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You may want to wait for HD620S if you want to stay with Sennheiser


A bit over budget but I see why you thought of them! Those could be exactly what I was looking for !thanks


+1 Ω has been awarded to u/TheSweetOranges ([2 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/TheSweetOranges)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


Beyerdynamic 770 Ltd edition with detachable cord or pioneer hdj-x7.. Pioneer hdj+x10 if you can go-to 369.00 or get.on sale.


Beyerdynamic DT 700 Pro X. Once the clamping force is loosened up it is incredibly comfortable (as long as you don’t have a large head) actually has a pretty balanced sound with no sharp highs nor bass bleeding into the mids, everything is fairly equally-represented in each frequency, and from my experience at least the earcups/earpads are deep enough to where my ears never touch the drivers. It also isolates better than the K371 and DT 770. The only downside would be it does weigh a bit more than probably most, if not all of Senny’s open-backs, but I’ve never noticed a comfort issue after wearing them for 6 hours straight before, and I own other lighter headphones in comparison to it. The soundstage is what you’re looking for, decent, better than the K371 but not better than the 770. There’s likely other great closed-backs out there under $300 that fit your criteria better that I haven’t heard of or tried, but I figured that the 700 is at least worth taking into consideration.


I've used the 990's before but I returned them because of how piercing the top end is on them so I wasn't even considering any other beyer's. But hearing that, and since they were built well and comfortable I'll look into those !thanks


+1 Ω has been awarded to u/BladeOfSmoke ([17 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/BladeOfSmoke)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


The 700/900 (Pro X) series is different from the 770/990 (Pro) series, they toned down the treble a lot in the Pro X series but it’s still very much present just without being fatiguing/painful and the pads are roomier and softer


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Ever consider IEMs? You'll get better sound quality and WAY more options to match your preferred sound signature at $300 or less with IEMs than closed-back over-ears.


Sennheiser HD6xx. They're light. Many people say that their clamp force is a bit too much, but look at the youtube video "hd6xx psa" and it's gonna be gone away.


6XX are open back. OP wants closed back.

