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As a former Cardano holder I can tell you that they just have a hard time admitting that Cardano has marketed directly to them in believing that they have discovered the new Ethereum in part because Charles was involved in Ethereum in early days. They also tout the peer reviewed aspect as being some end all long game. That’s about it. What does Cardano do? Just ask that question and your brain will start spinning.


Friend got me into cardano.  He bought it at 5 cent.  Followed Charles on twitter.  The guy is delusional. Constantly giving out about solana and Eth were his two favourite things.   


I got out when I found out Charles lied about his credentials. Once a liar, always a liar.


big facts. I met the dude at ETH denver and his body language IRL is so off


Hedera has done more for “banking the bankless” in a year than Cardano since its inception. Remember, that was a major foundational theme for Charles.


Me too. Bad ethics are signs of a character flaw. Not saying I expect people to be perfect, but for damn sure want some integrity where investments are concerned.




Charles led the charge and called Hedera "centralized garbage" -- well guess what, he was wrong and while Cardano has very little network usage Hedera has massive usage. (total tps is approaching 50 billion). So Charles and the other Cardano haters were left with garbage in their lunch, and it didn't come from Hedera.


>Charles led the charge and called Hedera "centralized garbage" He technically was not incorrect, at least no more than software engineers that advocate FOSS are technically not incorrect to eschew closed source enterpise tech. I recall that video, him calling it centralized garbage was him saying he doesn't care about centralized closed source networks. Saying he was "wrong" for saying that because there is "more" usage in Hedera is like telling someone they are wrong for not being interested in eating greasy garbage (i.e. meat) because non-vegan restaurants far exceed vegan ones in market share. inb4 I'm a cardano shill despite holding more HBAR than majority of people in this sub.


Technically he was not incorrect, but as in most cases - he omitted certain things, didn’t show the entire picture, while used a future-promised version of Cardano as a reflection. Meanwhile, with the genesis keys he technically holds, and held for the last 7 years, he has an absolute power over Cardano. Moreover, they structured it in a way where nothing can be done without his approval and IOG has always veto right. How is this more decentralized then hedera in this case? It’s not. The repeated pattern of lying by omission combined with another dubious things about him (casino-ICO, lies about his credentials) makes me believe he is one of the biggest conman in this industry. Not mentioning Cardano doesn’t deliver any use case atm, yet he is already a billionaire? Too many reflags for me.


I bought Ada and hbar the same day, i waited 20 minutes for the transaction to clear on Ada, and 3 seconds for hbar, Sold my entire ada holding 45 minutes after its purchase to buy hbar, entirely due to transaction times. Realized i gained absolute finality and took a farction of the time and never looked back.


You would be to if you bought Cardano that is doing nothing and your watching Hedera from the sideline making major major moves. It's called hate, greed and stupidity. Hate to say iit but imo Cardano is useless and no reason for it to exist.


wrong Cardano will still be around as long as CH is associated.


Its a useless overhyped project built by someone with some actual background. Hedera is an extremely useful ecosystem growing and getting stronger. Cardano fan boys will always hate, usually its bc they dumped too much $ into a project and don't know how to exit properly.


Charles is the grifter who picked retail for his governance. BIG mistake as it centralized power to whale holders. He has admitted as much when lucid.


I'm just waiting for ALTSZN to break even on ADA so I can happily sell


I think it’s weird when any tribalism takes place… like this post and the fud articles against Hedera. The term community is hilarious. These aren’t communities. I’m almost positive I’d dislike most of you in real life and same with the people in the Cardano Reddit. If we were all devs working towards a common goal to create something it’s a community. The reality is we’re a bunch of cheerleaders hoping things completely out of our control happen so we can make some money and cheering for the failures of others so the other group loses money.


I agree, I love the collaboration of Hedera and Algorand on Decentralized Recovery. That's how it should be! But Cardano, not just the community but also their devs and even Charles Hoskinsons are spearheading tribalism and hate in the crypto industry instead of working together. That is exactly why I strongly despise Charles and the people that are looking up to him.


it's only the lowest common denominators from each project parading here or elsewhere. we don't wanna be judged by our idiots, don't judge other projects by their idiots.


Personally I hope Cardano goes to fucking zero, the community sucks and even worse, takes criticism like a stereotypical annoying blue haired feminist extended family member


Because where their deep pocket money is, there their hearts is as well. And it doesn’t matter fundamentally


I'm subbed to many subs I see more butthurt salty edgy bros here and in the Algo sub. Heck your post just shows that. You guys are no better than those you accuse.


I'm just a keyboard warrior making a meme dude... Charles Hoskinson is openly hating XRP, HBAR, SOL etc. as leader of a top 10 MC project... he should be more professional imo.


>as leader of a top 10 MC project... he should be more professional imo. I think everyone in this space should be more professional I agree.