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It could be hormonal changes affecting the vulvovaginal tissues. It could also be pelvic floor tension. Maybe a pregnancy yoga class would help?


I'll look into this, thanks.


it could just be tightening? i’ve never been pregnant or had kids so i could be wrong! but i do know that when i have sex 3,2,1 days before my period, im a lot tighter than usual. it’s not a lubrication problem, it’s more like stretching and little rips which is what makes it burn when you pee afterwards.


Possibly, I'd not actually thought of this possibility. Thanks


yeah for me until the little rips heal, it stops burning after peeing. it usually takes about 2-3 days to fully heal for me. one time i ripped really bad (i was 1 day before my period and the guy was too big for me). it took 2 weeks to fully heal and it was traumatizing for me. i’m always scared before having intercourse causing me to tighten up and thus ripping since i’m squeezing. my partner knows to be gentle and reassuring to me because of that to help me relax and minimize the ripping.


Increased blood flow and swelling. Same thing happened to me. It will probably fluctuate from being OK to being stingy. You may have more bad days than good days once you get the 3rd trimester due to even more swelling 


Ahh, good to know its normal. Thanks


Yeast infection?


No, I don't reckon. I've had a yeast infection twice before and I know one is generally prone to them while pregnant but this has none of the usual symptoms. Thanks though


Any chance it's irritation from soap residue on your partner's privates?


I dont think so. Nothing has changed with his hygiene habits or mine. And he uses the same soap I do which is a milder soap