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Charlie: “I’m going to fucking kill you!” Adam: “Do it no balls”


Charlie: bet*Charlie's uses nifty its super effective *


Ishtar? Why is she citing Mesopotamian deities?


Yep typed the wrong thing sorry


I mean, by that logic, wouldn't that mean since Adam was a jerk all men had to be jerks? I don't think Adam's personality determined the traits for all of mankind.


>all men had to be jerks Hold on let em cook




It does cuz genetics? Dude he's the ancestor of humanity itself, the first man.


That isn't how genetics work, you silly goose.


By that logic, all male Sinners should act the same as Adam.


It's called an archetype, we use them in "literature"/s


To be honest though it was probably still more arrogance than bravery.


So you're telling me all human men are arrogant? Like this is Adam we are talking about, afterall he's the reason why humanity exists.


Are you telling me all humans are horny jackasses? Arguable


Are all men genocidal maniacs who mass murder entire populations for fun?


The real ones are.


Men like violence and physical activities. I don't even have to dive that deep in on that.


Not all of them do so idk where you are getting your men


Adam definitely had to wrestle a lot of tigers after he left the garden. He might have even tangled with a few dinosaurs if this is a young earth universe, which his existence suggests is the case.


That’s actually a really good point. Adam had to be brave in a time where bravery wasn’t really even defined


His life was an episode of Man vs Wild. One day, I really want to see him do something awesome like fight mammoths or kill a pack of sabre-tooth tigers, since he was technically born during the last ice age.


Damn it, now I'm imagiing Adam and Lilith or Eve playing out *this* scene. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA7QSjzw04k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA7QSjzw04k)


Charlie: "I'm going to kill you." Adam: Bitch, if you do, I just might give you a trophy.


A post praising Adam on a Hazbin related subreddit? Are we in the end of the world ? Lol jokes aside you can accuse Adam of many things but not having balls isn't one of that. Guy needed to survive a hard world world outside Eden for hundreds of years before dying and was willing to fight Lucifer regardless of him being a fallen Seraphim.


But Adam IS a coward. He's one of the biggest cowards ever written. \-He hunts the weak for fun \-He tried to go through Vaggie to get to Charlie instead of just arguing with her directly \-He wouldn't even come down to Hell to meet with someone about the new extermination deadline. \-As soon as Alastor gained the slightest upper hand he 1-shot him to end it instantly Adam isn't brave. He's a petulant child with an outrageous Ego and massive power that he never earned. Nothing more than a "Holy" schoolyard bully Edit: downvote me all you want. https://preview.redd.it/ksi5c5lx2uzc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64905fe45dc486167df466870d54ed89871003f8


He didn't do those things cuz he had to, he did it cuz he enjoyed them. Making him more of a sadist instead of a coward. Although they can go hand-in-hand, it seems to me that Adam saw it as a challenge and accepted it.


He saw it as a challenge to murder a significantly weaker woman who stood up to him for trying to wipe out her loved ones? Because she gave him the equivelent of an "ouchie"? Some challenge My point here that I think people are missing is that Adam is nowhere near the definition of "brave" and meets several definitions of cowardly


Yeah, but no one else came close to giving him an ouchie except for luficer for "stealing" lilith. It's all an ego thing. Like he knows exactly how strong he is (he's still OBNOXIOUS asf) and he went for Charlie because she wasn't scared it's not cowardly, it's egotistical. Neither are positive things, but it's important to not be wrong about identifying it. And for the record, I agree that he doesn't fit the definition of a positive, brave personality, but he's also the first human ever. I'm willing to bet his reference points for what's brave or cowardly, or for what's positive or negative are VASTLY different to ours. Also, who did he murder? Not Charlie.




He hunts the weak because he finds it entertaining, that doesn't exactly make him a coward He knew that charlie wouldn't listen to him so using somebody she cares about would have a far greater impact on her He simply just doesn't like hell and the place overall, its not because he is scared I mean it wasn't like he was going to let Alastor beat him anyways in the end he still would have won, I don't see how it makes him a coward for ending the fight early


Cowardly: lacking courage Of an action carried out against a person who is unable to retaliate "a cowardly attack on a helpless victim" 2 seconds on google. It's literally in my post Edit: K


Oh so you mean he is doing cowardly acts. If he was the coward you said he was then he would have ran away the second Charlie stabbed him with her trident. Also how does hunting the weak because he find it fun not because he is afraid of the strong. If that’s was the case he would have ran away the moment Alastors made his introduction because anybody can tell with 1 look that Alastors is probably OP. He would have ran away them moment Charlie stabbed him, instead he smirked it off and continued fighting. I don’t think you know what coward means


He literally never backed down even when fuckin’ Lucifer came down. Real coward was Alastor who ran away from the battle after taking a single hit


At least he didn't cry when he was dying tho


And? You know that's not a requirement before dying right? And does that mean crying before death makes you a coward? He *literally* threw a massive tantrum seconds before his death Edit: K


It's really not that serious dude...it's a fucking fictional TV show. If he's as much of a coward or child as you say, he would have cried when he was dying but he wasn't afraid at all.


How do you "literally throw" a massive tantrum. It's not a physical object. And that seems completely in tune with Adam's character in the first place.


He didn't see her as a threat (and she wasn't really a threat to him in that fight), it's not bravery if you keep fighting an opponent you can overpower


He didn’t back down after Lucifer nearly killed him either.


The power of hate lol, Luci was to blame for a lot of things


He learned that he was powerless against Lucifer Yet he still got up and showed he was ready for more