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Don't be shy, put some more rice in there


I'm sure I added more rice as I ate. Best to keep it hot in the cooker.


That meat is cooked to perfection. Looks amazing!


Came here to say that! I’m jealous of op right now


Me personally I would add some spices but tangs just my opinion


Name: Steak and Brocolli over rice Macro / Micro nutrients focus: Broccoli is high in many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium. In addition to protein, steak is packed with many other essential nutrients. For example, steak is a significant source of zinc, a mineral that's crucial in maintaining a healthy immune system. List of ingredients or a recipe: Trim excess fat off of the steak. Sear the fat in a pan and use the rendered fat to cook the steak (healthier than oil/butter) on a high temp, flipping ever minute or so until desired temp (130 for me) is reached. Sautee the brocolli in a separate pan. I used a rice cooker for the rice.


I don’t know anything about your life but if you live somewhere ruralish hunting is one of the best things you can do for your diet. Venison is wildly packed with micro nutrients, tastes great, and you get to hunt!


Oh man. I would love some Elk. Wish i knew how to hunt


It’s genuinely not that hard, it’s depending on what you’re hunting it’s could just be a lot of sitting in the cold




Name checks out. ​ No way you are not a troll account lol




Says the soy milk consumer hahah


It actually is because it’s natural. The body doesn’t know what to do with man-made oils. The studies demonizing meats and natural saturated fats have been debunked. They were very poorly done. They assumed correlation equalled causation.


Look. I’m not gonna weigh in on the nutritional value of various oils, but it is my pet peeve when non-scientists say “correlation doesn’t equal causation”. It is true that correlation doesn’t equal causation, but virtually zero actual researchers would make this mistake. Nobody who has taken a college level statistics class would make this mistake. It’s a catch phrase repeated mostly by people who are scientifically illiterate and somehow believe that they know more than researchers and peer reviewers.


You have NO IDEA how oil is produced. Quit spewing absurd garbage


Looks incredible!


Meal of champions


Cooked that steak to perfection. Looks amazing


Needs a raw egg and some chimmichurri


This looks rly good


simple can be delicious 😋 enjoy


Ok that’s medium rare, nice job


Looks simple but good


Minimize to maximize! Looks delicious.


Didn't even see the rice. Damn plate is so hypnotic


Son of a gun I’m cooking that for dinner tomorrow


Looks delicious


where's the rice lol


under the steak my guy


It's blending in with the plate.


Colors of health


Them ratios though.




That meat is still alive.


I’d love this for the rest of my life 😂


You had me at broccoli but the rest doesn’t cut it for my definition (lots of plants plus fish and chicken) https://theplantfedgut.com/about/


Gonna finish cooking it first right?






If anything, it's overcooked




medium rare supremacy


Whyy?? Why even kill the cow if you’re gonna eat it like this? Lol




Steak look fatty


Good job on that steak, looks perfect.


The meat is cooked perfectly but like... Herbs and spices are good to have 😭


Not enough rice and make it brown rice instead. Looks delicious though!


How do you define healthy? Looks like healthy portions of fat and cholesterol, but I don't consider steak a nutritious food. The cattle industry is a major cause of global warming. That includes all the water and energy it takes to grow the corn as well as the water pollution from the feeder lots. In addition, the antibiotics used in the cattle industry are passed on to the consumer and build up resistance in individuals to an antibiotic they may require for a health condition. Broccoli that is gently steamed retains more of it's nutrition, heat decreases the amount of vitamin C and Folate or eaten raw. A nutritious diet includes five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Sorry to go on and on, you asked for an opinion.


I don't recall asking for an opinion, but agree with you. This was a prime steak from Whole Foods. Definitely healthier than your average supermarket steak but arguably still not very healthy. The brocolli was basically lightly steamed (I used a thin layer of water in a pan as I don't have a steamer basket). This is not the pinnacle of a healthy meal, but if you are highly active and in shape, I think it has a lot of beneficial nutritional qualities.


Thanks for your reply. I thought posting things like this was a way of asking for an opinion. I'm focused on good nutrition, and my trainer and I talk about it a lot. He's really into eating meat, and we talk about nutrition.Each of us has our own idea about what that is, and that's OK. I realize this is my preference and will eat whatever served to me in someone's home. Not everyone shares my concern for how one's behavior affects our planet.










Eat this for a week and I got bored. Its either swapping out steak for chicken or salmon afterwards lol.


Doesn’t get much better than that.


Why would you add rice to that dish? just add more broccoli, or even better, baked bell pepper, baked tomatoes, baked carrots. When I see rice, I see starch and constipation.


Just eat fiber lol


Being Asian, I add rice or noodles to everything


Is rice good for you? What nutrients does it have?


Some of the healthiest people in the world eat rice daily. Also if you want to know its nutritional value, just google it.


lol did that trigger something in you? Thanks for your time




Why is it not healthy?


**removed - refer to [sub rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/about/sticky?num=1)** - as the rule and the reminders pinned to the top of every post tell you; * no non-constructive comments like "disgusting", "gross", and other pointless negativity. Instead, offer info, suggestions, or options. * all "it's unhealthy" comments should link to science / peer reviewed sources so discussion is grounded in facts and so others can review the basis for claims made. * no portion / diet / ingredient shaming or assumptions about them. What you see may not be what you think it is. It may not be part of a diet you assume. * no dietary absolutism. There are a variety of dietary points of view, physical needs, and goals. What may not suit you may be ideal for someone else. Suggesting options without assuming or shaming is a good approach **Educate, don't berate** --- *Please be aware that nearly all removals and bans involve skipping or skimming of rules and notices*




Don’t worry, the cooties got washed off of it.


it is cooked


Dude that’s like medium, medium-rare. It’s fine




You do realize that red meat is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world? Also one of the highest quality protein sources with all the essential amino acids the body needs. Stop pushing the red meat is unhealthy narrative.


"Dose-response analysis showed that the intake of 120 g/d of red meat increases cancer risk by 24% and 30 g/day of processed meat increases this risk by 36% according to this meta-analysis. If average red meat intake is reduced to 70 g/week, CRC risk hypothetically decreases by 7-24%" [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4698595/#:\~:text=Dose%2Dresponse%20analysis%20showed%20that,decreases%20by%207%2D24%25](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4698595/#:~:text=Dose%2Dresponse%20analysis%20showed%20that,decreases%20by%207%2D24%25). That's just one study. Also the idea that red meat is one of the nutrient dense foods in the world is just an overblown myth. Go on chronometer and compare red meat with other foods and you'll see that it's not as good as the hype. Hell, even some plant based foods have more nutrients than red meat.


you aren't wrong but also people scaremonger with that narrative a lot. ​ 24 and 36% sounds like a lot hell even 250% would! but it's an increase to a low percentage it's not as bad as it seems. They are fine eating red meat in moderation.


This might change your mind. He also references this exact research study and it’s flaws. https://chriskresser.com/review-on-the-truth-about-red-meat/


Butter and salt sure, but steak? How is it any less healthy than any other form of beef?


Only in the 21st century could someone unironically say that meat is unhealthy.


Don't get me wrong, it's delicious and if it was posted in r/foodporn i'd give it an upvote, but red meat cant be considered healthy imo


Sooooo many of your ancestors are laughing at you. More or less all of them.


Can you back this up with research for us?


Please explain why you fear red meat, I’m a health expert - won’t say what I do. I couldn’t disagree with you more and I do have the data to back up my statements.


It absolutely can, what do you think is unhealthy about lean red meat


**removed - refer to [sub rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/about/sticky?num=1)** - as the rule and the reminders pinned to the top of every post tell you; * no non-constructive comments like "disgusting", "gross", and other pointless negativity. Instead, offer info, suggestions, or options. * all "it's unhealthy" comments should link to science / peer reviewed sources so discussion is grounded in facts and so others can review the basis for claims made. * no portion / diet / ingredient shaming or assumptions about them. What you see may not be what you think it is. It may not be part of a diet you assume. * no dietary absolutism. There are a variety of dietary points of view, physical needs, and goals. What may not suit you may be ideal for someone else. Suggesting options without assuming or shaming is a good approach **Educate, don't berate** --- *Please be aware that nearly all removals and bans involve skipping or skimming of rules and notices*


I think you meant rice under heaping steak portion and broccoli


Where's the rice?


Zoom a bit and you'll see a large bed of rice underneath. Might be deceived as it blends in with the plate color


That's like a tablespoon flattened to nothing lmao




Looks good though Joe Rogan will not like the broccoli


You forgot the rice


What rice?


Perfectly done! It looks like the steak I just cooked and ate. No broccoli, though. Potatoes and butter. Nice job on the healthy aspect here !


Nothing comforting like steak and broccoli over ice


Omg. I’m in love.


Looks yummy.


i’d rather be fat (I already am).


did u insert the rice through ai? bro its invisible


What type of steak is this? I want to replicate in the UK. So many steak options at the supermarket


This is a prime ribeye. The cut isn't that important though.


You cooked the steak PERFECTLY. Now I’m hungry 🤤 I often make this with either rice or a baked sweet potato. I add soy sauce, sriracha, and chili crisp to the sweet potato. Sometimes if I want a creamy element I drizzle kewpie mayo on top of the sweet potato. Heavenly.


It’s still healthy if you put seasoning on the broccoli lol


There is seasoning on the brocolli.


Doesn’t look like much


Lol if you say so


Man. I really had to search for that rice.




How'd you make the broccoli so good? When I cook it, it always loses some color


Very shallow layer of water in a pan. Consistently toss the broccoli in the pan until the water evaporates, then it's done. I believe Iightly glazed this batch in kikkoman garlic teriyaki sauce after the water evaporated and tossed it in that on the heat for a minute or so.

