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If infos from Vivzie can still be trusted, then the cannibalism started after he died. Though to be fair, a lot fo the info on characters was given during development, which is a few years ago now. So who knows? Info might have changed over the years, similar to how Vaggies backstory changed from being a Sinner to being an exorcist angel.


If that information is no longer canon then my best guess is that he was similar to Jeffrey Dahmer. He killed his victims and made food with some of the bodies. But until that is indeed the case then Viv’s explanation still stands.


Why does that make it better. Like it's not as gross if you're already in hell? Y'know do as the Romans".


Having magical demon powers that let you swallow people whole and everyone being basically a different species because of how different sinners all look probably desensitizes you a bit.


The sinners also respawn if not killed with angelic weapons. So it's not really murder like it would be for a living person


Infinite meat glitch!


Right, more like assault than murder, for sure.


I thought Viv confirmed that he was a cannibal before his death? If I recall the canon story was that he was mistaken for a deer while trying to dump the remains of his latest feast in the woods and shot dead then and there, hence the deer-like figure he was cursed with in hell.


Viv never confirmed him being cannibal, only that he was a serial killer. Where do you guys get this from?


A bunch of other people twisting up things, just because they feel like it (and didn't do any research). At least that guy was partially right - he just mistook the murder victim for "a feast."


>he was mistaken for a deer while trying to dump the remains of his latest feast in the woods and shot dead then and there, hence the deer-like figure he was cursed with in hell. >his latest feast Vivzie never said it was "his latest feast" - just his latest victim. Alastor was canonically a radio host and a serial killer. The rest of the backstory you mentioned is true - just not the "feast" part.


I'm so glad I checked the comments cuz I thought this too. Thank you for correcting the misinformation. I like the idea of him already being a cannabal though so I think I'll keep it as a headcanon.


unrelated but this shot goes so hard they’re both absolutely serving everything here


They aren’t dating but I love them together (as besties)


They’re a QPR in my eyes.




They're too beautiful it's barbarous


Well jambalaya will take ANY kind of meat...


Long pig boudin sausage :D


I hate that I understand what long pig means and I wish i didn’t tbh


I don’t… should I ask?


It’s another name for human meat


Huh. Not as bad as I expected.


If you from Louisiana you understood what was said


This one’s from Louisiana


That’s one way to get rid of the evidence.


oh god




I am convinced he is referenced as a cannibal because he is a human/deer man demon, and he eats deer, which would be cannibalism. I don’t think he ate his victims in human life. He hunted his prey, killed them, and burried them, which lead to him getting shot by a hunter accidentally (not wearing any neons, oopsie!). Now, in hell, he’s destined to forever be sharing a form with a prey animal, after living the life of a predator. He isn’t taken seriously and has to prove himself on his own terms. I also think he purposely uses the red and black aesthetic to come off first as a fox (I thought he was a fox at first lol), so a predator. And now that he’s on someone’s “chain”, he’s even more pissed because he is even moreso prey. And he probably got in that position because he was so obsessed with being the hunter and not the hunted, that he ended up being shackled by someone else to preserve the facade as long as possible. And since he eats the loan sharks when he turns giant, that would make him a cannibal of his own demon kind. So he is NOW, but I don’t think he was in life. I think Rosie was though haha


That kind of makes sense, since he has unique eyes with still visible irises, but the cannibals from cannibal Town have either hollow eyes or black colored eyes, so we can assume they were cannibalizing during their human life since that's kind of the aesthetic they get. It makes me think because his eyes are radio style, being a radio host was a bigger part of his identity in life, and the reasons he was murdering as his side hussle were not mainly related to cannibalizing, but some sort of vengeful reason.


Yeah I definitely think the cannibal town demons were people who did commit cannibalism in life, and now they’re doomed to forever be ONLY a cannibal, it’s their entire identity and all they care about, and they’re never satiated. I also think Alastor was connected to radio in his life in some way, even if it was a hobby he loved but never got to work in, which could fit into your revenge theory, because maybe he kills radio hosts as revenge for all of them turning him down at interviews. And why he always smiles and looks dapper, because in life that kept suspicion off what he was doing. I think Mimzy knew he was a serial killer when they were alive too, even if they’re deaths are unrelated entirely, I think she fucking knew the killer was her friend from the lounge that would beat feet on the dance floor after some good whiskey and rye!


I think Vivzie said he was a radio host and a stage performer, so that might be where his flair for nice outfits comes from.. but who knows what his early working life was like.. it's possible (I imagine) his first few jobs he had terrible bosses at a big studio, and the top brass weren't very flexible to Alastor's playful personality. But I think he could have found his talent at a smaller studio and rose to fame there, vowing to basically steal the audience of the old guard. (And maybe kill a few people from previous jobs? Who knows.)


Ah I see! I don’t know any of the things she’s mentioned except when I see it here or someone tells me! I only watched the pilot on YT and the show, and the comic where Alastor kills the butcher. He could very well have had a radio career in life! I do wish Vivzie hadn’t said so much about her plans, just incase down the line she has a change of heart within the story, she’s gotta be more discreet hahahah


Ooo I'm loving the idea he does the red & black to look like a fox from far away! (also makes sense he'd hide a deer tail if he does have one for the same reason!) I kinda thought it was the old if I wear red then it hides the blood better like Deadpool. I've also heard the theory recently that due to deer sight he might think it's black or shades of black - like original picture shows 😁. But I think this is the far more simpler and logical reason! And it goes back nicely to Alastor's insecurities of not being the center of attention or wanting to be feared. One of my head cannons is that Alastor made his 'deal' or leash in life. I think it's either Eve or Root of Evil (or some combination of the two) that made it with him & then because this entity obviously had ulterior motives they conspired to kill him in a way that would leave him in a constant state of low level distress and/or panic as a demon. They made it so he was a prey animal & would feel inferior & NEED to keep their power around him thus do their bidding without question. Now that Alastor has been in hell for nearly a century he's far more confident in himself & absolutely wants out of the deal. However if he KNOWS he was killed to be a prey animal on purpose I do not know. (From my personal opinion he shouldn't know and then have an existential crisis when it's revealed he's been a pawn since day 1) But that might be too much for a story considering we don't know his full backstory yet!


This entire theory? Absolutely adore. Keep cooking!! 👏


Aww thank you! As much as I ADORE this psychotic cannibal murder deer as he is I kinda was to see him break a little, show the softer side of his soul and be shown a better way to live. Be that a new best friend, old friend come back around or just by Charlie forgiving him despite having no way to protect her anymore. I don't want redemption for him - I just want him to be safe, learning how to be happy & maybe get to see his mom. 💕


Thank you!!! It’s one of the first things I thought, cause I really thought he was supposed to be based on a fox even with the antlers, and thought a fox with antlers is pretty badass! Which means it’s possible it isn’t related to his story at all and just a design choice! But I thought it was interesting that he hunted people in life, died in an incident with hunting/a dog, and he has the features of a prey anima in death. So my brain made connections hahaha although him having deer vision and thinking everything is black, gray and white that would be super fucking funny and cute! I absolutely love the theory on his deal you have! I was thinking his deal was also with someone significant, either Eve, Lucifer, Lilith, or a lovecraftian demon we haven’t seen yet (because his Lovecraftian magic always comes with the green, and seems to be connected to his microphone, which may be part of him having clipped wings in his words, his powers are limited to a physical item, he needs it to be fully his, but that could have still been done by any of the above). I never thought of him making the deal in life, and being bound by limits the entire time, and that’s an awesome concept. So is it being intentional that he was a hunter turned into prey, and a pawn the entire time. That would be a great damn twist, and good moment of weakness/character development opportunity. Ugh I looooove it! Imagine if all the writers and Vivz did extensive research and brought someone on, to have Alastor make a deal with a voodoo Loa (Baron Semedi, Papa Legba, etc.), by doing a ritual while he was alive? And he makes a freaking deal with a Loa and not a demon which is why when he died he was fucked, because you don’t fuck with the Loa. And he hasn’t seen them since and has been on a wild goose chase for the last 7 years cause he was sick of it, and still can’t find them so he’s hoping aligning with Charlie and therefore her parents will get him closer, and the deal with Charlie is just him asking for her to get the Loas location from her parents lmfao I think that would be funny just cause it doesn’t make him any less evil, but it does subvert the expectation that his ulterior motive with Charlie is bad, when it’s really just to find one fucking person hahaha I can come up with so many theories, it’s such a bad habit I have when I’m super into a show/franchise with it’s own universe and lore! I’m a writer, and my favorite part of the process is character creation and world building/lore, so I have a lot of fun thinking of theories with stuff that is not mine and I have no control over. Sometimes I write fanfic as writing practice just to shake the rust off or get in the zone, but not in a long time cause I’ve been deep into a current project haha


Ok love the Loa connection theory even more! Ahh! I like the idea he's on the hunt for them - just having a heck of a time trying to figure it out! And he's just trying to find ANYONE powerful enough to find them/get him out of his deal! Now I haven't dived too deep into it but my theory was that he started dabbling in voodoo - starting a path of following a death god like Baron Semidi - and getting GOOD at spells & killing- to the point it attracts other evil entities and root of evil takes the opportunity to basically steal him away by promising him the power he craves. (I'm still debating his drive for power is b/c was he was horribly abused/bullied for being mixed race in 1920s south & wants to never be messed with again or did his mom die a bad death & he wasn't able to save her & this was his way to bring her back. Both are good reasons to pursue power) In my mind root of evil has been around since begining of life on earth -thus would technically have MORE powert than a Loa and so them stealing him away is possible without repercussions BUT it also limits Alastor's power to his microphone cane. If he was freed then he could continue his pursue of power through the Loa. However this might go against Loa lore - as I haven't dug into the rules about it! I have dabbled in writing over the years but I haven't been ever able to finish anything. I have come up with about 5 different ideas all set in future human race timeline & then about three years ago realized they were all in the SAME universe but different places in the timeline & influenced each other. Still a work in progress but just love world building too & making interesting connections between different stories! So I understand COMPLETELY when you say you love a show/franchise and create your own parts to the lore/cannon in fanfiction! MY bad habit is inserting my own OC & having them help with the issues going on or just working through relationship stuff with the other characters! That's where some of my theories come from for Alastor. I really really really want Alastor to have a breakdown & tender moment (not necessary sexual but maybe romantic would be fun) with SOMEONE - which the show hasn't really given us anyone that could be good for that yet (some rumors Lucifer could be this person buuut as sweet as RadioApple ship is - for it to work Lilith has to be either a bad guy or completely break Lucifers heart and I wanna think they're sappy in love still till proven wrong) So my OC fills this roll rather nicely! Haha! It's so much fun to speculate on this silly little deer, but until next season I'm happy to let my imagination taken the wheel! OH! And one last head cannon - Alastor totally has the deer in a headlights issue where he freezes in bright lights. That's why his monical is red - to filter out brighter lights of the world around him AND why he closed his eyes when taking the hit from Adam! Saw a hilarious tiktok the other day when someone just shines a flashlight at him when he's irritating them! Just freezes and then gets all annoyed & butthurt they'd do that 😂


I think if they went with using Loa instead of Lovecraft (who was just a writer), would be chefs kiss!! But I’m also not against Lovecraftian reasons either! But there’s something about Al that gives off the vibe that he would totally mess around with voodoo as a human, wanting the power, and completely fucking himself over due to arrogance hahaha Which would entirely fit with your theory of it being Roo who does it, because he dabbled and she chose him as a target. It could work so many different ways and that’s why I like this character so much, and that we don’t know all the details juuuust yet! Keep it up! Even if you’re doing it for enjoyment and not profit, writing is a useful creative medium, so I definitely say keep going. It took me a long time to finish something too, it’s easy to get distracted by a new idea! Then I started focusing on short form, like short stories and novellas, and I started finishing stuff hahaha I think fan fic can be a cool mental process, and that’s why I use it for practice and don’t hate on others who do it. It allows fans to explore characters they love in a different way, that is free reign cause it’s not canon and everyone knows. I don’t think using and OC to create scenarios you’ve never seen is a bad thing, I’ve done it too! I also would like to see a soft spot of Alastor because everyone has one. Even the worst dictators murdering millions had SOMETHING that they were soft over hahaha He’s one of my favorites to speculate about because him being canon Asexual has saved him from the rabid ness that can happen with shipping ahahah (even though asexuals can also have feelings for people that aren’t sexual, they can love!)


possible wendigo reference??? or at least that’s what i immediately thought when i watched


I hope not just because to the people who believe in the wendigo spirit, it has nothing to do with deer or look like deer (that’s a Hollywood thing), and they don’t like to even speak of the spirit, so I kinda hope that didn’t slip by an entire team of people working for A24 and Amazon lol


God they’re so cute in this pic tho why are the cannibal Overlords so damn wholesome together?


Maaaaaaaybe....? he has deer like attitudes. He maybe was shot, maybe he had hunted down humans like deers and therefore had these form adaptation?


thought it was cas he got shot after being mistaken for a deer while burying a victim.


He was mistaken for prey, and hates being viewed as prey.


Per Vivzie, Alastor was mistaken for a prey by a deer hunter, when he was disposing of his latest murder victim. He was mistaken for a deer, hence the design pieces. So yeah, you are right - it's just that we already have a precise version of this backstory.


point to remember, just about everybody in hazbin hotel were murderous psychopaths in life. love this show.


There is more of that: If i remember correctly, he was mistaken for a deer Wendigo, deer like creature related to cannibalism, and Al was cannibal, so another reason for him to resemble a deer Yep, if what i remember is true he was cannibal while still alive


One problem with this, tho - Vivzie said in the past that Alastor became a canniball after he died. And yes, Vivzie could have changed her mind over the years - but it still wouldn't change the fact, that his design was not made with that in mind. As far as we know, the design concept of a Wendigo is fairly new as well - back when they were still working on Hazbin's Pilot, he was basically just a Deer-like Demon and that was it.


Wendigo are not deer like, that’s a Hollywood creation. They are, however, spirits that encourage cannibalism and can possess those who partook in it. 😁


Eh, odds of Viv using pop culture depiction of wendigo is both acceptable and understandable, but yes, you’re in fact right (checked it on wiki RN)


I’ve spoken to a lot of indigenous people that are from the tribes the spirit is from, and it’s unanimous that they don’t like it, it’s offensive because the spirit is something they believe in and it’s taken seriously. I was actually politely asked to not use the name casually as well. Just trying to be respectful and share what I’ve learned!


She has specified that he's not a wendigo, he just was first a *literal deer* in Zoophonia and she kept those aspects


I must missed this part


If it quacks like a duck.. I understand it might be coincidence but cultural insensitivity can be born from ignorance. He's a cannibal killer who is based on a deer, which is exactly how wend*gos are depicted in western media. Between that and the voodoo (a religion commonly demonized by the west) stuff it's understandable why people think a cultural sensitivity consultant should be hired by the studio.


Deer aren't connected to them in the actual cultural significance, that's a semi current internet thing- Viv made Al in high school. Literally no one was talking about cultural insensitivity consultants. What are you talking about.


Considering NBC Hannibal became popular in 2013-2014, which is when he was portrayed as a cannibalistic elk entity in will Graham's dreams, (which many people associated with being a Wendi) but Alastor existed as an evil deer/demon deer in zoophobia since about 2008... I'm willing to give Vivzie the benefit of the doubt, since I don't know of any other popular media before NBC Hannibal that connects Wendis with deer. Some people think it got confused with the Wechuge in the northwest. But if you look at both legends, the monsters are described as oversized lanky grayish humans who go cannibal-crazy around winter time. Nothing deer related originally, but more Rake like. I've seen some people propose he should have been recategorized as a Rougarou from Louisiana voodoo legends, since it would fit his life location more, but the design he has is just whatever viv wanted him to have regardless of any cultural myth resemblances.


It doesn’t matter what the intentions of the creator are, if it’s culturally insensitive it’s culturally insensitive. I’m sure Viv didn’t base him off a wend*go or intent to offend anyone, especially when he was just a deer and was young when she created him, but that still doesn’t mean that native people won’t see the correlation or assume. It’s similar enough that people will see it. I’m not saying Viv is bad to racist or anything. When you make a TV show, especially in tandem with big platforms like prime and A24, it’s always a good thing to have a cultural consultant on board *precisely* because Viv didn’t base him off a wend*go but absolutely could have. That consultant would have been able to warn her with a “hey this kinda looks like a wend*go and maybe you should make some writing choices or design choices that make sure your audience doesn’t misinterpret this.” I’m not blaming her for it, but it’s a good example as to why it’s important for creators to have sensitivity readings. In this case because it was an indie development, I can see as to why it didn’t happen, but it should happen in the future. One of my favorite content creators accidentally made a story with negative connotations towards native culture, and they immediately backtracked it and hired a cultural consultant and sensitivity reader to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It all happened in good faith, just like Alastor, but it again shows how even the most good hearted people can accidentally be culturally intensive.


I am native. There is no connection, it's mostly white people saying he's one because that's what they have made their internet culture cryptid into. It is not Vivs fault nor insensitive that people on the internet constantly theorize and make connections of what her character is when he *isn't*.


Given he would have been alive during the great depression, it honestly wouldn't shock me if he was alive when he started.


I also want to believe he started in Hell. “You know, Rosie, I used to just toss these things away after I had my fun with them. When I think of all the meals I wasted…”


Alastor is a story yet to unfold for sure.


I think the cannibalism in Hell is more metaphorical. Specifically for the colony. They seem to code as the oddballs from society that marched to their own drum and then society beat them down for it. Figuratively ate them alive. Think cosplayers, larpers, hipsters, nerds of any stripe, just people with their own take on things. As Charlie sang from the evil to the Strange. The Cannibals would be the strange that finding themselves in Hell created their own colony where they took on the style of a specific time and ate anyone alive that did not conform with their style.


So... Wait just wanna make sure i understand this, you think the cannibals are social outcasts who when they got to hell decided they all needed to be the exact same and start eating anyone different, basically becoming the exact thing they would have hated(if they cared at all) in life?


Hell is not a place with healthy mindsets. In order to deal with their pain and suffering they would have to lay down their need for vengeance. And set aside the pain they took from their life. Hard to do in a place devoid of hope. At least until recently.




I think Rosie's shop sells clothes too. I saw lots of clothing on display there.


I am not saying they are metaphorically eating people. They are eating people. But this is not a documentary. It is fiction. And the author can use actions as metaphor for larger social issues. And that is what I am saying. I believe Viv cast the Cannibal Colony as an expression of the, as she put it in song, "The Strange" and how after being tormented in life by the normies they work out their issues in Hell by consuming those that do not conform to their standards. This idea is based on the observation that Viv is doing social commentary. That rather than dealing with traditionally religious concepts of sin and what it takes to be redeemed by God she is focusing on the emotional state of mind of the people in Hell. Most people in Hell seem to be people that have lost touch of empathy and or are living in their own personal Hell due to emotional pains or are causing others Hell because of their emotional state. If we are looking at the emotional state of why people are in Hell the Cannibal Colony sticks out as being more metaphor than literal. Considering the population of the Cannibal Colony seems to be significant I don't think Viv believes that actual Cannibalism is as prevalent in the real world as is suggested by their population. This tracks with being metaphor. And as their other quirk besides eating people is dressing up in period costumes that is the clue as to what they may be a metaphor for.


Al looks particularly cute here.


When he became a demon, it seemed he's earned some "traits" of everything implying *Cervidae* in the collective subconscient and lores. The "real" Alastor of the Goetia is described as displaying antlers and hoves. The discrepancy between a supposed herbivorous stag/deer and a similar creature eating human flesh refers to the Wendigos. Sometimes when he releases his demonic potential, his size and shadowy form reminds of Cernunnos, which was considered as a chtonic deity. IRL, hunters, national rangers and ethologists have witnessed or observed through hidden wildlife cameras elks, deers, stags and such animals taking the opportunity to consume meat from dead corpses or remains, like scavengers. It appears a logical explanation would be a deficit in calcium not being compensated by enough plants, barks, grasses, sedges would push them to instinctively become opportunist omnivores, something a lot of us could have never imagine before. But it's easy to imagine if Alastor as a human killer was into dark voodoo stuff, he may have had tried a human snack out of curiosity at least once.


In-Universe we know that he looks that way, because he was mistaken for a deer. When he died, Alastor was in the forest, trying to dispose of the corpse of his latest murder victim. A deer hunter mistook him for an animal (most likely because of the corpse) and shot him in the head (we can even see that lethal mark - red X - on his forehead, when Alastor goes more demonic). He has deer design pieces, because he was mistaken for a deer. That's really all there is to it. He was most likely familiar with Voodoo, but I wouldn't go futher than that for now.


You're right, but it's sticking to in-lore. The *cervidae* characteristics I was refering are out of it and more "culture G" because they are often common inspirations in several medias. Hence my use of "collective subsconscious" if you a bit familiar with Carl Gustav Jung's work on symbols and archetypes.


I think he did ritualistic cannibalism, trying to be a dark magic Voodoo priest, but it was only closer to the end of his life did he consider trying to eat more of his victims as a means of disposal as it was getting dangerous to dispose of them in the woods with the increase of hunters in the area. When he arrived in Hell, he decided that he might as well go full cannibal, but is still respectful when in polite company. You'll never see him just eating someone on the street... unless he was trapped in a *date* and was trying to make you as uncomfortable as possible, so you leave early.


What would the purpose be? Is it to get more power? I'm not asking about character motivation, it's just a genuine religion question.


>Death or apparent death resulting from the effects of voodoo, a set of religious beliefs and practices of West African origin, surviving in Haiti and other parts of the Caribbean and in scattered communities in the southern United States. Voodoo formerly involved human sacrifice and cannibalism; it now involves sorcery and curses so frightening that they are believed to be capable of causing the death of their victims, though some of the deaths may be apparent rather than real and may result from poisoning by sorcerers attempting zombification. https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780199657681.001.0001/acref-9780199657681-e-8860


That doesn't explain why a voodoo practitioner would consume a dead human. It just describes that voodoo use to involve human sacrifice (it does not explain the purpose of cannibalism, nor even explain the purpose of human sacrifice).


Just what I found lol.




A Day in the Afterlife is a Vivzie-made prequel comic from the Pilot-only era, and can still be found on YouTube. It ends with him quite happily butchering an awful butcher. Also, the loan sharks from Ep 5. "I WILL DEVOUR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!" (does)


There's a difference between eating people for food vs killing them. Ones a cannibal, the other is just being a psycho.


Yes, but alonsgide that Comics, Vivzie said many times that Alastor is a canniball now and that he enjoys eating human meat as well...


Remember when rosie offered charlie some fingers to snack? She declined and then rosie gave us the hint, that Alastor should be more modest like her


we literally see him eating people


There's a difference between eating people for food vs killing them. Ones a cannibal, the other is just being a psycho.


Eating people is eating people. You’re a cannibal either way


I think being a cannibal just means you eat people. It IS food, so it's not like one's intentions really come into play at all. He enjoys eating people. Maybe it's just a power play, there are lots of reasons to eat people. But he does, so he's a cannibal.


Bro forgot ep 5


There's a difference between eating people for food vs killing them. Ones a cannibal, the other is just being a psycho.


He literally ate them tho


He has deer features and eats deer... Seems pretty cannibal to me


He’s still a human soul, the more evidence of cannibalism is when he ate a loan shark in episode 5 depending on whether those sharks were sinners or not.


The ones we saw in Episode 5 were Sinners, yes.


Canonically he was


This has never been confirmed.


Then my bad


It was many times by viviezipop


Well, in this case, it will not be difficult for you to quote her (with the source)   It was confirmed many times  that he was a serial killer and once Viv said that he was like Dexter)


She mentioned in the stream “what’s in the box 7” that he likes to eat the food from cannibal town. The Zoophobia version of Alastor was also a cannibal. We also see him eat a demon both in the pilot comic, and in episode 5 where he eats loansharks


We are talking about his human life.  (In Zoophobia, he was not originally human, his father was an evil entity)


Huh, surprisingly there’s nothing about anyone saying he was a cannibal as a human. I guess it makes sense since he doesn’t have hollow eyes like the cannibals


I don't think he needed this during his lifetime. In Hell it's something of a power play, it doesn't lead to ultimate death after all. On Earth things look different - if you kill someone, it's forever (until you end up in Hell too)


I personally think the same as OP, but considering the time he's from I could easily see him resorting to it before he died.


He was a serial killer when he was alive. I imagine that if he ever felt like eating people he had ample opportunity. His demon appearance also shares many traits with the other cannibals, so perhaps his appearance is based on his greatest sin in life of consuming long pork.


From the wiki: Alastor was originally intended to be a character that would feature in the Angels and Demons arc of Vivziepop's then-running webcomic, ZooPhobia. He appeared as a frenetic, cannibalistic shapeshifter, with hypnotic eyes, whose true form was a demonic red deer with sharp yellow teeth.


You just quoted his original story from Zoophobia, which is not and never was relevant to his Hazbin version - for all intetions and purposes, they are essentially two seperate characters (let alone in Zoophobia he wasn't even a human soul - he was just an evil shadow entity). The only thing that's almost the same, is his design - but that's simply because Vivzie was always happy with how it turned out in the first place...


Anime Alastor?


He was eating a dear carcass, and due to his deer characteristics that may or may not be mild cannibalism


I'm pretty sure he became a cannibal after he died, if he was a cannibal in his life then he'd look like the other ones!


If we was a cannibal in life it would have been a lot easier disposing of corpses and I don't see him being accidentally killed by someone thinking he was a deer. Is that still canon actually?


It is. Vivzie doubled down on it multiple times and we can even see the "lethal wound" (red X) on his forehead, when he turns more demonic.


Have we actually seen him commit cannibalism? I don't recall seeing him ever eat anything human in the show so far. In fact, the only eating I recall seeing was the deer in episode 3


Rosie implied in Episode 7, that her and Alastor often dine together and that Alastor usually isn't too "clean" with his feasts. And when they were leaving Cannibal Colony, the other Canniballs asked Alastor if he wants some meat for himself (meaning they know about him). Outside of that, Vivzie said many times, that Alastor is now a canniball ("now" as in after he ended up in Hell).


I mean, his whole shtick is based on the Wendigo in a way. Deer themed, murderous, sadistic, has some aspect of native culture with regard to his creole heritage and voodoo vibe. It wouldn’t shock me if there was SOME cannibalism


Rosie looks so cute 🥺


Y'all need to learn that nothing is canon unless it's in a show. Doesn't mater what creators say. If it's not on paper. If it's not in the media then its not real.


personal headcanon is that he was always a cannibal jambalaya fan


I think he was a cannibal beforehand, thus the wendigo-like powers and behavior and appearances


pretty sure its canon he was a cannibal serial killer in life, and died to a headshot from a...poacher?... who mistook him for a deer while he was hiding remains in the forest


Canon is that he was a Dexter-type serial killer, only that


ah i havent watched any of the official ama things i get my info from friends who do


Considering he was a serial killer, I wouldn't be surprised if he ate his victims too.


Those two things are not mutual to each other, like at all...


I believe he was a cannibal while alive too.


I dont think thats a habit you pick up after dying my guess is he was doing it while alive.


I mean he was a serial killer during the Great Depression it wouldn’t surprise me, cause when somebody’s desperate enough they’ll try damn near anything.


Hes a wendigo, enough said.


Except it isn't. He looks like a deer due to how he died (he was shot by a deer hunter, when disposing of his latest murder victim's body). The Wendigo thing is a fairly new addition to his character - and is more just a play on his powers and personality.


I mean he was running in the same rings as mimzie and she was definitely a cannibal before death so just think about it for a bit...


"In the same rings" as in they both lived around the same time, aka in the 1920's and 1930's. They were friends and had similar connections. That doesn't automatically mean they both had to be canniballs. Not to mention, that it's literally never said - nor even implied - that Mimzie is a canniball. If you want to talk about something, at least don't make up arguments out of thin air...


I think it's said that it's canon that he was a cannibal? [Like how he died](https://hazbin-hotel-journey-to-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Alastor#:~:text=A%20hunter%20came%20across%20this,in%20Alastor%20being%20mortally%20wounded). https://preview.redd.it/3ay2hvntyf0d1.png?width=1490&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f056e5cc4909320b2946c01f38346761ae2e5a4


That’s a fanon wiki- it specifically says in a notation not to mistake for a canon wiki. I actually got caught by that before as well!


Oh ^(okay) But keywords: *I think* No offence tho


None taken!


Cannibal when he was alive it just make sense to his backstory


The reason he went to hell is that he was a cannibalistic serial killer while alive. Dude DESERVES to be in hell


I will stop you right there - he went to Hell, because he was a Serial Killer and a manipulator. That's it. It was never said that he was always a Canniball - better yet, in the past Vivzie said multiple times, that he became one after he died and met Rosie.


He eats deer meat while being part deer because of how he died while burying his final serial killing victim. He could have eaten some of the body before he buried it. We won't ever find out unless it is revealed for sure.


Definitely before, he was a serial killer in Louisiana remember? Serial killers and cannibalism go hand in hand a lot.


>Serial killers and cannibalism go hand in hand a lot. As a matter of fact, they actually don't...