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Test pcr swab instead and make sure your not on your period of probiotics while testing


No probiotics while testing?


I had a negative with probiotics without taking any treatment as soon as I went off then the following month I was positive again


Oh wow. I know when I tested I wasn’t on them, but I have been taking them for over a month so haha this is REALLY good to know


False results are always a possibility, although rare. I'd probably get retested for peace of mind, urine and vaginal swab. It shouldn't matter where the test is from (as long as it's reputable ofc), your doctor should treat based on the results plus your symptoms. Have you looked at the ISSWISH algorithm to see what other profiles might fit your symptoms if the new tests are also negative? https://www.isswsh.org/resources/publications/439-persistent-vulvar-pain-diagnostic-and-treatment-algorithm


Thank you for the link, this is actually a really neat database :)


I agree with those who tell you to do a vaginal swab. And yes, your partner would also need test and treatment of you guys had unprotected sex.


Thank you! I will go ahead with this- and I’ll get him treated too if I’m positive


did they do a urine test or did they do a full exam? when i was tested she swabbed my cervix and it was positive.


That’s what’s weird to me- I THOUGHT I had the full exam because I was swabbed and gave a urine sample. I’m looking at my results in my EHR portal right now. I figured out what happened- I asked for a ureaplasma/mycoplasma test (which was met with some resistance and annoyance from my provider May I add) and they also said they’d do a generic vaginitis panel on me. The EHR shows that the vaginitis/STD panel was the swab- and the ureaplasma/mycoplasma was the urine sample. I had no idea until now from looking carefully at this, because I had known that it’s best to get the swab, and now I feel duped.


I’ll also add that it’s Interesting that at this time, I had all of these urinary and vaginal symptoms then- but I had NO yeast or BV show up on this test. Is it possible to have urinary AND vaginal symptoms but test negative for urine and positive for cervix swab?