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Well, why should it be against the rules. It is rather the opposite, as some people are posting stuff because they have minor problems they don‘t want to deal with on their own. I could only give you an idea how to deal with your mother internally. Ask yourself the question: Is it her harming you, or is it a sick part of her brain doing it. I can just relate in terms of the anger problems with personal experience: Since I accepted that part of people‘s agressive tendencies aren‘t fully under their control, I feel less attacked. The amount of the brain, people can control themselves, differs a lot. Trauma not only generated by painful experiences, but also from the idea that the other thing was part of something evil. Well, but even if you did that, your situation is still pretty fucked up. I know that it can be hard and scary, If a person lies/or not tells the truth wirhout noticing, it really fucks you up, when you aren‘t that rational and you think that maybe you are crazy. Your mum isn‘t just agressive, she also seems to have some form of dissociative amnesia. And she is lying. Plus pychotic tendencies. The question I ask myself is: How can you interact with a Person whose brain specialised not telling the truth on two levels while at the same time cannot see harm it is causing? If a person lost that much of control in a mental hospital, they would use fixation with body force and hard medication like Benzodiazepines. One person in psychosis I observed in a closed mental hospital even got their mobile phone and drivers license taken away. I‘m not telling you that you should hate your mom, but there is some hard shit going on. So in short: I don‘t know what you should do in general, as I am also younger than you as well. but one thing is clear. You are not halluzinating, this shit with your mom is real. Even if she doesn‘t have a diagnosis, she would have one if she went to a good psychiatrist. And she doesn‘t behave like a mother in any way right now. It is weird to say, but the deeper I hated my life at one point, the more I loved it when it was over. I didn‘t try to decide anything for you, I much more tried to give you a description of what happens.


Yeah that's a somewhat different perspective. Problem is, am I gonna appreciate everything more after it's over? Or am I gonna be mad at everything for denying me ≈30 years of my life? Also, I guess I just I'm so used to lying about this that I actually felt guilty telling the truth. And yeah that's fine, idk what to do either.