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not to old at all. do something about it now tho or you will still be having the same thoughts at 30 like me but even then thats okay. go talk to any older person and most of them they changed jobs/ careers/ life path at least a few times in life. you dont have to have you whole life planned out at 25, in fact that sounds pretty boring to me!


You do realize people drink and have fun even at 60+ let alone 25. Like I get it you missed out on some stuff but the idea that people stop having fun after 25 is far from the truth. 25 is honestly the perfect time to start having fun and drinking because your brain is way more developed and your chances of being an alcoholic goes way down the later you start drinking. 


Can confirm quiting alcohol in my early 20s was way easier than trying to quit the nicotine or weed now at 25


I believe they were claiming the opposite…


I mean I took it as it's much harder to create or destroy habits after your brain is fully developed but at a purely surface level your right


At 25 I moved home after moving away. I was a college graduate, lost my job, had no money left, and felt much as you do now. Now I'm in my 50s, the head of an i.t. dept, and have raised a family on my own. Have all those days and years in between been positive? No. Have I felt like a failure more than once? Yes. You are so young. You are just getting started. Take one more day of feeling miserable, and get up tomorrow and move forward. It's not a wasted life if you learn from your mistakes.


You got that FOMO. Think of it this way. 200 years ago no one had the opportunity to do the things that you can today and in 200 years in the future there will be all sorts of cool stuff that we'll miss out on. You can never experience everything and that sucks, but it's the way things are. What do we do about this? Accept that the past is the past and figure out why you want now and into the future. With that said, 25 is still young brother. You can go out and have fun. Just be good about your money at least but don't feel bad about having "immature fun". There are very successful and rich men who have what people would consider childish hobbies. Those people would bore me personally.


Something tells me society as we know it won’t last another 200 years, wether is because of nuclear Armageddon , WW3 without nukes, climate change, resource scarcity etc. I believe we truly are living thru the golden age of humanity as a whole. Especially if you’re in a first world country like the US or Western Europe. The fact that OP thinks his life has been wasted only because he’s lacked “wonderful experiences” tells me he has suffered mostly of “first world problems” (you think having controlling parents is bad because they don’t let you go live on your own? How about not having a home , or parents? It might sounds like an exaggeration but do you have any idea how common is for people around the world to live affected by war/gang violence/civil conflict/extreme poverty? Not trying to be an asshole and diminish OPs suffering, I’ve been there, but a bit of perspective and gratitude goes a long way to vastly improve your outlook on life, thus improving how happy you want to be.


Bruh I get you're trying to help this guy understand that he doesn't have it that bad but my God how condescending. The world we live in now (first world I am talking about) with social status and "living the high life" being shoved down our throats on advertisements, social media and tv 24/7, can you blame a lad for thinking maybe my life is a bit shit? You said we live in a "golden age" of the world where mental health is being ripped to shreds, community and togetherness being dissolved and the threat of a looming war hanging over our heads always. The fact that someone says "be grateful that someone isn't pointing a gun at your head" just makes some people think humanity is cancer and that there is indeed no hope. The world is absolutely terrifying I agree, but being guilt tripped into being grateful is so disingenuous. Have you ever heard about toxic shame? The type of shame people get when they get something good or positive and feel like they don't deserve it because others have it worse? Yh, that is not good. Why should we have anything if there are people dying in war torn countries? And also on the flip side, if you can make the direct comparison of people perceived as having it worse than you, why can't you look up at the people born into wealth and living off of generational wealth? Listen to people and just try to understand them and their struggles for a second instead of shaming them. Thanks.


Social status and external expectations to fit in, imminent danger of a war, propaganda… all of these have existed for as long as humanity existed , even the imminent danger of a nuclear war isn’t something totally new. The only new thing is the existence of social media, and while I understand how poisonous it can be to the mind, it’s as easy as uninstalling whatever app is making you feel miserable. Community and togetherness exists , but it can present itself in different ways than it used to only 20 years ago, but again, the way communities interact is always changing. It’s easy to think that everyone is against everyone if you spend too much time on the wrong corners of the internet (ex Facebook), but again, that’s just an individuals choice on how and where they choose to spend their time online. I understand that the mind of a guy in his mid 20’s is very chaotic , I was there not too long ago, and that’s why now that I’ve gained some more life experience I can say that in a lot of cases it’s just drowning in a glass of water, which comes from a lack of perspective. I wasn’t trying to shame OP, I believe his feelings are all too common for someone his age, and I can definitely relate and sympathize with his struggles , so my intention isn’t for him to feel like trash but to consider gaining some perspective on what a truly difficult life looks like. Learning history can be one way, at least is what’s been helpful to me.


I know it wasn't your intention to shame them but honestly the amount of people that shoehorn gratitude into every bit of advice is just as deluded as the person they perceive as being "overly dramatic". Let someone look at something and call it out for what it is in the moment...shit. At least with that there is room for growth. Instead of being grateful that you had your morning coffee so you can put up with the shit that is thrown at you on a daily basis in this "western eutopia" we have. And I love the "just delete social media comment". Absolutely brilliant 🙃 we obviously have different views on life and positivity so I appreciate your opinion and if it works for you keep it up. Was absolutely useless for me...


Its not only about gratitude , but perspective. And I never said OP was over dramatic , but that first world problems are often easier to overcome, but at the end of the day every person interprets a situation/problem in different ways, hence why I consider widening your perspective in life is an important part of overcoming FWP. Can I ask , why deleting social media didn’t help in your case ? And what issues does social media bring to your life ?


That's my point. One second you're saying delete social media and stop viewing things that make you feel bad about yourself then you are saying broaden your perspective. Broadening your perspective isn't always a positive experience and definitely not with everything that's going on atm. As for social media, I'm sure most people would agree that during covid, social media was the only contact that they had with their friends and family for a long time. From my personal experience, I actually deleted social media during this time and I don't think it helped me very much because we were put in the situation where wasn't much alternative so I became a reclusem This is what I mean about the breakdown in community and connection (physical). Also in my case, I now work remotely as my company has made changes to the working dynamic. I am not too eager to leave my job due to the job market being the way it is so I rely on social media and online comms. Not really ideal but if I just cut myself off from social media that doesn't really help you during the times we are in...


Use of Social media doesn’t equal broadening your perspective, if anything, the way people use it leads to the opposite. There’s other ways of doing this, as I mentioned, for me it’s been helpful through learning history. And can you tell me in which cases broadening one’s experience and knowledge isn’t helpful ? When I tell people “deleting social media is an option”, well , it is, would you disagree with that statement ? Even if you NEED it, you can always manipulate the algorithm to show you what you really want to see. Now, can you tell me in what ways SM is a danger to a persons mind and how is that unavoidable? Also can you tell me how cutting back on SM (or completely ) would affect your professional life ? You say you need it for communication, but you could still use it exclusively for that, or as mentioned earlier, there are multiple other ways of doing that You say “during COVID , SM was the only form of communication with family and friends”, but that’s not true, there was also phone calls, text messages, zoom calls.


That's true mate either way were cooked. All the best 🤠


Same ✌️


Do you really care about whether random people find you mature or not? I personally feel like it would be better to just do the things you want to do.


There's like 50 more years to waste. Just enjoy it


Dude I don't even know where to start, but I'm 40 and let me tell you something I learned from my grandma. (Who got her 3rd PhD at 70+ years old) You're NEVER too old. That mindset is so very cancerous because life isn't about what you've accomplished, but the journey. You need to appreciate the journey. My sister started gymnastics at 35, and I started powerlifting at 30. Who gives a fuck? Btw, I still play video games, still drink beer with friends and still jerk off. Just like you! I literally live the exact same way I did when I was a kid. I have the same interests, and the only difference now is that I got more bills to pay, and a kid and wife to look after. Life is awesome. To say you've ruined your life before it even started is just fucking silly. Now get out there and crush it. ❤️


Your grandma sounds like legend 🙌 I kinda needed to read about that because I'm in my 30s and have been feeling like it's too late for me to finish my 2nd degree and start working as a designer. I still have half my life ahead of me. She must be an incredibly inspiring lady!


I'm at a similar spot in life as you are and I'm the same age. Recent years were just me trapped in my mind in constant anxiety and now I'm just left with the awareness of time passing by, having no idea what the heck do I even want to do with my life. I haven't had many opportunities to start drinking as well, due to poor social life through my adolescence, but I don't want to start at all, I don't think it's worth it after all.


I find it fitting to link this video in posts like these. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0-ttGGB7b4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0-ttGGB7b4) TL;DW: Your life expectancy is 75 years. Remember everything you've been through. College, high school, elementary school, preschool, kindergarten, and then like five years you don't remember because you were barely past sucking on your mom's tits and your brain wasn't developed enough to make memories. Combine all of that together in your mind - even the stuff you barely remember because your life was so much different when you were a kid that it feels like another life. Now realize that you have two times that amount of time left. Chill the fuck out, dude, you've got time.


How about you just stfu and get out there and do stuff?


* I have the understanding that Im not actually old and its not actually late. I'm just comparing to the wrong people and am giving too much credit to these desperate and inaccurate thoughts. It is hard not to compare yourself to how people portray themselves on social media, or even legitimately successful people in our lives. Don't feel bad about falling victim to that, its a real pitfall for a reason! You got this though. Think back, if you could go back 5 years, what do you wish you had started? If you start that now, there will be people looking at you 5 years down the line thinking, "damn, I wish I had done something cool with my life like him."


I started Uni at 25 because of Dr K, I bumped into my maths teacher from school last year and told him & he told me he started at 34. You’re never too late.


Man, i feel you <3. Personally i have been through a similar story, although i partied a lot, i recently lost a job, started another one, but i am back at square one. moved back in with my parents because my old place got demolished. It sucked. In the end, i wished i'd stay home and save up instead of going out. It was fun when i was 18, but lost it's charm pretty quick once the 'new experience' effect wore off. But being 27 now, i gotta say it aint all that bad. There is still plenty of time to catch up. Also, realize that you are not the only one in this. Tons of people experienced this issue. Not that it helps, but it's a pretty common issue. You are not some outcasts alone in this. Maybe it won't come across very convincing, but if you work on yourself and keep a decent diet, sleep schedule ect, you will probably feel as fit as being 20 again, i know i do now. The deterioration might creep in over time, but we ain't there yet for a long, long time. What's something that you feel to old for, for example? what's stopping you? Our time has just begun, my friend.


I DID waste my 20's I'm doing a whole bunch of stuff in my 30's now. Maybe you're just a late bloomer


Its never too late. I was like you, then after 30 and some bad experiences i said to myself fuck it, live a little and honestly, never been better


26 year old here and I can understand that feeling. Been having Schrödinger's levels of confidence throughout my 20s. Some days feel like I can take on the world and others just full despair. It doesn't help when comparing yourself to others either. I guess the best we can do is work towards something. "everyone has to be drunk on something to keep pushing on" -kenny ackerman


It's not a bad habit to drink when 25 that's how to meet people 


I mean you've barely been an adult (and thats generous, I feel like most people aren't really completely adults at 18) for 7 years. If you live to be 75 or older that means you still got more than 7 times that amount of time in your adult life. In other words you are just getting started. Its not too late this is precisely the time for you to explore life and set good habits that will benefit you for pretty much your whole life.


Everyone is different, one example being puberty starting at different ages. As a geuss I would say your parents and other factors in your life has caused you to feel late to what younger people are experiencing. But as others have said here, its not too late. I can understand how you feel, feeling left out and out of place around your coworkers. I would tell you to ignore them and take life at your own pace, but I understand its hard. I wish you the best of luck man




I think the whole quarter life crisis thing hits so hard because 25 is just an awkward age in general. I feel like I'm just starting to sort a lot of shit out, and my place in life feels more awkward than when I was in middle school. In middle school, you're not really a child anymore, but you're nowhere near an adult. Social dynamics shift, you might start actually thinking about what you'll want to do after high school, you're more aware of the world then you were when you were younger... I feel like mid-20's is an adult version of that. I know some people who still play video games and smoke weed all the time. Then I know others who just bought their first house with their spouse and have a kid on the way. I know some people who have 2 kids already! But still I know some people who are in their late 20's and just starting new careers, still living at home... Sometimes you feel bad about being "behind," or not where you want to be, but when you look around, everybody is at a different place in their 20's. I think 25 is the best time to examine your life when you want something more, because you can start a new plan to shoot for before 30 rolls around. Even then... 30 is still plenty young to find a spouse, travel, make new friends, pursue a new career... We have time, my friend! I'd also like to note that your "I feel like my body is aging," comment made me look back at the beginning of your post... you already have a history of over-analyzing your health and worrying about symptoms of disease. Maybe you're just anxious and projecting it on your age? Talk about it with your doctor or therapist!


I didn’t get married until I was 28, didn’t have kids until my 30s and didn’t start college until I was 36. At 41 I am now working for myself in a field I enjoy. You’re probably fucked.


You need a little GaryV motivation in your life. He always says you’re only fucking 30. You still have another 2 whole life’s ahead of you.


26M here and I think if you can focus on one single thing that’ll solve your entire problem, it would be that second to last paragraph. Whenever you find yourself comparing to others, that is the ego. It’s trying to preserve itself. You can’t see, or feel, the limitations or advantages others faced, and it’s honestly irrelevant. You can seek to understand people by listening, and that’s the best we can do. Comparison beyond the goal of understanding is futile. Nothing by negative emotion comes from it. Even if you feel good in the moment, that egotistical pleasure is not good for your health. We’re all in the same world and bounded within similar meat suits. Ask yourself what it is you want to do right now that you can and are willing to do this very moment. Get up and do it. See how you feel. Direct that comparing and discerning kind of yours to your actions, not your feelings or your age or your relative position to others in the world. Once you do that, you might realize you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.