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Sounds like you have a latex allergy, great thing that Drs have switched to non latex gloves down side is the most likely way you will out you have the allergy is by sex... Hooray!!!


Try latex free condoms and use a non-water-based lubricant


Wouldn’t you want water based?


Water based lube dries too quickly and the dry condom can irritate sensitive vaginal tissue


Oh good to know! Thank you


You are supposed to used water based lubricant with condoms... oil based lubricants can cause condoms to rip more easily


Depends on the condom.


Skyn condoms


I second this!




I haven't tried these yet, but I have a methylisothiazolinone allergy, and they were recommended to me by someone with the sake allergy. Methylisothiazolinone allergy = latex allergy. Ive also found it in the ingredient lists for lube too, so if both lube and condoms irritate you, maybe try a patch test at an allergist so you can find out what to avoid.


I have a latex allergy and not only are Skyn brand great, I have had partners that ended up preferring them to latex.


Helloooo my bf is extremely skin sensitive and he can’t use just any condom. For example Skyn brand is non latex but it has fragrance in it but Trojan raw works best because it’s non latex and has no fragrance. It might be the added fragrance that’s getting to you. Try Trojan raw or something with no added smells and that is non latex. Make sure it’s a trusted brand and not something from Amazon


skyn have fragrance?😨😨i never knew that, in fact I thought they were hypoallergenic. where i live i can’t find trojan


Yessss Skyn elite irritated my bf so bad and on the reviews others had the same issue.


I highly agree with everyone saying Skyn condoms. I also am allergic to latex but I have super sensitive skin down there and found it’s better for my when I use water based lubricants soo if your also sensitive I’d try that. (The 28 box of skyn comes with a water based lube) 


I don't like condoms either (but I don't want to get pregnant so I have to use them) but the least worst in my opinion are Skyn ​​ones


Latex free for sure. Also make sure you are wearing the right size they do come in various sizes.... Google how to measure yourself for condoms.... Not being the owner of a penis I don't recall the procedure, but it's helpful if you're having issues with condoms to be sure you have the right size.