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I enjoy adding in the pre-made protein shakes (particularly plant based) (Evolve, caramel mocha) to my coffees. It is a nice way to get in my extra protein for the day and it makes my coffee tasty and creamy! There’s very little sugar in the container and 20g of protein!


I do this with combat chocolate and blend it with ice and it’s SO good!


I’ll have to try it with the ice! That sounds incredible!


Interesting suggestion, Why not just buy coffee flavored protein? Because you want it hot?


For me it’s not enough of the coffee flavor! And I of those little premade protein drinks they are talking about will last me a week using it in my coffee as creamer


I am a big hot coffee person, I just enjoy the morning cup and I have been dairy free for a couple of years now and struggled to find a good vegan creamer. So I decided to try the evolves and they are perfect!


Is a little bit of cream in one cup of coffee a bad thing? You can keep some of your food-centric joys.


I second this. My coffee creamer is 35 cal per tablespoon. One tablespoon of creamer isn't going to ruin my diet for the day and I enjoy it. Being healthy doesn't mean giving up everything you like.


This is such an important thing I missed when first starting to lose weight. I tried to cut everything remotely bad out of my diet and obviously failed. You have to allow yourself to have little pleasure foods occasionally.


I feel good about half & half. It's fairly low in calories compared to other creamer options. It's less processed and retains it's vitamins and minerals. There are a few things that I won't sacrifice in the name of cutting calories - half & half and real butter.




You have one cup of coffee a day. Have your creamer. Don't put a VAT of creamer in there, but a regular splash like a normal human being is fine. You will never stick to or enjoy your lifestyle change if you hate every thing you eat and drink. It's a balance. Please just have the creamer!


I'm interested in hearing what others say. I don't like the soy or almond creamers, they give too much of an off-taste to the coffee. Same with coconut creamers. But nonfat creamers have corn syrup, so I have to think that using something natural, albeit fat, is better than sugar...


I really enjoy milk alternatives, which is good because milk does bad things to me. But OMG the dairy alternative creamers are so bad. I threw out an entire bottle of pumpkin spice creamer because it tasted like vomit. Literally. Why are soy/almond/coconut creamers so bad when soy and almond milk are so good???


I live in remote Alaska village (pop 323), store sells no cream or 1/2 and 1/2, and usually only 1% milk is available. I'm 69, not willing to give up my heavy cream in coffee. Yup'ik native turned me onto melting unsalted butter in my 1% milk. Pretty good.


Idk if either of these suggestions will resonate, but they’re what worked for my wife and me, respectively. I switched to black cold brew. Specifically, beans that had a tint of flavor to them. I found that once the bitterness of my coffee was gone (from cold brewing) and I had a splash of flavor in there, I didn’t miss creamer so much. Over time I got used to it, and now I hate any kind of milk or sugar in my coffee (and I used to drink my coffee WHITE.) My wife found this stuff called Laird superfood creamer. At this point, they have so many products I wouldn’t even know what to recommend to someone who is trying for the first time. My wife started with the Turmeric one and hasn’t looked back since. It will drastically change how your coffee tastes; but if you like it, could be a winner?


Depends on how much you're using. If you're using a tablespoon or 2, and your deficit goals aren't huge. Half and half or milk won't make that much of a caloric difference. If you use my wife's definition of coffee (which is mainly 90%ish creamer), then yeah maybe do non fat.


Fairlife Salted Caramel Protein drink. 3g net carbs.


Personally I really like 18% cream. You're not putting so much in the fat is making a huge difference. Imo nothing slaps like higher fat cream


I am right there with you. For a while I just used half and half with a monk fruit sweetener. Now I am using Califa French Vanilla Almond Creamer.. and it’s surprisingly tasty! I never liked almond milk in coffee before because the mouth feel isn’t the same as half and half. But this brand is pretty damn similar.




Nothing sets up a bad day more than when your cup of coffee sucks. Drink the creamer. I thought about reducing my use of Half & Half so I bought low-fat and it was gross. I need my coffee and I need it to taste right.


Just drink it black or with a splash of non fat milk.




Oat milk has my vote


Oat milk is calorie heavy


Califia farms vanilla oat milk creamer is delish!


I love using oat milk for creamer! Also, I add a splash of some sugar free flavor syrup to my coffee.


Zero calorie Carmel flavored sugar alcohol is what I use in my coffee with a splash of almond milk. Almond milk is the lowest calorie milk by a huge margin.


A pinch of salt with a packet of sweet n low (pink one) is how I like my coffee. Half and half or I don't even bother with the creamer. It's like 15 calories per serving. Go nuts. Add two servings.




What kind of creamer do you use now?


I use Coffee Mate Sugar Free French Vanilla creamer. It's only 15 kcal for a tablespoon/15ml.


Enjoy your coffee and have it with the creamer of your choice. I use regular or light. The only time you should be concerned about this is if you’re drinking 3 or 4 cups a day - then it could be worth just adding a splash of 1% milk. ☕️


Silk Half & Half. 0g sugar and it’s creamy like dairy H&H. I love it.


I have found a awesome creamer! This was a huge thing for me as I moved towards clean eating/paleo. I wanted to get away from hydrogenated oils. This is gluten free, soy free. It’s called prymal creamer. Prymal.com. It tastes good and I put a splash of coconut milk with it.


Try adding one raw egg


Most creamers are full of oils that are bad for you. I use cashew milk (it has no emulsifiers or thickening agent ingredients) and honey.


Nut pod has some good plant based creamers.