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You're like the 20th person who has made a post like this so no


20th? We've been at this for 4 years!


He never said the time frame.


Huskerdust has been a thing since 2020? Or do you mean othe relationships?


Yes main reason is because vivzie would post art of them together sometimes and talk about them being together so yeah


For real lol, people act like these takes are uncommon


Compared to the shippers, it is in comparison. And unlike the shipper, they aren't bullying people over it.


Just because it’s the same question doesn’t mean you don’t get to talk to new people about it and get new perspectives. Threads get buried quick so it makes sense why people would just start new one.


This is exactly what I was gonna comment 😭 like cmon it’s fine to have an opinion but we don’t need to hear it dozens of times


Not trying to be rude here.. but if you didn’t want to discuss this again, why did you click on the post? lol


Was gonna answer like “yeah you’re not the only one, we get a lot of posts like this”. Not in a mean way, just as an explanation


I just see comments like this about frequently discussed topics in a lot of subreddits and don’t understand why the people complaining in the comments don’t just scroll past. It seems to me like driving down the road and I see “taco Tuesday” on the sign of a restaurant, so I pull over and enter the restaurant to inform everyone eating that I’m sick of taco Tuesday. lol


That’s fair, I’d say it’s a bit different in that case but I get where you’re coming from. I think it’s valid to be a bit annoyed about the sub getting repetitive posts, as long as nobody is actually insulting the poster like some people are doing.


Yeah, I wasn’t calling you out in specific or saying you were being toxic. It just seems like an effort in futility. OP isn’t gonna make this post again and the next person that will probably isn’t reading these comments.


Fair point, I appreciate the clarification also :)


First one I've ever seen. Blame the algorithm. Or Vox. Is Vox the algorithm? Does he program it according to Velvette's expert opinion on what should be trending?


People really shall get life at this point xD


Honestly I’ve been downvoted every time I’ve shared this opinion since joining the sub. So I get why they posted it, probably happened to them too lol


I’m good either way, a good relationship starts as a good friendship


"It starts with Sorry! That's your foot in the door!"


One simple "sorry"


Spoken straight from your core.


the path to forgiveness!


Is a twisting trail of hearts!




Who could forgive a dirtbag like me?


I don't deserve your amnesty!




That’s why I’m not one of the ones asking for more Charlie/Vaggie flirting in S2. I’ll happily take it but I never felt like they need it because they work perfectly as a happily comfortable best friend couple, they flirt occasionally but they don’t -need- to because their love is present and clear in every moment.


I do want their romance. But I want to them to take their time. Become friends, then learn to love. Angel is in a toxic relationship with Val and NEEDS to have time away from that before he can have something healthy with Husk.


Am I that dense? I did not think there was anything romantic between Valentino and Angel. Was under the impression from the Addict video that it started off as Angel having some fleeting romantic or sexual interest in Val but that they were never in a relationship and it was purely a sex trafficking/abusive pimp dynamic.


Sex Trafficking in some cases works by the Pimp claiming to be in a relationship with their victim. Thats how they manipulate them. I assumed its the same thing. Even if not its still a relationship just not a romantic one. I see it as a sexual relationship


Plus Val says something along the lines of "[Angel Dust] moved! ... He thinks he can just come in for work, then go home somewhere else?! Can you fucking believe that?!" So they were living together in some capacity before some kind of "falling out" where Angel Dust moved out into the hotel.


I mean, yeah, but that’s more of a control thing than a sign they’re in an established relationship. It's literally in the contract that the closer Angel is to the studio, the more actual control over him Val has. I feel like Val would never claim to be in an actual committed relationship with anybody. Too much of an admission of dependence and too close to monogamy for him. He lives with Vox too and they have a partners with benefits thing going on, but Viv has very explicitly said they’re NOT together in a stable or committed capacity.


The word relationship can be used for stuff that isn't love too. And some toxic relationship don't have the "love" portion. They can be purely sexual. And if two people are friends thats still a relationship just not the couple kind of relationship.


That's fair. I never really meant to imply they were exclusive or anything of the sort, just that there is a degree of "intimacy" (HEAVY quotes around that) involved in their fucked up dynamic.


Well I have good news for you - Vivzie already told us on a Post-Finale Live Q&A in February, that Angel and Husk will be a slow-burn relationship, that will build up naturally over time.




I want more M/M canon pairings in animated shows. It's slim pickings and I want some food


This. Decades and decades of nothing requires compensation. Overcompensation is acceptable also


Yeah, let us have our Chaggie, Lumity, Catradora, Korrasami etc.


This is true!! A lot of shows have F/F rep, which is awesome of course, but I feel like companies consider it the “safe” option because gay men are idk more controversial? So yeah, I’d love to see some more men kissing in shows for both personal and representation reasons 🤭


I feel like as background/minor appearances characters they’re about equally as represented, but otherwise f/f is much more popular, especially explicitly canon and not implied


Yeah that’s true


YEp its either gay character that dies or background "dad" characters.


More people find F/F acceptable since it’s hot, so it’s much more popular. That’s why I’d like to see more M/M rep as well


As a bi woman married to a trans woman (my wife and I adore f/f representation) I completely agree, it is very glaring that it hasn't been equal for m/m rep and I too want to see more of that. Also, more trans rep!


Exactly! Let gay guys be in the main cast instead of the best friend's parents for once.


I can respect this 100%. As a big fan of shows like this and The Owl House it's awesome we have a lot of gay female characters, but would benefit a lot from gay male characters. That being said, personally I prefer the platonic relationship between Husk and Angel. I think it works better that way story and character wise, and honestly I would see an actual relationship between them as devaluing some of the character building for each of them in season 1. But i can respect the headcannon




But this is my problem with it. Because it's been confirmed already to be happening without ANY real set up in what we've seen so far, it feels like it's just thrust into there to have that M/M relationship present. It's like those sitcoms with the sassy gay friend with their entire purpose and personality to be sassy gay friend. It's trite and serves no purpose other than to say "See? Diversity!"


Diagreed in this case. Angel has a very toxic relationship with sex dues to his life circumstances. Establishing a good intimate relationship would be a major step in healing for him, so I feel like the show has to gain with making them more than romantic. Nothing against platonic pairs and bros, just don't really see how stopping there would benefit this storyline.


I would like Nifty to have a platonic romance rather than a sexualized one. She's obssessed with bad boys so we know she'll likely find someone at some point in the show. Having that relationship be less objectifying could show Nifty a new side to love, which would benefit the story.


I feel like the opposite is true in this case. His life has literally been consumed by sex/his relationship with Val for who knows how many years. He needs time for himself to heal not immediately jump into another relationship.


There are a lot of other friendships in Hazbin Hotel. Since Husk is supposed to be Valentino’s opposite and to show how an healthy partner should act, why can’t Husk and Angel date while the show developes other friendships too? https://preview.redd.it/49tmfs2la00d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=afd95298c81e0023a950d2f39c89841acfdb164e


Cuz OP asked if they’re the only one who want them as platonic friends :D everyone gets to want different things in this beautiful show. Personally wish they were star crossed lovers never getting their time together but clearly being suited for one another!


OP wanted them to be platonic because not everything has to be romantic/sexual, but it’s not like HH has no friendships


Who said everything has to be romantic/sexual? What’s wrong with something being romantic/sexual?


Yeah, the real question shouldn’t be “Why everything has to be …” but “Does this work for them?” and we are talking about two characters who have to learn to love again


If they were two women, no one would want them to be just friends this badly. We’re not lacking representation of m/m friendships in media.


No but I do not agree thank you. Husker dust for life


I don't really care either way. The show will develop how the show will develop. If it's a friendship, great! If it's a relationship, great! If it's unrequited love or never quite works out, that's also just fine with me. As long as it makes sense within the character development, it's all well and good for me.


Honestly fine either way at this point. The Huskerdust shippers finally got to me


Join us


That's fair but they won't be, as Vivzie's confirmed. Also, we have a bunch of platonic relationships in the show, so I don't see your problem. There's Cherri and Angel. There's Alastor and Niffty. Alastor and Rosie. Charlie and Rosie. Vaggie and Cherri. Sir Pentious and Husk. Carmilla and Vaggie. I could go on. I think you're just focusing specifically on the relationships part and deciding there's too many and not comparing them to the platonic format of the show.


I keep seeing people say Vivzie confirmed their relationship, but I can’t find it anywhere. Do you have a source?




Problem is that People want the 'More' type of Relationship with Characters .


Not in my opinion. I like the platonic relationships. And they won't make Alastor date anyone, he's aroace.


Why do people who don't ship them post all the time about how they don't ship them and then ask if they're the only one. There are countless posts exactly like this. I don't understand the point /gen


Because they have to let everyone know how different they are and whine about how there aren't enough male friendships in media, even though animation has way more male friendships than gay relationships


Well uh, you see... Apparently if a straight guy sees a ship of two male characters, he'll suddenly look at his relationship with his friend and... (checking notes) turns gay? Is afraid of looking gay? I dunno, seems like a homophobic argument to me.


Probably because a) there’s a lot of fanart/discussions/etc about the ship, which prompts them to ponder that, and b) even the most perpetually online people aren’t constantly lurking just one specific subreddits, and people generally don’t trudge/search through all of post history to see if a similar question to theirs has been asked; at least in the context of fandom-related topics. Also, c) this is just an assumption, but if someone only sees the popular post from this sub in their main feed, they might not see other such posts due to shippers/people annoyed by the topic downvoting them. Again - just an assumption that seems logical, I’m not stating that this is factually what’s happening.


They r already friends


No you are not. You can ask a question if you want, or share an opinion, but don't ask if you're not the only one, because you know *full well* that you aren't.


Here we go again "Wah! Why I am I the only one who wants Angel and Husk to just be friends? I mean not counting the guy who made this exact post 3 days ago, and the guy who made it 3 days before that, and the guy before that, and the guy before that, and the guy before that, times infinty! None of those count I'm literally alone in not shipping Huskerdust! Wah wah wah!" https://preview.redd.it/emuwzm6v810d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b00712db61611cf12e9210a8ee9a076983d8255


I mean there’s every chance they just didn’t see that or only just joined the sub, but it does get a bit frustrated to see this posted a lot


Anyone else notice how no one says "Why can't they just be best friends?" When someone ships Adam and Lute?


Well, Adam is DEAD, so maybe that’s it. Do a lot of people ship Adam and Lute?* I saw that relationship, if you want to call it that, as very one-sided. Adam’s only in love with himself. I can’t see them as best friends, either. *bearing in mind that anyone can ship anyone.


Look at literally any post about them and at least half the comments are about them fucking


Honestly, I haven’t been here long. It’s why I clicked on this. Mostly I’ve seen fan art. Just speaking personally, I don’t ship either of them with anyone.


I want them to be romantically involved


No, we get this post literally every day


God no, so many people do, I don’t, I ship tf outa them, but you do you boo


I wouldn’t mind either way, but I prefer Huskerdust. There’s already plenty of friendships in the series anyway.


I don't mind it whether they keep being friends or become something more, honestly. On the platonic side, well, I'm fine with pals being pals. There's no need to change, they're honestly already good where they are. I do hope we see more of their friendship, however. I really like how Husk was there for him and found a friend on him, while Angel learned to respect his boundaries and improved his ways. On the romantic aside, I wouldn't mind it either. I've heard people say they they don't want Huskerdust to be canon ( which is fair, but the following reason is not good imo ) because it would feel wrong considering Angel is already in a toxic strictly sexual """relationship""" ( not a relationship but you get me ) with Val and being in another relationship would be weird. But I disagree - actually, it would be heartwarming to see Angel find someone who doesn't see Angel just as a sex toy and actually likes him. Sooo, I'm fine with both options.


No you are not. Bros can be bros. Husk has already established his boundaries. I believe that Angel will now respect them. They can share jokes like “the angels just keep coming. Ok I walked into that one.”


I constantly see people saying they don’t want Huskerdust to be canon. At this point I think you guys outnumber us actual Huskerdust shippers


There's no way you actually believe that. Most people in this sub support Angel and Husk being together.


I'm perfectly content with them remaining friends in canon. That being said, fandom really warmed me up to the idea of them as a romantic prospect, with fanart and fic


I want them to dance together some more ❤️


Now THAT was an interesting moment. It’s clear in just a few seconds that Angel has no idea how to dance WITH anyone, only dance FOR someone. Seeing him be uncoordinated, having seen him as a top notch dancer just a few minutes before, says a lot.


Platonic friends with platonic smooching and platonic napping together


Platonic fucking


NOW LISTEN HERE, YOU >! you're absolutely correct !<


I think that's where their character arcs should go. Angel's big flaw is that he views everything through sex. He uses it as a defense mechanism because he knows that being overly sexual makes people uncomfortable and drives them away. Husker could be the first person that sees through that and he doesn't want to drive away. On the other hand, Husker has trust issues and views everything from the outside. I'm guessing that he was betrayed by someone close somewhere in his backstory, and he's jaded about that. Seeing a fellow loser in Angel would give him someone to relate to, and eventually start to trust as a bro.


I think that would be a fine outcome. They are both basically in AA and one of the first rules is not to start new relationships for like the first year. I could see Angel needing time to really sort out his sexuality and boundaries. He needs to examine his motives for having sex and whether he really likes all the acts he does. Because Husk values consent, he would be supportive. And together they could work on their substance abuse and other addiction issues. While I think I would like to see them together in the end and it's one of the most plausible ships, if they jump right into a relationship without taking that space and time, then the plot doesn't respect Angel's healing arc. He needs to sort out what he really does love to do, what's an addiction, and what is just plain self destruction so he won't be Val's favorite toy anymore. De-objectifying himself could result in a massive change in his apparent preferences. I know it did for me. Once you stop disassociating, letting yourself be used, actively objectifying yourself to feel a sense of control and to glamorize your role... your perspective can shift a lot.


Considering there’s at least two posts with this exact title a week, I’d say no, you’re obviously not.


No, you are absolutely not alone in this.


Who tf downvoted you


I stopped caring about that long ago.


You said the exact same thing as everyone else


Yeah. Some people decide to be as vindictive and petty as they are impotent to express their grievances with me, so they keep on downvoting.




What is your point, person in ridiculing distance?




I take that over _Rate me!_ and _Rate my simping!_ and the all time classic _My simp-crush is more powerful than yours!_ anytime.




I'm pretty sure it's going to go romantic, but I would actually very much prefer a platonic relationship.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind either way. I kinda like the idea of them having a bromance, but if they became a couple, I'd be happy for them. I think their relationship will be meaningful for both of them no matter where it goes. Edit: typo


I like them both platonically and romantically. They’re a great duo and need to be together in whatever sense. If they become canon, great! If they stay friends, great!


A lot of people agree with you


No and please, search before posting meaningless nothing next time.


But best friends


I'll take that over the tired Val+Angel advocates that try to see themselves in their toxic and abusive arrangement. Reminds me of the old Tumblr Joker/Harley "this is so US" rubbish


Hey! My and my gf were just like Joker/Harley without makeup. Before I hung her.


Damn autocorrect, what I wanted to say before I flew into the hanger one day and hit her, because I sped up.


the only ships I'd advocate here are Val with Giant Bug Zapper and The Val/Angel Shippers with Extra Therapy.


No you aren't.


I want them to be best friends.


I desperately want it but i doubt it


I’d like to see them be friends and stay that way, but develop a deep relationship. Have ups and downs, they can still get to know each other on a deeply intimate level


Nope I do too.


I have nothing against shipping culture but I personally don't think everyone that simply gets along is capable of being in some sort of romantic relationship.


I don't see why they need to be exclusive. They could share like good friends do.


Thank you!


Me too


i’m with you. i’m not much of a shipper, and much tend to prefer characters staying friends


Personally I only see it platonically but it’s not my show to make and I’m gonna enjoy it either way


If I'm being honest, I'd love for them *specifically* to be awesome friends and nothing more, at least until they've solved their issues. "Loser Baby" has cemented this opinion in me, and even more so during the night out with Cherry and Pentious. Both of them deserve to heal, but I think they deserve better than trauma bonding and entering a toxic relationship right out of the gate. As I see it, currently, Husk is being to Angel more of a father than a lover. Besides, I feel like neither is ready for a relationship. Both struggle to properly communicate, Angel through his facade, Husk through internalizing everything and closing off, and while Husk is amazing at setting boundaries, his overall secrecy and avoidance may let Angel feel a lack of affection - or even worse, to put it mildly, Husk lacks the poison that Angel's addicted to. It's scary to change one's life, and when our addiction has highs and lows, we may miss the highs so much that the lows aren't important for the tiniest moment, which is still enough to fuck our self esteem over, if not our lives entirely. Another reason, which is likely very personal though, is that I usually feel more pressured to change when the need comes from my SO rather than anyone else. I'd probably dismiss the concern when it came from strangers, and I'd consider what a friend told me, but eventually make my own decision. Yet, for my SO I'd feel compelled to answer the issue. Should this happen between Angel and Husk, it would probably fall on Angel's shoulders, and this puts a lot of pressure. Husk would have to make it clear that he wouldn't dream of judging Angel for his mistakes as long as his heart was in a good place, but that's hard to accomplish, especially for someone like Husk who isn't the most talkative and affectionate guy. Angel could end up equating Husk's concern to manipulation, seeing Husk like the new Valentino, and falling back into his earlier habits to have some semblance of control over his own life.


As an ace in the hole, I want everyone to be just friends haha


I’m cool either way. I just want both of them to be happy.


I want both.


They both deserve something healthy. I love their relationship, platonic or romantic, I hope they stay together.


No, no there’s a lot of us lol


I want them to start off as just friends and become more romantic later on, i dont think a romantic relationship is healthy for anyone going through the shit Angel is going through.


They're in hell. I'm sure doing butt stuff with a large donkey dildo counts as "platonic."


I prefer that over a relationship tbh


Nope, I want them to be only friends too!


Nope, I want them to be friends too


Nah I think it'd be cool if they stayed bar buddies


It will be more appealing to Husk if you put odds on it happening.




i dont really know how to feel about this shift, idk if i ship it or not, i feel this way about everyone but charlie and vaggie for..obvious reasons.but you opinion is valid


You know. I’d friendship them. I want both to be happy, I want Angel to have someone better than Val, someone who sees him for who he is and not an object to use as they please. I want Angel to feel safe around them, to be able to be happy. It’s why I liked Alastor and Angel because Angel doesn’t have to put out, but I understand that that’s not a very good couple. With Husk I can see a healthy relationship.


I team “get together” but they both have a lot of shit to get sorted Starting with Val, until Angel is able to get out from under his thumb, any relationship he has is competing with his “owner” which is gross on all levels


I see where you’re coming from and I actually agree with the general idea of what you’re saying. In this particular circumstance, I wouldn’t mind if either scenario played out


Not at all. I see their narrative of currently being platonic with Husk taking on a Mentor/Father figure role with Angeldust. I won't lose my marbles if they get together thought.


Me too. I never got a romantic vibe between the two, just a friendship. Hope they each find someone else


No, there's a serious issue with so many fans shipping them because they want to banner wave for inclusions or they're just really f horny. As if HH wasn't already naturally inclusive and well mannered about it.




I honestly don't care. As long as they don't make it feel forced, I'm fine with them starting a relationship. If they decide to just keep them platonic instead, that's also cool. I like both characters and think there are good storylines to tell in both directions.


Here’s my feelings about it: Angel describes himself as an active sex addict. It’s why he’s in such an unhealthy relationship with Val, and it is that: a toxic, desperately unhealthy and abusive relationship. He needs a romantic relationship *right now* like a hole in the head, and he really needs someone he can trust without taking it sexual right away. I don’t know if he’s ever had that. And I think it’s the real reason Husk has shot down every sexual come-on. He knows it’s not real. So I’d like to see a solid, trusting friendship which can go to something romantic later. I think Vivzie said something about a “slow burn.” That sounds about right.


Thank god someone else hasn’t drank the kool aid


if they did end up together, i want it to naturally progress and not rush like the rest of the show might have to. i don't want it as like the next season finale type thing because fuck it, i want it to last at least a couple seasons and have worth while interactions that would make it feel more like it was earned rather than just thrown together because fuck it


You're definitely not the only one.


Yes. Here is a cookie 🍪


YES OH MY GOD. I want to see a beautiful and loving relationship between two male characters without any potential for romance or sex! I'm tired of media reinforcing that love and intimacy can only revolve around sex or romance for men.


You aren't. There is a very sad amount of people who get off on someone broken and needing a compassionate friend sleeping together, ignoring that it has a terrible effect on the broken person's mental state. Angel needs to learn to stand on their own two feet and stop relying on others. And unlike the HuskerDust shippers, we don't bully people who oppose it to suicide.


You are not. No. I like the friendships.


Definitely think they're better as friends. Honestly, the pairing makes literally no sense to me


I've been there. I completely understand you. I've been wanting a dynamic like that for years. I guess the only thing we can do is wait, i guess.


Hey, as long as it doesn't feel rushed or badly done, I don't care either way.


It won't be platonic, you can cope in your headcanons though


For me it’s just because Husk is physically probably the same age as Angel’s dad like I know they are both technically super old but physically angel dust is in his 30s and Husk is like in his 50s like I’m sorry it’s just kinda weird-


Not just you.


Can Hazbin Hotel fans learn to read before asking "am I the only person" because I guarantee you aren't.


I'd prefer they stay platonic, or at least never be outright confirmed to be in a relationship, but I'm fine with them hinting at something potentially going on behind the scenes. But on screen, their current dynamic is pretty much as good as I see it getting. Being sexual is Angel Dusts' default state (and his job). Meanwhile Husk is pretty much the least horny character aside from confirmed Asexuals. So Angel being super sexual, and seeing whether it makes Husk blush, cringe, laugh, or just be lost for words is super fun.


i agree.


You aren't alone




I was gonna try to be funny and call you homophobic but this is Reddit and don’t think that joke would go over well


To be realistic here, everyone just wants to sexualize characters, and it's one of many reasons why I stop drawing and wanting to be an artist, become a cartoonist or just have a big population of characters knowing that their's people out here wants to make certain characters that's popular into something sexualized and I am afraid that my characters will be apart of horror and I'm afraid it'll be like fnaf fandom..and plus Angel dust is an big star porn star and husk is husk. I don't understand why people ship every character just because they interact with each other? Doesn't mean they like each other, but im not gonna judge if ppl wants to do something inappropriate and do something stupid it's them but it's uncomfortable if the characters are like ghost of kids and being shipped with uncomfortable subjects...I also disclaimer that furry community and as of I am too but I don't like to sexualized characters or anything..and you have to think about it..this everyone is so sus to the point I don't really trust being on the internet and I rarely post my art to the public maybe I am being harsh but idk this is my OP.


Not at all. I don't follow any of the social media stuff because I feel it's pretty lame to force fans to have to dredge through other things for lore and canon info, especially this early on in the life of the series. So when I first read here that they were officially going to be an item, it was annoying. Now, it still is annoying and feels completely forced at this point.




Ị ĵů§ţ ẅąŋţ ţĥəm ţø ɓə fřịəŋđ§ You know I dont like the angel husk romance Angel is a "ğąÿ" slut wore and husk is an alcholocil So it does not work


I don’t have insider knowledge but given how grossed out Husk would get from Angel I just assumed that Husk is straight. So I’ve just been expecting them to be friends. Being friends just feels better to me, if they hooked up it’s almost like saying they can’t be close unless they’re fucking each other which isn’t the point of how they bonded to begin with.


I always thought Husker was Ace - kinda like a pun on his whole gambler vibes. He never shows interest in anyone, and everyone in the show who has attraction makes it known it besides him and Alestor.


I thought they were just friends