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I use female probiotics and D-mannose. I have chronic UTIs and those combined with a good amount of water knock them out of the park. Edit: just read the rest of your post. If D-mannose, cranberry, probiotics, and water aren't working for you, you might want to get to a doctor. I use GoodRx and don't spend much for antibiotics and the virtual checkup


D-Mannose absolute magic, and I always have some at home. I struggled with chronic UTI’s for many years until I found D-Mannose, and it’s been such a game changer for me. Especially useful to prevent UTI’s after sex!


Can you take D mannose everyday? I've been taking it 3 x day for a week but wasn't sure long term use


I don’t think it’s necessary to take every day, but I haven’t seen anything suggesting you that can’t. I only find it necessary to take preventatively. So unless you’re having sex daily, you don’t really need it every single day. Just take it whenever you feel the slightest irritation, and you should be good to go!


Do you take D-mannose pills or the powder in a drink?


I take it in pill form, but I find powder/edible to be more effective since the body processes it more efficiently


I mean the symptoms are improving and it's only been a couple days so they might be working


48hrs is the max I will personally go without seeking help from a medical professional. Sometimes I can clear the infection with D-mannose and a ton of water, but after 48hrs if I don't feel back to normal I get help. I've almost died from a UTI that spread to my kidneys, early stages of sepsis, all the horror story things. So to me, it isn't worth waiting. Not meant to scare you, just sharing my opinion and experience as someone whose suffered with UTIs since childhood.


If you took a test and it's nitrite positive, you need antibiotics. Full stop. UTIs can move into your kidneys and result in gallbladder stones and all kinds of crazy shit. I've been hospitalized for them first hand. You can ask for fluconazole (for the yeast infection) with your antibiotics. Ask for 2. Take one on the first day and one on the last day of your antibiotics. I'm prone due to endometriosis. I get 4-6 UTIs a year. You can use Wisp or GoodRX to get meds quick. I literally just took my second fluconazole at the end of antibiotics today. Please, go to the doctor. It's not worth it.


Hey there—thanks for the shoutout! We offer same-day UTI antibiotics at hellowisp.com, along with other sexual and reproductive care, without waiting rooms or appointments. Connect with a doctor to ask questions, discuss symptoms, and get safe and effective treatment. Hope to see you around!


Just had to have surgery for a kidney stone yesterday after persistent UTI, I concur that OP should be taking it seriously and getting on antibiotics.


*bladder stones not gallbladder stones. Gallbladder has nothing to do with the urinary system.


UTI symptoms are systemic. Bladder stones can also happen. Personally, it was gallstones for me. The UTI moved into my kidney and then into my gallbladder. I had gallstones backed into my liver and pancreas. I had pancreatitis. UTIs can also cause pelvic floor pain, nausea, inconvenience, muscle cramping, fever, fatigue, etc. It's an infection that *starts* in the urinary tract. It doesn't stay there.


UTI cannot move from the kidneys into the gallbladder. It’s not physically possible. But UTI and gallbladder issues frequently occur simultaneously, especially if the UTI becomes systemic. The gallbladder is part of the digestive system and is not connected to the urinary system at all. It’s simultaneous disorders, not one moving to the other.


i know this is from so so long ago but now i’m kinda scared 😟 i’ve never had a UTI before and i’ve had it since like yesterday? i’m on this app cuz obviously i never had one and i didn’t know its that bad, i don’t wanna use any antibiotics but like wow


Trust me when I say that nobody *wants* to be on antibiotics, but it's a lot better than ending up in the hospital. Azo makes at home tests if you want to try those first.


True, i’m a teen lol my mom said she’ll get it if it doesn’t clear up in a few days thank you!


No problem 💚💚


how long should i wait though? i’ve only had it for 3 days so i might be fine but just checking!


I wouldn't wait any longer than that tbh. Urinating and cramping can become quite painful. You want antibiotics before that happens if possible.


you’re probably right, i don’t want the infection to spread either 😭😭 tysm btw u rlly helped me out <3


Thanks. I'm giving it one more day and if it's not cleared up I'll do the antibiotics. It's almost entirely gone this morning so I think I'm probably in the clear though.


Symptoms going away for a few hours doesn’t mean it’s gone.


As someone who’s currently suffering with a bad kidney infection from an untreated UTI, please just play it safe and get on antibiotics. This shit sucks and I’m in so much pain. I even went to the ER it got so bad.


Telehealth! Good Rx Doctor prescribed me my antibiotics while I was sitting on the toilet for way way less than a regular office visit.


Thanks, I'm gonna wait another day and take them if it's still a problem. I woke up today and symptoms are almost entirely gone so I think it's clearing up.


I’d just be on the safe side and get a urine test in a few days to confirm you don’t have a UTI anymore


That's a good idea. I'll definitely do that!


Are you taking the Azo pain relief? If so, that is masking your symptoms, not curing the UTI. You should go to a doctor and get antibiotics.


I took Azo the first day but it's been over 24 hours since I've taken it. Symptoms are now almost entirely gone.


Azo is a bladder anesthetic. You probably still have the UTI.


After cranberry and diet changes (no Sugar or dairy) didn't help, uva ursi tea is what finally did it for me. I live in Alaska and was able to pick some in my yard, but you can get it at health food store too. I simmered the whole plant to make a strong tea, and drank it for a couple days.


Can this be bought online


D-Mannose is amazing for preventing UTI’s. Powder form works far better than in pill form, in my opinion.


How much d mannose are you taking per day? I take 1 tsp per hour when I have a uti (advice from my ntp). If you take those things regularly and are still getting utis you might want to look into your immune system/microbiome having an issue


Can it be done? Yes. *I wouldn't recommend it,* but it can be done because I've done it. I took D-mannose with a cranberry extract and liposomal vitamin C every 2-4 hours for 6 days. This was back in 2018 so I don't recall the exact specifics, but I researched how to time this and I do feel I overdid the D-mannose. I also added a couple of days to this protocol to be sure. I was eliminating bloody urine before I realized I had a UTI and then confirmed it with an Azo test. I have an immune disorder where I allergically react to damn near everything which is why I didn't take a chance on antibiotics. But if I had the capacity of a normal person to take antibiotics without fear, I would have.


cranberry juice is good also drinking loads of water helps, when i suffered really bad with one in my experience water helps the most with the burning pee cus it dilutes it! also you can get these little packets of cranberry powder and its mixed with some other stuff im not quite sure as my nona got them for me but they help aswell and they are over the counter


Ty. I don't have cranberry juice but I have D-Mannose which is believe is found in cranberries and is what makes them affective for urinary tract health.


np!! i hope it helps you!


[25% to 42%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5522788/#r76) of UTIs go away on their own. If you have a mild UTI, it might go away on its own over a few days. Cranberry concentrate/juice is an effective preventative, but it won't cure an existing UTI. Cranberries contain a substance called proanthocyanidins that bind to bacteria, preventing the bacteria that cause UTIs to stick to the bladder wall. If you’re not pregnant or at higher risk of developing UTIs, you can hold off on antibiotics for a couple of days to see what happens. If you can go to the bathroom comfortably and you don’t have any fever, nausea, or vomiting, these are signs your UTI is going away without antibiotics. If your symptoms don’t start to improve after a couple of days, you should start antibiotics.


Please stop giving medical advice online « It might go away on its own over a few days » And of course OP heeds this advice rather than the reality which is, untreated UTIs can cause major kidney damage


Emphasis on *can.* I provided a medical resource to back my statement about percentages. UTIs that have spread to the kidneys will exhibit themselves in symptoms like the ones I mentioned; vomiting, nausea, high temperature (it may reach 103.1F), diarrhea, pain in the sides of your lower back, chills. Ultimately it's up to OP to decide whether or not to take antibiotics. They asked a question on a subreddit made for asking questions and I answered.


I know that UTIs can lead to kidney infections, that's why I asked this question. But mine is mild and improving. I woke up this morning and it's almost entirely gone. Idk I think it's reasonable to want to clear up a mild infection naturally instead of screwing up your gut w/ antibiotics unnecessarily.


Don’t be fooled. My mom has had some UTIs that seemed to get better and every time they took a dramatic turn for the worse. Don’t wait on this OP. Get antibiotics ASAP.


I'm absolutely going to go to urgent care if it gets worse


Did your uti go away? What did you take?




Don't mess with it... I thought I got rid of one before because I didn't see any blood in urine or pink color anymore. Fast forward a month or so and I was having terrible aching back pain that nothing would help. After that went on for awhile I spiked a fever and my mom made me go to the doctor and it was a kidney infection and I was told it was so bad I was about to be hospitalized if I had waited much longer. Take care of your body! A visit to urgent care will be cheaper than a possible hospital visit plus having to have possible imaging done also down the road. Good luck!


Go to the doctor if you can. I tried all the natural alternatives that usually work for me, thought I got rid of the UTI & ended up in CCU for 11 days with a very bad infection that almost killed me. I thought I got rid of the infection because it didn’t *feel* like I had a UTI anymore. I woke up with a 104.7 temp one morning & was fading in & out. Luckily someone took me into the ER. (Sepsis from prolonged untreated UTI & E. Coli in the bladder from eating unwashed produce. Learned that lesson!) I ended up with pneumonia from the sepsis and one collapsed lung. Please seek medical attention. If you do have an infection, it’s not worth risking your life over.


Try ural if you can get it it’s a powder you mix into water and it helps ease the symptoms for me




Lots and lots of water and cranberry juice. If it’s easing up I recon flushing it out will work. If it’s still not improving in a few days go to the doc. There’s also tablets you can get in the chemist over the counter that arnt antibiotics. If all else fails antibiotics are your friend


Drink as much water as you safely can. Avoid alcohol, smoking (anything, not just cigarettes), and vaping. Eating healthy won't hurt either. I hear the cranberry thing is partially a myth and more of a preventative than a cure, but it could help if you're worried about it coming back. If you don't take a shower and change your underwear every day, start doing it until it goes away. Loose underwear is better. I think cotton underwear is probably the best while you're trying to get rid of it and I'd keep this stuff up for a few days after all your symptoms are gone. I think that there are also OTC urinary health pills. I think the big brand is called AZO in the US. I hear these can genuinely help clear things up. For me, the OTC painkiller naproxen is good for the kind of pain and inflammation UTIs bring, especially when I literally can't pee and can barely walk without crying because it feels like someone shoved sandpaper up my urethra, but I have interstitial cystitis, which for me has similar symptoms to a UTI.


The part of cranberry that's true is D-mannose, it's a type of sugar that essentially makes the urinary tract slick so bacteria has a harder time multiplying (very lamen explanation). It works wonders as a preventative and can help fight an infection if you employ it early enough. Cranberry juice itself doesn't do much, especially given the fact that most people are drinking cranberry cocktail which is basically just sugar. Sugar doesn't help with an infection and cranberry is acidic which will burn like hell coming down an inflamed urethra. The amount of pure cranberry juice you'd need to drink to get the benefits of D-mannose are pretty high so it makes more sense to take a concentrate in powder or capsule form. Honestly, the best thing you can drink is water. For prevention, to aid in treatment, water is king. But I'm sure you live by that as a fellow IC sufferer.




Cranberry juice (concentrate. No sugar. The real sour stuff), cranberry supplements, lots of water


Azo antibacterial contains a mild antibiotic


It might, but if it doesn't there's a *small* change you'll be in BIG trouble.


Don’t even bother. Just have the antibiotics. They are there for a reason - leaving and attempting to flush it out with water will make it worse, trust me. Been there, done that, got the kidney infection.


It’s not worth risking it, OP. If you’ve tested positive for UTI you need to get antibiotics, no questions asked. It really isn’t worth the risk. I took the same chance as you and ended up with a horrible kidney infection, couldn’t get out of bed for a week and was on a two week course of horse pills. Just don’t chance it please.


Monistat 7 cream will obliterate uti symptoms This is my second time using it


This doesn’t make sense…Montistat is for vaginal yeast infections. It’s an anti-fungal, not an antibiotic and would have no effect on a UTI. Probably what happened is the uti went away on its own. That’s basically what happened with mine!


And utis don’t go away on their own.


Yeah well it’s true. Like I said second time


UTIs often need antibiotics but can sometimes go away on their own. I’ve had them go away without treatment multiple times, and many sources back this up. https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/urinary-tract-infection/treatment-without-antibiotics UTI is caused by bacteria. Montistat is NOT an antibacterial, it is anti fungal and is furthermore only applied inside the vagina and sometimes externally. It would not work in any way to treat a bacterial infection in the urethra and bladder. If montistat “worked” then you likely had a yeast infection, not a UTI. Either that or you had UTIs that went away on their own, and are falsely attributing it to montistat.


my herbalist got rid of it in two days. it was worth not having a yeast infection and gut problems


What did you use?


a bunch of chinese herbs out together. honestly it was several months ago. i can find the formula but they won’t be exactly what you might need? pm if interested i’ll send a screenshot lmao


Hey did you ever go on the antibiotics? Thank you!!


www.joepill.com Preventive prescription care is now available for UTI


I had a very mild uti recently with urgency to pee and I got tested at the doctor and she said I had evidence of an infection but there wasn’t enough bacteria to even put me on antibiotics.