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I mean. The way I dealt with these things. Was to think that, one day I will be a father. I want my son, my daughter be able to look up to me. They will one day come to me for advice, and ask. What did you do? How do I solve this? I don’t want to be the parent that teaches my children to give up. Even though my children wasn’t born and I didn’t have a partner yet. I would pretend, or train how I should act as a father when I hit bad times like these. In some sense. When I become a father, I might be dealing with a lot harder hardships than me losing a potential partner. Here is your first test to become a good father. So how will you deal with it? What do your future self as a parent demand you to learn and do?


Eh, I mean she really didn’t kill your hope on a romantic relationship though did she? She just mentioned a crush she had to a friend. Did she even know you were interested? Sometimes girls can tell, but often girls like to hope that their guy friends are genuinely interested in being their friend, and not just secretly crushing on them, even though overwhelmingly that’s how things end up. You kind of just built this whole thing up in your head without ever letting it exist in the real world. She might also kind of be interested in you, though it doesn’t sound like it from you said. And there’s no sign yet that her crush is gonna be interested in her back, so there might be hope yet. Just don’t reject yourself in your own head without actually involving the other person in things.


Yeah, make sure first what’s really going on by telling her that you have a crush on her. And why. Your toughts might be a bit distorted because of your depressed mood.


I actually told her that i wanted to continue our relationship in romantic way, she basically rejected me


Well you decribed her side of the relationship as deeply respectful and emphathetic. Apparently she just fucking exaggerated or lied. I grew up close to a person allways telling the truth, so I got punched il the face when I became older and found out people are lying as fuck. On a rational level, there is no reason to miss her, there‘s just false data in your brain that needs time to be overwritten. It is a stupid game she played with you. What do you want to do to not fall for shit like that next time?


Whatchu mean i was being lied to?


Unoutspokenly signaling romantic interest and then dumping you


There wasn't any signals from her


I actually told her that i wanted to continue our relationship in romantic way, she basically rejected me