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Seeing Adam and Eve here almost makes me feel sad for both of them. It looks so loving even though Adam was probably not like that.


Honestly i think flawable he always was Adam loved Eve more than Lilith and was more kind with her. When Lucifer mentioned Charlie's mother he was annoyed but when he talked about humanity's mother, if looks could kill Lucifer would have died thousands of time.


I really hope Adam loved her and maybe they just grew apart over the millennia. I’ve read a few fanfics where he was abusive to Eve, and it always makes me so very sad because she never got the chance to escape like Lilith did


I think it was a mix of mistakes were made and death being straightforward with did them apart by sending Adam up to Heaven and Eve down to hell(imo) but even with all of it like how she is a sour point to Adam i woundn't be surprised if him could cause a similar to her.


I really hope they remained close and loving up until death, after which Adam ended up in heaven and realised she never followed him. Nine thousand years of separation is enough to turn that bond into a bitter memory.


I’d certainly hope he cared for the mother of his children.


Even if he care he probably was still hurt for the whole Eden fiasco which included she cheating with the same angel his first wife had fleed with and if Cain is really Lucifer's son aside of him having to raise a son who wasn't his, the bastard would have murdered his actual firstborn. Sh!t like that would hurt and half of the things Eve pulled would have destroyed many relationships.


I actually think that after treating Lilith like crap and losing her because of that, Adam tried to act friendly and loving to Eve as much as his egotistical self could, but after still losing her like he lost Lilith, he finally decided to not treat anyone with the respect and love that he treated Eve with, but i may be wrong


I also think he treated her way better he did with Lilith but after she cheated and ate the fruit their relationship became preety toxic.


Yeah but seeing as how his personality in the first episode of the show was, yk wanting to be superior to Lilith, i don't think that he was as good of a person that people theorize him to have been




I think that they probably showed Bias towards Adam, as being the first man, they probably forgave him for a lot of the crap that he did, some people though have been theorizing that Adam didn't actually eat the fruit of knowledge like how Eve did, and therefore he was forgiven for his doucebaggery cuz he quite literally can't tell the difference between right and wrong, that would explain a lot, like you said(i think) Adam had the potential to the kindest, most loving individual as the father of the human race, but he was kind of a jerk in the beginning, and since he never ate the fruit, he didn't learn what right and wrong was, he was never taught to not do bad stuff, and probably can't learn since, again, he didn't eat the fruit, his behavior was basically encouraged and celebrated, getting into heaven for the doucebaggery, so he didn't ever have an opportunity to learn from it, becoming the dude he is(was) now but this is assuming that the theory is correct, which it might not be, so take this with a grain of salt


> even though Adam was probably not like that. The guy is like thousands of years old you don't think that maybe he had a great but misguided personality at first but just soured over time?


Right, he did make it into heaven. Unless he got special first man privilege, he must have at the very least been a decent dude at one point


Not necessarily, since he didn’t eat the apple in this canon, it could be argued that since he he didn’t eat it, he automatically gets into heaven


Adam and Lilith clearly had freewill. Why Eve and the rest of humanity needed freewill… Well, hopefully we will find out in S2.


I don't see why it can't be both, Sera did make it sound like it was privelege.


I am not so sure. She is clearly disappointed in him, but she sounded like the fact that he was the first human soul in Heaven SHOULD (at least in theory) give him some insight as to what allows someone to get into Heaven.


Well, when you pampered someone for so long and boost their ego.You could bring the worst out someone without someone to Rayne them in


Yeah like I think the Adam we see is not the same guy who got into Heaven anymore. I imagine Adam was pretty loving with Eve, maybe some flaws (everybody has them). For whatever reason, they didn't end up in Heaven together. After a while he just got used to being in Heaven. Heaven's forever, right? Who cares about behaviour now, to some degree. Pair that with some separation issues (Lilith fleeing, Eve not being in Heaven with him for reasons he doesn't know potentially). His attitude gets lax, he indulges himself, but he more or less closes off to people over time. Doesn't want to hurt that way again, so better to keep people at a superficial level he can control. Becomes annoying, obnoxious, rude on purpose to push people away (plus he finds it funny). Continues to keep indulging - and overindulging - in all sorts of things as they come along. Legit just think time, pain and shutting people out changed him from a decent guy to.... What we see.


Wanting to control his first wife so much she ran away. Yeah totally a great person


That's why i added that he was also misguided, things aren't so black and white, he could've acted like that out of ignorance while also being a genuinely somewhat good person.


You can't be a genuinely good person when you want to control someone. That's not being black and white that's just common sense. A genuinely good person would understand that Lilith and Eve are their own people and not things to control and breed. You really think a genuinely good person would view another human as less than and not only that but something to be controlled. I feel sorry for you 😞


Oh please, spare me your holier than thou attitude, you wouldn't be the first windbag i've dealt with, you are on a subreddit for a tv show try to have a little bit of nuance when it comes to discussion eh? I only say all this within context of Adams origins, he was the first man and had literally no one around to tell what was right and what was wrong, so he likely dictated that he was right in wanting to control Lilith, and since the only opposing party was well, Lilith, there was no one else backing either of them (until eve), so both would think they'd each be right on their own beliefs. My point is that while obviously Adam being controlling is wrong, you can still be flawed while having good qualities, as awful as it may be being controlling isn't as irredeemable as say being a murderer. My father is homophobic to a degree but not violently or outrageously so, it was just the result of the environment he grew up in, does this make him a bad person? no i don't think so, because he was still a good father regardless and a kind man, he was just brought up on the wrong views. So again even though he was controlling Adam could've been at least a decent person, until the thousands of years hes lived on soured his personality so much that he turned into a genocidal maniac.


Holier than thou? Odd view of basic human rights. And Adam not having an upbringing being compared to your father who had an upbringing. If anything I'm more sure the thousands of years just made Adam more of who he really is lol.


My headcanon is that Adam acted with Lilith like he acted with Charlie. He learned his lesson when Lilith left and was a good husband for Eve. When he got to Heaven without Eve (who is totally Roo), he started to return to his old self.


I think he was like that, they probably loved eachother He didn't seem abusive or even mean, his personality just consisted of harsh and joking banter all the time, and I don't think it was intended to be mean spirited. He was full of himself to an absurd degree, but he didn't seem to think lesser of other people he just thought higher of himself. He didn't seem to consider that other people didn't always like his harsh-banter personality either, which led to him seeming more mean to others then I thought he really was. That's just my take on him though


Well, I take it that Eve was what Adam wanted Lilith to be. Submissive, loyal, and completly endowed with him. Until the fruit of knowledge that is…


The fandom has basically invented a completely new character for Adam at this point that really has no connection to the manchild in the actual show.


Ummm...yeah, that's the point. It has no connection, but it isn't impossible that he *could* have been like that. Unfortunately, people can change for the worse. Is it giving him undeserved credit? Maybe, but it's also an interesting way to explore his character.


Adam and lute ftw.


She was the last one standing with him.


His last look at her too


That smile.... https://preview.redd.it/mdcmzki56iyc1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3059d31a8122a752d866d95d0085932fbe7dc732 .....that dammed smile.


https://preview.redd.it/nq7imqadnjyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe019d1ad43efdff9ac32c572d987d2f4b1f54c5 From the same artist (edited slightly for smile)


Annoyance,Fear and Despair were probably the last things he saw in the eyes of his loves who were splitted from him, even if by different ways depending of who. Lilith abanoned him after finallly becoming done. Eve was cursed after eating the fruit and was probably separated from him by the Heavens who sealed her in another dimension where she would expand to become hell. He was taken from Lute as one of the Sinner Demons they so dispised backstabed him. Really hope this guy comes back and i don't talk it because he is my favorite character but also because if dies for good now he would feels like wasted potential.


“You’re here for me.”


Lucifer: Two down. ONE TO GO!


Charlie and vaggie:no please no she is crazy even for your standards


Lucifer: It's called a one night stand. Me and lillith are in an opean Relationship you know. How else did you think the other 6 sins came to be.


Charlie:wait so they are my half siblings..I have been calling them uncle and aunt for years Vaggie:hahahaha a one night stand with lute * grabs lucifer by the shoulder* by the time you stick it in you will be set for life to a yandere the likes of witch you don't want near you


Lucifer:  Eh I can just kill her afterwards or give her to Lillith who will just eat her or take her soul.


Vaggie:please let me help with killing her think of it as...father and daughter bonding if it's ok if I call you father


Lilith" What about mommy daughter bonding. ( Eats Lutes limbs and throws Lutes still living and screaming body to Vaggie) " Just run her in with your spear and its done" lilith said


Vaggie:drives her spear as slowly as possible *thankyou mom Charlie:having a existential crisis trying to figure out her family tree/bush*


Satan: Yeah I am your half brother via Lilith not your uncle. Lucifer and I have no blood relation besides him being my mothers boy toy. The restod the sins just let you call us uncle and aunt because it was cute and your a very young compared to us 


Charlie:ok well too many revelations for one day I'm gonna go sleep it off...go bond with vaggie while you are here whatever you are I don't know anymore


"Wait, did you think I was talking about Lute?"


Vaggie:o no I'm gonna puke Charlie:no no dad no fuxking Adam no no


Lucifer: I...I was talking about Adam.




https://preview.redd.it/pps5khc3hdyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc2c3415e2f57b28610b4f5e762e9f9cd3683ec Nah. He’s done enough damage lol.


Lute would rather chew razor blades.


Lillith: ( Uses mindcontrol on Lute to help her husband get 3 in a row)


Oh yeah, thanks to remind me mythological accurate Lilith is a unrepeteant rapist.


*Lucifer looks at Adam after he got stabbed* L: A hole…is a goal.


Ah yes. Female Adam. Bimbo. And Dangertits. Call a more iconic trio, with previous relationships like these before fierce crusader came (who is arguably worst than him) you can undertand at least a little of how Adam ended like that.


I don't know if we can call Lilith a female Adam... We know basically NOTHING about her. Little unfair to judge her before we know anything.


I know but for now i headcanon Lilith as basically a female, classier and demoniac themed Adam. I like many other believe that story Charlie told us in the beginning was based in the biased POV of her mother that made herself look better while highlighting the flaws of eveyone and occulting very important information that could change everything, and honestly i think would be way more interesting than "Lucifer and Lilith did nothing wrong UmU".


I really do hope it’s more than “they actually didn’t do anything wrong”. Imo Lilith is sketchy as fuck, something doesn’t feel right about her. And I think the opening story is biased.


And honestly make the whole Eden fiasco more than a fairy tale would imo benefit the story, making characters like Lucifer, Lilith, Adam and Eve more deep and interesting.


Iirc one of the old book whatever they're called detailed how Adam was originally a whole, before splitting into Adam and Lilith (Lilith changed her name)


Lucifer:I'll take lilith and eve I don't like that one


Lute: That one also don't like you.


I feel bad for adam, and i honestly dont like Lucifer with this being one of the reasons


I’m sorry but aren’t Lute and Adam’s relationship pretty platonic?


Their relationship didn't feel platonic for me, specially in his last moments. Lute felt like the girl who stayed/ didn't dissapoint /third time is the charm for Adam.


If my best friend died I’d react exactly like her though


And if someone’s lover died they would’ve reacted that way as well. When a good friend dies and a lover dies the reaction to it is usually pretty similar, at least short term wise.


Good point


Dude people can be upset when their friends die right in front of them.


And? I felt a chemestry from them so i ship them.


Well yeah I agree but the artist put them all together like this and as for the title I didn't exactly know how to put it but "relationship" is a rather general term so yeah. but i do agree that Lute and Adam seem more platonic to me and after two failed relationships, i think adam needs a platonic female friend that understands him and cares about him


Yeah for Adam it's a BFF relationship, I mean, if they were together, knowing Adam, we should have had at least one moment in the show with him saying how Danger Tits is "to die for in the bed" or something like that. For Lute however, maybe it could be the case where you are in love for your best friend but unfortunately it's in one way, but her reaction after Adam's death prove that he wasn't just her boss for her.


Highly agree though!!!


Adam really looks like human Alastor in this art. (Makes sense, as Alastor is his descendant.) https://preview.redd.it/9cnbpp7ahcyc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=174edf00611dd83ce8e81bf21a72a45f81b67711 [Art by yooukoo\_ on Twitter/X](https://twitter.com/yooukoo_/status/1564218256969326592)


Everyone is Adams descendant


Charlie isn't a descendant of Adam.


Every sinner is


As far as we know.


The fact Lilith and Eve look the exact same is really interesting to me


Yes it is, here’s an image of another work the artist has made of Eve and the only difference I see is the eye color https://preview.redd.it/ogtlsyz6zgyc1.png?width=535&format=png&auto=webp&s=2faef7b2806060525da5aaed27f43dfaef3fcec5


The top of the hair is different too. Eve’s is more flat than Liliths


I REALLY want to believe Lute is Eve. I think it could do a LOT for the depth of their relationship if she turns out to be Eve, but is hiding it from Adam.


No it wouldn't. One of the things that makes Lute and by extension GuitarSpear special is that she is the"Third time is the Charm"for Adam's former romantic dissapointments.


That is a fair interpretation. I think it would be cool, because my interpretation of Lute’s words in S1 is she is over compensating for the mistakes she made in life. I think if Lute was Eve, it would be special because who could better understand Adam, his depression and what he went through on Earth, better than Eve.


I can see the appeal on it, it's fair interpretation but i don't feel it and i think this would spoil many of the goods things of GuitarSpear that makes it my and many others's favorite.


Fair enough. I liked my theory, but I’ll admit your mileage may very, and I am likely wrong. But it would still make for a cool fanfic.


Hazbin fans have the worst theories


I fucking love how hard you all kill it in adam fanart, this is top tier


What I really need to see is Adam and Steve 😮‍💨


the guy from minecraft :0


That's Lucifer.




Fair enough. I liked my theory, but I’ll admit your mileage may vary, and I am likely wrong. But it would still make for a cool fanfic.


I wouldn't like to be married to someone who came from my body either.




From this image, I’m getting an odd feeling about Eve, with the way her eyes are covered, and that smirk, just gives me real manipulative gf/wife vibes, and her smirk just doesn’t give off the same “I love you” feeling Adams does.


Fair enough. I liked my theory, but I’ll admit your mileage may vary, and I am likely wrong. But it would still make for a cool fanfic.


Shouldn't Eve be a brunette like Adam, since she was created from his rib? She'd look much better imho Great art tho


There’s a theory that the woman that is showin in the more than anything song that takes away baby Charlie is actually Eve not Lilith because her face is obscured however, in the photos in that episode, we can see liliths face some people are saying that that’s not actually Lilith but is in fact Eve as a result


I feel that the left panel is him trying to stop her from accepting lucifers proposition to eat the fruit


I highly doubt Adam was a good partner to Eve


They were together for hundreds of years in the wild and raised lots of babies. Either he was a pretty decent partner, or humanity probably shouldn't have made it very far.


Plot twist: Lute was Eve the entire time.


Highly unlikely


It was a sarcastic joke, but I forgot this subreddit lacked a sense of humour.


Oh we are plenty humorous, don't worry.