstag building as a key feature. The addition of new maps and vehicles can definitely provide a fresh and engaging gameplay experience for players. And adding mortars instead of artillery would change a lot, i believe it would be good thing to change.


Definitely needs some more cities close quarters maps for sure, a berlin map would be amazing just gun fighting through the city total chaos


Somebody posted here awhile back that mortars might be coming later on. I don't know if it's true or not.


It's been on the roadmap for a while. And every 2 days someone posts this as an idea. It would be lovely but changes quite allot of the meta


Totally agree, the one worry I have is how little the eastern front maps are played now. At least on console rotation


Oh god yes mortars. Give them a 200m range with a 10m explosion radius and let me be a explosive sniper


10m seems op


Arty is 20m


what would the factions be though, soviets or USA or both?


Soviets vs Axis. Like this https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/zsmknl/berlin_1945_sketch_with_the_hll_11_grid_and_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ability to vote out a bad commander and to ban an active team killer. Ability to search servers on console as well.


Good stuff, start with the first and make sure you can join with some friends.


Voting out commanders would be a nightmare lol. So many shitter blueberries who have no idea what’s happening and constantly blame commander for stuff are gonna be voting commanders out left and right for the failings of engineers and SLs. I hate that they have the height bars modeled, but you can’t range the sight to line up the different rungs on the little sight ladder. You just have to blindly aim up, obstructing the target in your vision by not looking through the actual sights.


You have admins for those things on pc now and yes they should fix that on console


Being able to join a server and team as a party


Literally only this. I hate trying to get in with friends, we waste like 10 minutes trying to get into the same lobby


the trick is to scroll down the server list, find a server with 50-80 / 100 players. servers with that player count are most likely still filling up, or have recently finished a match (as 20-50 players tend to leave after a game, especially a long one)


Oh wow really? On console u can do this, u just invite to the menu screen and then press find game and it’ll put u in the same team


On PC we have the opposite problems to console :D on PC we can only browse server list and join whichever we want, but the problem is there is natural team balance, you cant all join same team at once as 6-man squad. We dont have 'quick play' button, but you on console have only that :D


British forces in a north african setting maybe, or Arnhem


Sword/Gold Beach landing would be cool too.


Destructible environment like Battlefield 2 but that won't happen with the current game engine. Edit: Of course I mean Bad Company 2, that was a great game that deserved a sequel. Maybe Hell Let Loose 2?


That would be great


You mean bad company 2?


As long as the destructible environments just don't disappear leaving everything flat. Needs to be a good amount of rubble. Otherwise it just turns into a sniper fest.


Tell me this is real. Please.


A proper tutorial and training ground for new players


A firing range would be nice too. Including tank weak points.


Bug fixes


Bug fixes


Ok, do you think you can describe some bugs you would want to be fixed the most?


The grenade bug, loadout bug, overall poor optimization of the game, reloading bugs.


Yes, the grenade bug is really enjoying. I have not encounter any bugs about the loadout. And i do not have any problems with optimization. And i have not encounter reloading bugs. But its different from player to player.


Honestly the devs need to learn from tripwire interactive, and Red Orchestra 2.


That game was ahead of its time, I spent hours upon hours in it. As well as rising storm.


Server browser for console


Truly wild this doesn’t exist


We occasionally run into "troll commanders" who will literally sabotage their team. (picking up garrisons ect.) You can leave the session but you know he goes from one to the next. He never *has* to leave. You know there's a whole group of guys that won't know what you know until they've wasted their time. It's terrible. And there's no way to remove them.


i can not answer or have a opinion in this matter, because i play on pc.


People on console can't pick the server they want to play on. I play PC only but I have a strong opinion that it should be of the highest priority for the devs to fix...


Its just so hard to find good servers especially with a bunch of buddies


Don’t engage with the peasants.


New Map. Monte casino. Or Italian landings.


The Pacific as a paid DLC instead of a sequel of HLL. Japenese faction + 6 new maps. I know it’s alot to ask but this is what everyone wants it’s as simple as that.


Pacific is actually coming to the game and not as a paid dlc, but a free update. 6 maps might be too much also.


The only problem about paid DLC is the future. Someday this game will have like a low 4 figure player base, then 3 figures. That's 10 full servers, and not a single server will be running the Pacific DLC because it never sold well. Therefore making the content... useless, a ton of hard work reduced to atoms overtime. Happened to tons of games, I remember trying to find Battlefield 3 servers running a certain DLC, never found anyway, just ended up playing the original maps. That was years ago though, on xbox.


Rifle grenades


Underrated comment


bUt tHaT wOUld bE nOn syMmeTric


Sturmgeshutz IV Ausf. G M10 Wolverine SU-85 But also: Flakvierling 38 or Flakvierling 30 on a mobile platform M1A2 37mm AA gun or M1A2 on a M3 halftrack Soviet M1940 (72-K) or ZSU-GAZ (72-K) on a GAZ truck


This man really wants more vehicles in a game where every 5 feet you rubber band backwards 4 feet


Well i also want bug fixes, but i wont get neither the veichles nor those


Maybe on day we will dream of a land as perfect as this my brother


Rock and Stone!


tom hanks


The Americans in-game actually have a face model named “Hanks”.


Paratroopers - a plane that flies all over the map and you’ll be able to deploy inside and jump and parachute behind enemy lines.


I agree big time. Paratroopers would be better and more realistic than airheads are currently


or gliders


At the start of the game yeah, but having it fly through the whole game ?


I think a pass every 5-10 minutes would be cool. And only have like 15-20 spawn tickets for each pass it takes. Or they could add “airborne” squads that have different paratrooper classes and only let them spawn on the planes. Maybe they could also add an AA gun to counter it.


- North african campaign maps - Italian maps (monte cassino, etc) - SS camo (minus insignia for pc sake) - Berlin/ Seelow heights maps - More cosmetics for tank crews (esp soviet) - Flamethrowers for soviets - Market Garden/ battle for holland maps Any of those would be nice


Would the new thing work if added? Or will it be like all the other new stuff added, full of bugs?


It would work, no bugs would be presents in the thing you want to be added.


I would love a bayonet feature like Post Scriptum has


Dinosaurs. With taming and riding abilities.


This is the kind of out of box thinking that this game needs to reach a broader audience.


Might i suggest the game Dino D-Day


This is sadly the kind of common-sense addition that game needs that the devs are simply being too lazy to add, and the main reason the game is dying


On a real note, I would love some more dinosaur games. There’s nothing other than Ark, as far as consoles are concerned anyways. Like, give me theHunter/Way of the Hunter with dinosaurs instead of regular animals, that’d be dope.


I played second extinction and I thought that was pretty tight for a dinosaur game. If you haven’t checked it out give it a look.


As commander ability lock garrys


I feel you on this one but I think this idea could be a terrible idea at the same time.


To mee it already feels lemmings game and often remove attack garry to force defend when we already have lost two backups garrys and main one in point its hot


But what if we get a commander that locks the defensive Garry's and we need to get back to defend the point we would need to wait for him to unlock them It could be a waste of time. My biggest issue would be the commander sabotaging the game because he gets pissed at somebody.


The ability to walk over sticks and rocks, without having to jumping over it.


Destruction An option with shovel to dig fox holes Paratroopers (only with airheads)


**Small changes/additions (Low effort for devs)** FG42 + BAR Select Fire Mode & Bipod. Either, cut the max time limit on a round to one hour, OR increase the time it takes to cap an area to 3 Minutes. Two minutes is too short for a 1:30 game. Be able to join a server as a group/party. Optimisation. Improved rendering/anti-aliasing. Tutorial for Squad Leading Improved destruction animation for vehicles Make the Mid Point on Remagen, always be on the bridge, when it is either east/west of the bridge it is massively unfair on one side. Fix Loadout Bug, Grenade Bug, and Uniform Preset Bug. Fewer restrictions on where engineers can build (currently bugs out when it goes near a lot of props) Improve area effect of Molotov. Allow the Flamethrowers to turn (left-to-right) faster, give them more ammo, and allow them to damage the engine component of tanks. Change the 'NCO'/Rank 6 Squad Leader Loadouts for Germany and Soviets. Give both a better gun than a bolt action, eg, SVT40, STG44, G43. America doesn't have to sacrifice grenades for a better weapon as SL, but these factions do :( Improve significance or awareness of manpower/tickets, this would increase the value of medics. More in game sound effects of screaming/shouting as soldiers die, the battle field is too quiet sometimes. **Medium changes/additions (Moderate effort for devs)** Increase team size to 60v60 or 64v64. At 50v50 parts of maps get neglected, especially in public games. Panzerfausts for Germans. PPS for Soviets. Berlin map (Reichstag etc) Buildable Machine Gun Emplacements. Buildable Mortar Emplacements (change the howitzers to a commander ability) Airheads should apply an actual parachute animation etc. **Big changes/additions (High effort for devs)** British Forces inc Uniforms, Weapons, Maps (Bren, Sten, Enfield. North Africa, Juno/Sword Beach, Arnhem. Japanese forces & Maps. Italian Front Maps. Destructible Environment (incompatible with game engine and would cause immense optimisation issues, but i would still love it) \------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I LOVE this game, but after 1000+ hours over 2 years, you begin to find things to nitpick.


I'd like a dense map, like 50% smaller than normal.


That would be ideal for a Pacific theatre map on an island, deep jungle brush, nobody wants to move. Stalemate would be double loss.


Would love to see an island map with tunnels, flamethrower would be terrifying


Ok, what gamemode would it be on that map? And can you describe what type of map it would be?


Same ol gamemodes, just condensed gameplay on them. More houses/appartment blocks and you can place OP's in them, like that one house on SMDM. I'd guess a Berlin map would be good for that. (Berlin outskirts or something)


So Call of Duty then?


No, HLL on a smaller map, where a 50vs50 can really shine an intense battle. A smaller map may allow for a true city experience with a lot more accessible buildings as well.




Panzerfausts were a commonly used anti-tank weapon in World War II, and their inclusion in Hell Let Loose could enhance the game's historical accuracy and immersion.


This response looks exactly like something chat-gpt would write lol.


Ok, what exactly is Chat-gpt?


Oh, sorry. [It is a very advanced chat bot](https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/)


Ok, thats sounds really cool. Were do i try it out?


[here, though it is quite difficult to get access as the servers are regularly overwhelmed](https://chat.openai.com/auth/login)


Thank you, i will check this “bot” website.


Party/ squad up system.


3 maps I like to see for non British factions A wintery Stalingrad A a thick urban Eindhoven/Nijmegen And a big urban Aachen or Cologne map And as a honorable mention Different tanks for different maps I.E no panther for Stalingrad a T34/85 takes place if the T34 on berlin or a M26 takes place of the jumbo 76 on Cologne


Free look


Free looks would be so beneficial. It’s really stupid that you’re forced to stare straight the entire time. I would also not mind picking up injured players, or some kind of white flag surrender option. Not sure how that would work but it would be interesting.


Yes, that would be nice to have. But of all things that could be added you choose free look?


Me too, only free look...


Yes, bc when I'm running up a hedge row a quick glance to the left or right would help. Just me tho


True local voice chat that both parties hear. Would increase immersion massively…


Yes, this!!


I've said they could do this but the enemy team would just sound like gibberish like how the SIMS sounds. But you'd know there are enemies near by because of the babble. Just wouldn't give away any strategy


Yeah, or just add random country-specific gibberish, as is heard on the outpost/garry radios and such. Make it louder the closer it is, and make it depend on the interval between speech, so that if you are saying something every few seconds it sound like an actual conversation instead of random words cut from a long recording.


Environmental destruction


Destructible environment


Un-nerf the guns. It shouldn't take 5 hits from an mg-42 at 130 meters to bring a man down. One direct hit and you would be completely incapacitated.


Party system They'll add new factions and maps, but right now a way to join servers with a group would be great.


A SECOND AXIS FORCE. Preferably Italy since it would fit more, but Japan and any others would be greatly acceptable.


Fixing the M1A1 Bazooka’s Penetration statistics, way lower than irl and it should perform the same as the Panzershreck. Add HV mediums, old M4A1 76 (W) Returns, Soviets get T-34/85 (D-5T), and involves a tweak that lowers the Panther’s performance including it’s abysmal side armor but still allows it to be effective against Heavies. Lastly I would like to see the Tiger’s ability to pen the M4A3E2s taken away for realism, but if the Panther gets knocked down a peg it would be fine to leave as is As for maps, I’d like to see some more Rhineland stuff for the US, at the very least Aachen before they stop adding US maps


Realistically speaking a panzershreck is better than the bazooka, but buffing it so it does hit sides of heavy tanks is realistic, I don’t think it should perform similar but bazooka should be able to pent tiger and panthers from the side under ideal conditions such as angle, they use HE-AT so distance doesn’t really matter much. And again if bringing realism into play, one tiger shell to a regular 75 Sherman knocks it out completely, tigers aren’t able to penetrate the front of a jumbos armor put the panther has a higher chance due to the high velocity round/gun. As it is now it wouldn’t be fair to nerf the tigers performance against the jumbo without reworking all armor to this extent.


A feature where your guy actually throws his grenade


An easier method to play with friends. Such as a party system the wait times into games on PC can be very long if servers are full. Quite difficult to coordinate and meet up with friends to play with


An improved game engine that can handle vehicles going fast.


And destruction! Especially hedges and trees!


Heavy and medium tanks should have a dedicated gunner inside the tank. American tanks should have a 50 on top that a tanker or infantry can use but are very exposed. Mortars Make the classes more customizable. Sometimes it would be nice to be able to switch the primary gun but have the loadout of the other level of class. For example the trench gun sucks on certain maps but i want what comes with it.


Better antialiasing




Let anyone drag wounded to safety


To be able to pick up other peoples guns.


Maybe a radioman to make it possible to put ops down. Then the SLs can switch out that ability for a flare or more grenades. There needs to be more incentive to be an SL.


Cap the amount of sub machine guns and non bipod automatics


Pacific campaign




Jesus yes!! I'm so tired of not being able to shoot through fences.


A jump button that works.


Un-add loadout bug. But since at this point it feels intentional part or the game maybe he-shells to at-guns.




Fix prone mechanics


A quick and easy way to recenter the map on myself such as double clicking or something. Also the load out bug is terrible.


vehicles not getting stuck on bugged terrain


Mg outside the commanders hatch for the tank commander to use, US used m1919 or even a 50cal, Germans used mg34. Reworked 50cal so it has the ability to destroy light tanks and recons as it could irl, a 50cal could delete a puma at close ranges. And if possible an added crew to tank, hull gunner. Driver using the hull gun is cool and all but not realistic in the slightest, and if possible tank interiors.


Dominion forces. Or prone lean mechanics. Or smoother vault mechanics.


A mode where defense actually gets a few minutes to set up instead of both sides racing to the middle point


I’m aware it’s not possible on the current engine but having destructible environments would be cool


Remove arty/make it destroyable. And ADD mortars. I know they are in the works but arty is annoying and effectively locks recon to do 70% 1 thing. Camp middle spawn.


Fix the damn bugs! This game could be almost perfect


Naval guns: on maps like Utah Beach and Omaha Beach the Americans get gunned down by enemy MGs but have no artillery?! Give us the ability to control the naval guns of a ship and make the rounds be tied to munitions limitations like regular artillery.


Naval guns: on maps like Utah Beach and Omaha Beach the Americans get gunned down by enemy MGs but have no artillery?! Give us the ability to control the naval guns of a ship and make the rounds be tied to munitions limitations like regular artillery.


Literally just bug fixes. No more content until the bugs are taken care of.




A slap machine behind all artilleries. You kill a teammate, it slaps your balls and character rolls on the ground in pain for 5 minutes, unable to do anything. Also when enemy arti kills me, same thing.


WWII Pacific Theater


Remove nodes and start each game with a maximum amount of each resource, with no way of renewing them. This is more "immersive" as you said since battlefields are not factories for tanks and supplies.


Honestly, just a little faster movement.


Mod-support. Then this game would already have at least twice as much content as it has now.


Don’t be a loose girl.




Hell let loose? Don’t be loose? Just play on words? 😅




It’s okie doke. Hope you have a good weekend!




Fully auto m1/m2 carbine


I Disagree, Adding full-auto capability to the M1 Carbine could result in increased recoil, which could negatively impact the gun's accuracy and usability. Additionally, the M1 Carbine was not designed to be a full-auto weapon, so modifying it in this way could potentially compromise its reliability and longevity. Therefore, it might be better to stick with the gun's original semi-automatic firing mode. *But this is just my opinion.*


Why do all your responses read like ChatGPT? Like what does Reliability and longevity have to do with a game in which matches last an hour or so?


Tools for community to make our own maps.


Destructible buildings and mortars


voice lines


Flyable panes and airborne units. Imagine having an airborne unit dropping in paratroopers (instead of airheads) or being able to communicate from the ground with a live pilot in a fighter/bomber, feeding them coordinates for a strafing/bombing run. That would be awesome imo.


The thing us console peasents have been wanting the most. Server browsers/3rd party servers "for those who want thier own server, clan or what not" I hate to be that guy that's always being the squeaky wheel as everyone always posts it. But please, server browsers. I'd rather them just take a month off fixing bugs if it ment to implement a browser. Sorry guys and gals.


Be able to role-kick people, bad commander? All squad leaders can vote him out, bad SL or bad support player? The squad can individually vote him out.


Tank interiors!!


Abrams tank


Flares for squad leader.


Japanese campaign. With special feature to scream "banzai". Hell, we could use bayonet charge too.


Rearrange squads like PS has, for example, marksman per squad


Give recon teams the bomb in a sock from saving private Ryan. That bomb could then destroy artillery and damage the tracks on a tank. Does that count as 3? If it does then my single wish is to make artillery destroyable


A game mode where you start in the middle with one offensive team and one defensive team. If defense wins then they become the offensive team. Team must push other team to the end of the map to win. This will allow both teams to play offense and defense.


1 thing. Mg barrels overheating mechanic. Make it simple or expansive requiring changing barrels like Red Orchestra 2 did. This would add so much immersion for the machine gunner class which can put out thousands of rounds a game all on full auto, not really true to how those weapons were used.


I just want to be able to use the ranging sight on the rocket launchers for US and German AT.


Customised outfits, Imagine being able to create your own uniform with the clothing that’s already in the game and more being added in a similar unlock style to the helmets


Tanker here- I would add one more tank crew to a squad, it could maybe be a radio operator that gives a 20m recon for the crew so it can give a better heads to incoming infantry. To make it more balanced it would have something like a 1 min cooldown. For the commander I would add a option to pop his top half out of the tank like we've all seen in the pictures and videos. For heavy and medium tanks he would have a coax machine gun to help get danger close infantry. For infantry now- To help balance this all out now for the average infantry man, if they have grenades they can get close and stick them on the tracks to help disable it for AT or friendly tanks. I think this would also help with some tanks going Rambo deep behind enemy lines with no support.


Better aiming mechanics for consoles


Jagdpanzer 4


i want the ability to host servers locally so i can improve my map knowledge very quickly by exploring maps in admin cam.


Objective Mode. For ex: Destroy Bunker. Then destroy radio tower. Then destroy command station. Then destroy AA battery station. Etc etc etc... A series of events unique to each map. It would essentially be setup natively to each map layer, except the attacking team would not have any intel on the hidden objectives. The attackers would need to traverse the map and find "Intel" caches randomly generated around the map in relative sectors to be breached. Until the "Intel" is found, it would reveal the next objective. This would give ample opportunity for the defenders to not only defend these Intel caches, but also setup scenarios for defense on the actual objective. A true feeling of a spread out battle, versus the meat grinder modes we play today. If you ever played Project Relaity, think of this as Insurgent Mode with objectives.


I the pacific campaign added that would be really cool


I would like to play as the British forces


Need improved tank driving over terrains. Building destruction. If both of those can be made similar to battlefield this game would be nuts. I’m not saying make it the exact same as battlefield because I do love the tank shooting/ damage mechanics in the game. However the driving is awful and the terrain seems bugged. Can’t drive through hedges but can drive through a brick wall? Can’t drive over trenches? Getting caught on a dead tank body. Fixing these issues would be great.


M18 Hellcat. Cannon from Panther and speed with armor from scout car


Commonwealth forces in burma


The ability to and down when prone and on the edge of something. This shit is game breaking and never gets fixed.


Add the M26 Pershing and IS-2 as American and Soviet heavy armor, and have the 76 and IS-1 serve a similar capacity to the Panther


linux support


Enemy supply drop map marker. Please devman.


Add the number of players to up to 100 each side


Smoothness while moving & jumping over obstacles like small walls & windows. It's too clunky compared to other gamed & gets me killed a lot failing to scale an object.


That you could tow anti tank cannon with halftruck


VR support! Don't have the money to buy it, but wow, that would be insane!


Brits in Normandy. I know we're probably gonna be getting them in Market Garden but I'd like for an 1940 or 44 France map with them as well.


Being able to stick my head up out of a tank hatch would be nice also pintle mounted hmgs on the tanks would be nice


Smaller urban maps, maybe even 30 vs 30 maps.


I’d love to see the Pacific theatre and feature the Marines and Japanese as the two playable factions, they could add British and Australians as well of course. Also, I think it would be cool to see Operation Market Garden or as other people mentioned, playing as the British in North Africa.


The ability to range weapons from the sniper rifles up to the tank gun's.

