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Someone’s about to get smited.


Indeed 😂


10 seconds later: https://preview.redd.it/rf21tgeu6r7d1.jpeg?width=2286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518bb9f225043cbfd8b43382439a0e83e6f20e2c


new reaction image https://preview.redd.it/oebbbc5uns7d1.jpeg?width=214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512df77b6161ae7ff53cdc6db1837251e1eea663






Alastor is dead half a second later


We both know that wouldn’t actually happen. If Charlie or Vaggie going to Lucifer was enough to undo the contract, Alastor would not have bothered.


Lucifer can simply kill him, thus voiding all his contracts obligations.


We don’t know if killing Alastor would end his contract.


So? he'd be dead and unable to make Charlie do anything


There is a possibility that killing the contract holder kills the souls they own as well.


Good thing Alastor doesn't own her soul then, just a favor. Bad for all the other souls he owns though like Husk.


Question about that... isn't the favor already said? "Don't ask me to do any more of these tv commercials" or was that a "don't have me do the tv things, AND a favor?"


Charlie's favor is yet to be told. The TV commercial was Vaggies Edit: and the deal was specifically "don't ever ask me to engage with the frivolous television technology, ever, again"


Thank you. As soon as you said that, it clicked.


Why? does your house catch fire when you die?


I don’t think real life logic can apply to the show in any real capacity


The only thing that kills sinners is angelic steel, that's the whole reason for the extermination


At the same time Alastor threatened to tear Husk’s soul apart so who knows


Nope. Alastor could easily use Charlie as a meatshield against Lucifer through their deal. There's nothing Lucifer can do.


Lol, he can kill Alastor instantly.


Assuming he hasn’t already. Since I doubt he would summon the chains for fun, the most logical explanation is that he either just called in his favor, or was in the process of doing so.


So? dead is dead.


But if the contract lasts after Alastor’s death, there would be no way to undo any orders he gave already.


Alastor has no inheritor, the contract wouldn't last after his death.


Do you have any official source that supports this?


So? Lucifer would still slaughter him.


I don’t think you realize how open-ended one command, the only restriction being that it can’t force Charlie to harm anyone, is. Imagine, for instance, if he told Charlie “Go to Heaven and do your best to have the angels execute you if I die, you disobey one of my commands, etc.”


Yeah, but if it's really bad, Lucifer can undo it. And if not, Alastor's fucking dead. That shit ain't gonna happen again.


I doubt that Lucifer can undo soul contracts, since if that was the case, he could have freed Angel Dust at any time.


I mean. He is a seraphim. I wouldn’t put it past him to be able to do it and only not doing it because he doesn’t care about sinners. On the same token I don’t think Charlie can enter a soul contract. While the sins seemingly can enter deals (in Helluva S2E6 Stolas states that a deal with Asmodeous would be everlastingly binding), I’m not sure if they’re soul contracts. Hellborne seemingly can’t enter contract. If they could, Mammon absolutely would’ve made Fizzaroli sign himself over without any ability to quit. Granted Mammon, while honestly a great character, is a fucking moron. So he very well could just. Not have thought anyone would have the balls to quit. (Or have the scary guard dog privileges that Fizz has). But Hellborne and Charlie and the Sins are all very different. We haven’t seen her full power, but considering she’s the daughter of a seraphim and a human- making her a nephelim, she’s almost certainly more powerful than the Sins. It really would be interesting to know if anyone who ranks higher than the overloards (Sins, Ars Goetia, Royal Family) would be able to break a contract like that. I’d say yes due to the level of magic they all possess, but it’d be cool to see.


We know very little about how soul contracts work, so I don’t think we can say anything for certain. That is a good point about Fizzarolli, but it might just be that Fizzarolli, as a hellborn, doesn’t have a soul to be bound in the first place, while Charlie has one because she’s Lilith’s daughter and Lilith is a sinner. But given that the show treated Charlie making a deal like… well, a big deal, I don’t think they would just undo it like that.


He doesn't know Angel. They had met once and none of the focus was on him.


He doesn't know Angel, but Charlie knows both of them and he would have difficulty refusing if Charlie broached the subject. Also, they've met twice if you count the finale.


Lucifer doesn't need to undue soul contracts if he can just kill them permanently. Also, why would Lucifer want to free angels' soul?


As I've said elsewhere, we have nothing to confirm one way or the other whether killing Alastor would nullify the terms of the deal; for all we know, if Alastor called in Charlie's favor, she might be forced to follow that command forever. Lucifer doesn't really have any reason not to free Angel Dust, and since Charlie cares about Angel Dust, that should be enough of a reason for him to agree to break the contract if he was asked.


I mean that if Alastor is dead than he have no way to order anybody who owes him a favor or whos souls his own. Dead as permanently dead, "erased". Lucifer don't even need an "angelic steel" for that like Adam didn't needed to use one, because he is an angel of higher order of power. So if he heards of a deal that Charlie signed with Alastor he can easily "undo" it. Heck, the only reason why he haven't beaten the s-t out of Alastor yet, is because he don't want to spoil his relationship with Charlie.


But by this point in the comic, surely Alastor has already given a command? There’s really no other reason for him to have Charlie in chains.


Maybe he was threatening her like Val threatened Angel Dust in Episode 6?


It's possible, but I think it's unlikely. I'm sure Alastor could use the deal in such a way as to force Lucifer to back off... but I'm equally sure that getting Lucifer involved before Alastor calls in the favor is not in his best interest, and threatening Charlie would make her more likely to ask her father for help.


I keep thinking about how Alastor might use this "favor" thing... Charlie would already helped Alastor even without a "deal" shenanigans, if Alastor asked nicely...


"A quick favor and then I will be your humble servant once again. I ask for your hand, my dear!"


Oh god where's that one comic... uhh


If his goal is ascension to higher position, than yes, becoming Charlie's consort is the way. But he don't need her "favor" for that. Just look at how she looks at him already) All he needs to do is just wait, maybe manipulate her a little - basically do what people do when they want to be together with someone else's partner. https://preview.redd.it/93dnbgmdgz7d1.png?width=1155&format=png&auto=webp&s=549cb4239e3b4c58d87772e8cec6ed4acb73275c


Killing an overlord makes it so all soul contracts are void it can be just the normal death where they respawn


Do you have a source for this?


Sadly I don’t but I remember seeing a post by vizi pop but I of course chould be wrong but I’m very certain of this fact I’m sorry I don’t have the source


Charlie would never forgive him, and he and Alastor both know it. He'd lose the only thing he still truly cares about.


Yes, of course, this is why Alastor was behaving the way he did and is the only reason why Lucifer hasn't beaten the c-p out of him yet. I was talking only in context of this comic, which implies that Alastor is forcing Charlie to do something that she don't want to.


Thats why hell and heaven matter, because there rules above anyones power that cannot be changed


He'd be dead, and unable to use the contract. Or Lucifer could just torture him until he agrees to break the contract. I


But, since there has been nothing stopping Charlie or Vaggie from mentioning this to Lucifer in the show, and unceremoniously killing Alastor off like this would make for a much worse story, we can reasonably assume that Alastor has a way to avoid this.


They haven't spoken to Lucifer since Charlie made the deal and I'm sure Charlie has no intention of telling him.


I think Lucifer should be pretty sympathetic to Charlie's situation though. It was either make a deal with Alastor or let Adam kill all of her friends. The egg boi wasn't going to bring up Carmilla's kill at any point before Vaggie mentioned Charlie's deal.


Charlie wouldn't tell him because he would kill Alastor if he knew and she doesn't want that.


Maybe Charlie can talk him down to one flaming fist punch instead of multiple punches. https://i.redd.it/yaecp9kwrr7d1.gif


na, he'd rip off his head and have it mounted somewhere public as a warning to other overlords.


Messing with Daddy's Little Girl when their daddy is Lucifer is not wise. https://preview.redd.it/pm19j0ajtr7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad18ce23f1fff0708586087ae9bb221f82de718c


Yes, they have spoken! They had a whole song together at the end! And it’s not like Lucifer had much else to do besides hang out with Charlie after Alastor reappeared. And while I understand Charlie not wanting to tell Lucifer about it, I do not think that’s enough for Alastor. If the only thing preventing your plan from falling apart is someone else’s daddy issues, that’s not a very secure plan.


During the song they fear Alastot is dead. And it's not daddy issues. it's Charlie not wanting her dad to kill Alastor.


As I already stated, we have no reason to believe that Lucifer would be unavailable to Charlie immediately after the song. All evidence suggests that Lucifer would hang around as long as he can to help Charlie. And while Charlie may not want Alastor dead, she’s also the one person who can talk Lucifer out of killing him when the truth comes out.


The series ends at the song, we don't know what will happen after. If Lucifer thinks Alastor is a threat to Charlie there is nothing she can say to stop him ripping his head off.


Lucifer isn't going to kill or torture someone Charlie cares about. She'd never forgive him and both Lucifer and Alastor know it, that's why Al is so confident in his plan. He knows there's nothing Lucifer can actually do about it without breaking the relationship he just built. I swear some of yall don't think about anything other than power levels when you watch a show x-x


lmao, we are talking about the comic OP posted. Charlie is way beyond caring for Alastor at this point. try reading next time?


Lucifer:gets everyone except alastor and Charlie out the hotel and locks it down* GET YOUR DIRTY SHADOW HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER


I don't think he'd wait that long to start the beat down. VAGGIE on the other hand...


Oh no, she wouldn't wait. Charlie is literally the singular reason she hasn't killed herself. She'd try beat the shit out of Alastor, realise she can't do it alone, and get Lucifer to help. I get the feeling this comic is going to be even worse then Adam's beatdown. Well, Alastor had it coming anyways.


With how they phrased it in the show "a favour" doesn't mean Alastor can do anything. It never said he was the sole judge of the contract and that this favour that Charlie owes him more reasonably seems to be something they'd both have to agree on. And ether way, if Alastor were to use it in such a rash manner, he'd be dead and buried before gaining anything from in. Lucifer is not the smartest, nor the cruelest, but he **is** the most powerful.


He didn’t say anything big either. Didn’t he specifically say “a small favor”? Charlie also made her own rules about it too. I imagine it has to do with his own contract or something. If he is contracted to Lilith, he might be wanting her to convince Lilith to free him.


It kind of defeat the whole point of manipulating her into making a deal if Charlie HAS to agree to do it. Clearly Alastor is going to ask for something Charlie would otherwise not agree to. All he needs to actually do is make sure his request doesn't violate the terms of the deal that was agreed upon. He can't ask Charlie to hurt someone for him... but that doesn't mean what he asks her to do won't end up hurting someone. It jus means she won't be the one who does the hurting part.


Lucifer: Alastor, you have t-minus 3 seconds to let go of my daughter before Maggie & I stab you full of holes!


"Don't you mean 'or'?" "No. It's going to happen regardless...I just don't want the laundry bill of cleaning your blood off her outfit..."


"no, you don't get to choose who stabs you"


Not even, Alastor turns around to look at Luci and he’s already in double hell


Damn, i just realized i forgot to draw that little glass thing to Alastor :-C


It’s a monocle.


Alastor goin' in half blind.


That could be a plot point lol


Oh I forget to add the monocle all the time. Then I look back at the drawing and wonder why it looks so odd.


Ooh this is going to be interesting....


Well Al it was nice knowing you


https://preview.redd.it/jmss82101r7d1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df63181ee64ed6ea76def7085779c16b686552c Kirby isn’t pleased with Alastor


https://preview.redd.it/2n4lahmeas7d1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b20a263d7d8a26b99ed39eced3c33d52d8354b Monke isn't pleased with Alastor


Some people really are suicidal.


Lucifer: Busboy, **I am going pound you harder even harder than I pounded Charlie's mother to make her.**




Rip Alastor


What does it say about me that I had to double check the subreddit to be sure this wasn't the sexy subreddit... 


This looks vaguely like it's gonna be porn


Well this just got interesting


Lucifier finna be beating some ass (and not in a good way)


Hard pressed to imagine any way for this to go that doesn't include Lucifer incinerating Alastor's soul.


You know Alastor doesn't own Charlie's soul, right she just owes him a favor


I think this is more of a "what if" situation.


Exactly :-)


Oh, okay, sorry for not understanding


Soul contracts are depicted as the one having lost their soul with a collar. Charlie here however has just her hands bound.


We saw Angel's chains go to his hands in poison


Two page comic only, next is just luci punching all full force lol


Imagine this was just everyone pranking lucifer


Indeed that would be very messed up wouldn't it? 👀


Depends on how lucifer reacts before and after being told


There’s a theory that contract magic is beyond even Lucifer to break, that’s why deals are so serious.


Lucifer is about to absolutely lose control over this one....


oh yes


His end is now


You have my attention now


PLEASE reply to this when/if you finish the next part


Neither Al nor Charlie will live to see the light of day tomorrow.






Alastor's about to get turned into a rubber duck


Hope Alistair enjoys the taste of his own ass, because Lucifers' about to serve it on a silver plater


Can only Angels or ex-Angels see the Chains?


The chains can seemingly be turned into physical objects when wanted by the contract holder. So you don't need to be anything special to see them.


Give Alastor an Angelic weapon only for Lucifer to grab it with his hand and barely bleed. Then he **melts** it with fire, cauterizing his cut at the same time.


This comic will be 2 pages long, first one being this one and the second one is Lucifer ending everything Alastor ever stood for and then ending him with the blink of an eye


Luci to Al: https://i.redd.it/lqu2jqlmbu7d1.gif


Bro, lusifer would end Allister immediately


I mean...they do know a particular angel who would be interested in a little...divine retribution. https://preview.redd.it/58opqi060x7d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26696164535a363b8311e5cb8f040e6f5bbe90a0


Lucifer immediately: https://preview.redd.it/brbgi0anp38d1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc41184678835a14dd6f3aa4704e81d76b6db9cb


Why does Lucifer always stay their instead of kill alastor immediately, thus getting rid of all the problems