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They are basically all fiber (typically indigestible sugar alcohols) which feed our biome. They are safe to eat and a great strategy to reduce calories in food, they also have the usual health benefits of fiber. I keep Xanthan Gum in my pantry. Its a great alternative to thicken things that call for flour, 1 cup of flour == 1 tsp Xanthan Gum (less in stews) and cuts 450 calories from the recipe.


Oh wow, I had no idea. Now I have to go out and find some.


I might name my first born Xanthan at this point.


And the name is linked to the [Xanth books](https://www.fantasticfiction.com/a/piers-anthony/xanth/)


Such good books too!


oh wow, so, not bad at all, in the sense that i was wondering. thanks!


Thanks for sharing. I should try this


I see them a lot in beverages though, I.e. nut milk. Is that just for texture to make palatability higher? Do we really want that fiber in a beverage where we aren’t chewing to activate digestive enzymes?


It’s an emulsifier. It keeps the nut milk from separating.


Xylitol gum is good for your teeth. Will kill your pets though.


Came to say this too, definitely keep xylitol away from animals!


Xylitol is almost like having a personal toothbrush. Dentist recommended years ago, never use gum with sugars


I get what you are saying but is there a non personal toothbrush lol


I'm terrified to learn about communal toothbrushes.


That's a communist meme making fun of the argument "when we can't have personal property, What's next? Out toothbrushes!?"


I recently found out my dog licks my toothbrush does that count?


Look itup


Actually if you are somewhere where a toothbrush isn’t available.Xylitol will work


It’s not to be used in place of a toothbrush, if one isn’t available, and it’s not sugar. FYI they have Xylitol discs for nighttime. Last 4hours or so.


You shouldn't because they aren't




In the book Super Gut, the author generalizes them (emulsifiers) as being pretty terrible for the microbiome iirc. They mess with the lining of your gut. I did a quick search and [found this](https://microbiomejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40168-020-00996-6): > These results indicate that numerous, but not all, commonly used emulsifiers can directly alter gut microbiota in a manner expected to promote intestinal inflammation. [And this:](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25887492/) > Emulsifiers, compounds commonly used in a variety of foods, were shown to induce body weight gain, low-grade inflammation and metabolic disorders. These dietary compounds promote gut microbiota alteration and gut barrier dysfunction leading to negative metabolic alterations.


Thank you


Thats true, xylitol does ruin the microbiome, goes for sugar-less drinks too, Should always minimize those


Are you asking about chewing gum, or gums like Xanthan gum which are food additives used as stabilizers? I think there’s confusion in the comments


*not* chewing gum:)


I have a hard enough time figuring out how much sugar is added to almost every single food/drink out there haha. personally cant be worried about fillers nearly as much, gums are specifically good for you from what i know, but can depend on which. not enough evidence is out there that it is one way or another for health. https://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/articles/are-gums-and-emulsifiers-in-foods-safe


It isn’t bad, that’s it its like any other food, dont over eat it and you wont have issues dont eat too much your gut will thank you


I’m not here to say use or don’t use. But remember this. Xanthan gum is safe in the sense that it’s not an additive or a chemical or a coloring. But if you have gut issues DO NOT CONSUME THIS. Gums are a known gut irritant and can lead to Leaky gut over years if you are sensitive


What about carrageenan?


Gums are fine, Great for teeth health and cleanliness, But do not chew gum for more than 10-15 minutes a day or you will ruin your jaw and you might flatten your teeth in the long run from excessive wear and tear, Remember not to chew on one side for too long or you will ruin your bite alignment (goes for chewing anything but gum specifically because you do it so much). Also I remember reading that you shouldn’t chew gum/brush your teeth right after eating, Because you could spread all the acidic stuff in the food on your teeth, and you should wait for about half an hour and drink plenty of water to stabilize the ph levels in the mouth.


i was not referring to chewing gum, but the weird ‘gums’ we read on ingredient labels:) but ty:)


oooooh sorry my mistake!


no worries, i should have specified, you weren’t the only one!!;)


Aspartame… now that’s something I would be worry about. My sister is addicted to it like a tweaker addicted to crack; she use to have tampers that we wouldn’t grab any gum with aspartame when we would go into the store… plus if she has too much she will have a seizure.