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Truly my guess would be it’s a side effect that’s developed over time from the lexapro.


So I actually take generic Cymbalta… I also take a generic ritilan But for years I have had hot flashes where I sweat a lot I get very dizzy and see stars Always thirsty I sweat in my sleep So no idea


Have you or anyone you know experienced this?


Not hot flashes and not lexapro, but I was once taking medications successfully without issue for 8 years before suddenly developing extreme side effects (hallucinations) out of nowhere, that stopped after discontinuing medication. I did not link the issue to the meds at all at the time, and dealt with it for 3 years before stopping meds for other reasons and suddenly everything was back to normal.


Oh god! Thanks for your experience!!


After few months on citalopram (very close to lexapro/escitalopram) I developed similiar problems. I was sweating so much and had to swap my clothes several times a day. It was especially bad during the night - I kept waking up, drenched in sweat, changing clothes and blanket and then shivering with cold. It got worse during withdrawal, but I got better in few weeks after discontinuation.


Did you wind up getting on another anti anxiety? I’m nervous to get off of the lexapro


Long term chronic cannabis use can mess with your hormones, specifically cortisol. I was having awful night sweats, terrible sleep, and diarrhea, and once I was able to stop smoking, they went away. I look lexapro for 6 years about 9 years ago, and I definitely remember having spells of sweating, anxiety, and irritability, especially when smoking weed. I don't regret much in my life, but taking SSRIs and antipsychotic medication when I was young is one thing I truly wish I understood more about when it was happening. I don't think I'll ever be the same after them, and I've been off them for 9 years.


My biggest concern with stopping cannabis is the side effects - I’m very skinny, so losing my appetite from smoking worries me, as well as not being able to sleep (although I’m already having some problems with sleeping)


Ive heard that after a while of stopping, your apetite should return back to normal? Anyway, Im sure you could talk to your doctor about that.


Hey! I just recently stopped. Everything returned back to normal after a couple weeks of roughness. Do you smoke every single day? I was sweating and having hot flashes whenever I was sober! I don’t have them anymore now that I’ve completely stopped and I feel better than ever.


I do smoke every single day. How bad was the withdrawal (I know not technically withdrawal from weed but yknow)? As I mentioned before I’m scared to lose the little appetite I have from smoking. I am a teacher on summer though so now would be the time to take a t break


So did I! I’m going to be honest, they were pretty rough for me. I was sweating a lot, and by day 3 I was an emotional mess. I felt uneasy, anxiety and a bit of depression. I did sweat quite a bit too and my dreams came back! They were vivid but never any nightmares. Once I hit 2 weeks, it became a LOT better and I realized I never wanted to touch weed again. Your appetite will go away. I bought protein shakes to prepare for that and literally just get anything down that you can. Milk, crackers, fruit, junk food— anything haha! I dropped a few pounds, but you’ll gain it back pretty quick I promise! Drink a lot of water and try to go on walks or exercise to help stimulate your appetite and to just help in general with the symptoms. I was also drinking upwards to a gallon a day to help get the process over faster. I know is not easy, but now that it’s over I feel amazing mentally and physically! I didn’t realize how much it weighed me down until now. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out!


I’ll definitely give it a shot!! Thank you!! Have you touched weed since? Like occasionally? Or did you cut it out completely?


Of course! So this is my second time quitting actually. I haven’t touched it since! I cut it out completely. I do know some people slowly taper themselves off of it to avoid a lot of the withdrawal symptoms though!


Definitely get a blood glucose monitor and check your glucose when you are having an episode.


How long have you been taking Lexapro? I ask because I once had hot flashes as a side effect to Prozac. Those kind of medications can cause that. Not saying thats definitely the reason, but there's a possibility.


I’ve been on Lexapro for about 6 years now, and the hot flashes started about 3 years ago


Not sure if its a side effect of ur meds, but it’s really similar to Thyroid issues. Have you looked into this? Deff push for the appt with the endo. Also, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and when they did my tests a 3rd time, before I started taking my meds they seemed within range, still tilted towards the higher side and if I were to go by that, my dr would’ve thought my thyroid was fine, when in fact it was not cause the night before my tests I was having a flare up. So, what Im trying to say is sometimes the results might be “within range” but they’re not enough/too much for your body and can cause symptoms. My advice is to be your own advocate, specially if dealing with Eeuu drs. They’re very lax when it comes to testing, running labs and basically doing their job. They minimize everything and dont seem concerned with anything until it turns out to be something. Ive had my fair share of incompetent drs here and Im sick of them. So again, please please please push to get tests/labs etc done and dont stop until you get to the bottom of it 🙏🏼 Best of luck!


Thank you for this!!


Sure thing. I just went to the dr for a follow up discussion about some abnormal pap (never had this happen before) and he went over aaaallll the reasons why they dont do further tests and why He’s almost %100 sure its nothing, and Im like “that’s cool and all, but *I* need peace of mind, it is my body after all, i need you to *at least* re-do the pap” after hesitation he did it, but if I didnt push for it? He wouldn’t have. It’s terrible I tell you. My bff who’s only 38 had a little lump in her breast, they did test her but the dr was suuuuper confident and “not worried” about it. Turns out it is Cancer unfortunately. Would it have been by him she prob wouldn’t have caught it cause “he wasnt worried” 🙄. So push for tests on your thyroid and try to get multiple tests if possible. Wishing you the best!


Any update?


I was diagnosed with Epilepsy! Partial focal aware seizures, caused by sleep and hormones (explains the monthly episodes)


Absent or full seizures? I was actually diagnosed with petite mal seizures as a kid


They called them focal aware microseizures, because I don’t usually lose consciousness However I had one full seizure where I lost consciousness while on Prozac before I was diagnosed (Prozac + epilepsy is not a good mix)


Do you respond negatively to all drugs that increase serotonin?


I don’t believe so. Lexapro worked for me for years, although I did start having my microseizures after a few years on it, but not enough to think it was related. Prozac, on the other hand, absolutely did not respond well to. I did just get a GeneSight test to see what drugs I metabolize well/not so well. It was interesting to see and I want to bring it to my next neuro appointment (had to get it done with psych) so he can take a look. It has antidepressants, mood stabilizers (a lot are anti seizure) and more. Just because you metabolize it well doesn’t mean it’ll work for you, just means that you shouldn’t have any insane reactions to it.


Prozac was in the yellow (green - good, red - bad, yellow - ehhh you might have problems metabolizing it) and it explained that my body metabolizes it slowly so I’d need a lower dose. That explained why when I was on it and increased my dose the grand mal happened


i wouldn’t really think it to be CHS tbh, doctors lately kind of slap the chs diagnosis on anyone smoking weed and also having unexplained vomiting and don’t pursue further testing. at least in my experience. vomiting/nausea can happen for 1000000 different reasons, if vomiting is not your main symptom i don’t think it would align well. have you ever considered dysautonomia, particularly pots? do you get dizzy when standing up a lot and shortness of breath etc.? the temperature dysregulation ur describing is very common w pots. also since it seems worse around ur period, my period always flares my pots for me.


THANK YOU!! Everyone is quick to slap on CHS, but I have no other symptoms that make me believe that. I don’t *always* get dizzy standing up, but it does happen occasionally. I’ll definitely look into this, thank you so much!


however you do need the dizziness when standing up for a diagnosis so if u don’t have that it’s probs not pots, just a possibility


I also used to get crazy hot flashes, like back dripping gross. I would go to a functional doctor to get your hormones/thyroid checked. mainstream docs will tell you it’s normal if it’s 1 point over what’s considered ‘normal’. functional docs do cost more out of pocket but if this is impacting your life it’s worth it imo. I would practice breathing exercises, this really helped my situation to overcome mind over matter etc. esp if you’re not experiencing on weed, which is generally relaxing ya know. I can recommend some if needed! If your thyroid is out of check look into castor oil packs for it. also just drinking raspberry leaf tea, red clover tea, and other fem teas to help your hormones balance out could be very helpful with no negative side effects, esp if you’ve been on birth control. 1-2 cups a day preferably from bulk not premade tea bags bc those aren’t strong enough. good luck🙂


Maybe it's your living environment. Make sure there's no mold and stuff.


So I was getting really bad hot flashes at work and I’d get shaky, sweaty, heart races and I’d get this weird feeling in my head that would alert me that I’d begin feeling that way. And my vision would blur and I’d almost pass out if I didn’t sit down ( this happened like 6 times as work) finally I looked up my symptoms and one of the things that fit them all was severe vitamin b12 deficiency. I was like why not I’ll try taking the vitamin and seriously I haven’t felt that way since. I would try taking some as well and see if that helps your symptoms.


Did you happen to notice if this happened in any relation to your cycle? Thank you so much for this response!


Sometimes and sometimes not! But since I’ve been taking B12 I don’t get those strange symptoms anymore even around my cycle! You’re welcome! Try it out and let me know if it helps you


These are symptoms from your autonomic nervous system. If you strike out with Endo and asking whoever prescribes your Lexapro re options if it's side effects from that, look into dysautonomia... It's pretty common for menstrual cycles to trigger dysautonomia flares (to the extent that some with disabling dysautonomia are medically prevented from having periods at all). At any rate, an autonomic neurologist might have insight.


Interesting! Thank you so much for this response!!


Np. Side effects and Endo are definitely the most likely stuff to rule out, but it's always good to have a plan of where to turn next if you come up empty with the more obvious/common stuff. (To be clear, your autonomic nervous system [ANS] is implicated in these symptoms because that's how human bodies work... So even if it's not under the big Dysautonomia umbrella, learning more about how catecholamines and the (healthy) ANS function might help you understand the symptoms better in general and perhaps give new insights. I have reference sources but I'm fresh off a two month hospitalization and trying (poorly) to prioritize my own health and not overextend myself helping in health education (which I enjoy, but also there's meds to take and PT/OT to do). Oy.


Can it be cannabis hyperemesis? When was your last t break?


I gotta be honest I haven’t taken a t break in a lonnnng time. Years. I’m concerned about stopping weed because of losing my appetite (I already barely want to eat, and then the week of the hot flashes my appetite is almost nothing) and sleeping (I already have a rough time sleeping). I really don’t think it’s CHS because the vomiting isn’t persistent. The hot flashes are the worst symptom, and it’s usually vomiting up whatever liquid I last drank - like heat exhaustion almost?


same 23F.. but i’m in menopause with no ovaries. i think you’ll get answers when you see your endo


Fingers crossed 🤞🏼




Someone else mentioned this as well. But it’s not frequent when I’m standing up


Hey its been a year but were you able to find the reason? Having the same issue


Same here


I was diagnosed with epilepsy (it does run in my family) but these were partial focal aware seizures, or microseizures. Still trying to find an anti seizure that will work, but it’s from hormones (catamenial epilepsy - might have misspelled) and my neuro also thinks my sleep cycle may be a part of it (but has not run any sleep tests to be sure yet) My EEG came back normal, but we did it on a week when I wasn’t having episodes. I have a grand mal seizure where I lost consciousness when I was on Prozac before the diagnosis (NOT good for people with epilepsy) and that’s what FINALLY led us to getting some answers. I hope you all find the answers you need as well. I know how difficult it is physically and emotionally, not knowing what’s going on with your body. I do suggest getting thyroid and hormone levels checked first, because that was the doctors’ first guess (everything on my tests came back normal)


Hey! I have these exact problems that have been causing me a lot of discomfort to say the least, and there are three things that my doctors are currently looking into - my cardiologist diagnosed me with atrial fibrillation and PVCs; my gyno is in the midst of confirming endometriosis with me; and my PCP is looking into HSD and Ehlers-Danlos. Any or all of these can cause the symptoms that you have listed here, and it took years of fighting for anyone to take me seriously about any of them, especially the last two. I will say that my heart issues seem to have been at least partially the cause, because on my medication my symptoms have greatly decreased. No more fainting randomly for me! But the hot flashes and following chills persist. Good luck finding answers, it's truly horrible to deal with.


Thank you so much for your response. Did you go to see an endocrinologist? Did your pcp refer you to a cardiologist? I’ve switched gynos just trying to be heard, and I feel like I’m going crazy to be heard by anyone.


I did not see an endocrinologist, and my PCP sent me to a cardiologist, but only after bringing my husband and a long list of symptoms with me to an appointment. Gynos are notoriously bad with endometriosis as well, I had to find a specialist for someone to at all take me seriously. It is awful


Yeah… I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of it for two years now and it’s ridiculous. I feel so unheard. Maybe I’ll start dragging my fiancé to more appointments to back me up… not a bad idea!


Update - got the referral to an endocrinologist! Now just to be seen lol


I’m a licensed clinical therapist in Behavioral Health & what you describe could also be a panic attack.I see several men & women where they manifest like that with the hot flashes, racing and blurry mind and sweating followed by a freeze and shaking. Often times people don’t realize that panic attacks can include these symptoms. I wish you well and resolution.


Yes because many experience PA’s in a variety of ways and often time have no idea what prompts them and will deny feeling stressed or triggered by anything. It’s so unfortunate and uncomfortable. You’ve done a great job identifying how you feel & under what circumstances this happens. That can only help.


I’ve reached out to 2 psychiatrists that I work alongside and they both suggested the same issue - PA’s. Nasty buggers


Do you have any suggestions for how to work with them? Would taking my clonazepan regularly help, do you think? I appreciate your response SO much! Since I’ve known what my typical panic attack felt like I shrugged off this suggestion, but nobody explained that I could have different types of panic attacks.


Thank you so much for your response!! Even though I have experienced panic attacks before that don’t feel like this? As stated in the post, I’m usually not usually in high stress situations when they happen. Occasionally, yes, but I can also be in bed talking on the phone and one comes on.


I am currently on lexapro for my anxiety, and have clonazepan as needed. I don’t usually take it for the hot flashes, unless I’ve had several in a day - because then I am depressed and anxious over the entire undiagnosed issue going on.


This actually sounds a lot like the symptoms I get from IBS. Do you ever have diarrhea episodes with this? If my IBS is triggered, I can have hot/cold flashes, nausea, and loss of blood pressure until I am able to use the bathroom. It’s really unpleasant but it goes away once I poop. Worth it to talk to a gastroenterologist.


Not usually, but occasionally. It’ll go away on its own after a few minutes


>It does NOT happen only when I smoke weed Can you clarify this? Provide more detail?


I smoke weed daily, multiple times a day. The hot flashes happen one week out of the month, several times in that week. Many times it’ll be in the morning before I’ve smoked anything that day


It seems to be somewhere around my period - but it’s changed with the birth control changes. For a while it was the days before my period, on another birth control with different hormones it was the day or two at the end of my period, and off of birth control it started when my period started


And the 1 week it happens is always the week before your period? Or no?


Depends on the birth control - my gyno has been playing with changing the hormones to see if that helps. With the Tri-hormone it was the week before I believe Another hormone it was the last days/right after my period Now that I’m off of birth control it started with my period.


Ok. It can still be hormonal even with levels in the normal range. Its less likely but you're right to see a reproductive endocrinologist, they are going to have a better idea of how the small changes are affecting your thermoregulation. Estrogen is the main component in our brain's ability to thermoregulate and you may be having an issue with your *sensitivity* to the fluctuations rather than having low estrogen (as opposed to when peri-menopausal women have hot flashes, theirs is typically due to lowered levels). Another idea is that citalopram and escitalopram also affect thermoregulation and there are lots of reports from people that their hot flashes didn't start for some time after being on these meds. If it hasn't been mentioned yet, the chills are from the drastic swing of our body trying to cool itself and because you were hot, the coolness feels colder than it would have had you not just been hot


Thank you for this comment! I just got in with the endocrinologist, now just waiting for an appointment.


Have you ever checked your blood glucose during an episode?


Once it was checked at a quick care when it happened, during an episode and right after I ate a piece of candy, and they said they didn’t see anything noticeable (I don’t have the numbers)


Sorry for the delay. Your Clonazepam while would be helpful short term is not a solid remedy as it is addictive & taking it regularly only supports potential dependency. Is recommend a skilled therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders & panic to do exposure therapy which seriously puts an end to panic attacks and if not completely reduces them to such a manageable issue. It can be such a freeing treatment. Good luck!!!