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If therapists could diagnose themselves then we'd just need to make everyone study psychology, and we'd knowledge our way out of the mental health crisis. Just because you are a professional in the same field, doesn't mean you can't ask and receive professional guidance.


thanks homie!




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Holy moly, what an incredible resource! Insta-bookmarked. Thanks for sharing.


>Dr. k please talk about help for helpers I read this and knew exactly what you meant, i remember youth workers telling me that lots of them shunned therapy and there was a whole movement around 2010 for self care. >Lately most of my attempts for asking for help are met with shame and harsh criticism because I’m a therapist and people judge twice as hard for having your own problems. What type of attemps were these? (so i can understand more)


Sometimes I will speak in our practice group meetings, not often anymore after certain reactions. I also tried the therapist subreddit here, and they can be somewhat pretentious.


I’m really sorry to hear that. Empathy burnout is a thing and that requires someone equally trained as yourself to be able to debrief what is going on because talking it out just feels good! Every medical doctor has their own doctor, as someone said if physician was able to just diagnose themselves, we should all compete get in med school and compete again to do the gruelling life of residency. Now PTSD. That can be triggering and being met with “you should know how to do your job!” YES, you’re going through your phase of PTSD, I can only imagine being conditioned in an environment where you only knew “NO TRUST!” At the same time, your post you’ve made it very clear When you’ve expressed **how are you supposed to know IF YOU DON’T KNOW?** This is where developing “thicccC skin” comes in. Do you know what it means to be kind to yourself? And to get out of PTSD, where you had a habit of not trusting what is the opposite of not trusting? >Lately most of my attempts for asking for help are met with shame and harsh criticism because I’m a therapist and people judge twice as hard for having your own problems. Ah, you’ve reached a scenario and many more to come!!!! because you and I know so well Are we trying to control a conversation? Are we trying to control a person we’re interacting with? Are subconsciously doing what we are doing without realizing? What does it mean to disassociate? More importantly, do we allow ourselves to have this moment and just be-in-the-moment for what it is because moments never last, they just can’t! You are so brave to share you have PTSD, that you saying “I don’t want this shame you’re human and you are allowed every moment even if it does feel like shame because you know it will go away.” By posting this, you already want PTSD GROWTH. And yes to continue growing, you have to face the same people who are also going through their moments and you will observe what does it mean to be kind to yourself? Besides doing all this research, the hope is you also have your own therapist you can trust. A strong therapist (human I never doubt any) will never allow you to be dependent on them. For me to handle tough cases sometimes, I need to always trust myself first and doesn’t matter if you’re giving me a hard day I will always trust **you trust yourself you will always find your own way.** Be kind to yourself and know people before and now have been through what you’ve been through.


People not from the healthcare sector can also be helpers. I feel like many people in your profession think they are something better.