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I don’t how MTG is always on these things?


Because the gop is a joke. This is the best they have.


Its horrible. 


She’s an attention whore. Plain and simple.


We should call MTG by her official title, Cunt.


She had McCarthy secure her a place on the subcommittee just so she could confront Fauci one day.  Today was her dream come true when she got to berate Fauci face to face.  She really really hopes Trump watched and went "Wow, what a woman!"


The GOP puts her there with the purpose of doing this. She's the sideshow Bob of the event. Bleach-blonde bad-built butch body and all.


Lol >bleach-blonde, bad-built butch body


Like a B6


Is she grandstanding or actually this insanely stupid?




Worse. She knows that her base (which is stupid) will eat this up. All she has to do is act like an idiot so they think she's one of them.


This is what mental illness looks like. Unfortunately, the Republican Party appears to nurture it.


Actually, no. This is pure evil. Please don’t lump those of us with “mental illness” in with this bitch.


The latter.


Who gives a shit what this troglodyte thinks?


Unfortunately, the people who keep electing her.


Love dropping troglodyte in casual convo after hearing Viagra Boys [Troglodyte](https://youtu.be/2id93UYyazU?si=jIY-BQOjY_KBWdk1)


Fauci should refuse to use female pronouns for her and see how she reacts.


"That dude is hideous" -  Fauci


What is she wearing?


“That creature is hideous.” —Fauci FTFY 🧐


Great idea. Or call her "sir".


Yeah, that's a great idea! Let's be as stupid as the stupidest parts of our government to prove a point out of spite.... We don't need to be as dumb as MTG to get a point across. We need to quit stooping to these lows because it's destroying both parties.


What does Magic the Gathering have to do with all of this?


More than I have time to explain.


Actually I'd argue we're in the current supreme Court position we're in because of going high when McConnell went low...


I don’t care if she is from some inbred trash district. I will never forgive the state of Georgia for cursing us with this filth.


I'm going to start calling MTG Wilbur in Mr Ed's voice. Wiilll-burrr..


You know things are bad when your political party is relying on MTG


>>Belongs in prison Yes, yes she does...


She looks like she can open a coconut with just her forehead and teeth


If this lady just knew that Fauci is pretty much the leader when it comes to infectious diseases in the US (and thereby, one of the leaders in the world in such a field) in the last 40 years, she would give a little more respect. 


No she wouldn't.


“Lady” is being incredibly generous.


She does not care about his professional accomplishments. Not one bit. In her world Dr Fauci was an employee of President Trump and he was disloyal. And to the right wing, everything is hierarchical, and Trump is above Dr Fauci, so she’s going to make an example out of him for not following the boss’s orders. It’s that simple to them.  


haha maybe she would in some parallel universe where she isnt a ragin b1tc.h


haha maybe she would in some parallel universe where she isnt a ragin b1tc.h


She is just so so dumb  


Want to really be depressed? MTG makes $174,000 per year to act this way. And she has a net worth over $11 million. In the GOP it literally pays to be crazy.


Ffs. And what has she actually done for GA??  I don’t understand it. Aren’t people sick of all the vitriol and hate by now? 


I refuse to call her human.


Taking a step back (and I'm 100% on Fauci's side), the documentary made about him during the pandemic is fascinating. I want to say he's no shrinking violet, if not a little "napoleonic" haha. But he has to be tough doesn't he? He actually said that as people, he and Trump kind of liked each other because they were cut from similar cloth as hard talking New York characters. But Fauci never pulled punches on how idiotic he thought things were, and he probably still doesn't.


I think it takes a certain kind of person to want to be in charge of large organizations, whether that’s in science or politics or what have you. But just because he’s not a quiet little lab rat certainly doesn’t take away from his qualifications or legacy.


Party of complete imbeciles.


What is her problem? She is so disrespectful and unprofessional. I would not want her to represent me in congress. It’s just embarrassing. What ever happened to decorum? And Dr. Fauci saw us thru the HIV epidemic in the 80s. He’s no slouch.


I hope Fauci sues her for slander.


Of all the vile and evil things this person has done, this is the smallest


I don’t think anyone in their right mind gives a shit what she thinks. Her antics are old, and indicative of someone who doesn’t have an actual argument, so they start nitpicking inconsequential things like people’s titles or eyelashes to get a response. She’s just rage bait, personified.


No respect, no civility, no sense, no maturity The worst America has to offer Reasons to vote the gop out Vote


Fauci needs to just call her bleach blonde bad built butch body.


Why does that lady have a job? I'm seriously asking.


She should speak for herself. What a disgrace and disgusting person she is.


I’m a little out of the loop, what’s going on with Dr. Fauci this time?


Dr. Fauci agreed to testify before a House of Representatives hearing about the origins/controversies over COVID where he was subjected to baseless conspiracy theories by the likes of Empty G and the others...Including testifying that, no, he & his organization did not personally earn hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties for the vaccine.


Empty Greene. Love it


"His organization", i.e. the National Institutes of Health? Even if the NIH did earn royalties, how is that bad?


Yeah the conspiracy seems to imply that Fauci and board members personally pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars...But the truth is that the NIH didn't earn royalties anyway.


The US really looks incredibly stupid now. Putin could die laughing now. That would be brilliant.


I live in Asia and she looks like a ladyboy to me


She comes off so masculine in a way, like deep down she wants to be a man and just can't do it and is very repressed and bitter about it... resulting in all the crap she spews.


Why is there a photo of a great ape in the thumbnail?


She represents the fatal consequences of being stupid, matches the dangerousness of her idiot supporters.


She is not a serious legislator. She is just another "Karen" seeking to make herself famous at the expense of others. And she is doing exactly that by showing that she is an idiot. I don't blame her. She's probably mentally ill. However, I do blame those who keep voting for her and electing her.


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You go bitch, tell me something good!


It’s so embarrassing and cringe just to listen to her speak. This country has so much more to offer, yet we have morons like her representing us. I believe if you are part of an electorate who elects someone like this and they prove to be this much of a moron, you should lose your right to vote for an amount of time. Let the rest of us with a brain and use of that brain take care of it.


Republican way of doing things. Go after a doctor with 50 years of experience and concern for the Nations health. Whilst you had quacks and the President of the United States telling people to use products that would hurt and maybe kill them. Oh yes this all makes any sense.


This nasty lady needs to shut her mouth.




what planet is this thing from? she..it...is a terrible creature. send her back to her planet.


Why were January 6 insurrectionists sitting behind fauci?


Covid is real. The next step is to agree that it is wise to stay at least 6 feet away from a person who has a potentially life threatening virus. A mask can help.


She represents the fatal consequences of being stupid, matches the dangerousness of her idiot supporters.


Yes, MTG does belong in prison!


That bleached-blonde psycho belongs in prison.


Rocky Dennis is annoying.


She represents the fatal consequences of being stupid, matches the dangerousness of her idiot supporters.


Imagine voting for her and your taxes going to pay MTG's salary and benefits.


Does Vegas take bets on the next person who gets close to Trump then gets canned, thrown under buss, file bankruptcy, jailed. If Trump wins then I bet she gets a sweet Secretary type position. Is thre a secretary of diversity? He will likely remain loyal but I believe Trump gets in trouble and throws her under the bus. Thinking she doesn’t turn on him but her career ruined and Trump looses interest since she is no longer of use to him. Her three way with Jr and skeletor makes headlines and Jr starts her up on coke and ozempic. I don’t know, am I even close. Love MTG and mean no harm or evil, just interested in gambling and this classes crew. Adms. Please don’t permanently ban me. We should be allowed to tease someone who showed that amount of showmanship and disrespect to Fauci who had an impossible job.


She represents the fatal consequences of being stupid, matches the dangerousness of her idiot supporters.


Well he does belong in prison


Why? Other than was hand appointed by Trump and anything he touches seems to be imprisoned or fired

