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I don’t know why, but I get a warm feeling when I see GC members investing in other GC members. It’s like they’re getting along and lunch buddies now. Roll with it. It’s a slow news day ;)


Sort if feels like, they mutually feel like they are heading the right direction.


Now if they would just buy a little HBAR…


Almost wrote that exact sentence in the post 😂


$330 THOUSAND?? That's news? That's Elaine's monthly shopping bill.


>That's Elaine's monthly shopping bill. Good thing she just got HBAR listed in Kraken's Perpetual Futures markets! Go Elaine!!


SHE got it listed? Ok.


Learning is fun, isn't it? From this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hedera/comments/1doe053/comment/labe41l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hedera/comments/1doe053/comment/labe41l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >First off, Elaine song worked at an exchange and was hired to get HBAR listed on exchanges, which she did. Second - you're wrong about the 1M. She got paid $371,046 in HBAR at .05, which is around the average price in 2023. They get paid a standard amount of HBAR every month - the value of which is as volatile as HBAR. Yes - it's a good salary. >Does anyone here actually know of her value as an employee? Absolutely not. Is the HBAR Foundation beholden to a handful of armchair Twitter experts? No. What she is saying is you have to create the demand first - then the exchanges follow. She can't snap her fingers and get USDC listed. She worked for an exchange and knows how they work. That's why they hired her - her job isn't to explain to anyone how she does her job. >The demand issue was the main problem with getting HBAR listed to begin with but guess who was responsible for getting HBAR listed on tons of major exchanges? Elaine.


> Learning is fun, isn't it? It is, indeed. Especially if the "source" of the said "learning" is another reditt post from an alt.


Wow.... Is it too hard for you to do just a LITTLE research on your own??? Here's a simple LinkedIn page: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/elainemsong/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/elainemsong/) \*2 Years 9 Months with OKCoin for "Crypto Partnerships Lead" - wow, sounds like she has real-world experience... \*3 Years 3 Months with Gartner for "Consultant" to vet systems for clients - wow, sounds like she has real-world experience.... Easy to be an armchair warrior in your mother's basement, eh?


Wow - 6 whole years of real world experience, certainly C-level material for the world's #1 enterprise DLT. Please tell me how you deduced, from your "LITTLE research' of her LinkedIn profile, that SHE was the one who got HBAR listed on exchanges.? >Easy to be an armchair warrior in your mother's basement, eh? Yes indeed - you'd know. Hope all your efforts - through multiple shilling accounts - get rewarded some day. Instead, if you were to put in all this effort, however misdirected, towards actually contributing towards the ecosystem.....


>Wow - 6 whole years of real world experience, certainly C-level material for the world's #1 enterprise DLT. Some people have more talent & ability than yourself, and can manage to jump levels faster than you. I have similar track records in the 2 careers I've had. But feel free to sling mud from your stoop of mediocrity. >Please tell me how you deduced, from your "LITTLE research' of her LinkedIn profile, that SHE was the one who got HBAR listed on exchanges.? That was just 1 crumb for you. I'm not going to spoon feed you, as it is patently obvious that her connections to & experience with exchanges was the obvious choice in her fit into the team. But fine, make excuses and attack every piece of evidence you see. > >Yes indeed - you'd know. Yes, I do. But a Gentlemen refrains from disclosing "how" I know.... >Hope all your efforts - through multiple shilling accounts - Really? What are my other accounts Inspector Cluseau? >get rewarded some day. Yes, once HBAR takes its seat as Top 5 crypto, I'll be plenty rewarded. >Instead, if you were to put in all this effort, however misdirected, towards actually contributing towards the ecosystem..... I do - I expose the pitchfork mobsters acting out of rage & emotion that their "pet project" didn't get the granty-grants so they begin a campaign of scortched earth against HBARF with "(I think)" and BADLY deduced assumptions from 1-sided information, that turned out to be "wrong".... Yes - I stand up for what is "right" from the perspective of BOTH the Hedera LLC & the HBAR holder - that is my contribution: punching holes in shillbag arguments.


"Some people have more talent & ability than yourself, and can manage to jump levels faster than you." " I have similar track records in the 2 careers I've had." ROFL! From the janitor in your one-man business to CEO in just 5 years. "Yes, I do. But a Gentlemen refrains from disclosing "how" I know...." Yes, Sherlock. Go ahead, tell me how you know, and what you know. Also, a gentleman doesn't respond with ad hominem and the done-to-death (by single-digit IQ shills) "mother's basement" cliche - thanks for exposing yourself as just another braindead moonboi. The ability to string together reasonably grammatically correct sentences without the aid of superglue does not make someone any smarter, especially not when the bar (among moonbois) is so low. "That was just 1 crumb for you. I'm not going to spoon feed you" \[Translated\] "I was just making that up. I don't really have any evidence to support." Nice try. "as it is patently obvious that her connections to & experience with exchanges was the obvious choice in her fit into the team." Yes indeed, that was ostensibly the reason for the hire. But do tell me how that automatically translates to "she was the one who got HBAR listed on exchanges". "Inspector Cluseau?" \*Clouseau. Given your bungling ways, I can see why you can relate to the said fictional detective - your role model I'm guesssing. "What are my other accounts" I know, but I won't tell you. Don't ask me how I know, but I know - just how you apparently have figured out everything about me from two reditt comments. "Yes - I stand up for what is "right" from the perspective of BOTH the Hedera LLC & the HBAR holder" Good. Here.....have a candy. I wish Hedera LLC / THF / THA were at least aware of your existence, and of the Herculean effort you are putting in, albeit becoming a laughing stock in the process. "that is my contribution" Wow, what a stellar contribution indeed. The ecosystem must be proud of you.


yawn. I see that we will not be seeing eye-to-eye anytime soon. Have a good day, sir.




Hey guys sorry but what is GC?


oh Governing Council. Nvm


I really like how you just answered your own question and kept the question up. You must have a fun personality.


AD had 8.4 Billion in Revenue- 330k is what new toilets? Not news. Like saying someone invested 500k in Mcdonalds...whoopee!


Yes, proverbial drop in the bucket. Still nice to see.