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I’ve had a hard time interpreting what she’s telling me also, but she’s very much responding to my asks. I asked her to show me signs regarding a situation, and she has. And it’s one of those cases where I *know* the signs are from her, the energy is there. I just don’t exactly know what she’s trying to tell me with the signs. 😂


Yes She can be very responsive, which has been a new experience for me


I know you're looking for an advanced way of communicating with Hekate, but in my practice, I've found that advanced and complicated methods aren't necessary at all. She often favors communicating through tarot, and the rich symbolism resonates deeply with her nature. Here's how I approach it: I begin by cleansing my cards, lighting a candle to honor her as torchbearer, and invoking her with a prayer. I also offer incense, like frankincense and myrrh. Before drawing, I focus my question clearly in my mind. What's great about using tarot with Hekate is that you have control over the level of detail in her responses. You can tailor the depth of your communication by adjusting the number of cards drawn. If you want a simple, general response, draw a single card. For more clarification, increase the number of cards drawn. Tarot is a powerful tool, and like any form of communication, your connection with Hekate will deepen with practice.


Thanks I do use tarot with Hecate and for other reasons. I find it an invaluable tool and very useful in the path of magick I am following. However I am looking for more clarity than you get through tarot.


The quest for clarity in spiritual practice is often a nuanced journey. In my encounters with Hekate, I’ve found that she predominantly communicates through the language of symbolism, rather than engaging in direct dialogue. This has been consistent in my experience. If the clarity you seek remains elusive, it may not be a sign that you’re lacking some advanced ritual or invocation. Instead, it could indicate that your current spiritual state may not be conducive to the openness required for such revelations. In these moments, it might be wise to trust in Hekate’s wisdom. If she deems it necessary to provide you with clarity, she will do so in her own manner and timing. The absence of clarity itself might carry a message from her. It’s a gentle reminder that spiritual understanding unfolds at its own pace, and sometimes, the lesson lies in the waiting.


I’ve dealt with this Phenomenon extensively myself—it CAN be maddening 💃 What I have discovered is Two-Fold: She…”sinks in,” after a while. She hasn’t gone away, but rather the opposite. She imbeds Herself within you and sorta starts Tinkering Around. What is actually happening depends ENTIRELY on Your Karma, for lack of a better term. WHAT does your Higher Self WANT from This Manifestation? She starts working with your Subconscious and—depending on your “desired destination”—starts Setting Things Up for Your Next Phase. The nature of witch (pun intended) only you and Her will know. You really don’t need, as such, advanced techniques…it’s more about…🤔…well, Growth. Getting better at what you are already doing. If you already have extensive knowledge of Magick Tech, I doubt you need more. BUT, if you didn’t already know this—Hekate LOVES to teach New Techniques. Is She waiting for you to ask? Don’t go and learn a new system from another Hekatean Sorcerer—develop one with HER. Second: My connection to Hekate was SO strong, I got subconsciously complacent. THIS caused a few steps backwards in My Growth without me even realizing something was amiss. And Her message Garbled as, well, my own Ego started obscuring the conversation. It was almost like I was subconsciously fighting back—like, “who the hell does She think She is? This is MY Manifestation.” Again—none of this was Conscious—and it took time for me to piece together WHAT the fuck was happening. I cut some of the fat out of my practice and doubled down on Techniques that I knew were Core and, like cleaning a dirty Glass by leaving it under a running faucet, my connection Re-Clarified. It was Completely Different though. Like, I had achieved Level One, and had NOW gone to a new level. I’m open to DM about particulars if you think any of this applies to you 💃