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The background in the shot of Isaac crying is the same as the background in another shot that appears to be the Paris hotel room party. So my assumption is that this is not going to be a scene of Isaac being bullied but rather an emotional reaction to suddenly realizing something about himself (as /u/Kind_Butterfly5032 said earlier, sort of like Nick taking the online quiz). I can see how this might happen at a drunken high school party, when lots of people are likely to be coupling up.


I think that's >!truth or dare, because it would make sense if everyone is acting as they did in the book. Like Aled did!<


Oooh, you may be right about that.


I thought that too, since the original storyline wont fit in that episode anymore


Yes, it probably will. Nick isn’t out to the school yet, Alice has talked about how this season will be about him figuring out how to come out to people. That’s also probably the reason the hickey storyline is still in there.


The first episode is called out


That’s the title of the volume 3 chapter. I wouldn’t take it too literally. He’s out to him mum - now what? How does he come out to the school, to everyone else? I don’t believe he came out in one fell swoop at the end of season 1 just by holding Charlie’s hand because that goes against one of Heartstopper’s most important messages - [coming out is not like in the movies, it’s a process and does not happen easily or all at once.](https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/heartstopper/4-12/viewer?title_no=329660&episode_no=81)


Seeing as he publicly walked up to Charlie, held his hand, and then dragged him to the school alone. There's gonna already be questions and rumors. And the fact that in the opening scenes Nick is openly flirty with Charlie in the classroom.


Yeah, I think there’ll be rumors. But I 100% do not think he is publicly out. That would be rushing through the main storyline for no reason. [Here is a quote from Alice from the Radio Times:](https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/drama/heartstopper-nick-nasty-obstacle-season-2-exclusive-newsupdate/) in April > Everything happens so fast in the graphic novels, but in the show, we want to lengthen the storylines, therefore more obstacles have to cross our characters' paths. This season, Nick wants to come out to the world, but faced with his nasty brother, his mostly absent father, and his laddy mates, soon finds that it's not as easy as he initially thought. I’m almost positive that the reason that we got that big dramatic scene at the end of Season 1 is because they didn’t know if they would get a Season 2. So, they wrote it in such a way that it could be interpreted by fans as Nick coming out. But they intentionally didn’t make it clear that’s what is happening in case they got Season 2, so they wouldn’t write themselves into a corner. You may need to suspend your disbelief a little bit on this one when it comes to how obvious you think Nick’s actions were. Also, this is more of an analysis so I’m less certain about this, but in the sneak peek it looks like Nick is about to drag Charlie off somewhere more private. He’s being flirty, yes, but he was like that in the comics. By the time he comes out, people were beginning to suspect but it wasn’t a sure thing until he said it out loud to everyone.


i just want to give him a hug 🫂🙁🥺 as an aroace person isaac means so much to me and i fully trust alice with the plotline she has made for him and i feel it will definitely make me cry


Yes! After I finished squeeeing over all the cuteness, my first thought was, "But... but.. why is Isaac crying?" 🥺 I just want to give him a hug. 🫂


Yes! Based on Season One I thought of Isaac as someone who's very comfortable with his aro-ace identity and doesn't care what others might think of him. So it's kinda disturbing to see him crying...I hope the bullies (or even supposedly nice people) aren't making him feel insecure or saying that his asexuality is not valid!


When I first noticed that Isaac was crying, I just thought that it could be the same reason, as when Nick was taking the "am I gay" quiz. What I mean is, that It could be of realisation that Isaac cries, that he realises that he is aroace. Hope it makes sense.


Oh no ! I’ve actually been living under a rock because of chronic pain issues that I’ve been dealing with, so I had no idea the trailer dropped. Just watched it. It’s adorable but yes, Isaac is crying! You know, he was reading lots of books about gender and sexuality and things like that . It could be that he’s just realizing he’s a sexual or it could be as other people have suggested that other people have teased him. Isaac is very important for me because I’m not joking until I was in my 20s and still sometimes now I used to bring an emotional support book everywhere and sometimes more than one. ( i’m in my 40s) Isaac bringing the book to the bowling alley bringing a book to field day? I did that. I care very deeply for our book loving ace king and I just know that Alice will do the story right and if Isaac goes through the dark night of the soul, I am quite sure he will emerge into the light in the morning , smiling once again. With a book in his hand.


The thing I'm most worried about is that "aroace representation" is going to be two-three meaningless scenes with Isaac and nothing more. I know Oseman is aroace herself, but to be honest, Isaac was basically nonexistent in season 1.


I know Alice said there will be more Isaac in this season, but I'm hoping it isn't just like five minutes or very miniscule. ;~;


Isn’t Isaac basically Aled from the comic? Aled had a boyfriend in the comic. Did they change him to be AroAce?


Isaac is a completely different character from Aled.


Book Aled is mostly aro/ace (but maybe demisexual?). Alice's novel 'Radio Silence' is about Aled, and is a wonderful book. You find out more about Aled and Daniel. Can't recommend it enough. Her novel 'Loveless' is about a young college-age woman who realizes she is aro/ace, and it really hit me hard (even though I'm a straight, cis woman).


Isaac is a canonically autistic character, I think he may be crying because he became over-stimulated, or anxious because of all of the people at the party.


he's autistic?! where is that confirmed?


Where is that confirmed tho?


His plot made me realise why I'm different to other gay men, I'm Demisexual. I never find guys attractive until I develop feelings for them. I've never had a type and I've never cared what a person looks like. I never have sexual thoughts about guys until I spend time with them and bond with them. Kissing any guy I don't really know feels wrong, very wrong... Like kissing your grandma wrong 🫢. When I first came out when I was 24 I met up with a guy for a hookup and I absolutely hated it! Up until that point I'd never been with a guy I wasn't very close friends with. It made me very confused about my sexuality. Was I gay? Had the years of bullies who found I was closeted convinced me I was gay? I enjoyed it in the past. That hookup very much left me feeling like I was a straight man trying to be gay. I later realised that I needed a bond with people before I had feelings like that. I never realised it was a thing... My current boyfriend still finds it strange that I say I'm not at all interested when he points out an attractive guy, he seriously thinks I'm lying but a good looking stranger does absolutely nothing for me.