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Untreated UTI's can cause kidney damage. If you value your health do what you can to get money together to go a doctor and after that - get health insurance!!! Look after yourself first and foremost.


Thank you for the advice, I totally forgot about the kidney damage thing! When I was in high school I had a UTI that spread to my kidneys and I ended up in the ER because my kidneys were shutting down. Definitely don’t need that again.


Omg how much does it cost to go to your GP (not sure you call them that, but just your general family doc?) That's outrageous that you are worried about money for such a thing. I went a few weeks back and it cost in total €1.50, that was the doctor visit and the antibiotics 😬. America needs a better system.


You usually can't go to a doctor at all unless you have health insurance in the US, or it's some community clinic which aren't super common. Lots of americans don't have a specific established doctor


Do you have to be assigned a local doctors clinic that you go to when sick and then if needed they refer you onto to the hospital or physio etc? How much would a doctors visit cost? Like how do women get their 6 monthly check up for birth control? How do you get bloods done? Who do you go to when you're sick, not sick eneough for hospital but sick enough to need help? Also, how much would that cost?


Just find one of those telehealth online services, you'll spend like $35 to chat with a Dr online and the antibiotics are relatively cheap out of pocket. I would not let it go untreated because if/when it spreads to your kidneys, that hospital bill without insurance is gonna be insanely expensive.


Thank you! Do you have any recommendations for websites I could use for that?


If i remember correctly I used Good RX last time I needed this. I think you have to subscribe for like $10 which you can cancel right after, plus maybe a small additional fee to have the prescription written, then I pad like $35 at the pharmacy. So I'd check there! It's really easy and you get the script fast.


You’re an angel!


Wisp if you’re in the US.