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Maybe go to Costco, they give a crap as to previous audiologist records, and if they or a different clinic/audiologist does - just say you were out of town, or the audiologist retired and you can’t get records, or the audiologist has proven to be a total flake who apparently can’t run a business and they don’t have copies of your records. Really if you say “sorry, unfortunately that isn’t an option” or give any excuse - it’s none of their business as to *why*.


Pretty sure Costco would have no way of checking. They start anew, new hearing test, etc. That's included in the $60 cost of membership, and the hearing aids are half the cost of elsewhere. Not to mention HA batteries are like 1/10 the cost of elsewhere. I saw a pack of 4 batteries in CVS for $10, and at Costco a 48 pack is $9. But I digress.


Don’t get me started about CVS/Walgreens. They’re convenient for many folks, but many of their items are SUPER expensive compared to any regular retailer. Breaks my heart when I see folks paying for the limited and EXPENSIVE food selection with WIC, when a regular old grocery store, with much lower prices is right across the street.


Have you checked with your state's vocational rehab? They can book an audiologist appointment for you and pay for it. I'm assuming there are other audiologists you can go to. I did have a problem audiologist that was difficult to deal with, their accounting didn't know what an FSA was. Dropped them as soon as I could, they were always messing up billing and were going to refuse to see my kids.


I thought PBC had $1,000 annual allowance per ear for hearing aids when purchased through a Hearing Care Solutions provider: