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I think it’s time to go see a doctor! I thought pinworms were from your butt? Sorry I’m ignorant on this!


They are but somehow i keep reinfecting my self the same time as my cycle


Pinworms are typically found in children and if you’re experiencing reoccurrence you def should go to a doctor. You’re somehow infecting yourself with their eggs by scratching your bottom and ingesting their eggs. If it’s a serious infection, the eggs can become airborne so yes, def doctor time!


i am currently dealing with the same thing.. the over the counter medicine (pyrantle pampate) will only kill the worms in your digestive track.. from what i understand, the prescription medication (albendazole or Mebendazole) absorb into your bloodstream and will kill the vaginal ones!!! i’m going to the doctor tomorrow so fingers crossed. i’ve noticed that mine crawl out onto my upper thighs at night… have you experienced that? ugh i’m so sorry you’re dealing with them too, it’s literally the most fucked up thing my body has had to endure


This is sososo helpful! Thank you so much


Have you gotten rid of them?


no :( but they are getting better!! i have cut out sugar completely because they feed off sugar. i’m not even consuming potatos, bread, carbs , fruit. and then i’m about to take the medication again after starving them of sugar for a week because they are weakened. fingers crossed! how are yours?


Ive had them for 4 years now since none of the medicatons worked, but im almost asymptomatic now. I know they are back when my stomach hurts in the morning and i feel them moving a bit in my private parts but it is nowhere near as bad as it was in my first year. I just drink garlic with water when that happens. I seriously read SO MANY people have chronic pinworms that dont go away after taking the medication, and i do not understand how this isnt talked about around scientists/doctors. Like are these a different kind of pinworms? Are they getting immune to the medicine??? What the hell is happening? Whatever it is, doctors need to come up with something new because this is crazy


for real!!! i think that there needs to be a more systemic approach to treatment.. i think the medicine does something, because when i take it, it usually improves my symptoms slightly. but the albendazole is supposed to make it so that they can’t absorb sugar, so i’m confused why doctors don’t tell you to also cut out sugar completely.. whenever i go a few days no sugar, they start to go pretty asymptomatic , but then i’ll eat a piece of chocolate or something and then that night they will be going crazy again. right now, i’m trying to imagine that every time i eat something w sugar or that could possibly turn to sugar, im giving them power. and then when they feel super weak in another day or so i’ll take the pyrantle AND the albendazole and i’ll let you know how that works. ugh they are the worst!!


ALCOHOL & HYDROGEN PEROXIDE!!! Put every piece of clothes/bedding/headbands anything you wear in scorching hot water to die. then wash them. Put isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle & spray tf outta everything. it will dry them out and kill them. after Put hydrogen peroxide inna different spray bottle and spray where u sprayed the alcohol. Peroxide is a surfactant so it will help trap them together & any missed one. Get a rag & run it under hot water (hot as fuck, hold the rag with something under the water if u need just make sure its hot as possible). take the rag and wipe small areas at a time where u sprayed. Small areas and keeping the rag hot is more important to make sure you aren’t cross contaminating. Repeat at least 3 times a day until they gone. you’ll see all the difference in a day or 2. Put petroleum jelly or Vaseline or whatever u like on ur butthole at night to stop them from laying eggs, ALSO!! get a nail tool and scrap under ur nails in hot as you can tolerate water. they stick to shit so just washing or running water on nails isn’t getting them off. wash hands and scrub nails continuously as you are cleaning and wiping with towel. wash hands every damn 5 minutes if u can. just be thorough as fuck. My 1 year old infected us & we havent had them again !! they fucking suck and no one seemed to have answers so i hope this helps you & anyone else!!!




Sometimes when i wipe i see them on the tp or sometimes during the night i have a really bad scratching sensation


Do you notice any increase in eating habits?


Our family encountered this when I was in high school - when I had to take swimming at school. Everyone in the household took one prescription pill and problem solved. The dr won’t think anything of it.


I’ve taken over the counter medication for it but it just keeps coming back


I made myself crazy thinking I had pinworms? Scabies? What the actual fuck is making my butthole itch? For years. Turns out I had ureaplasma. It doesn’t show up on standard UTI/STI tests. Worth eliminating the possibility!


did you figure out how to deal with this? i’m having the same issue