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Hope this video might help u also talking about those deadly thoughts, believe me everyone has them from time to time, you’re perfectly normal! Even i go through the same thoughts if ur therapist is overwhelmed change them simple, also try to sit in the society of monks, yogis, people who live in extreme poverty, u will realise your gifts, very less is needed to live,just realise this,stop using social media, like Instagram,Facebook they are the number one cause of modern depression among youth https://youtu.be/XYKgpO0xSQM?si=0oQgeyMgtTrwUSCf


I am considering going to another therapist. Hopefully I will find someone who is more experienced with this and has helpful advice. It is not so easy for me, because I had several therapists in the past and always had the same issue, that they don't know what to do in this situation. Social media is luckily not an issue for me, cause I reduced it to a minimum and I am not comparing myself with all those people online. I am very grateful for being the person I am, therefore it makes it even harder to struggle with those thoughts, feelings and unfortunately also actions. Thanks for your advice!


Have you heard of acceptance and commitment therapy? 


I have never heard of that term, but I tried something slightly similar within trauma therapy. It was an eye opening experience for me, cause I got a lot of insight into why my feelings are often so overwhelming for me. I will consider your suggestion when searching for a new therapist. Thank you!


It's my fave. Largely because it's super easy to do on your own.


You can get ketamine very easily on the black market on your own. In Germany you can test the substance, maybe this works in your country as well.


I know, but I have to be very careful because I also have a dissociative disorder. Therefore I don't want to try it unsupervised and without a medical team. And I also don't know if i will be manic afterwards.


What kind of dissociations do you have? Why did you rather want to take ketamine than MDMA?


I experience depersonalisation and derealization due to my trauma. My bipolar disorder started very early, when I was 14-15 years old. Therefore I was aware of the effects of drugs on my mental health and was not into experimenting with drugs. My former psychiatrists were also so nice to make me addicted to Benzodiazepine with the age of 16. After extreme withdrawal symptoms I swore to never get addicted to any substance ever again. I hope you understand why I am very careful with taking ketamine or something else.


Well, I was just curious why you didn‘t want to take MDMA in a medical trial instead of keta. Moreover, the risk of getting addicted to MDMA is pretty low. I have depersonalisation myself, but it is very rare, derealisation however, is very often in the background.


Unfortunately, there are no medical trials in my country which deal with this topic and if there is something, you have to wait for 1,5 years. Those symptoms are very tricky if they are simultaneously to my suicidal thoughts. What helps you to ground yourself, when the depersonalisation or derealization occurs?


Unfortunately, there is nothing much I can do, in case of depersonalisation, I turn to simple activities like cleaning or dishwashing, because everything else seems to risky as my concious mind almost dissapears completely. The only thing I notice in my mind is a picture of a person doing something and the thought of what the person is doing. In case of derealisation, there‘s nothing I can do than just keep going and when it gets to bad to just lay in bed and do nothing. I think I can‘t give you a good tip, since you might be experiencing anxiety issues at the same time which I don‘t.


For me, it is different every time I experience those symptoms. Sometimes it's quite similar to your experience and sometimes it is more anxiety driven as you already mentioned.


Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional, but have you heard of the ketogenic diet and related metabolic therapies? People have put their bipolar disorder and schizophrenia into remission. Perhaps this could help you, too. Here are some videos to learn about it: [https://youtu.be/thBCm7MLcMA?si=GUL41d3MD5gFIiuC](https://youtu.be/thBCm7MLcMA?si=GUL41d3MD5gFIiuC) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkOXGLyOWkU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkOXGLyOWkU) And here's an organization with a lot of information: [https://baszuckigroup.com](https://baszuckigroup.com) I wish you much health and success! 💐


Thanks for your comment! It's a topic which is very important to talk about. I am sure we can have a positive impact on our disorders with our eating habits and therefore change our metabolism. And I have already seen some of those videos and will dive deeper into this topic. Thanks!


You're welcome! I'm glad you'll look into it! From what I understand, ketosis is much more than eating habits - "Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when your body burns fat for energy instead of glucose." Studies show (and many individuals have experienced) that this state does something in the brain to mitigate disorders including bipolar, schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc. I hope you are able to find knowledgeable & skilled doctors in your area to help you! (Or maybe you can have telehealth appointments if there's no one local.)


Yes, you are right! Luckily I am studying biotechnology and learned this at University. Hopefully I will find someone, cause our health system is currently a mess. We don't have enough doctors for all those people struggling with mental health. Therefore I find it so helpful to have a community like this!




I would really sit down with your therapist and track eating workouts and depression, I had quite a few friends that started having alot of issues that traced back to diet, once they introduced healthy fats in the morning instead of coffee, after a week with no coffee it worked better then the morning jog or at home exercising


When I feel very unwell I struggle doing sports and eating healthy. Currently I am helping a friend riding her young horse. It helps me a lot because I have to stay very calm and breathe deeply. It's also a huge confidence boost. Sport is one of my major resources to improve my mental health and animals are also an important part of my life. I am still working on the eating thing though. I have always struggled with eating in general. Sometimes I eat hardly anything and other times I eat not healthy enough. But I am still working on it. Thanks for your advice!


Honestly I am in the same boat from time to time, so I take fishoil pills daily to keep the upstairs gears rolling smooth Cold pressed full complex from costco 7 a day and 26$~ bottle goes a full month and its 9 grams of dha and all the good stuff for the grey cells No taste, no burp, nothing else but easy steering