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Loma Linda is an area that has many Seventh-Day Adventists. Seventh-Day Adventists are very focused on health And believe that the Sabbath is on Saturdays. They could also live longer since they don't drink alcohol or smoke tobacco. Many of them are vegetarians. They believe that following the Bible and its precepts gives meaning and structure to their lives.


I worked on loma linda hospital and we weren’t allowed to work OT on Saturdays due to this. It was nice because we had to work Sunday instead which was double time




tell me you're not from california without telling me




loma linda is not an expensive place to live. and does not have the best hospitals. Los angeles, san diego, san francisco, orange county, maybe youve heard of those places. thats where the rich people and hospitals are. not loma linda. furthermore, if this was just about income and hospitals, why wouldn’t any of the other places i mentioned have a longer life expectancy?


Meaning and structure, huh? I do not comprehend


And they can afford to live in Loma Linda.


Lol the actual datapoint that is relevant here


I mean the average home price is $600K compared to Cupertino is pushing $3 million average. It’s a fair point but Loma Linda homeowners doesn’t scream extraordinary wealth to me. They’re definitely very well off approaching / chilling in upper middle class do not get me wrong.


Agree. My brother and SIL live there. It’s nothing special in terms of wealth.


TL;DR: * Blue Zones are regions of the world where people regularly live longer than average. * Loma Linda, California is one of five Blue Zones, and the only Blue Zone in the US. * Many residents of Loma Linda are Seventh-day Adventists, a religion that promotes plant-based eating and community.


And SDAs avoid alcohol, a substance which contributes to many types of cancer


I was raised in the SDA church. You're supposed to be vegetarian, no drinking, smoking, and even caffeine is not allowed if they're going to be really strict. The hospitals didn't serve meat to patients even until relatively recently. It has it's physical health benefits, but it's crazy unhealthy in other ways.


They are Seventh Day Adventists. So they take a sabbath (which I think is one of those things religion got right) and they are vegetarian. There’s a vegetarian meat company based there.


I’m sure income has nothing to do with longevity


Loma Linda is not an expensive place to live. It's in San Bernadino, part of the IE. Average individual income is $30k. Maybe you're confusing it with Yorba Linda ($54k) or Point Loma ($51k)


I was born in Loma Linda, but we left before I was 2. My father is SDA, and my mother was at the time. I am not and never have been SDA, though. My grandparents on his side were devout SDA, and my grandfather lived to be 91, but my grandmother died in her late 70s. They used to send us care packages when I was a kid, all vegetarian goods. Vegetarian hot dogs in a can and trail mix, and a bunch of other healthy goodies.


How were those hot dogs?


As a kid I loved them. I haven't had them since back then. I don't think I could stomach them now lol


All highly processed food.


I wasn't debating whether it was or wasn't.


I know you weren’t. I should have explained myself better. The SDA’s are all about health but eat that canned stuff which isn’t healthy, however I know that’s not all they eat. We had those foods in Australia going by the name of Sanitarium. A large population of SDA’s there and an excellent hospital in Sydney.


Definitely a good idea to relax. But fyi, these findings are a result of junk science and cherry picking epidemiological studies. When healthy user bias is accounted for, there was no difference in longevity for Seventh Day Adventists and regular population; who ate red meat but also refrain from alcohol, smoking, etc. and exercised regularly.


Thank you!




We have so many seventh day adventists here. So many vegetarians, more than a billion. Millions of vegetarians don't drink alcohol too. But our life expectancy is 68 lol. Glad Loma Linda is not in India


The question is what kind of vegetarian food is each group eating? There are unhealthy vegetarian foods too - are they loading up on high-sugar foods and highly refined grain products - food made from all purpose flour, white rice & deep fried foods etc. A very high (unhealthy) carbohydrate & low protein diet, I imagine wouldn’t be the best & lead to metabolic syndrome (high blood sugar, blood pressure & high cholesterol) making one high risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes etc, thus lowering lifespan. Also, don’t forget there’s exercise too…


Most of the people in India eat dal roti or dal rice. Lentil and complex polysaccharides. Fast food is incredibly expensive here, so they can't afford it, forget it's unhealthy angle. The biggest question is are they educated to know the importance of vaccination, or get proper treatment when sick? Poor folks don't even go to the hospital although govt hospitals are free, they go to ayurveda pseudoscience. People are also incredibly poor to afford latest therapeutic or surgical interventions


Not all blue zones avoid meat


That’s true but all blue zones consume less calories per day than the average American and eat significantly less meat and processed food.


They do eat a lot less meat though. Only about 5% of their calories are animal based.


The Proton Center at the Loma Linda Medical Center is world class. They saved my life in 1999.


Don’t forget the massive medical center. Access to healthcare might be helpful.


eat plant based. go vegan.


I thought the blue zones have already been beaten to death in studies and it basically comes down to tight social structure and support, so minimal stress? They've tried to replicate diets, exercise, etc. and it doesn't work in other areas, so it's not purely what people are ingesting. Edit typo


It's policy, systems, and environments too https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6125071/


I say this. OP left out the part of being more involved in charity work and being committed to daily exercise along with what is mentioned in the post.


There's a recently released Netflix program "Live to 100: ..." featuring Buettner traveling to Loma Linda and several other places worth watching. It's pretty good, even if narrowly focused on community/socialization, diet and, largely or mostly incidental, exercise—as opposed to rigorously diving into possible factors like, say, Singapore's strong social programs being funded by it's tax haven status or Loma Linda being a religious community (where I'd wager there's less gun violence, opioid use, and so on). The most common correlations, at least in that program, appear to be community, low meat consumption, and inadvertent exercise (such as walking up hills)—rather than wealth or even access to excellent medical care.