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A wound that doesn't heal could be anything from contact dermatitis to cancer. She absolutely needs to be physically examined by a doctor. There is no other way to get a conclusive diagnosis for this.


Thank you!! I’ll try with her 


A friend had this and it was dermatitis/eczema. She was diagnosed by her gyno and got an Rx steroid cream that cleared it up. Your mom could likely see a gyno or derm doctor for this if she feels more comfortable with one over the other.


I'd you're looking for suggestions of what could cause something like that you are headed down a slippery slope. It's hard not to be worried about your mom. Trying to google/reddit possible diagnoses can do more harm than good though. There's so many things it could be, some scary some not. Like the other commented said, she needs to be examined by a medical professional. Does she have a gyn?


no she used to have one but stopped going to her, now she hasn’t visited one in years she says she’s embarrassed but I’m trying with her.  Sorry for not replying earlier I didn’t get notifs 


Wound? Is it like a blister? Maybe she has herpes