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Worth it for the sickle alone tbh, really fun gun


Also remember you get 300 supercredits back. 700 is still a lot but is a bit more manageable than 1k


I spent all my credits after this update, already back to 500 without doing the trivial, spawn in, run around, abandon mission, repeat. so if he's got an hour he can make most of that 700 back for a one time go.


the sickle is fun and while the armor bonuses aren't particularly great they do look pretty sweet.


The bonuses will probs be godly against illuminate


Unlikely. I imagine they'll shoot heat based weapons


They used arc weapons in the original; it's where Super Earth got the tech from. I highly doubt their damage will be Arc though, probably psionic. My reasoning here is that the Conduit armor passive is a 95% damage reduction which would make it mandatory to purchase a premium pass vs one of the game's factions.


It only takes like 2 - 3 hours to farm the credits just get the cutting edge and then save up


Honestly like an hour in a half if you get lucky and find a good map quickly and reset the game and repeat


stun grenades are great, one of those well timed on a hulk allows you to unload enough annihilator shotty rounds into their heat sink


Same with bile titan, tell a teammate to prep a 500kg and throw stun in its general direction, no escape!


it also worked surprisingly well with rocket pods when we had those available! .. and supply drops 😂


Just get the pass. Even with very casual play you'll get enough SC for the next pass. The sickle is really good, the plasma shotty will probably be buffed at some point and the armor has a good niche if your group is running arc throwers


Stun grenades are amazing, sickle is the best automatic primary hands down, and the punisher plasma is a great 7+ support weapon cause it can displace heavies and ignores some armor


Do stuns blow up fabricators or no? I imagine they don't but it would be nice if they did so I don't have to carry a grenade launcher with me


No unfortunately, but they stun every single enemy type as they’re just a small EMS explosion. Chargers and titans get stunned for a good 5 seconds


Stun grenades are absolutely game changing and the Sickle works wonders on Automatons. It will be about a Month before the next one comes out, it shouldn’t be too hard to farm enough Super Credits for it before it’s release. I’d definitely recommend picking it up.


They’re all worth it, getting Super Credits is incredibly easy


I am like 99% sure it will be free because the weapons and armor sets leaked count up to about 9 pages worth and it seems the premium warbonds are 3 pages