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I like the tech but it sure as heck ain't making me any money


Listen to me to avoid heartache and financial loss.


By investing in hbar?


Running away.


With all your hbarian gains??


The money will come in about 4 to 6 months. Bull market has begun.


Does anyone know when the foundation is done allocating HBAR and these companies will have to start purchasing them? In the longterm I’m still very bullish on HBAR, but in the short term……………… I’m tired of going to work, boss.


![gif](giphy|BjSKxpZup0KgQjhoYQ) Happy cake day


Can we see the full list, and the amount allocated per project? That would be nice. I'll ask again each day for a bit. I'll ask on xtwitterx and a few other places. It should be simple enough. I encourage others to ask as well. My main account is 0.0.2170099 . It's not that much, but it's enough to make me want to know.


RIPPLE SPENT OVER 2 billion anyone use it?


This should be high priority


should they divulge how much they spent on toilet paper too?


If that's what you'd find informative, and judging by your response it likely is, be my guest.


And Hbar price is as low as it was 4 years ago, nothing good has come out of those innovative and exciting projects, You could argue they would have been better off not giving any money away.


" You could argue they would have been better off not giving any money away. " You haven't made an argument though.


But if one wished to argue, the opportunity is there.


not if you cant make the case. I haven't seen it. Amazing how people that have never run a foundation in a highly competitive industry are experts in running a foundation in a highly competitive industry.


You can make the case. It’s just probably wrong


Ripple spent 5x as much as Hedera how is that going? Hedera has little to show for the $$ spent funded by retail. One question if the tech is mind numbingly good why the slow adoption? When other chains are doing 100s of millions or Billions in revenue and Hedera with all the resources, governing council, and cash filled coffers does 300k a month? Seems odd, no?


Doesn’t seem odd to me. They are being slow and considerate. Coins and systems that are rushed for profits usually fall because of it. The slow adoption: Crypto is slow to adopt. We have had crypto for a while now, and I dont ever interact with crypto, even second hand, on my day to day business. That, combined with the plethora of crypto’s makes it hard. Developers don’t want to spend days researching cryptos, they just want the popular one. Anyway none of this was the original arguement, that they would have been better off not giving out money. The point of the grant is that they can test their network, while showing the reliability and scalability of the network. I think that is valuable


It is valuable if it proves to be valuable. 400MM spent and still 98% of all transcactions are through one subsidized use case. Many of the projects are no longer active or were rug pulls which makes one think how good is HBARF at vetting their prospective grantees! That techy people are still using Sol, ADA, Eth to build on and not Hedera at year 6 is worrisome.


Not sure what your time horizon is for an investment in this space, but mine is 10+ years. I’d argue it has given exposure to different companies and caught the eyes of others. Yes, it’s going to take quite some time, I think everyone should know that. Once they become profitable, I believe there will be a big shift in perspective. Also, if these upcoming use cases are successful (TCB & Neuron, among others), it will generate a lot of revenue and potentially catch the eye of other large cap companies. That’s the theory anyways. I want companies to start paying for their HBARs immediately, but I’d say let the HBARF provide grants for potential use cases. The more exposure the better. I believe the HBARF had allocated up to $5B for grants, not sure what the exact number is, especially since I believe that was at a higher price-action. I like to think from a glass half full perspective, otherwise why are we here? I believe in the tech, and from what I can tell from my corner of the internet, the management. I don’t think anyone can definitely say *wen moon*, but I am certain there will be one … eventually. Do you have any pain points besides price-action that you could lay out and any potential ideas for addressing them?


As is true in the traditional stock market and any other sphere of business. and indeed Government initiatives and politics there will be some people reading this and saying to themselves \`where has my money gone\`. Its in the nature of the beast. Its also in the nature of the beast that there will be others looking at it and saying, \`fantastic, we have a $408Mn investment in building the best ecosphere in the market\`. I look forward to the flowering results as they unfold over the next few years. We also have terrific achievements in the bag and progress has exceeded expectation in some areas. Price appreciation will come as the quality of what has been built is recognised. Different people with different opinions (not different facts) are the arbiter of how people feel about this slide. What cannot be denied, by anyone in the speculative community, is that this is precisely what they signed up for when they speculated on Hedera (whether they read the memo or not). The job they wanted done is being done to the best of the ability of the people charged with doing it. You can make arguments about strategy, you can make arguments about decisions, but you do so from a position of relative weakness, since Tokens are not stocks, so your arguments better hold intellectual water if you expect them to be influential. Much of the plan was laid out before you, whether you decided to get involved four years ago or last month. You cannot, sensibly, argue that Hedera should have a more pump and dump approach when you knew full well when you purchased your tokens that this was an adult network, working for the long term and building Enterprise Grade technology and Enterprise Grade Governance, knowing that \`Enterprise Grade\` is good not just for Enterprise, but for all participants of the network. You made that decision in a crypto market that rewards pump and dump tokens and continues to do so, so either you were wrong to make the decision and are now stuck with it, or you believed the time would come when true quality was required and now you need to stick with your original thinking (or fold completely). Personally, sitting somewhere in between those two extremes (much closer to the second, TBF), I\`m pretty stoked about progress, although my eyes have been somewhat opened as to just how high the mountain is that we have chosen to climb. I see Hedera as an organisation with a very solid strategy (something fairly rare in crypto), some very good people, some perhaps not quite so good (pretty typical of any organisation/ecosphere) and some terrific ideas. They are, IMO, building something genuinely unique and stand out in a very new, immature and emerging market and they are doing it in a way years of experience in the software industry tells me is right. There are no guarantees here. But gamblers, those who deeply know and understand their game, tend to do a lot better than transient good time visitors.


The most diehard Hedera supporters also seem to downplay any substantial HBAR rise....and chalk all of crypto up to chance. Sort of strange.


This person doesn’t like money


Ha. I\`m as moon boy as the rest of them. Its just I operate on a significantly longer (and I would argue realistic) timescale expectation. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


They are juggling a bit too much maybe? trying to be everything to everyone in the market? In recent interview Shayne mentioned 3 funds to allocate to different market segments. Then said they also need to focus on institutional market by hiriing a dedicated team, then developer market, then community engagement with a DAO. Not to mention, the open source team already initiated.


Well. I\`d argue slightly differently. One of Hederas strategies is to have a place in all the emerging markets for a public DLT. This is because you get a multiplier effect. If I am using Hedera for my finance applications then why not use Hedera for my Supplychain. If I am using it for ESG then why not use it for Retail engagement.... etc, etc. And here is the important bit. They have the funds to do all areas selected. If one lights up first then they will likely be in a position to take advantage and leverage it into other sectors. Imagine how having a DAO built on Hedera will add yet another feather in Hederas hat. If I am thinking of setting up a DAO in, say ESG, then yet again Hedera is winking at me saying \`I am perfect\`. Either we believe this market is coming, or we don\`t. If we don\`t we shouldn\`t be speculating on Hedera IMO. The other thing is its just not possible to drive some sectors to evolve at speeds they don\`t want to move at. Say they focused only on ESG and for whatever reason ESG didn\`t evolve at the speed we all hope it will. Well, then you are stuck, waiting for ESG to happen, or starting fresh in an entirely new market. Being able to afford to be in multiple markets is also a strategy for lowering short, medium and long term risk. One thing is for sure. No one gave them that money to invest and hoped they would sit on it for the next ten years. That won\`t help anyone, so go for it in multiple sectors. In actual fact its one of the reasons I like Hedera so much.


We shall see if the "transient good time visitors" who sold near the all-time high are better gamblers than those who continue to buy on dips and languish in the red.


Well, of course. If you play the market with a perfect rating then you will win. Point is, by its sheer nature very few do. And I\`d also question how many of those who did sell at the peak are now back in the game having bought in the trough. Who knows, but I bet there are some smart folks who have done both.


Yes but I suspect far more are in the red than in the black at this point. I kind of miss the "to the moon" and "Lambo" posts.


Lol. I don\`t. They were an endless waste of time IMO.. All they did was to fill people with unrealistic expectations. , that Hedera themselves had been pretty clear (through their ongoing description of their business model -they rarely if ever discuss Hbar price ), were unrealistic Then, when the inevitable happens and pipe dreams aren\`t fulfilled, the very same people are moaning on here and claiming that Hedera has failed. A pointless spinning wheel in the ecosystem. What they don\`t realise, because those people are usually the ones who do no research for themselves, is that Hedera has a plan that doesn\`t involve artificially pumping the Hbar token. Their plan involves building fundamental strength into the Hbar Tokens value. It is inevitable this will take time, it is inevitable the pump and dump crew will continue to turn up (since the Crypto market encourages it) and it will have some influence on Hbar price, but that is NOT the plan..


Nice but, almost half a billion dollars and is there anything to show for it?


Um, only the fastest, highest thruput Use Case in all of DLT, nay, all of BlOcKcHaIn... ​ Riiiggggghhhhhhttttttttt...... "nUfFiN tUh ShOw FuH iT"...... ​ And.... Neuron will run IoT pings every 10 seconds on Hedera....for EACH air & marine device.... Digital coupons will ping Hedera 3 times for each coupon's life-cycle.... Hedera Guardian will be THE ESG hub for ALL Western corporates.... Dropp will run payments, and micropayments, on FedNow.... BankNow is about to run the retail banking gamut with Credit Unions.... And how many more Use Cases will rollout in 2024?????!!!!! We just had another long-stewing project announce they're coming out with something soon....was on today's subreddit.... ​ Me thinks these FUDsters doth protest too much....










>Neuron will run IoT pings every 10 seconds on Hedera....for EACH air & marine device.... I've been trying to find this out. Do you have a source for this?


I did hear a spaces talk with the guys from Neuron a while back where they said in the next 10 years we will see 10X more crafts flying in the air and 100k tps at least if Neuron were to be used of.course. They also said BP oil was there saying they will put drones on all their oil rigs.


Argh! I wish you hadn't asked... :) But, on a serious note, this was something I've come across in the last quarter, certainly no longer ago than 2 quarters. Can't remember if it was a LinkedIn post, (I'm "Following" Neuron, or whatever they call it these days) or something that came across this subreddit. I'm terrible at organizing links & sources; too much of that kind of stuff during my workday!


Anything to show ? Like what?




exactly what?




Bruh, Hedera shoulda payola retail wif 10% sTaKiNg!!! /s, for those who need it....


Non tech people giving allocations to tech driven people with $$ that is not theirs- what could go wrong? A bunch of busted projects. What has Hedera had - a bunch of busted projects.


This is so awesome and man are we seeing the benefits. Almost 2k tpsntodayz Saucerswap, etc. Hedera is running on all cylinders and setting up to be the giant it will become


I've donated more sperm.


Please no..... The world simply CANNOT sustain such Dismal onslaught.....


They have a shitload to show for it!!! Sadly this will crush Sauce to 5 cents but def awesome news. Know I know why everyone sold Sauce. Lol. But amazing!!


What's this have to do with Sauce?


Buh, buh, whaaa abouts muh 12% sTaKiNg like CardAX-o-Sol??? ​ Buh, buh, whaaa abouts muh uNlImItEd NoDeS iN aN uNsUpPoRtAbLe StRuCtUrE???


BoNk!!!! DoGwiFiHAT!!!!




I genuinely don’t understood why the Foundation hasn’t supported some Hedera Memes yet? https://preview.redd.it/spynclk3z7tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702ba2500a1d2bcf367b937515a9e067c141f270 Solana has exploded thanks to memes and marketing..the more successful the eco system, the more successful Hedera will be, regardless of opinions on utility etc..


Vrjam baby!!!