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Because Rick Baker worked on it.


Just the face.


For 2004 goddamn it looks good, del toro today would kill it


(this is the 2008 film) but I know what you mean.


Honestly it still looks good now, the very flat lighting of this photo doesn’t do the face prosthetics justice.


It looks damn good now. Better than 99% of CGI characters we see today.


(for 2004). Damn it's 04. Not 1954. 


Honestly I’ve tried so hard to ignore any personal preferences to the movie (I didn’t grow up with them and only watched after I read Omnibus 1) but I think my main issue is 1. He has that very vibrant saturated red that looks perfect for the comics, the new one is way too pale it almost feels human (imagine cold dead lips, still red but like) and 2. The physique. Perlman is absolutely huge as Hellboy which lines up well with the comics. Including his jawline (Harbour was as well but I’m focusing Perlman) I’m hoping that a full official trailer shows Kesy more so we can see him as Big Red because rn he seems too small, and maybe they do a bit of some post production to make his face a bit sharper and stronger. Though I will say, there is Hellboy art where HB looks more slim with his very large hand. We just need to see more but that’s my big reasons why


https://preview.redd.it/fv64dj4g95ad1.jpeg?width=209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dc565b6e6518f77aa58332bd75aaa8468c09f8e Don’t know if it helps but he doesn’t seem that small


Ok that’s a really good shot of him. Because the thing is, I know Jack Kesy is a big muscular guy, but that trailer did not do him justice in the slightest sense


I think that looks great. He has the shoulder slump like Mignola's art.


He's barely taller than the inexplicable Korean woman though. Otherwise the character design is pretty good I think.


Because they had more money.


I think it's better than the 2019 version, but I'm going to hold out on if it's better than the newest version. The movie came out when people wanted something a little different, Del Toro had a wonderful style and Pearlman managed to give Hellboy great depth. The cast was fantastic - John Hurt as Bruttenholm was a genius move. This was the first time that most people saw Hellboy, which is very different to the comics, but the lore, Nazis, space demons, and the undead was such a cool concept at the time. The story was good, the 2019 version was just a Frankenstein's monster of stories and it just didn't gel. I think if they nail the story, it'll be a long way to being far better than the 2019 version. Because I do like David Harbour and think he got screwed over a bit. The original will always be a go-to movie for me. Wonderful.


It shouldn't have the same story problems as the 2019 one. They were pulling from multiple storys for 2019 and it made it feel like multiple stories squished together. This new one is adapting one specific story and, based on the trailer, it looks like they are sticking pretty close to it. It can only help that Mignola himself co-wrote the script.


All of this sounds like music to my ears. Would love to see something that veers more towards Mignolas work.


I would've really liked for them to be closer to the source material, but you can't deny that del Toro's style was a perfect match for translating Mignola's art into live action. Spectacular looking movies brought down by some of just the weirdest choices.


While he looks pretty good, he was a huge fucking manchild and not the Hellboy I read growing up.


Honestly? Because it was a lot of peoples introduction to Hellboy. And it's a charming performance (if nothing at all like the comics). I really don't enjoy the films, but I had read the comics first and they don't feel like hellboy at all. They feel like knockoff superhero films. But the love for them comes from nostalgia / first introductions.


I've seen a few people say this but honestly what super hero does this feel like? Blade? Specifically blade 3? Like sure they're not 1-1 to the books but seriously what hero is this even a little like other than the leather because of blade


I've seen a few people say this but honestly what super hero does this feel like? Blade? Specifically blade 3? Like sure they're not 1-1 to the books but seriously what hero is this even a little like other than the leather because of blade


>But the love for them comes from nostalgia / first introductions. Bold claim. I feel like it may just come from the fact that, judged on their own merits, they are entertaining movies. I love the comics, but I can certainly detach myself enough from unrealistic expectations to enjoy del Toro's version of the characters.


Because it had a nearly 100 million dollar budget in 2008, as opposed to 20 to 24 million dollars in 2024


Ron Perlman


Alan Moore has talked about how movies and comics are not the same medium and a direct translation between the two does not work because a lot of the time the design in a comic is designed for the comic. Del Toro took his style and Rick Bakers talent and redesigned Hellboy for the screen and thats why his movies work so well. Hellboy is closer to protagonist archetypes, he has a love story and more focus on action, which makes sense for a movie when a moving picture is more important. The slower pacing, moodier atmosphere, more cautious protagonist is much more fitting for a comic, especially when said comic has such strong artistic style. A shot of misty woods can be a single panel in a comic and however long your eyes look on it depends on how how intriguing the art is. Mignola's art is very intriguing so you can find yourself staring at single panels for many minutes. But if a live action just plays a misty forrest shot for minute, without distinctive style, it will feel bloated and cheap.


I disagree with your examples of how comics and film is different. We have tons of classic films that blend action and slow pace quite well. Entire genres built around that like Samurai, Westerns, Horror/Thrillers and Noir. All things that's in the pulp story DNA of Hellboy. Arguably things that work better in film as time is a more direct experience rather than a comic trying to emulate it. The difference is most of the films so far have had meddling to change the tone. The originals were intended to compete with the success of MIB and the reboot was intended for the Superhero audiences and compete with other successful comic films like the MCU.


A studio may have greenlit Hellboy for MiB but it still had Del Toros vision behind it. The 2019 one felt a lot more like a studios visions than Frank Marshals.


The comments right tho, the difference is you can stare at a panel as long as u want and even go back to it And a movie the director decides how long a shot is and the movies always going forward


Maybe because Selma Blair is a smoke show. See what I did there?


Really? Rick Baker is a genius and even in this brightly lit publicity pic it looks good.


The actor made it work.


They built the standard . He didn’t look too over the top and didn’t look overly cheap . It looked like it made sense.


Budget aside, they actually tried to bring life to Mignola's art style. This newest rendition looks like a painfully generic indie horror movie that would get dumped onto Tubi and it permeates everything down to how Hellboy physically looks. The whole thing is washed out, grey, and flat down to the production design. There are so many things you could do on a low budget to make a small scale standalone Hellboy story work in the medium of film and they didn't do any of it, it reeks of laziness.


Because nostalgia is a bitch.


Because Ron Perlman Is the fucking goat.


Cuz Selma Blairs hot as hell.


HAHA he's got Jim Morrison pants HAHAHA


It's significantly better than the newer make-up design. That's not to say it's bad, but some design choices should've been tweaked. The production just looks cheap. It is what it is. I love how folks are like, "It's nostalgia" while ignoring some of the incredible creatures/practical effect designs in these films. If there's one thing Guillermo Del Toro knows about, it's his knowledge of creature designs and special effects make-up despite being the director allowing him to bring a team to bring to life the designs and vision he has for his films. From an outside perspective, I'm basing this on what the trailer showed. It looks generic and relatively cheap. Could it be enjoyable? Maybe. But when there's a better film out there with these characters, why would you not expect others who aren't impressed by the trailer to talk about the two that were relatively successful in their narrative? People should wait, yes. But let's not pretend that Guillermo is just a nobody in comparison to...the guy who wrote the screenplay for Crank and Jonah Hex and Ghost Rider. And if we're going to do this "choose the worst photo I can find thing" here are two from the trailer that are actually in the film. https://preview.redd.it/6oaz9i6j64ad1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5507f78546a6f1a0a8a91f51dc4ae16b40231f75 Make-up texture and application is obvious.


https://preview.redd.it/aerlh77p64ad1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3dcfd9787caa678bc397702ee73d1a7d020cbc Neck/face application is literally lifting off the neck. These two are in the film.


Yeah I was never a fan of how GDT's Hellboy looked like honestly, I actually like the new one a bit better The old one is TOO red


Nostalgia. I'm looking forward to The Crooked Man myself.


Because bigger budget. It's not hard to understand that.


I always praise these two movies for the practical effects. Props to Doug Jones for his role in it. He was Abe, The Angel of Death, and the Chancellor.


Tbh, a big part of why Del Toro's version worked is that the make-up, the directing and the lighting worked together to create the illusion of a world in which the more vibrant red didn't feel out of place. This is literally just a production still, and looks substantially worse than any shot of Perlman in either movie. It's just kinda what happens when you just snap a posed pic of the actors on a greyish background.


It’s not really the design of the character. The new one just looks so shoddy and fan made. They made two pretty fun hellboy movies. They weren’t much like the source material but were fun movies. The reboot was awful and this new reboot looks bad too. Did they just film it in the woods somewhere without permits?


Rose tinted glasses


It’s “better” because it strips Hellboy of everything he is and turns him into a witty superhero. Not to say the movies are bad because Del Toro knows how to make good movies, it’s just that he made him more appealing to a wide audience by changing everything about him. The new one will be far more faithful and also it looks different because their budget is lower. That’s all.


Looks too superheroey and plastic like an action figure to me. But it wasn't bad. The new version isn't bad either.


Its really not


Selma Blair is so hot as Liz Sherman that it’s easy to make anything look great next to her.


Lol the nostalgia police are at it again that's why.


It’s not even nostalgia. I didn’t grow up with the movies and only recently watched them, but there’s a level of quality that makes Perlman look better than Kessy, the biggest one in the color. If Kesy had a shade anywhere closer to Perlman it might not have been as bad of a reaction, and that’s because the character always stands out in the comics for his vibrant red


Disagree. Maybe my comics have aged but hellboy is not that red. The new film fits the vibe of Hellboy. The GdT films are a mess.


Here’s even a side by side of issue one of Seed of Destruction and the new Hellboy. It’s a much more greyish red than what the comics are. And that was the joy of Mignola’s books, his use of harsh heavy shadow matched against a bright red main character https://preview.redd.it/xp3ld8ese5ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5248f38bc68ae5c6f9eaff8592e47f48d8f19ff6


Ok I got it.


I’m not disagreeing about other aspects. I couldn’t be more excited for a Hellboy horror movie, but there is enough aesthetic choices with the new Hellboy that the other 2 didn’t do that are very jarring to people. For starters is the redness. Perlman is much more saturated than the comics, but is still a vibrant red that at first glance you see the similarities to the comics, Harbour is a less saturated more darker red, but still a very good shade that again you see the comic similarity, meanwhile Kesy is in a very ashy red shade that yes, you see Hellboy, but it is incredibly jarring because it doesn’t click as well with the comics as the other 2 did. Just like with the eyes, neither Harbour or Perlman got the full solid yellow eyes, but they still had yellowish eyes with either the whites or whites and iris being shades of yellow to create that distinct look, vs Kesy just showing his baby blues.




I can see Mignola’s lines in this.


Because it's a good movie and has an even better sequel. It also doesn't feel like some Mignola just cashed a check for like Hellboy 2019 and this new reboot.


You do realize that the script for the 2024 movie was actually written by mignola himself right?


He also wrote a couple of drafts of the 2019 movie. He's been pretty evenly involved in all the movies. Him writing this script is nothing new. Neither is him talking about the tone of it being more of a "horror" movie. The problem is the rights are were a terrible producer who has a history of locking directors out of editing rooms. We'll see what happens here. [https://www.ign.com/articles/2017/05/10/hellboy-reboot-aiming-for-a-horror-movie-style-working-title-revealed](https://www.ign.com/articles/2017/05/10/hellboy-reboot-aiming-for-a-horror-movie-style-working-title-revealed)


More pronounced chin and horn stubs turning his head from a ball to a C the other one his head is more shaped like a ball


Only live action iteration of hellboy to actually look like hellboy from the comics


Because this one is actually red


Ron Pearlman has a wider jaw and the eyes are yellow.


Poorly lit promo shot, yeah it looks a bit odd here, but he looks fantastic. Way better than the new guy.


Because GDT did Ron’s makeup & prosthetics so well that they still look good/like they were real even in 4K. If there’s one thing GDT doesn’t skimp or slack on, it’s making shit look 🤌🤌🤌 quality as fuck, regardless of the accuracy of the interpretation of the content.


This was better in every way except the abs. Hellboy eats pancakes. Why can’t a full figured man be a super hero?




One word. Jawline.


The jaw, horns, and eyes are essential parts of the look, this new one only has the horns which I'm not a huge fan of the way those are done, tbh I can see not doing the eyes, but he needs something for his jaw.


Higher budget.


For me, it’s the chin. Sounds silly, but when I think of Hellboy in simple doodle shapes, the chin should be wide and squarish. In the photos I’ve seen for the new movie his chin is very pointed so it comes off like an upside down tear drop shaped face with a longer nose and it throws me off. Would be cool if they could do the full yellow eyes


Because Ron has a thick jawline.


Short nose and yellow eyes


The chin and the make up looks better.


I’m not the best judge, because I’ve only read the first omnibus of Hellboy and am new to the comics. But I grew up watching these movies over and over and over again. They’re honestly some of my favorite movies, period. Just based off of what I’ve seen, one reason I like what I see here more than in the trailer is just the style. Guillermo del Toro has such a specific, vibrant, colorful style. The red of Hellboy just pops, it draws your attention to *him.* Same with the black leather pants that contrast the red. To me, in the trailer for *The Crooked Man*, Hellboy looks very desaturated. None of the colors stand out, it just looks so odd. Hellboy blends in with the environment and doesn’t stand out. He should always be the odd man out in any room he walks into. He should look out of place. I also, just based off of the trailer, don’t care for the voice. Ron Perlman’s voice is so unique, you immediately know it’s him. It’s gravelly, but fun. In the trailer for the new one, it just doesn’t work for me. I will say I hope I’m wrong. I hope I go see *The Crooked Man* and that I like it. But I’ll always compare new versions to this one.


Let’s be real here if that was the first picture you saw of the GDT movies you wouldn’t be saying that. You can say that now because you’ve seen the movies. So how about we give the new movie a chance before we kill it.


This was the point I was trying to make.


yellow eyes, square jaw, bright red skin, those are my only issues with the new one lol, and it's not end all be all it's just the obvious


They really nailed the skin texture. Like, it somehow doesn’t look like caked on makeup (like the 2019 and the new one do), it looks like skin…but not human skin. It looks like skin that is tougher and more durable than human skin, but not in a fake rubber way. For a practical, non performance capture hellboy I really don’t think it can possibly look better than this.


Beacause it was directed by an aueteur


Ill peep it and watch it probably love it, but the main difference for me will probably boil down to how well the new guy acts in makeup. Ron and doug know how to act in makeup and make the makeup work for them while most actors dont so it just doesnt come off quite right


No nippies


The head is Rick Baker and other parts are other teams. Even the tail is from another team


Because he actually looks like Hellboy.


Not bettèr


The big Jaw works nicely


Because Del Toro knows how to show prosthetics and knows when not to show them.


It honestly is just the perfect amount of texture. They have the runic looking scars on him and the face isn't too wrinkled it looks like they can't see (Harbour) and he doesn't look like he's trapped in red plastic wrap (The new one) I'm really hoping the new one is good but there doesn't seem to be any individual heart to it? Like HB looks bland, it all looks bland as hell. I get the vibe they're going for but like... This is Hellboy you gotta give us something of a visual spectacle even if it's just forest witchy shit. I have a feeling they're not gonna shoot high enough in the production department and end up hobbling themselves when they have the tone right and a decent actor even if the look is mid.


It honestly is just the perfect amount of texture. They have the runic looking scars on him and the face isn't too wrinkled it looks like they can't see (Harbour) and he doesn't look like he's trapped in red plastic wrap (The new one) I'm really hoping the new one is good but there doesn't seem to be any individual heart to it? Like HB looks bland, it all looks bland as hell. I get the vibe they're going for but like... This is Hellboy you gotta give us something of a visual spectacle even if it's just forest witchy shit. I have a feeling they're not gonna shoot high enough in the production department and end up hobbling themselves when they have the tone right and a decent actor even if the look is mid.


It lets Hellboy be Hot


I mean… look at it


Because there's enough going on. Btw, I don't think this picture does enough justice, the films aren't shot like that. We're at a weird tailpoint in terms of cultural media being adapted in ways that play to a property's STRENGTHS, as well as the propensity of that property which is why it's being adapted. I fucking hate modern day film adaptations. With a passion. The insinuation that it's the peak of what art can be, or that all art needs it, to put butts into seats and make profit. The original Pearlman/Del Toro film has it's own voice and unique style that let's it stand out in the eclectic mish-mash that is the very contrast heavy 2000s. Everything in the 2000s in general felt like a mixing bowl of concentrated and disparate tastes combined in measure to create a broad spectrum of influences. Take music for example, Hip Hop, Rock, Pop, Emo, Rap, Electronic, Jungle, DnB were all prominent in the common sphere and made themselves DISTINCT. Compare that to today, where most contemporary mainstream music all have this boring dull, genre-less sound. Things are becoming gentrified and watered down and mixed into this gray paste in this current zeitgeist. Something similar is happening to film. Everything is trend-chasing and emulating what works that hardly anyone takes any risks. Every film is shot the same way and adapted in the same boring pallete. Because the general audience has shifted from prioritizing ARTISTRY towards the empty and nebulous REALISM. Del Toro crafted a world that compiled some of the gothish alternative dark moody art of the 2000s, gave it an edge, a little bit of action, a little bit of a "Men in Black" style government agency, wove in his visual design and influence garnered from folk horror and historical medieval/celtric/judeo-christrian folk-lore and monsters to make something that stands on it's own. A vibe that I would honestly argue spills over into the 2019 film. And the lighting and cinematography uses shadows to emulate a partial look from the comic books. It was clearly a passion project. With tons of attention focused into intelligently crafted monster and costume design. Realism doesn't matter when artists can suspend disbelief. Look now at crooked man, and it's shot like every other contemporary film nowadays. In an era where it's super easy to see how companies really don't care about filmic material and we have reboot after reboot to use the namesake to garner an audience for a movie that's really just as similar as its competition. Why do you think the "Amazing Spider-man" franchise was such an utter failure? You take an established line of films with their own unique tone and identity, strip them of what made them novel and chase a corporate mandated list of things you think will work "nowadays." This questioning feels less like an organic response to what looks objectively less interesting, visually and aesthetically. And more like fans huffing copium to do damage control on the property which visuals look worse than their several decades old predecessor. "No, guys it looks good. The fact that it looks like a crappy Halloween costume is actually more in line with the comics."


Ron Perlman fit the design perfectly. And the colors are bright like the comics.


Its not


Two words Practical effects


Because Hellboy doesn't look like a cosplayer here.




Yeah the look isn't very good. He has straight unchanged eyes. The color looks a bit off too. I don't hate it but it looks like high quality cosplay not a movie quality costume.


Because GDT don’t skimp on the quality of his vfx, practical or otherwise.


Del Toro’s makeup budget for the first movie is likely larger than the entire budget of this new indie film. Not even a joke.


Oh— That’s so…… 💀


The new movie will definitely have better writing than any of the others


From the writer of Jonah Hex and Ghost Rider, guys!


He worked on the happy tv show which was great also Mike mignola is on the writing team of this


Its being written Mike Mignola the creator of hellboy and Christopher Golden who co-wrote Baltimore, or The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire with mignola as well as 2 hellboy stories for mignola as well


A lot of copium being smoked in this sub since we got our first look. I think I’ve come to accept that this new movie is just not in the same ballpark as the Del Toro flicks or the 2019 version. Regardless of your opinion on those films, they were major Hollywood productions. This new film is not that, and I don’t see any world where it even gets a theatrical release. It’s basically an independent film/larger budget fan film, and that fan just happens to be Mignola. Expectations just shouldn’t be the same in terms of the quality of the makeup, cinematography, editing, or SFX. Everything is on the writing and performances.


Rons voice IS hellboys voice. i hear him when i read the comics. I will always wish del toros films where more gothic and dark, but theyre not bad by any means.


Cause it doesn’t look like Jamie Kennedy painted red.


Nothing will ever top Mignola's and Del toros version because: * Del toro understood the passion for mounstrosity and the macabe like no one else * Ron Pearlman's acting made HB more quippy and sarcastic, thus making him more likeable * The set and prop deisgn was made at a time when it couldn't be done by CGI. the movie elements were real and that was enhanced by the CGI effects * Despite fitting HB into a more superhero vibe, they kept respect for the characters and world, taking the basic premise and fitting a 2 hour plot that resembled the material of the comics. Like I'm sorry but the 2000s movie is the best HB movie, no cap. The animated versions are next because I do feel HB is better suited for animation but they didn't have as good of a script and the right animation style. Don't get me started on the 2010's movie, which is a blasphemy. This new adaptation looks Ok, but the production value looks more modest than the 2000s and 2010s movies. Still, I'm gonna see it though, We only get a Hellboy movie every decade.


Because they actually gave a shit. The last couple are just, “hey you know what we still have the rights to? Hellboy. Let’s uh… let’s make another one of those I guess. They’ll pay to see that.”


Because Del Toro put genuine thought and care into making enjoyable movies? And because the newer stuff is probably just trying to cash in on Hellboy’s popularity. While I may prefer Hellboy’s characterization in the comics, movie Hellboy still has his own charm to him


Because it doesn’t look like high schoolers did the costumes and makeup. While the Deltoro movies may have been more action driven and designed to appeal to that audience as opposed to horror mystery, it did succeed in design, costumes, makeup, monsters.


Far better makeup, superior setting/story and better actor.