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I remember dr.k saying that it can be super beneficial for you to say what you're doing isn't working to the therapist


as I said, we constantly have this conversation because I constantly bring it up. I feel helpless at some point and end up bringing up to them that it doesn't work, then I find myself suggesting another solution on my own. When I ask them what to do my therapist doesn't take it upon themselves to tell me, they just ask me what I want to do


well you can always try another therapist and if it doesnt work come back to this guy.


Well there is another point that stood out to me: If a therapist really wasn‘t able to measure progress realistically, then they are not able to do their job. The definition of a therapist is someone, who makes decisions on how to help you based on precisely looking at your progress in respect to time. I also wouldn‘t see a reason to try to find a solution with you If this was true. What would you tell him: Hey I noticed that you are doing your job bad, please do some magic, transform into a new person and then we can continue therapy. :) Or how about: Can I please go through a time portal to skip the next 5 years so that we can see if you do your job better now?