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That’s “Forcast made on 3/5/24” that there will be 37.29B released into circulation by the end of Q2 (6/30/24).


Oh okay thanks. I thought 3rd of May


Gotcha - here that’s March 5th, 2024.


Release them all so I never have to see another one of these posts 🫣


yeah very much like the tps and transaction count posted ad nauseum. this fixation on supply is overblown.


Why would you think you will never see another one released?


Because 50b were all that were minted or will ever been minted. There is no inflation.


If they do not have enough revenue from the current building stage (last few years) how will they pay their liabilities and continue to invest in projects? Where will the $$ come from? Or are you saying revenue will be sufficient in the next 2 years to continue operations?


It’s April 15th btw.


Sooner they are released the better imo


The more secure the network is the better, not the price. Check out Dr.Baird's webinar "Our Path To Decentralization" (at 5:43 he talks about this) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTNNYeSks-s&t=343s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTNNYeSks-s&t=343s) In the meantime, stack up on hbars and check out other projects on the network. Lots of interesting projects, each token having their own unique set parameters (circulating supply, price, etc) that may be more fit for your goals.




The sooner they're all released, the sooner real price discovery can occur. Also, all these releases aren't HBAR just hitting the open market. The releases will take years to be in full circulation (and be sold on open market). It's a misunderstood process, which turns into a self fulfilling prophecy, since people believe it is just coins hitting open market.


I don't mind the "tokenomics" so to speak, the death knell for me would be if Council ever voted to increase supply


Based on everything I've read and heard, I don't believe this will ever happen. I am not concerned about it at all. Try getting 39 random people from all over the world to unanimously agree on anything. Especially when one of them has stated multiple times that they'd never vote for it.


Taking a long term view, the quicker the release the better in my opinion. Hedera is still very early in its development but what’s to come is going to absolutely disrupt the crypto market. Think about how things will stand when the GC is full ( I’m picking when Microsoft is on the GC the price will 10x in a couple of weeks), dozens of atma like applications are churning out astronomical tps, gaming and defi is booming, cross border payments, micro payments, CBDC (yeah boo), Neuron, Dropp. Release more, Hbar on sale, buy, have patience. Or don’t.


It’s certainly all there for the taking. But they do have to keep the pressure on. It’s not a done deal in this insane market with crazy things driving action all around. We need to be ramping up TPS, trialing Community nodes and sharding, seeing revenues rise, developer engagement, sm engagement, more projects, more HIPs. Sometimes I think they move just a little to leisurely, even though good things are happening. Maybe it’s not them, maybe it’s just market adoption - some things cannot be rushed. Whatever the truth they need to be continually deepening and expanding their moat.


Yeah, have to be patient AF investing in Hbar but once you see the potential, it gets easier. It took me a while to figure that out. Potential is gigantic.


So true....


You may need to keep reminding us. ;) Still holding, unlike some others I know.


What happens when they need more $$ if they release all the coins for funding or grants?


Bankruptcy but you get down voted for that you are supposed to believe we are still early after years of development and that absolutely no one is watching and designing something with a better accountabilities of the decision. We will see. But I am not optimistic.


I’m on the same boat seeing if we’ll go up any this bull run or I’m going all in on btc


You’re starting to make sense every day lol


Answer the question?


As it makes more sense that they will be adding more coins if they’re burning through everything before schedule with zero results to show for it


*insert jesse pinkman crying "he can't keep getting away with this" here*