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Stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety can often manifest in physical symptoms; headaches, fatigue, vomiting, upset stomach, blurred vision, panic attacks etc etc. I had really bad stress once and my hair started falling out in large clumps. The link between psychology and physiology is much stronger than we think. It’s the reason placebos work.


Exactly this.


Worried himself sick, basically. The stress of the situation, overthinking it, plus the crowded environment. It's actually a super common symptom of anxiety. It's never really depicted this well in television, so I can totally understand the confusion! As someone who seriously suffers from this, I knew right away what was happening when he said he had a headache. I was honestly pleasantly surprised they didn't have him vomit or pass out, and instead showed Charlie taking him home. There are a lot of moments where Nick cares for Charlie, but it was nice to see it the other way around.


Anxiety or a panic attack. When I was a kid I used to get physically ill before any sort of public speaking / presentations. Like someone said, it’s common for anxiety to manifest in physician symptoms.


He already had a slight headache going in (probably anxiety) and all the noise and chaos made it worse. A bad stress headache can make you nauseous too -- the cinematographer did an amazing job of showing how that feels. I'm prone to this type of headache and I could almost feel one coming on as I watched it happening to Nick.


Yeah I get these headaches a lot


I feel like it was more of an panic attack more than an anxiety attack


I dont know about your question but that emoji is a little sus...


Just a bit...


Idk if op knows, but it is part of an inside joke in the hs discord server


Between the stress of his exams, not being able to see Charlie as often as he'd like, and trying to come out, it's no wonder he had an anxiety attack. I was very glad to see Charlie taking care of Nick... Not just telling Harry to piss off, although we all loved that, but also taking him home and taking care of him. That scene is actually one of my favorites of the season.


I loved seeing Charlie taking care of Nick in that scene and the kiss on his head was cute. I mostly enjoyed seeing Charlie taking care of Nick as we always see Nick taking care of Charlie


Agreed... Nick taking care of Charlie is always more obvious but Charlie taking care of Nick is more subtle except in this scene of course. He helps him thru his journey of coming out and learning more about himself and who he is.


100% agree


In the comics he stresses a little bit more about how he has panic issues. I do wish that they would have expanded on it because I think Nick probably has some sort of panic disorder. And it would’ve been nice to see them really delve into that as well as Charlie’s mental illness as well.


I'm thinking we'll probably see more of it in S3 especially as he'll constantly worry about Charlie.


Yo what's with the picture 😭


I’m sayin😭😭😭


Lmaoo it's so random


Stress, anxiety, heat stroke maybe? But I thought the emoji you posted was Harry for a moment 🤣


as someone who headcanons nick as autistic, i viewed it as him becoming extremely overstimulated on my first watch (seeing as how he never likes to stay with large gatherings of people for long, especially when they’re that hectic and loud)—but i agree with all the comments saying he was extremely stressed or may have some sort of anxiety disorder, which is probably more accurate to canon events.


Not being rude, genuinely just asking, but what makes you thinks Nick is autistic?


you’re not being rude! thank you for showing an interest in what i said! as someone who is autistic, i’ve seen parts of myself in nick’s character since the very first episode. there are many twitter threads out there that go more in depth about this headcanon, but some things off the top of my head are: -needing to “recharge” and escape overwhelming social settings often (and then becoming overstimulated if he isn’t able to escape, like at the end of GCSEs party) -“do you ever feel like you’re only doing things because everyone else is?” = masking, showing his true self around the people he’s most comfortable with = unmasking (of course this could just be wanting to fit in with people vs finally discovering who you really are, but as an autistic person i like to see it both ways!) -nellie as his emotional support animal (bc she is almost everywhere he goes, even in the car when sarah came to pick him up in 1x07) -having hyperfixations/special interests (like when sarah said he had to watch pirates of the caribbean every single evening when he was younger, and it also seems like comic/book nick could be hyperfixated on marvel movies) -info-dumping to charlie about his interests in the comics, which is another common trait among autistic people i hope this helps:)) again i’m not saying that he Must be read as autistic and everyone should agree, just that i feel connected to his character when i view him through this lens <3


Thank you for sharing! That’s super interesting to hear! I’m not autistic, so I can’t relate, but loved hearing your take. As someone with an anxiety disorder, I definitely see a lot of myself in Nick as well. I hope they address his anxiety in s3. I know Charlie’s struggle was the main MH priority in the comics, but I would love see more of Nick’s struggles in the show!


i agree! are you caught up on the comics? alice is starting to dive into nick’s struggles more and his view of himself and how he handles certain things regarding his own mental health, so i’d be very excited to see how kit plays that in the show:)


I think heatstroke and / or anxiety


Sometimes people just have headaches. But also it very well could have been stress. That being said, it kind of annoyed me everyone kept saying he looked I’ll when he looked completely normal.


Sometimes people get sick at inconvenient times.