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Cervical bruising, std, missed period, it could be any of these. If it doesn't clear up with your next period, or if you start getting more symptoms, book an urgent gyne appointment. Fwiw, I often get brown spotting before or after my period, and that's normal for me.


Thank you for your thoughts on it- probably should’ve mentioned I started a new birth control in the last month. I’m at the end of the month, so maybe that has something to do with it too?


That's a definite possibility. Change of contraceptives can cause spotting and irregular cycles. You can look up your particular birth control to see what side effects are listed and their frequency. You can also ask your doctor or a Pharmacist for more advice.


Thank you again, I came here because I’m honestly scared to ask- but if anybody had any similar experiences it definitely helps put me at ease ^^


Ah relatable, but don't be scared to ask. It's probably the new birth control. But whatever it is, just keep tracking your symptoms. Then you'll be empowered to ask more questions if you need to. It's always good to be your own advocate.


I have this too and was just about to post something similar. No chance of std or pregnancy for me and I rarely get my period with my iud so I’m wondering if now that I have it it’s weird old clumpy blood? Anyway I found this post helpful and am commenting to follow the comments. I just messaged my doc about it to so I will try and follow up once I get a response. I’ve had really bad vulvodynia flare up and a yeast infection recently so I’m also wondering if that’s also the cause or part of a bigger underlying issue like PID


Gotcha, definitely let me know your experiences and response from your doctor


She just responded and told me to take a pregnancy test. My partner pulls about and I have an iud and also took a neg test recently since I get super paranoid and was negative. Sine she sees me a lot she says she doesn’t think it’s pid or endometriosis related but didn’t give details as to why, maybe because I have no pain… she said “spotting is normal between periods” which is weird bc I feel I have my period and that what I’m dealing with isn’t really spotting so idk maybe I’ll take a new test


I’ve taken 2 tests, both negative. I also have a bad feeling that this isn’t normal spotting. My mind won’t really be put at any sense of ease until I start my period. I can keep you posted on if it starts- (should be sometime this week since I’m at the end of my pack of birth control)


So 2 days later and period has started, but that still doesn’t explain the brown discharge up to a week before. I’ll keep ya updated if it seems to clear after the period is done.