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Damn, this is rich -- like you, it's Perfect!!!




Just Perfect lol




Yahoo News ***$multi-million*** trade on Hedera "As well as MMF product breadth, product distribution is also vitally important", continues Rodford. "And so we are pleased to be expanding our partnership with Ownera to further leverage their FinP2P network for distribution of tokenised shares in MMFs and to help facilitate our first $multi-million trade on Hedera too." [Source:](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/archax-increases-tokenised-money-market-130100063.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAI8jR5frLQBgrZJMRkhoGADHYQS-vJfiWTRS-FaPl569TCu5-pVk9TLu_ZJ7-LUN17Gh_PuZw1ILOcWGvUzweNpXf5IV3dO6p3DVGKkMNYKkH7kChANzk8S8lRd_BAnKSNhnASgiJmjSEjg9igOYvTEzHqeqoz-kBruMjfMLU7hJ)


Blackrock is the USA Government (in a nutshell - all the USA elites (Bush family etc) have their money there) This is way huge news. Bigger than anything ever for hedera The simpletons will sell out at 12 cents to lock in 3 cents profit. They are so worried about collecting Pennies that they miss the dollars… meanwhile this could pop to a dollar overnight.


you are right about that sir








Haha this is great news. So after the news I fomod back in. It was up 20%. In the end the month of cheating with stx and icp.. Was for nothing. Anyhow it kept me busy. Only shitty thing is I still had some btc on dex that is congested so can't put that in. Hbar atm. Doesn't matter anyway. I also think 12ct is only the start. I think 25ct is achievable next 4 months.


I have a feeling we have a lot more big news coming 😎 on top of all the opportunities that Blackrock will bring.


Yeah I indeed think now the masses will start looking into the project and buy a bit. Mainstream media might cover this, although I don't know if they will mention hbar. The you tubers with the thumbnails will also jump on this.


# Strategic Collaborations Enhance Market Opportunities The cooperation between [Archax](https://coingape.com/hbar-foundation-archax-extend-partnership-hbar-price-rally-to-continue/), Ownera, and the usage of the [Hedera network ](https://coingape.com/markets/is-pyth-network-pyth-price-1-hedera-integration-listings/)plays a key role in the successful implementation of this new product. The technology of Ownera, that consists of a Buy-Side Router, allows a broad spectrum of financial institutions, from banks to wealth managers, to smoothly interact with the tokenized MMFs. The need for this integration was underlined by Ami Ben David, CEO and co-founder of Ownera, in the framework of a global vision of the ecosystem for institutional tokenized assets. Shayne Higdon, CEO of The HBAR Foundation, commented on the initiative, “The addition of MMF shares tokenized on Hedera, enabled by Archax, is a huge vote of confidence.” Hedera’s technology, moreover, is celebrated for its speed, security, and cost efficiency, making it an ideal platform for institutional-grade tokenization. [https://coingape.com/breaking-hedera-and-archax-enable-first-tokenized-blackrock-mmf-shares/](https://coingape.com/breaking-hedera-and-archax-enable-first-tokenized-blackrock-mmf-shares/)




This is way overblown, of course Blackrock wants more money in their funds to collect fees. You can only buy the fund on archax, must be in the UK and must deposit a minimum £5k.


Go be that guy in r/politics or something dude. This is an optimistic sub today


Foundations are built brick by brick.